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1、Unit 1 Hello!你好(嗨)!班级:英标18班教师:许萌萌日期:2017年3月单词人名:Mr Star,Star 先生 Mrs Star,Star 夫人 Marie, Stella, Suzy, Simon, Maskman, Monty, Grandma Star,Star奶奶 Grandpa Star,Star 爷爷数字词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten颜色:red红色, yellow黄色, pink粉色, green绿色, orange橙色, purple紫色, blue蓝色其他:rainbow彩

2、虹,monster怪物课堂用语Stand up. 起立。Sit down. 坐下。Open your book.翻(打)开你的书。Close your book.关(合)上你的书。Pick up your 拿(拣)起你的.Close the door.关上门。Listen to the CD.听CD。语法Hello, Im你好(嗨),我是(叫)Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My names /My name is /Im 我叫How old are you?你几岁(多大)了?Im .我 。Goodbye.再见。What colours (the marker)?是什么颜色的?I

3、ts (red).(它)是(色)的。发音S歌曲Red and yellow and pink and green,Orange and purple and blue.I can sing a rainbow,我会唱一首彩虹歌。Sing a rainbow,唱一首彩虹歌。Sing a rainbow to you.为你唱一首彩虹歌。故事Toys in the toy box,玩具箱里面的玩具,Come alive.活过来吧。Walk and talk,起来走路,起来说话,On the count of five.当数到5时。One, two, three, four, five.1, 2, 3

4、, 4, 5。Maskman: Hello, Marie. 你好,Marie。Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here.你好,Maskman。请把门关上。坐这儿。Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9 and 10.听我说歌谣,Marie。1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9和10。Marie: Very good, Maskman. (说得)非常好,Maskman。Maskman: Yes, good. 是呀,(挺)好。Maskman

5、: Listen! Look! What? Aaaagghh! A blue monster!听!瞧!什么? 啊!一个蓝色的怪物!Marie: No, Maskman. Its a 不,Maskman。它是一 。Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.呃!一只蓝色的怪物!再见,Marie。Marie: Goodbye, Maskman.Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.再见,Maskman。请把门关上,Maskman。谢谢。Monty: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello,

6、 Monty.Monty: Look, a blue pencil. 瞧,一支蓝色的铅笔。Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.是的,一支蓝色的铅笔。作业亲爱的同学们!欢迎你们和Lily老师一起走进“剑桥国际少儿英语”快乐英语世界吧!相信你们会做得很棒!1.把当天所学的单词每个书写一至三行;语法每个书写三遍。2.听学生用书CD:P1-7并跟读。每天坚持听10-15分钟!加油!Unit 2 My school我的学校班级:英标18班教师:许萌萌日期:2017年3月单词名词:book书, chair椅子, eraser橡皮, pen钢笔, pencil铅笔, table桌子其他:mo

7、nkey猴子, mouse老鼠语法Whos that?那是谁?Whos he/she?他/她是谁?Hes Shes 他是 她是How old is he/she?他/她几岁了?He/She is (7).他/她(7)岁了。How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you.我(很)好,谢谢。Is this a (pen)?这是一支(钢笔)吗?Yes/No.是的/不(是)。发音m歌曲Mr Star, Mr Star,How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.How are you?Mrs Star, Mrs Star,

8、How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.How are you?Stella Star, Stella Star,How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.How are you?Simon Star, Simon Star,How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.How are you?Suzy Star, Suzy Star,How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, t

9、hank you.How are you?Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.How are you?故事Toys in the toy box,玩具箱里面的玩具,Come alive.活过来吧。Walk and talk,起来走路,起来说话,On the count of five.当数到5时。One, two, three, four, five.1, 2, 3, 4, 5。Marie: OK. Sit down, please, everybody.好。大家请坐。Marie: Open your Activity Books, please, a

10、nd pick up your pencils.请翻开你们的活动手册并且拿出你们的铅笔。Marie: Listen to the CD and draw the monster.听CD并且画出怪物。Maskman: Oops! Oh, my Activity Book!呜!哦,我的活动手册!Monty: Heres another book, Maskman. Maskman,这儿还有一本书。Marie: No,not another book, Monty. Heres an eraser.不,不用另一本书,Monty。这儿有一块橡皮。Maskman: Er, no, Marie. Anot

11、her Activity Book, please.嗯,不,Marie。还是请再给我一本活动手册吧。作业1.把当天所学的单词每个书写一至三行;语法每个书写三遍。2.听学生用书CD:P8-13并跟读。每天坚持听10-15分钟!加油!Unit 3 Favourite toys最喜欢的玩具班级:英标18班教师:许萌萌日期:2017年3月单词名词:ball球, bike自行车, car汽车, computer电脑, doll娃娃, train火车形容词:black黑色的, brown棕色的, grey灰色的, white白色的介词:in在里面, on在上面, under在下面, next to挨着其他

12、:tortoise龟, toys玩具语法Whats your favourite toy?你最喜欢的玩具是什么?My favourite toy is我最喜欢的玩具是Wheres your?你的在哪里?Is your (bag) under your (chair)?你的(包)在你的(椅子)下面吗?发音t歌曲Monty!Monty isnt here,Monty不在这儿,Monty isnt here.He isnt on the table.他不在桌子上面。He isnt under the chair.他不在椅子下面Oh, where? Where?哦,在哪儿? 哪儿?Where is M

13、onty?Monty在哪儿?Is he in the toy box?他在玩具箱里面吗?Is he under the book?他在书下面吗?Is he next to the computer? 他在电脑旁边吗?Look! Look! Look!瞧!瞧!瞧!Oh, where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Wheres Monty?故事Toys in the toy box,玩具箱里面的玩具,Come alive.活过来吧。Walk and talk,起来走路,起来说话,On the count of five.

14、当数到5时。One, two, three, four, five.1, 2, 3, 4, 5。Maskman: Hello, Marie. Whats that? 嗨,Marie。那是什么?Marie: Its my computer. Its my favourite toy. 是我的电脑。是我最喜欢的玩具。Maskman: Oh, 哦Marie: Whats your favourite toy, Maskman? 你最喜欢什么玩具, Maskman?Maskman: My car. Its blue and black. Its the Maskmans Car.我的汽车。它是蓝色和黑

15、色的。是假面人汽车。Marie: Oh, thats nice. Where is it? 哦,那太棒了。它在哪儿呢?Maskman: Its here. Next to the toy box. 它在这儿呢。挨着玩具箱。Monty: No, it isnt next to the toy box, Maskman.不,他没在玩具箱旁边,Maskman。Maskman: Oh,no! Wheres my car? 哦,不!我的汽车在哪儿?Monty: Is it in the toy box? 它在玩具箱里吗?Maskman: No, it isnt. 不,它不在。Marie: Is it u

16、nder the table? 它在桌子下面吗?Maskman: No, it isnt under the table. Ooohh. Wheres my car?不,它不在桌子下面。哦。我的汽车在哪里?Marie: I dont know, Maskman. Is it on the chair?我不知道,Maskman。它在椅子上吗?Maskman: Noooo, it isnt. 不,它不在。Monty: Look, Maskman. Its OK. Its here, in the bag.瞧,Maskman。没事了。它在这儿,在包里。Maskman: Oh, thank you,

17、Monty. 哦,谢谢,Monty。Maskman: My Maskman Car. 我的假面人汽车。作业1.把当天所学的单词每个书写一至三行;语法每个书写三遍。2.听学生用书CD:P14-19并跟读。每天坚持听10-15分钟!加油!Unit 4 My family我的家庭班级:英标18班教师:许萌萌日期:2017年3月单词名词:mother妈妈, father爸爸, sister姐妹, brother兄弟, grandmother奶奶(姥姥), grandfather爷爷(姥爷), family 家庭(家人)man男人,woman女人,box盒子形容词:old年老的, young年轻(幼)的

18、, ugly丑陋的, pretty漂亮的, happy快乐的,sad难过的语法Whos that?那是谁?Were (young).我们很(年轻)。发音b歌曲Young or old,年轻或年老,Happy or sad.快乐或悲伤。Brother and sister,兄弟和姐妹,Mum and dad. /妈妈和爸爸。/We are family.我们是一家人。My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister,And me. /Hes my father,他是我的爸爸,Shes my mother, /Shes my sister,And hes m

19、y brother. /We are family.My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister.And me. /Shes my mum,Hes my dad. /Beautiful, not ugly,漂亮,而不难看,Happy, not sad. /快乐,而不悲伤。/We are family.我们是一家人。My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister,And me.We are family.My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister.And me. /

20、故事Toys in the toy box,玩具箱里面的玩具,Come alive.活过来吧。Walk and talk,起来走路,起来说话,Maskman: Look at this!瞧这个!Marie: What is it?是什么?Maskman: Its a picture of my family. 是我的家庭照片。Monty: Whos this?这是谁?Maskman: Shes my sister, Maskgirl.她是我的姐妹,Maskgirl.Monty: And is this your young brother? 那这是你的弟弟吗?Maskman: Yes, tha

21、ts Maskboy.是的,那是Maskboy。Monty: Wow!哇哦!Marie: And look, heres my family. 瞧,这是我的家庭。Monty: Wow! Shes beautiful. Is she your mother?哇哦!她真漂亮。她是你的妈妈吗?Marie: Yes, she is. Shes my mum, Babs. 是的。她是我的妈妈, Babs。Monty: And is this your father?那这是你的爸爸吗?Marie: Yes, thats Ben, my dad.是的,那是Ben, 我的爸爸。Monty: Are you m

22、y brother, Maskman?你是我的兄弟,Maskman吗?Maskman: No, Im not.不,我不是。Monty: Wheres my family?我的家人在哪里?Marie: Look, Monty. Heres your family. Its the mouse family.瞧,Monty。这是你的家庭。这是老鼠的家庭。Monty: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse.哦!瞧,我的妈妈和爸爸。Marvin 老鼠和 Maxi 老鼠。Maskman: Are you happy now, Mo

23、nty? 你现在开心吗,Monty?Monty: Yes, I am.是的。作业1、 把当天所学的单词每个书写一至三行;语法每个书写三遍。Unit 5 Our pets我们的宠物班级:英标18班教师:许萌萌日期:2017年3月单词名词:bird鸟, cat猫, dog狗, fish鱼, horse马, mouse老鼠,形容词:big大的, small小的, long长的, short短的, clean干净的, dirty脏的语法Theyre (ugly/big).他们很(丑/大)。Whats your favourite (pet)?你最喜欢的(宠物)是什么?My favourite (pet

24、) is a 我最喜欢的(宠物)是一 。Wheres ?在哪儿?Who?谁?What?什么.?发音p歌曲Meera: My names Meera,我的名字叫Meera,And this is my fish.(并且)这是我的鱼。Its a long fish.这是一条很长的鱼。Ita a long fish.Lenny: My names Lenny.And this is my bird.Its a happy bird.Its a happy bird.Stella: My names Stella,And this is my cat.Its a clean cat.Ita a cle

25、an cat.Suzy: My names Suzy,And this is my dog.Its a big dog.Ita a big dog.Mrs Star: My names Mrs Star,And this is my horse.Its a beautiful horse.Ita a beautiful horse.Simon: My names Simon,And this is my mouse.Its a small mouse.Suzy: Its an ugly mouse.它是一只丑陋的老鼠。Simon: No, it isnt.不,它不是。Stella: Its a

26、 dirty mouse.Meera: Its a short mouse.Lenny: Its a small mouse.All: Yes, its a small mouse.是的,它是一只小老鼠。Simon: Yes, it is.是的,它是。故事Maskman: Look, Marie. The pet show.瞧,Marie。是宠物秀。Marie: Oh, yes.哦,是呀。Maskman: Whats your favorite pet, Marie?你最喜欢什么宠物,Marie?Maire: Cats are my favorite pets. Theyre beautifu

27、l and clean.猫是我最喜欢的宠物。他们漂亮又干净。Maskman: Yes, but they arent big. Big dogs are my favorite pets.是的,但是它们不大。大的狗是我最喜欢的宠物。Marie: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.嗯,但是大狗很丑。Marie: Mice are good pets.老鼠是很好的宠物。Maskman: Yes, but theyre small and dirty. 是的,但是它们又小又脏。Monty: Pardon? Mice are small, but we arent dirty an

28、d were happy.请再说一遍?老鼠很小,但是我们不脏 而且我们很开心。Maskman: Oops. Sorry, Monty. 哦,对不起,Monty。Maskman: Mice arent dirty and theyre good pets. But my favorite pets are big dogs.老鼠不脏而且它们是很好的宠物。但是我最喜欢的宠物是大狗。Monty: But theyre ugly and但是它们很丑而且。All three toys: /Gasp/.Monty: Oh,no!哦,不!Maskman: Eek!呃!Maskman: No, dogs arent my favorite pets. My favorite pets are fish.不,狗不是我最喜欢的宠物。我最喜欢的宠物是鱼。作业1.把当天所学的单词每个书写一至三行;语法每个书写三遍。2.听学生用书CD:P28-33并跟读。每天坚持听10-15分钟!加油!

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