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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protection语言点mercy【原句回放】Farmers hunted us without mercy. 农民们毫不留情的猎杀我们 【点拨】1. mercy ( cn ./un.) 仁慈;宽容;怜悯 They showed mercy to their enemies. The ship was at the mercy of the storm.2. Adj. merciful 仁慈的,宽容的。She was merciful to the prisoners. 【拓展】at the mercy of sb. /sth. 任处置;对无能为力;任由摆布t

2、hrow oneself on sbs mercy 指望某人能宽容without mercy 残忍地show mercy to sbhave mercy on sb 同情 可怜某人affect【原句回放】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 它含有一种影响蚊子的强效药物来源:学_科_网【点拨】affect (Vt.) 影响;使感动。 The change in climate may affect your health. 【拓展】Have/produce an effect on 对有影响come into effect

3、生效;实施be of no effect 无效的;无用的decrease【原句回放】If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food,their numbers may decrease如果它们的栖息地受到威胁或它们不能找到足够的食物,它们的数量就会减少。【点拨】decrease v. & n. (1)vi. & vt. 降低,减少,使(变小) 搭配decreasein 在方面减少from 在基础上减少to 减少到by 减少了 特别提示decrease v. 减少近reduce v. 减少反increase v. 增加

4、All people desire an _ in well-being (福利)The workmen want to _ the working hours and to payloss【原句回放】loss of bamboo growing areas 竹子生长地的丧失【点拨】loss n.(1)U损失;遗失;丧失Did you report the loss of your jewellery to the police? (2)损失,损坏The company suffered a heavy loss as a result of that mistake (3)C输,未能赢 Wh

5、at made him unhappy was the loss of yesterdays football match 【拓展】the loss of sth. 损失/丢失/输掉某物suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失make up a loss 弥补损失at a loss 不知所措,困惑lose ones way 迷路lose oneself 迷路,迷失方向;沉湎于lose ones balance失去平衡lose a game/match by ( 以之差)输掉比赛be lost in 沉迷于联想(派生)lose v. 失去;丢失;损失;输lost adj. 丢失的,失去的,

6、输掉的loser n. 失败者reserve【原句回放】We drove the car slowly and watched the lions in the nature reserve我们慢慢驾车观察自然保护区里的狮子。(1) C保护区,禁猎区(2) C储藏,储备I must keep a good reserve of energy for tomorrows matchI have little money in reserve(3) v. 保留Youd better reserve the money for future need(4) v. (=book)预约,预订We mus

7、t reserve two seats in the cinema【拓展】a forest reserve 保护林a game reserve 禁猎区in reserve 储备,备用without reserve 坦率地,毫无保留地keep a reserve of.for(=reserve sth. for)保留以备reservation n. 保留地;居留地reserved adj. 内向的;说话不多的unreserved adj. 未被预订的来源:Zxxk.Com提示reserve容易与deserve(应得;值得)混淆。contain【原句回放】It contains a powerfu

8、l drug which affects mosquitoes【点拨】contain vt. (1)包含;含有 This book contains all the information you need (2)容纳 The hall can contain 500 people 辨析contain与include contain指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。 include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,用于“句子,including+被包括部分”或“句子,被包括部分+included”。 Twenty-three people,including three babies,

9、were injured in the traffic accident 【拓展】container n. 容器(如瓶,箱,罐)appreciate【原句回放】You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林。并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。【点拨】appreciate v. (1)(不用于进行时)欣赏,赏识;重视 Her family doesnt appreciate her (2)(不用

10、于进行时)感激,感谢,欢迎 I would appreciate it if you paid in cashYour support is greatly appreciated 搭配 I would appreciate it if. 如果,我将不胜感激。 特别提示appreciate后不接to do作宾语,可接doing或名词、代词。 appreciate通常不用于进行时态中。succeed【原句回放】What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 如果野生生物保护得以成功,必须做什么?【点拨】succeed v. 成功,达

11、到目的 搭配 succeed in(doing) sth成功地做了某事 The plan has succeeded这个计划成功了。 He succeeded in(passing) the entrance examination 他成功地通过了升学考试。 【拓展】 Success n. 成功,成就 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 success n. 成功的人或事重点短语die out【原句回放】As a result these endangered animals may even die out结果,这些濒危的动物甚至可能会灭绝。【

12、点拨】die out(1)(动植物物种)灭绝This kind of bird is dying out。(2)(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失,消灭Many traditional customs have died out because they are out of date(3)(火)逐渐熄灭The fire is dying out and youd better add some firewood【拓展】die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐平息,渐弱die off(家庭、种族等)相继灭亡,(草木)先后枯死die down(火、兴奋程度等)渐弱,渐息;(=die away)(光线、声音

13、等)变弱,消失die from 因致死(外因,常指情感、疾病之外的原因造成的死亡)die of 因而死,死于(内因,常指情感、疾病等原因造成的死亡)die a.death 死得(death前可用形容词)protect.from.【原句回放】Im protecting myself from mosquitoes 我使自己不被蚊子叮咬。【点拨】protect.from. 保护使不受(伤害),相当于protect.against.,from / against是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。 He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the

14、 strong sunlight 【拓展】 keep sb. from doing stop sb. (from)doingprevent sb. (from)doing阻止某人做be kept / stopped / prevented from doing 被阻止做(from不能省)pay attention to【原句回放】You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林。并且懂得热带雨林的动物是

15、如何在一起生活的。【点拨】pay attention to注意 pay attention to中attention没有复数,其前可以用修饰不可数名词的数量词,不能用冠词、所有格等限定词,to是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。A great deal of attention has been paid to protecting the environment You speak English well,but youd better pay more attention to your written English 【拓展】 May I have your attention,pl

16、ease?(=Attention,please!) 请注意! drawattractcatchget ones attention to 吸引某人对某事的注意 fixfocus ones attention on将注意力集中于 devote ones attention to专心致志于 listenwatch with attention注意听观察 Stand at attention(=Attention!)立正!提示以上短语中的to,on皆为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。in danger【原句回放】Why are they in danger of disappearing? 它们为什么

17、处于灭绝的危险中?【点拨】in danger处于危险中 The little boy was once in danger of losing his sightWhich doctor helped him out of danger? 那小男孩曾经处于失明的危险中,是哪位医生帮助他脱离危险的? 提示danger表示抽象意义的“危险”时,是不可数名词,表示具体意义“危险的人/物”时,是可数名词。【拓展】 full of danger充满危险 help.out of danger 帮助脱离险境 There is a danger of. 有的危险 a danger to. 对很危险. come

18、 into being形成;产生(教材P30)They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.它们生活在千百万年前的地球上,比人类诞生早得多,而且那时它们的未来看似很安全。归纳拓展come into power当权come into effect 生效come into action 开始行动come into office 就职come into sight 看得见come i

19、nto use 开始使用No one knows when such a custom came into being.没人知道这种风俗是什么时候开始形成的。in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地(常作状语或补语)典例 The two communities live together in peace.A拓展 at peace 和平的(常作表语,与 at war 相对)at peace with 与和平相处make peace with 与讲和重点句型1.“主语+be+形容词+to do”结构。【原句回放】When scientists inspected the bones,they w

20、ere surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the othersbut also climb trees科学家们观察他们的骨头时,惊奇地发现它们不仅跟其他恐龙一样能跑。而且还能爬树。【点拨】they were surprised to find是“主语+be+形容词+to do”结构。 (1)“主语+be+形容词+to do”这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理活动的,接不定式时,不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语,主动用to do;被动用to be done。 Im so glad to meet you her

21、e。 Your parents will be pleased to receive your present (2)“主语+be+形容词+to have done”强调动作完成或在过去发生。 John Was pretty surprised to have received such an invitation 收到这样一份请柬,约翰感到相当惊奇。 We were disappointed to have been told that the match had been cancelled被告知比赛取消的消息后,我们很失望。 (3)“主语+be+形容词”后也可以接从句。 The teac

22、her Was angry that all the students had made the same mistake老师很生气因为所有的学生都犯了同样的错误。【拓展】 用于这一句式结构的形容词有surprised,moved,disappointed,pleased,happy,sad,delighted,sorry,interested,glad,worried,eager,anxious,angry等。2. It will be long before+从句【原句回放】They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long

23、 before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time它们生活在人类还未出现的数千万年以前,那时它们的未来看起来一片光明。【点拨】long before 早在。很久之前It will be long before+从句(一般现在时),表示“要过很久才。” ;如果表示“没过多久就。”,在will 后加not ; It was long before+从句(一般过去时,过去将来时),表示“过来很久才。”How long will it be before leaves the army ?还要多长时间才能

24、离开军队(退役)?It will not be long before we can meet again.离我们下次再见面的时间不会很久。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry

25、 to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。Well now! It will not be long before hes marry to one of the gal here.嗯,这一来,不久他就要和这里一位女士结婚了。【拓展】before long 不久以后,相当于soon after, shortly after. 它既可以指将来,也可以指过去,所以可与过去时或将来时连用。I hope to go there before long. 我希望不久就能去那儿。long ago 很久以前

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