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1、一、 中国最大汽车铸件(压铸)展The largest automotive casting (die casting) exhibition in China2013上海汽车铸件展暨首届精密压铸展是由中华压铸网和国家汽车及零部件出口基地(上海)以及上海国际汽车城共同举办,以服务铸造企业为导向,以贸易采购为重点,旨在实现产品销售和技术推广的品牌盛会,也是目前唯一以汽车铸件(压铸)为主的展览会。2013 Shanghai Automotive Casting Exhibition and First Precision Die Casting Exhibition is jointly host

2、ed by China Die Casting Web and National auto and auto parts export base (Shanghai) and Shanghai Automobile City with the orientation of service to casting enterprises and focus of trade and purchasing, aiming to establish a brand fair for product sales and technology promotion, which is also the un

3、ique exhibition that focuses on automotive casting (die casting) currently.展会以汽车铸件为主,辅以通讯、五金、医疗器械、电动工具、铸造技术及原辅料为展览范围,遵循国际化、专业化、市场化、特色化标准,为参展商与观众提供一个集产品、技术、信息、投资、人才交流于一体的综合平台。The exhibition is an automotive casting based with a range of products like telecommunication, hardware, medical equipment, po

4、wer tool, casting technology and raw material, which is in accordance with internationalization, professionalization, marketization and special standard to provide a comprehensive platform that integrates product, technology, information, investment, talent exchange for exhibitors and attendees.二、首个

5、汽车铸件展 助力行业前行 First automotive casting exhibition to propel the industry forward欧美经济运行缓慢且复杂,出口受挫,中国铸造业亦深受影响,铸造企业亟需拓展国内外市场。国内每年虽有一些铸造及压铸展,但迄今还未有严格意义上的汽车铸件展及精密压铸产品展,行业对举办这样一个展会有着迫切需求,这也是中华压铸网筹办此次展会的根本出发点。European and American economy slows down with a complexity. Chinese casting industry is heavily inf

6、luenced by falling export as well. The casters call for expanding overseas market eagerly. Though there are some foundry and die casting exhibitions every year in China, no automotive casting exhibition and precision die casting products exhibition exists in real so far. The desperate demand of such

7、 an exhibition from die casting industry is the start point of China Die Casting Web to host it.本届展会预计受益企业达千余家,互动观众一万多人次,必将引爆中国铸造(压铸)企业的关注和重视,也会成为世界铸造(压铸)业界关注中国的重要窗口,未来必将会进一步打造成为亚洲最具影响力的铸造(压铸)行业盛会之一。It is estimated that this first exhibition will benefit thousands enterprises and more than 10 thousa

8、nd interactive audiences, which will surely attract much attentions from Chinese foundry (die casting) enterprises, and becomes an important window to focus China by world foundry (die casting) as well. In the future, it will be further established as one of most influential foundry (die casting) ex

9、hibition in Asia.三、聚焦展会亮点 共襄行业盛会 Focus on highlight , share the gala 强强联合,打造中国规模最大的汽车铸件(压铸)展览、交易平台; Establishing a largest automotive casting (die casting) exhibition and trade platform through powerful combination 国内首个汽车铸件内贸、外贸展示、交易平台; The first home and foreign trade show and platform of automotiv

10、e casting 国内外200多个汽车零部件采购、研发、技术团队参会; Over 200 auto part purchase, research and development, technology team from home and abroad 汇聚国内外汽车铸件供应商,展示最新技术、高性价比产品和最强实力; Gathering domestic and international suppliers of automotive casting to show state-of-art technology, high cost-effective products and gre

11、atest strength 特设汽车轻量化展示区。 Special show room for automotive lightweight 四、同期活动 精彩纷呈 Concurrent events, splendor shown 全国汽车铸件(压铸)行业年会,技术研讨会,采购大会等 National automotive casting (die casting) industry annual conference, technology seminar, sourcing conference etc 2013上海汽车铸件(压铸)总裁高尔夫球赛2013 Shanghai automo

12、tive casting president golf tournament 具有国际水准的优质铸件大奖赛Premium castings competition of international standard 2013年中国最大规模压铸人才现场招聘会 The largest on-the-spot recruitment for die casting talents in China in 2013五、展品范围 product catalog铸件类(压铸):Casting (die casting)汽车零部件、摩托车零件,五金工具,航空航天、船舶铸件,家电、燃气具,机械零件、梯级,工艺

13、品、锁具、卫浴配件、电讯、仪表、电器、电子等黑色及有色合金铸造(压铸)件等;Ferrous and nonferrous alloy casting( die casting) like Auto parts, motorcycle parts, hardware, aviation, ship casting, home appliance, gas appliance, mechanical parts, elevator step, art and craft, lock, bathroom accessories, telecommunication, instrument, elec

14、trical equipment, electrics etc. 相关产品:Relevant Product铸造(压铸)设备;铸造(压铸)模具;铸造原料(压铸合金);熔炼设备;加工中心;自动化设备;表面处理设备;铸造辅料;铸造软件;检测设备;各种液压机、油压机周边设备及配件等;Casting(die casting) equipment, casting ( die casting) mold, casting raw material ( die casting alloy), smelting equipment, machining center, automotive equipmen

15、t, surface treatment equipment, casting accessory, casting software, inspection equipment, peripheral equipment and accessories like hydraulic machine and oil press in different types六、参展日程安排 The schedule of the exhibition 10.15 展位申请 January 10,-October 15, 2013 Apply for booth 10.3010.31 参展单位报到布展 O

16、ctober 30 October 31, 2013 Exhibitors move in and decorate the booth 10.3011.2 展览日期 October 30 November 2, 2013 Exhibition dates七、参展详情及报价 Detail information of participating the exhibition and quotation 企业类型Enterprise type标准展台18平方米(3m6m)价格Standard boothPrice of standard booth, 18 square meters (3m6m

17、)光 地36平方米(4m9m)每平方米价格Raw space36 square meters(4m9m)Price of one square meter of raw space光 地63平方米(7m9m)每平方米价格Raw space63 square meters(7m9m)Price of one square meter of raw space国内企业(人民币)Chinese company(RMB)18000950950境外企业(美 元)Overseas company(Dollar)6000350350八、基地背景引领行业 集团支持锐不可当 媒体炙手可热 三强合体Strong

18、combination of the three: Background of base that leads industry, Groups unstoppable support and hot media国家汽车及零部件出口基地(上海):National auto parts export base (Shanghai):国家汽车及零部件出口基地(上海)坐落在“中国汽车第一镇”上海安亭。作为商务部和国家发改委首批授牌的8个国家汽车及零部件出口基地之一,国家汽车及零部件出口基地(上海)依托基地的政策和资源优势,致力于打造上海国际汽车产品交易中心,培育汽车产业集群。National aut

19、o parts export base (Shanghai) located in the First Chinese Automobile TownShanghai Anting. As one of 8 national first group auto parts export bases that are awarded by Ministry of Commerce and National Development and Reform Committee, national auto part export base (Shanghai) commits itself to est

20、ablishing an international trade center of automobile products in Shanghai to foster automotive industry cluster on the basis of its advantage of policies and resources.上海国际汽车城:Shanghai International Automobile Center上海国际汽车城毗邻江浙两省,位于长江三角洲的核心,规划占地面积100平方公里,包括汽车贸易区、汽车研发区、汽车制造区、安亭新镇区、赛车区、汽车教育区等功能区。Shan

21、ghai International Automobile Center adjoins Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, locating in the center of Yangtze Delta River. The planned area is 100 square kilometers including many functional areas like Automobile Trade Area, Automobile Research and Development Area, Automobile Manufacturing Area, An

22、ting New Town Area, Racing Area and Automobile Education Area.2010年基本实现以汽车研发为重点的产业综合功能开发,成为全国汽车产业的制高点,在国际上占有一席之地。In 2010, it realized a comprehensive industrial development that focused on development and research of automobile, which became a commanding height of national automobile industry and ha

23、d a place in the world. 中华压铸网:China Die Casting 中华压铸网(年投资,是压铸行业最炙手可热的电子商务网站。China Die Casting () was invested by Shanghai Casting Information& Technology Co., Ltd in 2006, which is a popular e-commerce website in die casting industry now.中华压铸网七年磨一剑、厚积薄发,拥有资深的行业背景,以及有效的网络传媒手段,可引爆本次展会的口碑传播。China Die C

24、asting dedicates the past seven years with hard working to own strong industrial background and effective internet media means, which can generate the positive word of mouth of the exhibition.佳欣展览(上海)有限公司:Jiaxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd佳欣展览(上海)有限公司是本次展会主办方中华压铸网关联企业,专业从事国内国际各类型展览设计及会议策划的专业公司,具有

25、坚强、完备的现场应变能力,是各参展商高效率、高品质服务的保证。Jiaxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is an affiliate enterprise of China Die Casting Web, the organizer of the exhibition. It is a professional company that specializes in domestic and international exhibition design, and meeting planning, which has a strong and compl

26、ete on-site response capacity, providing guarantee of the high effectiveness and quality for exhibitors.中华压铸网大型活动回顾Review of major events of China Die Casting Web2006年3月中文网站正式开通,12月正式定名为“中华压铸网”;The Chinese website was opened in March, 2006. It was named as “China Die Casting Web” in June in the same

27、 year ( 应为December)2010年3月中华压铸网旗下压铸时代杂志创刊。 Its Die-Casting Times magazine was first published in March, 2010 广泛开展对外交流 International communications近年来多次组织赴国外考察:赴意大利参加意德拉公司60周年庆典暨新工厂开幕典礼;两度前往德国杜塞尔多夫参观GIFA国际铸造展;赴印度“ALUCAST亚太铝业会议暨铝压铸展”;组团赴日本横滨参观日本压铸展;组织国内压铸企业家赴韩国考察;参加韩国国际生态压铸研讨会并作主题发言。Recent years, Chin

28、a Die Casting Web organized several overseas visit and investigation: going to Italy to attend the IDRAs 60th Anniversary and Opening Ceremony of new plant, attending GIFA International Foundry Exhibition for two times, attending ALUCAST Asia-pacific Aluminum Conference and Aluminum Die Casting Exhi

29、bition, organizing a group to visit the Japan Die Casting Exhibition in Yokohama, organizing Chinese die casting entrepreneurs to Korea for investigation, participating International Ecological Die Casting Seminar in Korea and making its topic presentation.众多国外同行前来访问中华压铸网:北美压铸协会会长DANIEL TWAROG、巴西铸造协

30、会会长DEVANIR、德国铸造星球董事总经理THOMAS FRITSCH、国际锌协会全球技术与市场开发总监FRANK GOODWIN先后访问中华压铸网。A lot of counterparts visited China Die Casting Web like DANIEL TWAROG, the president of North American Die Casting Association, DEVANIR, the president of Brazil Foundry Association, THOMAS FRITSCH, the General Manager of Fo

31、undry Planet, FRANK GOODWIN, the Global Technology and Market Development Director of International Zinc Association.成功举办多次大型活动:Many Events with Success:2008年6月 举办“中国(上海)国际压铸采购大会”;It held “ China (Shanghai) international die casting sourcing fair” in June, 20082009年5月 举办“中国(东莞)国际铸件采购会暨配对商洽会”;It orga

32、nized “ China (Dongguan) International Casting Sourcing Fair and Negotiation Conference” in May, 2009;2009年8月 承办“上海市压铸技术协会30周年庆典”;It co-organized “ 30th Anniversary of Shanghai Die Casting Technology Association” in August, 2009;2010年6月 与中国贸促会上海分会、上海市压铸技术协会联合举办中国(上海)国际压铸投资与发展大会;It organized China (S

33、hanghai) International Die Casting Investment and Development Conference in combination with Shanghai branch of CCPIT and Shanghai Die Casting Technology Association in June, 2010;2012年5月 与上海市压铸技术协会联合举办“中华压铸杯(上海)高尔夫邀请赛”;It organized China Die Casting Cup (Shanghai) Golf Tournament in May, 2012;2012年

34、10月 上海压铸产品秋季采购洽谈会;It held Shanghai Die Casting Product Autumn Souring Fair in October, 2012;2012年10月 继前五次高峰论坛的成功举办后,第六届中华压铸企业家高峰论坛召开。 The 6th China Die Casting Entrepreneur Summit Forum kicking off after the previous five successful forums in October, 2012为政府和企业牵线搭桥 Provide connection for enterprise

35、s and governments2011年5月 与重庆市永川区委、区政府共同主办“第四届中华压铸企业家高端峰会”;It co-organized the 4th China Die Casting Entrepreneur Summit with district committee and government of Yongchuan District in Chongqing in May, 2011;2012年12月 与南通市高新区管委会合作编制压铸产业规划,协助引进各类压铸企业;It drew up industrial plan of die casting to introdu

36、ce different die casters in cooperation with management committee of Gaoxin District in Nantong in December, 2012;2012年10月 与辽宁营口大石桥市委、市政府共同举办铝合金产业招商推介座谈会。It co-organized investment fair of aluminum alloy industry with municipal government of Dashiqiao in Yingkou, Liaoning province in October, 2012;丰

37、富多彩的培训活动 Rich training events五年来,先后举办了数十场各类压铸相关培训班:压铸工艺技术培训班、采购商压铸专业知识培训班、大型汽车结构件压铸工艺讲座、全国压铸机维修与保养培训班、压铸行业英语精英培训班等,受益企业数百家,受到业内人士的一致好评。China Die Casting Web held tens various training classes related die casting in five years like die casting processing training, Die casting expertise training for p

38、urchaser, die casting processing of large automobile component lecture, repair and maintenance of die casting machine training, die casting English training which benefited hundreds enterprises and won highly praise from insiders.口号:铸就汽派,精益未来 Cast splendor for automobile, better future for precision casting欢迎下载交流!【最新资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】

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