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1、请注意:答案请在答题卡上填写,请勿在此试卷上涂写!深圳航空有限责任公司招聘试题第一部分 综合行政能力测试(前20题,每题3分,后5题,每题2分,共70分)1. 找出有歧义的一句: A 他叫我给你送一盘磁带过来。B 河北省去年贷款一亿多元,支持机电行来进行挖掘革新。C 他刚把这辆车修好.D 轮船准时启锚了。2. 找出没有歧义的一句: A 最优秀的企业的领导人。B 刚建成的S大学教学楼非常漂亮.C 张校长的女儿说他不来了。D 老张告诉何伯,他孩子考上大学了。3. 下边语句没有歧义的一句: A 张老师家里收藏了许多俄国证明作家屠格涅夫的书。B 走进大殿,中间是阎王的塑像,西边站着两个判官。C 要像勇

2、士那样生活,用英勇的气概去战胜灾难。D 在场的所有人当中,只有韩履正跟刘国清学过几句国语.4. 对下面句子的修辞方法及其作用的表达,判断不正确的一项是: A 那溅着的水花,晶莹而多芒;远望去,像一朵朵小小的白梅,微雨似的纷纷落着。运用了比喻的手法,描写了水花的颜色形态和动态。B 思厥先祖父,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺寸之地。运用了夸张的手法,说明了六国创业的艰辛不易。C 这里教条主义休息,有些同志却叫它起床。运用了拟人的手法,使文章的说理更加生动。D 五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。运用了对比的手法,写出了山势的起伏而又微不足道。5. 下列各组词语书写注音完全正确的一组是:A 参与(y) 犒赏(k

3、o) 信手拈来(nin) B 记载(zi) 奢侈(ch) 潜移默化(qin) C 粗糙(co) 哺育(f) 一暴十寒(p) D 祠堂(c) 揣度(du) 弱不经风(jn)6. 下列各句没有语病的一句是: A 她一摸口袋,发觉钱不见了,她马上推醒身边的秦某追问,秦某假装摇头说“不知道。B 一班人都把制服孙悟空的“紧箍咒”说成“金箍咒”,这大概是因为孙悟空头上戴着金箍,手上拿着金箍棒的缘故吧。C 数十年来,我一直害病,在我就医的生涯中,结交了一批从事医务工作的朋友,万隆医院的陈氏父子,就是其中之一。D 香港和上海女人,又好似一对天敌,沪港两地的选美舞台和水银灯下,从来是两地女人的必争之地。7. 小

4、张认为:打猎不仅无害于野生世界,反而能对其起一定的控制功能。这一控制功能能使动物在一定程度上免受饥饿和疾病,其结果是产生一个更健康的动物群体。小张的结论如果成立,必须基于以下哪一个前提?A 一种动物的数量过多,对其中强或弱的动物均由生存威胁。B 许多人除非自卫不会杀死动物.C 对许多经济困难的家庭来说,打猎是它们食物来源的主要途径。D 当其他食物缺乏时,动物会偷吃庄稼。8. 作为国家足球队的营养师,我对于巧克力的突然短缺深感忧虑,我只好用白砂糖来代替它作为热量的主要来源.尽管每斤白砂糖要比巧克力便宜,我估计如果继续用白砂糖来代替巧克力提供同样的热卡,国家足球队用于热卡营养的费用将会提高。说这番

5、话的人做了以下哪项假设? A 每斤巧克力要比白砂糖贵。B 以每单位能提供的热量计算,每斤白砂糖要比巧克力提供的少.C 生产巧克力要比生产白砂糖成本高。D 生产巧克力的厂家将比生产白砂糖的厂家更赚钱。9. 凡金属都是导电的,铁是金属,所以铁是导电的。试分析下述推理的结构哪个与上述推理结构相同? A 凡真理是经过实践检验的,进化论是真理,所以进化论是经过实践检验的。B 凡恒星是自身发光的,金星不是恒星,所以金星自身不发光。C 凡公民必须遵守法律,我们是同一地区的公民,所以我们必须遵守同一地区的法律.D 所有的坏人都攻击我,你攻击我,但我并不认为你是坏人。10. 甲和乙任何一人都比丙和丁高。如果上述

6、为真,再加上下述哪项,则可作出“戊比丁高”的结论? A 戊比甲矮.B 乙比甲高。C 戊比丙高。D 戊比乙高。11. 语言不能生产物质财富,如果语言能够生产物质财富,那么夸夸其谈的人就会成为世界上的富翁。下面哪项论证在方式上与上述论证最类似? A 人在自己的生活中不能不尊重规律,如果违背规律,就会受到规律的无情惩罚。B 加强税法宣传十分重要,这样做可以普及税法知识,增加人们的纳税意识,增加国家财政收入。C 有些近体诗是要求对仗的,因为有些近体诗是律诗,而所有律诗都要求对仗。D 风水先生惯说空,指南指北指西东,倘若真有龙虎地,何不当年葬乃翁。12. 并非小张既高又胖。如果上述断定是真的,那么,下述

7、哪项一定是真的? A 小张高但不胖。B 小张胖但不高.C 小张既不高也不胖。D 如果小张高,那么他一定不胖。13. 如果王晶是学生会成员,她一定是二年级的学生。上述判断是基于以下哪个前提作出的?A 只有王晶才能被选入学生会。B 只有二年级才有资格被选入学生会。C 入选学生会成员中必须有二年级的学生。D 二年级学生也可能不被入学生会.14. 小张承诺:如果天不下雨,我一定去听音乐会。以下哪项为真,说明小张没有兑现承诺? L天没下雨,小张没去听音乐会. II天下雨,小张去听了音乐会。III天下雨,小张没去听音乐会。 A 仅IB 仅IIC 仅IIID 仅I和IIE I、II和III15. 一般认为,

8、一个人80岁和他在30岁相比,理解和记忆能力都显著减退。最近的一项调查显示,80岁的老人和30岁的年轻人在玩麻将时所表现出的理解和记忆能力没有明显差别。因此,认为一个人到了80岁理解和记忆能力会显著减退的看法时站不住脚的。以下哪项如果为真,最能消弱上述论证? A 玩麻将需要的主要不是理解和记忆能力。B 玩麻将只需要较低的理解和记忆能力。C 80岁的老人比30岁的年轻人有更多时间玩麻将。D 玩麻将有利于提高一个人的理解和记忆能力。16. 海拔越高,空气越稀薄。因为西宁的海拔高于西安,因此,西宁的空气比西安稀薄。以下哪项中的推理与题干的最为类似?A 人的年龄越大,他就变得越成熟。老张的年龄比他的儿

9、子大,因此,老张比他的儿子成熟.B 一颗树的年头越长,它的年轮越多,老张院子中槐树的年头比老李家的槐树年头长,因此,老张家的槐树比老李家的年轮多。C 今年马拉松冠军的成绩比前年好,张华是今年的马拉松冠军,因此,他今年的马拉松成绩比他前年的好.D 在激烈竞争的市场上,产品质量越高并且广告投入越多,产品需要就越大。甲公司投入的广告费比乙公司的多,因此,对甲公司产品的需求量比对乙公司的需求量大.以下四题为类比推理,按照给出的一对相关的词,请在备选答案中找出一对与之在逻辑关系上最为贴近或相似的词。17. 义工:职员 A 球迷:球员B 学生:教师C 初学者:生手D 志愿者:雇员18. 费解:理解 A 难

10、看:漂亮B 组合:合并C 坚固:塌陷D 疏忽:忽略19. 海:水 A 写作:小说B 太阳:光C 画家:图画D 旋律:音符20. 温度计:摄氏度 A 体积:立方米B 秒表:秒C 考试:成绩D 天平:重量以下五题为数字推理,每道题都是按某种规律排列的数列,但其中缺少一项,请仔细观察,并选择出你认为最合适的一个来填补空缺.21. 56,66,78,82,( ) A98 B100 C96 D102 22. 7/9,13/9,20/9,28/9,( ) A25/9 B37/9 C26/9 D8/3 23. 18,-27,36,( ),54 A44 B45 C-45 D44 24. 9,1,4,3,40,

11、( ) A81 B80 C121 D120 25. 66,79,93,108,( ) A121 B120 C122 D124第二部分 英语测试(前10题,每题1分,后10题,每题2分,共30分)Section One Vocabulary and StructureDirections:In this part there are 10 incomplete sentences,each with four suggested answers. Choose the one you think is the best answer. 1. The first, second, and thir

12、d prizes went to Jack, Tom, and Harry _。(A) equally (B) differently (C) similarly (D)respectively2. He had never given a speech to so many people,so he felt _.(A) excited(B) stupid (C) disappointed (D) nervous3. Success in the lab doesnt always mean immediate success on a large _。(A) business (B) ac

13、count (C) way (D) scale4。 Dinner will be ready _, but we still have time for a drink.(A) presently(B) currently (C) lately (D) finally5。 It is impossible to _with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own.(A) cooperate (B) correspond (C) compete (D) compare6。 It was the training that

14、 he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer.(A) has (B) later (C) which (D) that7. Other considerations _ equal, the pressure remains constant。(A) being (B) be (C) will be (D) is8。 The policeman needs to see _ your ID card or your drivers license。(A) every (B) each (C) either (D) both9。 “

15、Lets start our meeting immediately _ everyone has arrived,” the chairman said。(A) although (B) until (C) after (D) now that10。 I walked eight miles today。 I never guessed that I could walk _far.(A) that (B) this (C) such (D) asSection Two Reading ComprehensionQuestions 1115are based on the following

16、 passage:All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said: “Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This May Be Yo

17、ur Lucky Day!”For several weeks Mrs。 Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hoping. The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which she did not need。 Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed。 She dreamed of

18、the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say: “Madam, this is Your Lucky Day. Everything in your basket is free。”One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea。 She dashed back to the supe

19、rmarket, got the tea and went towards the cash-desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her。 “Madam,” he said, holding out his hand, “I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”11。 The housewives learnt about the

20、 of free goods _. A。 on TVB. from the manager C. at the supermarketD. from the newspaper12。 Mrs. Edwards _. A。 is always very luckyB。 had no friends C。 hoped to get free shoppingD. gets disappointed easily13。 Mrs. Edwardss husband tried to _。 A. make her unhappyB。 cheer her up C。 buy things with her

21、D. stop her buying things14。 Mrs. Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had to _。 A. buy another thingB。 talk to the manager C. pay for her shoppingD。 find her shopping15. Mrs. Edwards must have been _. A. pleasedB. delightedC. proudD. disappointedQuestions 1620 are based on the f

22、ollowing passage:About 35 of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university。 These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B。A.) or Bachelor Scien

23、ce (B。S。) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-year program) for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore or junior。It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one。 Most private schools require strict entranc

24、e examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive。 Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, by earning scholarships。 Some college

25、 graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad (graduate) school。 Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies.Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs。 Some have fulltime jobs and go to school part-time。 Of

26、ten some will take five or more years to complete a fouryear program because of money / job demands on their time。While the college and work demands take up the great part of a students time, most still enjoy social activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However,

27、gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity。16. College education is _ in America. A。 quite commonB。 very rare C. something difficultD. almost impossible17。 Which of the following is NOT required for ent

28、ering most private schools。 A. entrance examinationsB. taking part in many activities C。 GPAD. college prep classes18. How can poor students attend private schools? A. Only by working at parttime jobs。 B。 Only by working at full-time jobs。 C。 Only by earning scholarships。D. All of above.19。 The American college students like to _ most of all。 A. discuss problems on philosophyB。 play balls C. earn enough moneyD. go to the cinemas or theatres20. The best title for this passage is _. A. Parttime jobs B。 American college C。 Popular activityD。 A new system6

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