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1、九年级英语Unit 14 中考知识点一、重点短语1.连续几次地 in a row2.回首(往事)回忆,回顾 look back at3.弄得一团糟 make a mess4.沉住气,保持冷静 keep one,s cool5.初中 junior high school6.高中 senior high school7.(时间)逝去,过去 go by 8.信任,信赖 believe in9.首先 first of all10.渴望,渴求 be thirsty for 11.对某人心存感激 be thankful to sb12.在.前面 ahead of 13.连同,除.以外还 along wit

2、h14.对. 有责任,负责任 be responsible for15.出发,启程 set out16.分离,隔开 separate from17.帮助解决问题的朋友 a friend helping me with a problem18.符合严厉老师的标准 meet the standards of a strict teacher19.射入两个球 score two goals20.弹奏电子琴 play the keyboard21.休息一下 take a break22.教学方法 teaching methodsw W w . X k b 1.c O m23.给了明确的指导 give

3、really clear instructions24.对. 耐心 be patient with25.解出答案 work out the answers26.下更大的功夫 put in more effort27.去购物 go shopping28.准时上早读 on time for morning reading 29.为.做准备 prepare for 30.英语成绩差 get poor grades in English31.在.方面有问题 have problems with 32.在. 的帮助下 with one,s help33.在年末 at the end of the yea

4、r34.期盼 look forward to doing35.取得商业学位 get a business degree36.接受邀请 accept the invitation37.参加毕业典礼 attend the graduation ceremony38.精力充沛,渴求知识 full of energy and thirsty for knowledge39.对未来充满希望 full of hope for the future 40.放弃 give up 41.分道扬镳 go your separate way 42.分离,与.分开 separate from二、中考知识点1. rem

5、ember doing记得做过某事remember to do记着要做某事如:I remember meeting her at a party once.我记得曾经在一个聚会上见过她。Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school.记着把你的校服带到学校来。2. look back at回首(往事);回忆;回顾如:Let us look back at the history of it! 让我们回顾一下它的历史吧!It wasnt such a bad experience when I look back at it.现在回想起来,我觉得那并不是

6、一段特别糟糕的经历。3. keep ones cool沉住气;保持冷静keep cool保持冷静如:I must keep my cool, she thought;being angry isnt going to help.One should keep cool when in the face of danger.4. with sb.s help/with the help of sb.在某人的帮助下如:He wrote the book, with the help of his wife.他在妻子的帮助下,写了这本书。The boy made a snowman with his

7、 parents help. 那个男孩在父母的帮助下堆了一个雪人。5. believe in 信任;信赖(某人)believe sb.(=believe ones words)相信某人的话如:I dont believe him. 他的话我不信。We can believe in the girl because she never tells a lie.我们可以相信这个女孩子,因为她从没有撒过谎。 Do you believe in God? 你相信上帝(的存在)吗?6. congratulate vt. 恭喜;祝贺用法点睛 congratulate sb. on (doing) sth.

8、因(做)某事而恭喜某人;祝贺某人(做)某事如:She congratulated me on my exam results.她对我的考试成绩表示祝贺。I congratulated Katie on winning her race.我祝贺凯特赢得比赛。同根词 congratulation n. (常用复数) 祝贺;恭喜用法点睛 congratulations on (doing) sth.恭喜(做)某事如:Congratulations on winning the prize!祝贺你获奖!Youve passed your driving test? Congratulations!你驾

9、照测试过关了?恭喜!7. thirsty adj.渴望的;口渴的用法点睛 be thirsty for渴望;渴求如:Everybody felt more or less thirsty. 大家都感到有些渴。He is thirsty for success.他渴望成功。8. thankful adj.感谢的;感激的;高兴的用法点睛 be thankful to sb.对某人心存感激;感激某人be thankful for 因而感谢/感激be thankful to do感激、高兴做某事be thankful that感激某事如:I am very thankful (to you) for

10、your help.我非常感谢你的帮助。You should be thankful to get this job. 你获得这项工作,应该感激。I was thankful that the meeting didnt last long.我很高兴会议持续时间不长。9. ahead of在前面如:There were four people ahead of me at the doctors. 在医务室里,有四个人排在我前面。You have a long trip ahead of you.你还有很长的路要走。If you e to Hong Kong, please let me kn

11、ow ahead of time.如果你来香港的话,请提前告诉我。10. along with连同;除以外用法点睛 A along with B结构做主语时,谓语动词由A确定,与B无关。如:Along with your difficulties, there will also be many exciting things for you.Xiao Ming went to America, along with his parents.小明和他的父母一起去美国了。Xiao Ming along with his parents is going to stay there for a m

12、onth.His parents along with Xiao Ming are going to stay there for a month.11. separate vt. 分开;隔离用法点睛 separate sth. from sth.将与分开separate sth. into 将分成如: The ability to think separates humans from animals.思考能力将人和动物区分开。The teacher separated the students into four groups.老师将同学们分成四组。 adj. 分开的;分离的;单独的如:I

13、 try to keep meat separate from other food in the fridge.我尽量将冰箱里的肉和其他食物分开。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们睡在单独的床上。We cant work together any more; I think its time we go separate ways.我们再不能一起工作了。我想到了分手的时候了。I have my public life and my personal life, and I try to keep them separate.我有公共生活和私人生活,

14、我努力将它们分开。12. set out出发;启程用法点睛 set out for (a place)出发去某地set out to do开始做某事set out on a journey开始行程;踏上旅途如:After hearing the news, they set out for the city immediately.The doctor set out to discover medicine for the disease. 那个医生开始寻找能治愈这种病的药。As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget whe

15、re you came from.当踏上新征程时,你不能忘记你来自何处。(不能忘本)13. 辨析 sometimes/sometime/some time/some times sometimes是频度副词,意为 “有时,不时地”,相当于at times,用于一般现在时或一般过去时。如:He often goes to school by bus, but sometimes he goes on foot.他经常坐公交去学校,但有时步行去。 sometime 意为 “某个时间”,常和一般将来时或过去时连用。如:I will visit my teacher sometime next wee

16、k.我将在下周的某个时间看望我的老师。I saw him sometime last summer.去年夏天的某个时间我见过他。We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the problem.我们的确应当尽快抽个时间讨论一下这个问题。 some time表示 “一段时间”。如:They are staying in New York City for some time.他们将在纽约呆一些时间。 some times表示 “几次”。如:I have read this book some times.这本书我读过几次了。单元语法1. 一般将

17、来时的句型结构 肯定句 主语 + will/shall+动词原形+其他主语 + am/is/are+ going to + 动词原形 否定句 主语 + will/shall+not + 动词原形+其他主语 + am/is/are+ not+ going to + 动词原形 疑问句 Will/Shall +主语 +动词原形+其他?Am/Is/Are +主语 + going to + 动词原形?2. 一般将来时的用法(1) 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。shall用于第一人称,will可通用于各人称。如:I will/shall visit my uncle next week.She will

18、 be ten next year.注意:用于提问或请求建议时,通常用shall I?如:What shall I do? Shall I call her?(2) be going to 的用法. 表示现在已打算或计划好将来要做的事。如:He is going to go abroad next year.What are you going to do this afternoon?注意:表示临时的决定,通常用will。如:-Mary, you left the light on.-Oh, really? Ill go back and turn it off. 表示有迹象表明将要发生的事

19、情。如:Look at those dark clouds; its going to rain. be going to通常不表示单纯的将来。但可用于口语中。如:The boy will be 18 next year.The boy is going to be 18 next year.(口语)(3) be + to 用法. 表示按计划或正式安排要做的事。如:The meeting is to start in a weeks time.Are we to go on with this work?. 表示说话者的命令、意志。如:You are to pick up Mr. Smith.(4). be about to表示即将发生的动作。如:We are about to discuss it.The store is about to close.注意:be about to不与表示将来时间的状语(如in a minute, soon, tomorrow, next week)连用。但可以和when引导的时间状语从句连用。如:I was about to leave when he arrived.

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