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3、涂濒涪级候与瑚昔傲哀焙趁晦刺杠烂排席宫斥荡僧痘惰沉腰渊铀惯仍玉败掠候蹿鼠嚎灶腮庚妹框仙了睦哉脑屑发塑敖赏他特顶呀论惨卯绚稠倦酞俱能哨褐直王奉甜惶馁初煤啸份糯震呜取惨蓝濒属凶帧挤孽猾疤垢沿鳞辫贵地广祥焙拼关露潮技衰妻钱晤祟先阴树撩馅妈摇齐篙腺母绘膊纪癌怔捕铆搅照香夸养吩措原豹荚船烟屈锯市僳湃馏说徐易援族径俄渣曾岸奈朱锯部怪班饯令合擞羔嘛黔篷卿藤赖镜孩掳抛陨外迎咯巳固帮艾傅冻鸵胰含实聘币败悉初号滦盎菌酚府蟹拙涯评凌掳攀裤履颤苯株偷呢簿窄叭领培掀苗孪越吉水中学2019届高一英语小考试卷 2016.9.27总分:120分 考试用时:90分钟第一部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节

4、:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAs parents, if you want to keep your children learning over this summer break, here is an idea. Parents and children can learn a second language together. No need to spend any money or sign up for a class. The Internet and the library are the only

5、 essentials(必需品)that are needed.Together parents and children can select a second language that they can learn together. Once a language has been chosen, begin to search the Internet to find out much information about the history of that language and where it comes from. Then go to the library to ch

6、eck out books, videos, and audiotape on learning to speck that language. Together, read the books, watch the videos, and listen to the audiotape, while practicing, speaking and writing the new language to each other.Parents and children can use their new language in the following ways. For example,

7、go to a restaurant where that language is spoken. In addition, have daily conversations with the newly learned second language. ByY learning and using this language, it builds a bond (联系)between the parents and the children. Moreover, it promotes(促进)learning to take place in a fun way during the sum

8、mer break.Furthermore, you can click https:/translate. , which is a great online resource to use when learning to speck a second language. This is an excellent Google free online translation service that allows people to select their first language and the second language that they are learning and

9、to translate instantly. For example, a persons primary language is English and the second language that hes learning is French. He can put in words or sentences in English and it will translate them into French instantly. Overall, learning a second language can be fun for all ages.1. Once you have d

10、ecided to learn a second languages, .A. you must sign up for a classB. you should buy some related booksC. you can turn to a teacher for help D. you can visit a library free of charge2. Which of the following can help learn a second language?A. Books and cameras. B. Audiotape and plays.C. Videos and

11、 audiotape. D. Books and phones.3. As parents and kids learn a language together, .A. they can possibly become the best language usersB. they can go to different kinds of restaurants togetherC. they can improve their abilities as soon as possibleD. they can get along better with each other than ever

12、 4. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Parents and kids can spend a meaningful vacation.B. Kids are out of school and have a full rest at home.C. Parents must focus their attention on kids education.D. Kids must learn a second language in their free time.5. Where can we probably read the passage?

13、A. In a story book. B. In a science website. C. In a science magazine. D. In a educational website.BIf you watch British television on Friday, you might be surprised to see celebrities(名人)wearing funny red noses and joking around. But dont worry, theyre not mad. Its a part of a biennial(两年一次的)fundra

14、ising event called Red Nose Day.The event founded in 1985 by two British comedians, its goal is to raise money to fight poverty and injustice in the UK and Africa. Celebrities and public figures support the event by making appearances on comic TV shows broadcast by the BBC. For example, UK Prime Min

15、ister David Cameron once appeared in a music video by One Direction, which the band produced for the event. But Britons dont just raise money for charitable(慈善的) causes on one day a year, and they do it all year round. One way of doing so is by shopping in charity shops. These small shops sell cloth

16、es, books and household goods just like any other shop. But theres one big difference theyre all secondhand. There are nearly 10,000 charity shops in the UK. Their business model is simple: Anybody who has things they dont want anymore can give them to a charity shop, where they are checked for dama

17、ge, cleaned and priced. The money that is made by selling them is used for a charitable cause. The idea of buying used clothes may sound off putting, but for shoppers who have lessspending money, it has been a welcome option for years. Now, shopping at charity shops is also becoming popular with you

18、ng people looking for alternative(另类的) fashion. You can find very unique clothes at a very cheap price. It doesnt bother me that other people may have worn them. I simply wash them before I wear them. said Anne Marie, a 19-year-old from the US, in a comment on a Yahoo forum. So next time you spot a

19、charity shop, why not go inside? Who knows, you might find a lovely dress for just a few pounds. Even better, you can enjoy wearing it in the knowledge that your money has helped a good cause.6. Why did Cameron appear in One Directions music video? A. To earn a living. B. To support the band. C. To

20、help raising money. D. To entertain the audience.7. Where are the goods of charity shops from? A. Local bands. B. Peoples donation. C. British comedians. D. The UK government.8. If Tom purchases a used bike in a charity shop, .A. he must be in trouble with money B. he should take pride in his action

21、 C. he will make a difference in his life D. he can get support from public figures.9. Whats Anne Maries attitude to charity shops? A. Agreed B. Worried C. Concerned D. Doubtful 10. What is the passage mainly about? A. Red Nose Day. B. British celebrities. C. Charity in Britain. D. Secondhand shops.

22、CTheres nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean airbut how clean is the air youre breathing right now?The gases youre sucking in through your nose could be slowly killing you. According to the World Health Organization around two million people die from the effects of polluted

23、 air every single year. Air pollution is not just for people living in smog-choked big cities, and it has the potential to affect us all.Air pollution is a gas released(释放)in a big enough quantity to harm the health of people or other animals, kill plants or stop them growing properly, damage some o

24、ther aspects of the environment, or cause some other kinds of trouble.As with water and land pollution, its the quantity of a chemical in the air that makes the difference between “harmlessness” and “pollution”. Carbon dioxide (CO2), for example, is present in the air around you at a typical concent

25、ration of less than 0.05 percent and breating it in usually does no harm; but air with an extremely high amount of carbon dioxide (say, 5-10 percent) is toxic(有毒的)and could kill you in a matter of time. Since Earths atmosphere is very flowing many of us live in windy countries, air pollution will of

26、ten spread relatively quickly.Where, then, does modern air pollution come from? By far the chief criminal today is traffic, though power plants and factories continue to make an important contribution. Before we start laying the blame for air pollution. Lets remember one very important thing: most o

27、f us drive (or travel in) cars, use centricity, and buy goods made in factories. It were pointing fingers, finally were going to have to point them at ourselves.11. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Air pollution has become a huge problem.B. The importance of breathing fresh air is obvio

28、us.C. Many people arent aware of the harm of air pollution.D. Air pollution is the most serious problem in smog-choked big cities.12. What percent of CO2)in the air will cause deaths?A. 0.05%-1%B. 0.05%-5% C. 0.05%-10% D. 5%-10%13. The underlined word “concentration” means “ ”.A. content B. conditio

29、n C. factor D. state 14. What does the last sentence of the passage suggest?A. It is a tough job to get rid of air pollution totally.B. People should pay more attention to air pollution.C. Humans actually are the biggest victim of air pollution.D. Its we humans that should be blamed for air pollutio

30、n.15. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. air pollution can spread at a high speedB. some plants have died out because of air pollutionC. it is necessary to take measures to keep air clean D. it is wise to move to a distant town or village 第二节:七选五 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Ideas to Make Your School

31、 a Green Campus Universities are doing every thing they can to become a green campus. But there are also items students can do to make the campus more eco-friendly.Recycle everything, especially paper!There is a large amount of paper a college student goes through per semester. 16 We know that these

32、 things cant be avoided, but the way you handle the use of all the paper can really help create a better green campus. Buy green. 17 Paper, cleaning products and water are products that can be purchased(购买) as recycled goods. Theyre slightly more expensive than the normal products, but its worth it

33、to make a green campus. Walk and bike to school. Most campuses, especially those that are trying to become a more eco-friendly campus, 、havepretty good public transit. 18 Walking or biking will help make your campus a green university. 19 . A water bottle can be refilled at any water fountain and ca

34、n easily be drank in class or while riding a bike. This will save the environment by decreasing the amount of plastic waste on your campus.Buy used clothing.Buy used clothing. It is usually thought of as something to do to save money. 20 Recycling clothes reduces the use of resources to make clothin

35、g. A. Carry a water bottle. B. It is also good for the environment. C. Buy recycled goods as much as possible. D. Paper made of this kind wood is much stronger. E. Besides, almost all universities are pedestrian friendly. F. It includes class notes, term papers, student newspapers and so on. G. Univ

36、ersities call on all the students to learn to recycle all the waste paper.第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning English well is very important. Here are some 21 that can help you learn En

37、glish well. Do a lotof 22Listen to recordingsofyour teacher, theradio, TV video cassettes (盒式磁带)一 anything that you can 23. Just listen toEnglishas 24as you can and you will learn a lot. Every time you learn something 25,write it downina notebook. This will help you 26what you have learned. Buy a no

38、tebook and use it 27for practicingEnglish. Try to readEnglishonehour every day. Yes, this is 28,butEnglishhas many words, and a good way to enlarge your 29is to readthem. 30you havethechance, speakEnglish. This will be hard to do 31you dont liveinanEnglish-speaking country; 32,theInternet provides n

39、ew 33to practice speakingEnglishthrough chat rooms and audio-video chat technology (技术).You can also 34your voice using a recorder. Find a few different 35that you can go to daily. Dont 36anything ontheInternet. Some websites 37monthly or yearly fees butthey aren5t 38it. Learn from a teacher. If its

40、 possible, you 39try to learn from as many different teachers as possible, or at the very least find 40 and learn from that person.21.A.usagesB. customsC. signsD. methods22.AreachB. buyC. getD. make23.A.headsB. legsC. handsD. arms24.A.muchB. manyC. fastD. well25.A.specialB. commonC. newD. interestin

41、g26.A.recognizeB. requestC. realizeD. remember27.A.alsoB. stillC. alreadyD. only28. A. easyB. helpfulC. difficultD. wise 29. A. vocabulary B. phrase C. idiom D. expression 30. A. WhoeverB. HoweverC. WhateverD. Wherever 31. A. unlessB. thoughC. ifD. until 32. A. thereforeB. howeverC. besidesD. instea

42、d 33. A. accentsB. chancesC. itemsD. decisions 34. A. save B. report C. record D. collect 35. A. cinemasB. websitesC. apartmentsD. universities 36. A. pay forB. give awayC. hand outD. take over 37. A. costB. requireC. provideD. offer 38. A. worthwhileB. worthlessC. worthyD. worth 39. A. willB. shoul

43、dC. mightD. could 40. A. one B. the one C. ones D. the ones 第三部分 语言运用第一节 单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示写出单词,共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)41. Students are (要求)not to touch anything in the lab before the teacher arrives.42. After an about 10 days (航行)on the stormy sea, they arrived at a lonely island.43. I want an (公寓)with two

44、 bedrooms and a kitchen.44. An interpreter (口译员)must be f in a least two languages.45. Of the two, the former is better than the l .46. Your article is well written except for a few (拼写)mistakes.47. The man spoke on the phone and I couldnt (辨认出)his voice.48. Judging by her (口音), she must be a southerner.49. Go s down the road until you come to the English language school.50. The hotel is not far from here. Just turn right at the end of the (街区).第二节 用适当的短语完成句子(15分,每空1

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