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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元要点一、词语辨析 1. scene / sight / view / sceneryscene 指某一处的自然风光scenery(总称)自然景物,天然风光,是由多个scenes构成的自然风景。sight 景象,风景,名胜,侧重值得看的事物或很难看的东西和很可笑的事物;视力/眼界 view 景色,风景,侧重从人所处的角度(从远处或高处)以眼所看到的景色。1). Guilin is famous for its beautiful _ scenery. 2). The _ scene _ is a perfect dream

2、when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.3). You can get a wonderful view at the top of the tower.4). The flowers are a lovely _ sight _ in spring. 5). He began to lose his _ sight _six years ago. 2. permit / allow / letlet允许,让,不用被动语态。后接不带to的不定式作宾补。permit和allow意思相近,都表示“允许,准许”。permit稍正式一些,多指上级对

3、下级或长辈对晚辈的准许,语气较强;allow多指听任或不管教某人做某事。allow/permit sb. to do sth. be allowed/permitted to do sth. allow/permit doing sth.1). Students are not _ allowed/permitted _ to enter the Net Bar. 2). My mother wouldn t let me _ go _ (go) to the film.3). We don t allow _ smoking _ (smoke) in our office. 3. screa

4、m / shoutscream指因痛苦、恐惧、激动或生气而喊叫、尖叫,声音大而尖利,常与to连用shout指因愤怒或为引起注意而发出的声音,大喊,大叫,大声说话,常常与at连用1). There was a huge bang and people started _ screaming _. 2). Two women were _ shouting at each other outside the supermarket.二、词性变化1). The principal s _ (present) at the party didn t seem to be very welcome. 2

5、). Finally he lost his _ (patient) and started to yell at his mother.3). It would be _ (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.4). My husband loves _ (adventure)life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.5). He was punished for his _ (rude) to his teacher.6). They entered

6、the area without. _ (permit).7) You cannot enter a military base without a _ (permit).8). The prisoners _ (permit) two hours exercise a day.9). This grand park is a rare _ (survive) from the eighteenth century.1). presence2). patience 3). unbelievable 4). adventurous 5). rudeness6). permission 7). p

7、ermit 8). are/were permitted 9). survivor三、重点词汇1. bet n. 赌;打赌 v. 打赌;赌钱1). He often bets a 1ot of money on horses. 他经常在赛马上豪赌。2). I bet that it will rain tomorrow. 我敢肯定说明天一定会下雨。2. fault n. 缺点;错误;故障 vt.挑剔 faulty adj.有缺点的; faultless adj.不可挑剔的find fault (with sb/sth) 找(某人/事物的)错/茬儿;It s one s fault 是某人的过错

8、 1). It was his fault (他的过错) that we were late. 2).她总是找我的茬儿。She s always finding fault with me.3. spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 污点;斑点;地点 spotless adj. 没有斑点的,干净的spot sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 on the spot = on the scene到(在)现场;当场 1). The police _ spotted _ him driving a stolen car. 2). The police were on the spot w

9、ithin a few minutes of my telephone call. 4. passage n. 通道;(书、讲话、音乐等的)一段,一节;经过,通过,消逝;旅费1). They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。2). He worked his passage to Australia. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费。5. account n. 说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt. 认为;说明;解释总;计有 account for导致;做出解释;总计有on account of

10、 = because of 因为open an account在银行开个户头 take sth. into account/consideration考虑到某事Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是因为坏天气。1). He doesn t drink alcohol on account of his health. 2). She couldn t account for her foolish mistake. 6. seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;探索;寻求 seek (for/after) st

11、h./sb. 寻找某人/某物 seek to do sth. 试图做某事 seek happiness/comfort/wealth/success 追求幸福安逸财富、成功1). I think it s time we _ sought_ (seek) legal advice.2). They are seeking _ to change _ (change) the rules.7. amount n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近a (large/small) amount of + n.u + v. (单数) (large/small) amounts of + n.u

12、+ v. (复数)in (large/small) amounts 作状语大(少)量地 amount to. 共达,合计1). During the earthquake, a large amount of damage _ was done (do) in a very short time. 2). Large amounts of money were spent (spend) rebuilding the temple. 3). The total cost of repairs amounted to (共计) US$100.8. bow bau vi.&vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 bu

13、 n.c 弓,蝴蝶结;鞠躬 1). We all bowed to the Queen. 我们都向女王鞠躬致敬。2). His back was bowed with age. 他因年老而驼背。四、重点词组1. bring up 培养;抚养;养育或教育某人;提出;呕吐某物1). She brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩子。2). Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 2. go ahead 执行,进行,前进,(于祈使句)可以,往下说,用吧,开始吧ahea

14、d of time / in advance 提前1). After a pause, he went ahead/on with his speech. 2). The new bridge was completed ahead of time.3). Go straight ahead (径直向前走) for 200 meters and then turn left. 4). Could I use your bike? Go ahead.3. by accident = by chance 偶然;无意中by + n. 短语:by contrast 对比之下by mistake 错误地

15、 by hand 用手,用体力by machine 用机器1). I was in such a hurry that I took someone else s umbrella by accident/chance.2). These toys are made by hand instead of _by machine _, so they are very expensive.4. to be honest = to tell (you) the truth = honestly speaking老实说;说实话表示“说”的短语:generally speaking一般来说exactl

16、y speaking确切地说to be frank = frankly speaking坦率地说in general一般地来说in other words换句话说 or rather更确切地说to sum up概括地说 that is 也就是说 1). _ Generally speaking _, women live longer than men. 2). He got home late last night, _ or rather _ early this morning.3). _ To be frank/honest _, I don t enjoy the performan

17、ce.5. on the contrary 与此相反;正相反只作状语to the contrary(表明是)相反的;相反地作定语和状语(be) contrary to 违反(某事物);与相反1). The car isn t expensive. On the contrary _, its quite cheap.2). I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary.3). The results were contrary to expectation.6. take a chance = take chan

18、ces冒险,碰运气have a good chance/no chance/not much chance of (doing) sth/ to do sth/ that.大有希望/没有可能/没什麽希望做某事by chance: by accident: accidentally: unintentionally 偶然地;意外地;非有意地the chances are (that).: it is likely that. 很可能a chance of lifetime千载难逢的机会1). The guide book didn t mention there being any hotels

19、, but we decided to take a chance.2). You should never take chances when driving a car.3). What are the chances of (介词) his coming?4). 很可能她要来。The chances are that / It s likely that she ll be coming.7. as for 至于,关于As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. 至於你, 你应该感到惭愧。 8. find +sb./sth. doing

20、 发现在做(主动)find sb./sth. done发现被做(被动)find oneself in/at. 发觉自己在某处处于 1). He found a wallet _ lying _ (lie) on the ground.2). When day broke, we found ourselves in (发现我们到了一个村子里) a small village at the foot of the mountain.3). The film star found himself surrounded by (发觉自己被围住) a group of fans immediately

21、 he got off the car.9. “when”并列连词, “就在这时”,表示未预料到或突然发生的情况,常用于以下句型:1). be about to do when 正要做某事就2). be on the point of doingwhen 正要做某事就3). be doingwhen 正在做某事就在这时4). had just done sth. when. 刚做完某事就5). had hardly donewhen 几乎还没有做完某事就 1) 他正要出去时天下起雨来了。He was about to go out when it bagan to rain.2) 我刚做完试卷

22、下课铃就响了。I d just finished my test paper when the bell rang.3) 那个小孩正骑着车,就在这时,摔了下来。The boy was riding when he fell off his bike.10.(1)疑问词+ ever可引导名词性从句,相当于anyone who, anything that, any time when等You can choose whatever you like in the shop. = You can choose anything that you like in the shop.(2)疑问词+ e

23、ver还可引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter + 疑问词。如:Whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished. = No matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished.1). Whenever / No matter when (无论何时) you have problems, you may turn to me for help.2). 我将相信你所说的一切。I ll believe whatever you say.11. accuseof五、语法填空In order to know a

24、 foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 1 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 2 , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write

25、it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success 3 language learning. 4 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 5 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 6 meanings, studyin

26、g the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 7 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of 8 (advise) for those 9 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise spe

27、aking and 10 (write) the language whenever we can.1. it 指foreign language。2. Thirdly 3. in 4. a 5. to memorize 6. their 指words 7. If 8. advice 9. who 10. writing 六、阅读理解 A I want to talk about a soldier. I saw him yesterday as my husband and I were enjoying a wonderful lunch in the cave-like dining r

28、oom of an old hotel. It is hard to imagine being comfortable in a room that probably seats a thousand, but the real magic of the place is its wonderful setting. Every comer is a wood and stone masterpiece, with high glass windows that look out to the huge cliffs (悬崖) of the valley. A man entered wit

29、h his family and took a seat. He wasnt in uniform, but he walked with the dignity of a soldier, and a slight limp (瘸). My suspicion was confirmed when he removed his hat and placed it on the table where I could see it. Embroidered (绣) on the cap were the words: Iwo Jima Survivor. As they were waitin

30、g for lunch, the others talking happily, this gentleman was stating out of the window. He was content to be left out of the conversation and allowed to take in the wonderful and impressive view of the waterfall. I watched him, and imagined how much horror he had seen in the war. What losses did he s

31、uffer, and how many friends did he lose? What he had witnessed should have given him a good reason to lose faith in the world. Yet this tired soldier was smiling at the sky, at the sun and the roaring of the waterfall. Somehow, after everything, the world was still beautiful to him. I walked over to

32、 him and said, Excuse me, sir. Im sorry to interrupt, but I saw your hat, and I just wanted to say thank you for serving. He looked up at me, surprised, and said proudly, Youre welcome, and thank you, too. I told him I would go home and tell my children about this experience that Id met him.1. The p

33、lace where the author enjoyed lunch was _CA. only open to people of the upper classes B. once visited by many famous peopleC. attractive because of its beautiful surroundings D. modeled on scenes from American history2. What confirmed the authors suspicion that the man was a soldier? AA. The words o

34、n his cap. B. The way he sat. C. His disability. D. The way he walked.3. What do we learn from the passage? D A. The author at first thought the gentleman was famous. B. The gentleman stood out because of his uniform. C. The gentlemans family didnt like to talk with him. D. The gentleman wasnt expec

35、ting the author to thank him.4. What encouraged the author to talk to the soldier? CA. His disability. B. His loneliness. C. His contribution to his country. D. His bravery to fight in the war.5. What is the authors attitude towards the soldier? AA. Admiring. B. Satisfied. C. Sympathetic. D. Doubtfu

36、l.BNo country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA.There are almost 2000 of them,as compared with 180 in Japan,164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain.The quality(质量) of some American papers is quite high and their views are used all over the world.Excellent newspapers like the Washington

37、 Post or the New York Timeshave a powerful influence(影响) all overthe country.However,the Postand the New York Timesare not national newspapers in the sense that The Times is in Britain of Le Monde is in France,since each American city has its own daily newspaper.The best of these give detailed(详细的)a

38、ccounts of national and international news,but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news.Like the press(报刊) in most other countries,American newspapers report news from the “exciting” and “relaxing” to the serious.They try to entertain people as well as give information,for they have to co

39、mpete with the attraction of television.Just as American newspapers try to satisfy all tastes,they also try to attract readers of all political parties.A few news papers support extremist(极端主义者) groups on the far right and on the far left,but most daily newspapers try their best to attract middle-of

40、-the-road Americans who are mainly moderate(温和的).Many of these papers print materials by wellknown journalists of different political and social views,in order to give a balanced picture.As in other countries American newspapers can be either responsible(负责任的) or irresponsible,but it is generally ac

41、cepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once exposed political scandals(丑闻),for example,the Watergate Affair(水门事件).1.Which newspaper in the U.K.is national?DA. Le Monde. B. Washington Post. C. New York Times.D. The Times.2.Most American newspapers attract rea

42、ders by carrying .BA.national news B.local news C.international newsD.political news3.In order to win the competition with television,American newspapers have to .CA.give information B.give serious newsC.give entertainment newsD.give national news4.Most daily newspapers attract moderate Americans by

43、 .AA. printing articles by well-known journalists of different viewsB. supporting extremist groupsC.exposing political scandals D.serving the country wellCShanghai has raised its charges for drainage(排水) fees this month in a move to encourage local residents to save water and recycle precious water.

44、The effort is designed to reduce pressure from the citys seriously shrinking water resources.The city is capable of supplying a maximum of 10.64 million cubic metres of tap water daily,when daily consumption could be as much as 9.24 million cubic metres. Ironically(具讽刺意味地),the city faces the East Ch

45、ina Sea,and is surrounded by some 22 000big and small rivers,and rain seems as common as sunshine.Many locals have gotten used to keeping the tap running while brushing their teeth or washing the dishes,never considering the seemingly inexhaustible water supplies or pausing to think over the small i

46、ncreases in their water bills.They doubt whether Shanghai is short of watersince the annual per capita amount of water available in the area is far more than the nationalaverage of 2220 cubic metres.The fact is that only 20 percent of the water from rivers is drinkable,which lowers the availableamountto local residents to about 1000 cubic metres per capita55 percent less than the nations average and 10 percent of the global average.Experts have estimated the city will face a daily fresh water shortage of 2.58 million cubic metres by 2

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