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2、接儿歌下句等,这样幼儿学得生动活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的能力,强化了记忆,又发展了思维,为说打下了基础。 (1)要练说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专心听别人发言时,就随时表扬那些静听的幼儿,或是让他重复别人说过的内容,抓住教育时机,要求他们专心听,用心记。平时我还通过各种趣味活动,培养幼儿边听边记,边听边想,边听边说的能力,如听词对词,听词句说意思,听句子辩正误,听

3、故事讲述故事,听谜语猜谜底,听智力故事,动脑筋,出主意,听儿歌上句,接儿歌下句等,这样幼儿学得生动活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的能力,强化了记忆,又发展了思维,为说打下了基础。 Travelling is one of the most important activities and people like travelling very much. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The followi

4、ng information may be useful to you.家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 Before leaving其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天

5、挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在

6、有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 Take some medicine with you. When you get sick or have other problems, you can have some. Do some exerciser weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.Prepare proper(合适的) food. If you take a long

7、 trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits(饼干) and some fruit. They dont go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.While travelling Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Keep food

8、in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and col

9、d food cold. How to keep 1 during a trip21世纪教育网Before leaving21世纪教育网 Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and 2 .21世纪教育网 3 some necessary medicine with you. Exercise for weeks or months 4 you leave. Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a 5 trip or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and ev

10、en salads and vegetables for a nearer one.While 6 7 eat dirty food or bad fruit. Have enough 8 to take a rest during your trip. 9 food in good condition. 10 to keep hot food hot and cold food cold.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (2)A recent study shows that nearly 50 % of the school students in Beiji

11、ng do not have breakfast. They feel tired all day and have bad memories. So its hard for them to get high marks in all kinds of exams.Some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast to have a few more minutes in bed. Others get some money to buy their breakfast on the way to sch

12、ool because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them. A few schoolgirls want to stay slim and often go to school without breakfast. In fact, breakfast is very important in our daily life. It provides 30 % of the whole days energy. To study better, students should start the day with a good b

13、reakfast. Students without 1 breakfastReasons(原因)They _2_ late into the night and want to stay in bed for a few more minutes.The parents give their children _3_to buy breakfast because theyre too _4_.Some schoolgirls want to keep _5_ and go to school without breakfast.Results(结果)They feel _6_ all da

14、y.They usually have bad _7_.Its hard for them to get _8_ marks in all kinds of exams. AdviceThe morning meal is very _9_.School students should go to school _10_ a good breakfast.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (3)How do you feel when you get up in the morning? Happy and active or tired and weak? Do

15、you often wake up with a headache? Well, if the answer is yes, take Dr. Talbots advice and start feeling better.Get up and move. If you hate feeling tired and unhappy, you should start exercising. Try running, swimming or cycling. When we exercise, our body produces special chemicals(化学产品) that give

16、 us energy and make us feel happier. If you cant stand exercising, listen to your favourite music and dance to it. Thats exercise, too.Eat healthily. You should eat three balanced(平衡) meals every day and you shouldnt eat too much fast food. If you need some more extra energy the whole day, make an e

17、nergy drink. Mix together fresh fruit juice and low-fat milk. It tastes great.Get out close to nature. The smell of flowers will make you feel happy. Even the smell of your favourite food can change the way you feel!Wake your body up. When you have a shower, change the water from hot to cold and bac

18、k to hot again. Youll feel the difference.Laugh! You should laugh for at least three minutes, three times a day. It will make you feel great!ProblemYou feel tired and weak or wake up with a 1 when you get up in the morning.Dr. Talbots 2 .l Start 3 , your body will produce special chemicals to make y

19、ou energetic and feel 4 .l Listening to your favorite 5 and dancing to it is also exercise.l Dont eat too much 6 food and eat three balanced 7 every day.l Drink the mixed fresh fruit juice to get some extra 8 .l Enjoy nature outside; it can change the way you feel.l 9 the temperature(温度) of the show

20、er water can wake your body up.l Try to laugh for at least 10 minutes every day. It will make you feel great.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (4) We go to school every day and enjoy our school life. School life is full of fun, and the school seems to be the safest place in the world. But do you know t

21、hat our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? How do we make the school safer and keep us away from danger? Here are some tips for us to be safe in an easy way. For example, we must remember some important rules in the playground. Before we do sports, we need to do some warm u

22、p activities(热身运功),and after that we should drink some water. And in the classroom, we need to learn how to behave well. Dont run in the hallways. We mustnt fight with or run after each other. And teachers need to keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from running. We students should

23、 remember not to be naughty and get into trouble. Whats more, we can have some practice to learn to protect ourselves from a fire. In this way, we can know where to go if there is a fire in our school. We should learn to use the fire extinguisher(灭火器),too. I dont think we should put our a fire by ou

24、rselves, because it is too dangerous for young students. Well, I think all of us should think more of our safety in school.How to keep_1_in the schoolIn the playgroundDo some warm up activities_2_doing sportsDrink some water_3_doing sports In the _4_Dont run in the hallways. Teachers need to_5_their

25、 students carefully.Dont_6_with or chase each other._7_safetyTake part in the_8_about about saving ourselves out of a fire.Dont try to put out the fire_9_Conclusion_10_needs to think more of safety and be careful.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (5)What is a hurricane?You may already know that hurrica

26、nes are storms that can cause devastating(毁灭性的) waves, wind, and rain. They happen during “Hurricane Season,” which is from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean.Categories(类别)of HurricanesThere are five categories of hurricanes

27、, which are based on wind speeds. The categories help people know how much damage(危害) a hurricane may cause because the greater the wind speed, the more dangerous the storm. For example, a Category 5 hurricane has winds over 155 miles per hour, which are strong enough to destroy the buildings along

28、the shorelines completely.Hurricane DangersWhen a hurricane happens together with heavy rainfall, there can be a devastating flood. The centre of a hurricane is called the eye. While most of a hurricane has dangerously strong winds, the eye is actually(事实上) a calm area in the storm. When the eye of

29、a hurricane passes over land, people might think that its over, but before long the wind and rain increase again as the second part of the hurricane moves through.Hurricane Safety TipsThere is no way to stop a hurricane or make it change direction, so if you ever find yourself in the path of a hurri

30、cane, be sure to remember the following safety tips.Be sure you have a radio, batteries, fresh drinking water, and enough food.Tell neighbours, friends, and family members your emergency plans. Tell them where youll go if you need to leave your home.If you live near the ocean, leave your home and tr

31、avel to a safe place. You could stay with a friend or a family member, in a hotel/motel, or in an emergency shelter area.Stay inside during the storm. You could be seriously injured(受伤) if you go outside.Hurricanes CharacteristicsHurricane Season usually 1 about 6 months in the Atlantic Ocean and 6.

32、5 months in the Pacific Ocean.Devastating waves, wind, and rain are usually the 2 of hurricanes.CategoriesHurricanes have been 3 into five categories by scientists, based on wind speeds.A Category 5 hurricane can destroy all the 4 along the shorelines. 5 When a hurricane comes together with heavy ra

33、infall, a terrible 6 may happen.The eye is the 7 of a hurricane. Soon after it passes, the wind and rain increase again.Safety TipsIts 8 to stop a hurricane or change its direction.Dont 9 the safety tips if you find yourself in the path of a hurricane.Stay inside during the storm, 10 you could be se

34、riously injured.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (6)Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Certainly, we need to be alone sometimes. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a frien

35、d.Sometimes friends dont make each other happy. That doesnt mean that they dont like each other any more . Most of the time, they will make up and go on being friends.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. If we miss them very much, we can call them or write to them. Maybe, we can never

36、 see them again. However, we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them,21There is more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who dont. Why? It could be that they are much happier. Being happy helps you to sta

37、y well.We will feel happy 1 a friend.When friends make each other 2 ,you will make up or go on being friends.When friends are away from you,you will 3 them or make new friends.More good news people who have friends. People live 4 when they have friends. Being happy is good for your 5 .1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

38、 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (7)Here is a 2-way student exchange(双向学生交换). Fred, 19, spent last year in Germany(德国) with Georges family. In turn, Georges son Mike spent a year in Freds home in America.Fred knew little German(德语) when he arrived. But after 2 months of studying, the language became easy for him. S

39、chool was very different from what he had looked forward to and it was much harder. Students stood up politely when the teacher came into the room. They took 14 subjects while(而) American students usually took 6 in the US.Family life, too, was different. The fathers word was the law(法律) . All the ch

40、ildren had to do their activities with their family. Fred also missed(错过) having a car. In Germany, you should walk to go out to have a good time. At the same time, in America, Mike was forming(形成) his own ideas. He says, “American schools are too easy for our level(水平) but I have to say that I like

41、 it a lot in Germany , we do nothing except(除外) study. Here we take part in many other activities.”Differences(不同) between American school life and German school life Items(项目)American students German students Class rules(规则)They dont have to stand up when their teacher come in They have to 1 up and

42、 show respect(尊敬) to their 2 _ 3 life They do their own things alone.They have to listen to their 4 School 5 They have six and they are very 6 for them They have 14, but the lessons are much more 7 .Going out They can drive cars. They have to 8 all the way School activities They have 9 other activit

43、ies They have to 10 hard all the time. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ (8)Now lets think about television and our life at home. Today almost all the homes have television sets. There are many interesting TV programs that we can enjoy with our family.Well, how many hours do you watch televisi

44、on a day? You spend a lot of time watching TV, dont you? TV can open our eyes and minds. It also gives us a lot of useful information that we can not learn at school. For example, we dont go out but we can know the things all over the world every day.On the other hand, it takes away much good time t

45、o think carefully, for talking with our family and for reading books. We sometimes find that we sit in front of a TV set without thinking of anything.It is very important for us to select good TV programs. We must try to make good use of it to plan our lives better.Title: TV and our lifeSomething ab

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