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1、2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库1、It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has todayThere will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physicsWe are only

2、 beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical oneStarvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800by Crookes in about 1900It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by usi

3、ng the new fertilizersIn the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals-by shaping our own biological environmentA.physical exhaustionB.mental stimulationC.mental exhaustionD.extinction正确答案:C2、Having been made speechless,he felt_ a f

4、ool than he had expected.A.likeB.asC.more ofD.much of正确答案:C3、请阅读短文,完成第小题。A.I found beauty meant nothing special to meB.The house parent helped the children handle the quilt2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库C.The house parent chased the butterfly in order to show it to the childrenD.I thought it cruel

5、 to catch the butterfly正确答案:D4、The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under ControlA.they form such a large part of Norwegian idealB.their lives and values represent the Norwegian idealC.their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian societyD.they regard as a threat to the Norwegian way of life正确答案:B5、W

6、hich of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?A.Drawing a diagram to show the text structureB.Giving the text an appropriate titleC.Transforming information from the text to a diagramD.Finding out all the unfamiliar words正确答案:C6、When a teacher intends to introduce a new

7、grammar item,which of the following strategies can be used to get students to notice it?_A.TransformationB.Input enhancementC.ExpansionD.Substitution正确答案:B2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库7、English teacher Alice stopped Toms reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word“eat”again and again

8、.What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracyB.The teacher should stop students reading to correct their pronunciationsC.Toms pronunciation is poorD.Every pronunciation is important in English正确答案:A8、What activities are not appropriate for developi

9、ng the skill of reading for gist?A.Reading a text quickly and writing a summaryB.Reading a text quickly and choosing the best titleC.Reading a text quickly and analyse its discourse patternsD.Reading a text quickly and then telling what it is mainly about正确答案:C9、It will be at least 10 days _they fin

10、ish cleaning up the typhoon-stricken village.A.untilB.beforeC.sinceD.when正确答案:B10、The similarity between the English consonants/p/,/b/,and/m/is that they are all(?).A.fricativeB.plosiveC.labial-dental2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库D.bilabial正确答案:D11、Teaching activities must be based on the student

11、s cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge,thus,students personal knowledge,students life world and_ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A.game activitiesB.labour activitiesC.attitudeD.direct experience正确答案:D12、Which of the letter uin the following w

12、ords has a different pronunciation from othersA.abuseB.useC.excuseD.lure正确答案:D13、English teachers often ask students to _ a passage to get the gist of it.A.skimB.scanC.predictD.describe正确答案:A2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库14、Cats have the widest hearing range of nearly any mammal”not only can they

13、 perceive sound in what we define as the“ultrasonic”range,they can also appreciate all the bass Dr Dre can throw at them.They can swivel their whiskers forwards while hunting to provide a kind of short-range radar.And they can see exceptionally well in the dark thanks to a reflective surface behind

14、the retina that bounces lightback,giving it a second chance to hit a photoreceptor.They see more distinct images per second than we do.A.Reproducing more offspringB.Destroying songbirds habitatC.Killing the countrys songbirdsD.Beingsuspicious of human beings正确答案:B15、The case history of the twins app

15、ears to support the conclusion that_A.individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same levelB.an individuals intelligence is determined only by his environmentC.lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligenceD.changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain正确答案:C1

16、6、Passage 1A.They are used by all plants and animals to tell timeB.Pigeons biological clocks are regulated every day with the sunriseC.The built-in biological clocks cannot be changedD.They gradually developed as pigeons grow mature正确答案:B2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库17、Which of the following has

17、 the proper word stress?A.comParisonB.ComparisonC.compaRisonD.compariSon正确答案:A18、Unlike her_ sister,Judith is a shy,unsociable person who dislikes to go to parties or to make new friends.A.charmingB.friendlyC.graciousD.gregarious正确答案:D19、Teacher Tom gave the topic of“Send a Letter”,and then asked st

18、udents to recall the words they learnt such as“post office,stamp,envelope,address,zip code”.Which memorizing strategy did he use?A.Memory systemsB.AssociationC.Dictionary strategyD.Internet assistance正确答案:B20、Passage 1 A.Demanding2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库B.LiberalC.ImaginativeD.Authoritative

19、正确答案:D21、Which of the following has the proper word stress A.comParisonB.ComparisonC.compaRisonD.comparisON正确答案:A22、Which of the following is a communicative task?A.Reading aloud the dialogue on page 24B.Writing a party invitation to your friendsC.Translating the first paragraph into ChineseD.Making

20、 sentences with the expressions given正确答案:B23、Passage 2A.They encourage the farmers to produce genetically modified productsB.They encourage the farmers to depend on themselves for seedsC.They strongly support the legalization of genetically modified productsD.They encourage the farmers to upgrade t

21、heir farms to bigger ones正确答案:B2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库24、Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why theyre always coming in for criticismA.NarrationB.DescriptionC.CriticismD.Argumentation正确答案:C25、Which of the following tasks fails to encourage active language useA.Reciting a tex

22、tB.Bargaining in a shopC.Writing an application letterD.Reading to get a message正确答案:A26、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A.BeanB.DesignC.SportD.Big正确答案:B27、Passage 2A.voices for working womenB.appeals to passionate workaholicsC.triggers debates among mommies2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教

23、学能力知识点题库D.praises motivated employees正确答案:A28、What is the teacher doing in terms of error correctionA.Direct correctionB.Indirect correctionC.Self-correctionD.Peer correction正确答案:B29、The primary focus of _ method is on memorization of verb paradigms,grammar rules and vocabulary.A.the grammar-transla

24、tionB.audio-lingualC.communicativeD.total physical response正确答案:A30、Nowadays,there are many teenagers addicted to the Interact,_waste a lot of timeon it.A.whoB.whichC.asD.that正确答案:A2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库31、The bell rang and every student had to _ their examination papers.A.give upB.give a

25、wayC.give outD.give in正确答案:D32、Which of the following is a communicative activity?A.Listening to the news report and talking about an eventB.Listening to the news report and filling in a formC.Listening to the news report and writing the main ideaD.Transferring the information from the news report i

26、nto a chart正确答案:A33、Passage 2A.beluga whales arent properly cared for in RussiaB.there arent enough whales in the state of GeorgiaC.beluga whales can provide many economic benefitsD.it wants to achieve research and educational purposes正确答案:D34、The number of Americans who read books has been declinin

27、g for thirty years,and those who do read have become proud of,even a bit over-identified with,the enterprise.Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts,magnets,and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels;the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson.A spread i

28、n The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors.The merchandising of reading has a 2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库curiously undifferentiated flavor,as if what you read mattered less than that you rea D.In this climate of embattled bibliophilia,a new subgenre of books about books

29、has emerged,a mix of literary criticism,autobiography,self-help,and immersion journalism:authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading-anything-still matters.I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,Phyllis Rose writes in The Shelf:From LEQ to LES,the latest stunt book,in wh

30、ich she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books.She compares her voyage,to Ernest Shackletons explorations in the Antarctic.However,I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,she writes.So I would read my way into the unknown-into the pathless wastes,into th

31、in air,with no reviews,no best-seller lists,no college curricula,no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes,no ads,no publicity,not even word of mouth to guide me.A.Peoples interest in reading needs to be inspireDB.Most people do not know what they should reaDC.She knows how to relieve her mental su

32、ffering via readingD.She has special personal traits needed for extreme reading正确答案:D35、Only until very recently_possible that grammarians are able to make accurate statements about the rules of some languages.A.has it beenB.it has beenC.was itD.it was正确答案:A2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库36、What c

33、an be done about mass unemployment All the wise heads agree:therere no quick or any answers.Theres work to be done,but workers arent ready to do it.Theyre in the wrong places,or they have the wrong skills.Our problem areA.Powerful opposition to governments stimulus effortsB.Very Serious Peoples atte

34、mpt to cripple the economyC.Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industriesD.Economistsfailure to detect the problem in time正确答案:A37、Not a single word _when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.A.did Mark leaveB.left MarkC.did leave MarkD.Mark left正确答案:A38、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.Repetit

35、ionsB.MiseryC.ComplaintsD.Setbacks正确答案:D39、请阅读 Passage l。完成第 2125 小题。A.Toxoplasma gondii causes people strange and deadly diseasesB.With certain infection the infectious disease cannot be cured completely2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库C.Human beings infected by toxoplasma gondii will have permanen

36、t brain damageD.Toxoplasma gondii is harmful to human beings,but it does no harm to mice正确答案:B40、Which of the following does not make a good English teacherA.Following strictly the lesson planB.Considering students needs and levelsC.Using very simple and clear instructionsD.Keeping on teaching refle

37、ction正确答案:A41、In which of the following situations does the teacher play the role of organizer?A.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructionsB.Walking around to offer help to those who need it both in ideas and languageC.Giving feedback and dealing with errorsD.The teacher joins in st

38、udents activity正确答案:A42、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.The sixth Transformer may last for 3 hoursB.The government in the movie wants to set up a man-made army of TransformersC.In the movie,KSI Corporation stands by the governmentD.Joshua Joyce has reported the news about Autobot hero to the government正确答案:D2

39、023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库43、请阅读 Passage 2,完成小题。A.English tally sticks have more marks than African onesB.Tally sticks are a practical tool in use todayC.The current representation of money is in the form of paperD.Many models for money have been cut short正确答案:C44、Passage 2A.He mass-produced m

40、ilk chocolate bars for the wealthyB.He duplicated the brand of Hersheys Kisses in 1907 for HalloweenC.He employed Harry Burnett Reese who later founded his own companyD.He encouraged Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie to jointly produce M&Ms正确答案:C45、_ I admire David as a poet,I dont like him as a man.A.I

41、f onlyB.Only ifC.Much asD.As much正确答案:C46、The water could not flow freely because the pipe was_.A.blockedB.trappedC.loaded2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库D.struck正确答案:A47、When a teacher says to the whole class,Stand up and act out the dialogue,he/she isplaying the role of a(n)_.A.monitorB.organizer

42、C.assessorD.prompter正确答案:B48、Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?A.genderB.numberC.caseD.voice正确答案:D49、Everyone knows that English departments are in trouble,but you cant appreciate just howmuch trouble until you read the new report from the Mode

43、rn Language Association.The report is about Ph.D.programs,which have been in decline since 2008.These programs have gotten both more difficult and less rewarding:today,it can take almost a decade to get a doctorate,and,at the end of your program,youre unlikely to find a tenure-track job.A.The expans

44、ion in college enrollments after the Second World WarB.The shift of popularity from humanities majors to career-focused onesC.The rise in the number of women and minorities in graduate programs2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库D.The lack of career-related guidance for college graduated in job-hunting

45、正确答案:B50、The phrase I d like to involves_ phenomenon.A.progressive assimilationB.liaisonC.regressive assimilationD.plosive正确答案:D51、请阅读 Passage l。完成第 2125 小题。A.deeply rootedB.quickly changedC.closely linkedD.deeply hurried正确答案:A52、Passage 2A.identicalB.similarC.complementaryD.opposite正确答案:D53、I think

46、 the boss,rather than the workers,_to blame for the fire that caused so many deaths2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库A.areB.wereC.wasD.to be正确答案:C54、Which of the following doesnt contain liaisonA.What would you doB.It s an old bookC.Here is a letter for youD.Did he get there正确答案:D55、请阅读短文 A.suggests

47、different people use the same facial expressions to show their emotionsB.shows that human beings have more than seven basic emotionsC.there are seven basic human emotionsD.finds that different facial expressions can be easily understood正确答案:B56、The ambiguity in My friend drove me to the bank.is caus

48、ed by_.A.lexical itemsB.a grammatical structureC.homonymyD.polysemy正确答案:D2023-2024 教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力知识点题库57、Passage 1A.Glenn Mulcaire may deny phone hacking as a crimeB.more joumalists may be found guilty of phone hackingC.Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the chargeD.phone hacking will be ac

49、cepted on certain occasions正确答案:B58、When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004,this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide accolades.German newspapers described how it “floated above the clouds”with“elegance and lightness”and“breathtaking”beauty.In France,papers praised the“

50、immense”“concrete giant.”Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power?Lera Borodisky thinks not.In a series of clever experiments guided by pointed questions,Boroditsky is amassing evidence that,yes,language shapes thought.The effect is powerful enough,she

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