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1、施工现场HSE指南HSE Guidance for Construction Site日 期:二一四年十一月Date:November 2014 正面: Front Side: 单位/部门: Unit/Department: 姓名: Name: 紧急情况信息卡Information Card for Emergencies 外部消防报警电话: External Fire Alarm Call: 外部医疗急救电话: Call of External Emergency Medical Aid: 内部报警电话: Internal Alarm Call: 内部后勤电话: Internal Logis

2、tics Call: 内部交通电话: Internal Communication Call: 反面:Reverse Side:报警时我该说什么?What do I say when I give the alarm?我是谁Who am I 发生了什么事情What happened 什么时间发生的-When did it happen -发生在什么地点Where did it happen 涉及到多少人How many persons are involved -严重程度如何How is the severity 当前局面如何-What is the current situation 我的联

3、系方式(手机号码)My Contact Method (Mobile Phone Number) 目录Contents1.术语和定义71。Terms and Definitions72。使用说明92。Instructions for Use93.作业安全分析与班前会123。Operation Safety Analysis and Pre-shift Meeting124。坠落防护154。Fall Protection155.脚手架185.Scaffold186.可移动式梯子226。Movable Ladder227.地面和墙体开孔257.Openings of Ground and Wall

4、s258。起重作业288。Lifting Operation289。爆破作业339。Blasting Operation3310.土石方作业3510。Earthwork Operation3511.用电安全3911。Electrical Safety3912.电动工具4312.Electric tool4313.化学品危害告知程序4613.Notification Process of Chemical Hazard4614.压缩气瓶5014.Compressed Gas Cylinder5015.密闭/受限空间作业5315。Operation in Enclosed/confined Spa

5、ce5316.消防5716.Fire Fighting5717。厂内机动车辆6117.Motor Vehicle in the Plant6118.水上/近水作业6418。Operation at/near Sea6419。探伤作业6619。Flaw Detection Operation6620。夜间作业6820Nighttime Operation6821。屋顶作业7121。Roof Operation7122.吊篮作业7522。Basketing Operation7523.曲臂登高平台7923.Articulating Aerial Platform7924.射钉枪8124。Nail

6、Gun8125。劳动保护用品8425.Labor Protection Appliance8426。听力防护8826。Hearing Protection8827。安全围栏和标识9127。Safety Fence and Identification9128。安全监护9428.Safety Monitoring9429.文明施工9729。Civilized Construction9730。应急准备10030.Emergency Preparation10031.调试作业10431。Debugging Operation10432.预埋/架设管线10632.Embedded/erected P

7、ipeline1061。 术语和定义1. Terms and Definitions HSEHealth职业健康、Safety安全、Environment环境。H for Occupational Health, S for Safety and E for Environment.高处作业High-place Operation落差1.8米及以上并有可能坠落的作业活动。Operation activities with the level difference of 1.8 meters or above and the possibility of falling。 起重作业Lifting

8、 Operation 利用起重机械或工具,移动重物的操作活动.Operation activities utilizing the lifting machineries or tools to move the heavy articles. 土石方作业Earthwork Operation 动土(含石头等)作业,包括:场地平整,基坑(槽)与管沟、路基、沟渠开挖,地坪填土、路基填筑以及基坑回填等.Ground Breaking (including rocks, etc.) Operation, including: Field engineering, excavation of the

9、foundation ditches (grooves), pipe ditches, roadbeds, and channels, terrace filling, roadbed filling, filling of foundation ditches, etc。 临边Limb在施工现场,当高处作业中工作面的边沿没有围护设施或虽有围护设施,但其高度低于0.8米时,这类场所称为临边.包括:楼层周边、楼梯侧边、平台或阳台边、屋面周边和沟、坑、槽、深基础周边等.On the construction site, the places are called as the limb when

10、there is no enclosure facility or even there is enclosure facility around the edges of the working planes of the highplace operation and the height is lower than 0.8 meters. Including: Surrounding places of the floors, side edges of the ladders, sides of the terraces or balconies, surrounding places

11、 of the roofs, grooves, pits, slots, deep foundations, etc。 厂内机动车辆Vehicles inside the Factory 指生产作业区、施工现场使用的机动车辆。包括:运输、搬运、以及工程施工作业等各类车辆以及工程建筑机械。Refers to the vehicles used in the production operation areas and construction site. Including: Various vehicles and engineering construction machineries fo

12、r the transportation, delivery, construction operation of engineering, etc。 危险化学品Dangerous Chemicals 具有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等特性,会对人员、设施、环境造成伤害或损害的化学物质。Chemicals with the characteristics of flammability, explosiveness, toxic, hazardous, etc. and harming or injuring the personnel, facilities, environment, etc。

13、受限空间Confined Space 进出不便、通风不畅、容易造成有毒有害气体积聚和缺氧、作业活动受到限制的设备、设施和场所.例如:密闭容器、设备内部、槽车、管道、烟道、隧道、下水道、沟、坑、井、池、涵洞等.The equipment, facilities, and places with inconvenient entrance, unsmooth ventilation, easy production of the toxic and harmful gas accumulation, oxygen deficit, and limited operation activities.

14、 For example: Closed containers, internal equipment, tank cars, pipelines, flues, tunnels, sewers, grooves, ditches, wells, ponds, culverts, etc。 2。 使用说明2。 Instructions for Use 这本手册将能帮助您:The manual will help you: 识别现场的安全隐患; Identify the potential safety hazards; 降低现场作业的安全风险; Reduce the safety hazard

15、s for the site operation; and 保护班组成员安全与健康。 Protect the safety and health of the shift members。 请将本手册作为建立零事故团队和整治工作环境的指引,手册里选取了电力建设工程现场安全管理的核心要素和关键要求,每个章节按照以下三部分来介绍:停下来、想一想、做到位。Please take the manual as the guidance of establishing the team without accidents and rectifying the working environment, th

16、e manual selects the core elements and key requirements for the site safety management of the electric power construction project, and is introduced by the following three parts for each chapter: Stop, Think, and Work in Place。 停下来Stop “红灯停”,安全第一,做好准备和安排妥当; “Red Light for Stopping”, safety is in the

17、 first place, and conduct the preparation well and conduct the arrangement properly; 每天在工作前,停下来识别风险、安排措施是工作的前提。通过例如班前会、风险评估、与其他班组沟通协调等方式进行. Before the work each day, stopping to identify the risks and arranging the measures are the premise. Adopt the methods like the preshift meeting, risk evaluatio

18、n, communication with other shifts, etc。 to proceed it. Measures!Risk?想一想Think “黄灯三思后而行”,在作业前检查和核实先决条件; “Yellow Light for Thinking Carefully before Action”, the check and verification are the prerequisite before the operation; 这个阶段需要确保您的班组成员有正确的作业工具和入职前的培训,以防止事故发生.这个阶段同时会列出检查要求和其他预防措施的检查标准. At this

19、stage, ensure that the members of your shift have correct operation tools and trainings before take posts to prevent the happening of the accidents. At this stage, the check requirements and check standards for other prevention measures will be listed at the same time。 做到位Work in Place “绿灯行,有序、按规则行事

20、,能做才做; “Green Light for action”, do things orderly and in accordance with rules, and do what can be done; 作业之前回顾一下这个阶段的内容,以确保工作中班组成员的安全,确保作业工具、护栏、个人劳保以及其他保护措施已经落实且处于良好状态。完成以上确认后,就可以“行动”了. Before the operation, review the contents at this stage to ensure the safety of the members of the shift in work

21、, and ensure that the operation tools, barriers, personal labor protection, and other protection measures have been implemented and in good status. After the above confirmation is finished, conduct the “action”. 使用过程中,一定要注意手册中的警示标识:During the use process, pay attention to the alarm signs of the manu

22、al: 非常重要!Very Important! 注意黄色框格里的警示信息,这里提示的信息关系到您和您班组成员的“幸福”。Pay attention to the alarm information in the yellow bar, the suggestive information here will concern the “happiness” of you and the members of your shift. STOP当然,还有“大拇指图标”:Of course, remember the “Thumb Icon:这个图标会给您提供便利的建议和指引!This icon w

23、ill provide the convenient suggestion and guidance for you! 本手册并不能取代公司的管理程序、工作细则等制度文件; The manual cannot replace the system documents like the management procedures, working rules, etc. of the company. 如在使用本手册中存在疑问,请参照正式发布的制度文件或咨询您的HSE主管; If there is any doubt in using the manual, please refer to th

24、e formally issued system documents or your HSE Supervisor; and 本手册规定高于公司现有程序的,以本手册为准。 The stipulations of the manual holds higher position than the current existing procedures, and the manual shall prevail. 3. 作业安全分析与班前会3。 Operation Safety Analysis and Pre-shift Meeting 停下来:Stop:1) 开始工作前,同作业人员开展作业区域

25、风险评估;1) Before the work, develop the risk evaluation for the operation regions with the operating personnel; 2) 确保全体作业人员参与班前会;2)Ensure that all the operating personnel have taken part in the preshifting meeting; 3) 确保使用正确的工器具,且处于良好工作状态;3)Ensure that the tools are used correctly, and in good working

26、status;4) 确保每个人都有个人劳保用品并且完好;4)Ensure that everyone has good personnel labor protection appliance; and 5) 确保全体作业人员在作业安全分析与班前会记录本上确认并签字。5)Ensure that all the operating personnel conduct the confirmation and signature in the operation safety analysis and preshift meeting。 开始工作前Before the work, 识别各类危险Id

27、entify Various Hazards, 整改所有不安全因素Rectify All Unsafe Factors, 取得各项工作许可证,完成各项检查表Obtain Various Work Permits, and Finish Various Checklists.STOP在大家下班前,祝贺一个零事故工作日的结束!Before going off duty, congratulate the end of the working date without accidents!想一想Think1) 确保全体作业人员经培训合格后上岗;1) Ensure that all the opera

28、ting personnel take their posts after they have had the qualified trainings; 2) 与工作区域其他人员沟通作业内容和潜在危险;2) Communicate with the other personnel in the working areas about the operation contents and potential risks; 3) 在作业中,提供全程作业监督和指导;3) During the operation, provide the wholeprocess operation supervis

29、ion and guidance; 4) 积极推动作业人员实施安全行为和遵守安全指示;4) Actively promote the operating personnel to implement the safety behaviors and obey the safety indications; and 5) 作业中保持场地清洁卫生。5) Keep the cleanliness for the sites。 做到位 Work in Place 确保全体作业人员掌握正确使用个人劳保用品的方法; Ensure that all the operating personnel have

30、correctly grasped the method of using the personal labor protection appliance; 召开收尾会议,检查工作进展; Hold the ending meeting, and check the work process; and 及时将垃圾、废料和工具清理出工作区域,做到“工完场清”。 Timely clear the rubbishes, wastes, and tools out of the working areas, and achieve the “clean site after the finished o

31、peration”。 在安全隐患未整改前,禁止作业。 The operation shall be forbidden before the potential safety hazards are rectified. 4. 坠落防护4。Fall Protection 停下来 Stop 1) 评估所有高处作业的坠落风险;1) Evaluate the fall risks of all highplace operations; 2) 作业开始前应首先按要求安装坠落防护装置,做好坠落防护措施;2) Before the operation, firstly install the fall

32、protection device in accordance with the requirements, and conduct the fall protection measures well; 3) 作业开始前确保设置了正确的坠落防护装置;3) Before the operation, ensure that the correct fall protection device is set; 4) 作业开始前,通过班前会对坠落危险因素进行沟通;4) Before the operation, conduct the communication for the fall risk

33、factors through the pre-shift meeting; and 5) 确保作业人员正确佩戴坠落防护用品。高处作业人员必须系挂安全带:The personnel conducting the high-place operation shall wear the safety belts: 当作业位于坠落高度基准面1.8米以上时,挂钩至少要挂在肩膀以上的位置 When the operation is located the falling height datum above 1.8 meters, the hooks shall be hanged at the pos

34、ition above shoulder at least. 挂点应至少能承载2200千克的重量 The hanging points shall bear the weight of 2,200 kilograms at least. 5) Ensure that all the operating personnel correctly wear the fall protection articles. STOPMinimum ForceAvoidance of ClimbingEngineering ControlTrainingPersonnel ProtectionMaximum

35、ForceWorst EffectBest Effectu 设计上首先尽可能避免登高作业;u Try best to avoid the climbing operation in the design;u 不可避免时,控制孔洞临边风险,设置护栏、安全网等;u If inevitable, control the risks of the opening limbs, set the barriers, safety nets, etc.; u 对员工进行培训,提高技能;u Train the staff and improve the skills; u 个人防护。u Personnel P

36、rotection个人防护是最后一道保护措施The personal protection is the last protection measure. 落差大于1。 8米并有坠落风险的场所作业必须系挂安全带。The personnel in the operation place with the level difference above 1。8 meters and having the fall risks shall wear the safety belts.想一想Think 1) 每一次使用前,请仔细检查坠落防护装置是否完好以及季度检查合格标签是否在有效期内(季度检查必须由具

37、有相应专业资质的人员执行)。1) Before the use each time, please carefully check whether the fall protection device is good and the qualified labels of the quarter check are within the valid period (the quarter check shall be executed by the personnel with corresponding qualification). 2) 确保所有作业人员经过相关培训:2) Ensure

38、that all the operating personnel have accepted the corresponding trainings: 对坠落危险性的认识; Understanding of the fall risks; 坠落风险的识别和防止措施; Recognition and prevention measures of the fall risks; and 坠落防护设备的功能及使用。 Functions and use of the fall protection device。 3) 如果坠落防护程序或设备发生变更,需重新进行培训。3) If the alterat

39、ion happens to the fall protection procedures or equipment, conduct the new trainings. 做到位Work in place 最优的坠落防护系统:已消除坠落风险,无需采用其他坠落防护措施(例如带有封闭护栏的作业平台); The Best Fall Protection System: The risk of falling has been eliminated and no other fall protection steps shall be adopted (such as the operating p

40、latform with closed fence); 个人坠落防护系统:作为上述方案下的备用或在没有上述防护条件的情况下使用(例如安全带、生命线等); The Personal Protection System: This system shall be used as the backup of the aforesaid proposal or without the condition of aforesaid protection (such as safety belt and life belt, etc.); 坠落限制系统:用于即刻阻止作业人员坠落(如抓绳器、速差缓降器等)。

41、 The Fall Limit System: It is used to stop the workers from falling promptly (such as rope grab device and speed differential descender, etc。).5。脚手架5。Scaffold停下来Stop1) 对需要搭设脚手架的区域进行危险源识别和清理;1) Hazard shall be identified and cleared in the area where the scaffold is needed to be set up;2) 识别脚手架周边存在的架

42、空电缆或地埋管线;2) Aerial cable or buried pipeline existed around the scaffold shall be identified;3) 通过班前会,讲解在脚手架上和周围工作时存在的危险。3) The hazard existed when working on and around the scaffold shall be explained through pre-shift meeting。STOP禁止攀爬没有验收合格牌的脚手架!Dont climb the scaffold without acceptance check.一个合格

43、脚手架具有以下特征A qualified scaffold possesses the following characteristics: 护栏上杆高1。2米; The fence rod shall be 1。2 meters high; 护栏横杆高0.6米或在上杆与底部的中间位置; The guard bar shall be 0。6 meter high or in the middle between the rod and bottom; 搭设适当的通道(楼梯或梯子); Passageway (stairs or ladders) shall be set up properly;

44、 在脚手架通道设置高度0。18米的踢脚板; Skirting board with the height of 0。18 meter shall be set up in the passageway; 通道两侧护栏需布设密目安全网; Dense mesh safety net shall be laid on the guard bar of both sides of the passageway; 脚手架工作平台必须完整并保持平整,经过载荷计算,有挂牌; The scaffold operating platform shall be complete and kept neat and

45、 the load shall be calculated with the acceptance check; 脚手架不应存在其他对人身造成伤害的危险(突出物、易坠落物)。 There shall be no other danger (outshoot, objects that easily fall) that would cause injuries of human body exists in the scaffold。The fine-mesh safety nets are widely provided inside the protective barrier.Vertical Weeping PoleHorizontal Weeping PoleBottom End of the Guard BarHead Binding Protective Pad 防护栏杆内侧满挂密目安全网想一想Scaffold Information CardScaffold Information CardScaffold Information CardThink1) 每次使用前,检查脚手架标识牌:1) Check the scaffold iden

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