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1、O(_)O人教版高一英语词组Unit11.argue about 争论.2. be fond of 喜欢.3. all the time 一直,始终4. make fire 生火5. develop a friendship建立友谊6. care about 关心,担心7. in order to 为了8. hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找9. such as 例如10. make friends交朋友11. be regard as被当作.12. click away 点击发送13. make a difference有所不同14 .drop sb. a line给某人写信15 keep

2、in mind记住16.at the end of 在.的末尾wake up醒来 wander off 漫步 most of the time 大部分时间 eitheror 或或 each other 互相 spend(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事 be determined to do 决定做 think about 看法 for example 举例子 work out 得出;解决 argue for 为辩护 argue with 与争论/争辩 argue against 争辩 set up (具体)设置;安装/(抽象)建立 do some research 做研究 choos

3、e to do sth. 宁愿、偏要、决定做某事 catch ones eye 引起某人的注意 care for 照顾 be intended for/to do 为而准备、预定 reach a doctor 找到医生 must have done 一定是;想必是 get a training 得到训练 as well as 也 second to 次于 get sb. into使某人进入/陷入 story after story 一个故事接着一个 day after day 一天又一天 deliver a baby 给接生 make sure 确保 by the time 这时候 carry

4、 on 继续 be concerned about 对关心 putto death 处死 devoteto把专注于 rather than 不是而是 mean doing 意味着 mean to do 打算做 settle down 安顿下来 apply to 应用到 be prepared to 已经做好准备去做 prepare to do 准备要做 Unit21for the first time 第一次;首次(作状语)2all the way 一路;全程;一直3at all (与否定词连用)根本,丝毫4make oneself at home 别客气5native language 本族

5、语6all around the world 世界各地7. the majority of 大多数的8 in total 总额;总数9mother tongue 母语10except for 除了有之外11develop into 长成;发展成12have a good knowledge of通晓,熟知13on (over) the phone 在xx里;在打(接)xx14municate with sbby sth通过某物与(某人)联络15know about 了解;知道16e about 发生;产生17the answer to the question 问题的答案18borrowfro

6、m 从借(入)19stay up 不睡;熬夜20 end up with 以告终21more or less 或多或少22have sorne difficulty in doing sth. 干某事有困难23. bring in 引来;引起;吸收24make sure 深信;弄清楚;设法做到25a great many 许多;大量if so 如果有 if not 如果没有 know about 了解 call him a farmer 称呼他为农民 in many ways 在许多方面 struggle for 为斗争 the past five decades 过去的五十年 be born

7、 in poverty 出生贫困 graduate from 毕业于 since then 从那以后 thanks to 由于 ridof使摆脱 be satisfied with 对满足 lead a life 过着生活 care about 在意 used to 过去常常 be used to 被用来做;习惯于 get used to 习惯于 prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事 wish for 欲得到、愿得到 no matter 无论 in need of 需要 refer to 谈及;提到 be rich in 富含 insist on doing 坚持做 ready t

8、o do sth 准备好要做没某事 be against 反对 pay attention to 注意;留心 that is to say 换句说 be certain/sure to do 确信会做某事 persuade sb to do sth 说服某人干某事-结果成功 advise sb to do sth 劝说某人干某事-结果失败 Unit31instead of 而不是;代替2get close (to) 接近3get away from 逃离4go for a hike 去远足,郊游5watch out (for) 注意;当心6protectfrom 保护使不受7in a few

9、days time 几天之后;离还有好几天8as with 至于;就方面来说9go off 走开;离去10seeoff 为某人送行11on the other hand 另一方面12as well as 也;还;而且13used to do 过去常常做14at least 最少;至少15find out 查明;弄清楚16arrive atin 到达17pick up 拿起;拾起;(偶然)得到;听到;(非正规地)学到(会);(开车)接人18think about 考虑19make notes 做笔记20in space 在宇宙中21have a picnic 野餐bump into 撞上(=kn

10、ock into);碰见 be content with 对满足 worse off 境况差 astonish sb. with sth. 用某事物使某人震惊 be famous for 由于而著名 in poverty 贫困 be well known 闻名 be set in 以为背景 in search of 寻找 pick up 捡起 be caught in 被困在 pick out (用个人喜好或希望进行)挑选 cut off切下 star in 表演 turn into 变为 ask for 要求 no more than不超过 e across 走过来;偶然碰到 break d

11、own 把分解/弄碎;损坏 fall over 摔翻 fall down 倒塌 do well in (方面)做得好 make a cup of tea 泡茶 bring out 取出;阐明 bring in 引入 a sense of 观念 Unit41take place 发生2look into 调查3be caught in 遇(雨);陷入(圈套)4be on hire 失火5work as从事6sweep away 扫除7hold onto紧紧抓住;保持住;不放弃8be upon 逼近;临近9。pullup 把往上拽10get on onefeet 站立起来11fight for o

12、nes life 为生存而斗争12move up 上涨13fall down 跌倒;失败14tree after tree 一棵树接一棵树15cut down 减少;减价16up and down 上上下下;来来回回17work out 计算;想出;制定18refer to 查阅;提出;指的是19hand in 上交20spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事21. go through 浏览;翻阅;通过22. on holiday 在度假23. take photos of 照相24. be afraid of 害怕(担心会出现某种情况)25. with a lo

13、ok of fright 面带恐惧的表情be interested in 对感兴趣 look around四周张望 send sb. to do 派遣某人 even if 尽管 meet with(=e into)偶然碰到 may have done 某事可能已经做了(或发生) reach outfor 伸出去 not all 不是所有 spoken language 口语 close to 靠近 be likely to 有可能 introduce sth. to sb. 向某人介绍 notnor既不也不 shake hands with(=shake ones hand)与某人握手 all

14、 kinds of 多种多样的 be similar to 与相似 at ease 安逸 up and down 上下 protect sb from V-ing/sth 从保护某人 with your hands a little open 手微微张开 be willing to愿意去做 look sb. in the eye 正视/直视某人 take action 采取行动 watch out 小心 Unit51. silver screen 银幕2. primary school 小学3. make ments (on) 发表评论(意见)4. give ones opinion 发表意见

15、,看法5. play roles in 在中扮演角色6. in the beginning 起初7. get married 结婚8. make money 赚钱;发财致富9take off 脱掉(衣服);飞机(起飞):成功;10go wrong 走错路;不对头;出毛病11do research 研究12be bad for 对有害13in all 总共;总之14stay away (for) 不在家15lock sbup 将某人锁于某处,将某人监禁起来16take ones place 代替,就座17a 13-year-old girl 一个十三岁的女孩18run after 追赶;追捕19

16、run away 不辞而别;失去控制20owe sthto sb 把归功于某人21cant afford to do 没有能力做22on the air 正在播出的23cant help doing 情不自禁做某事24get off 下车(飞机,马)25call for (sb) 提倡;号召;需要26think highly of 对高度评价provide sb. with提供 a bit 一会儿;一点儿 such as如 a variety of 各种各样的 chargefor向收费 be based on 以为基础 not just 不仅仅 along with 连同;伴随 e to li

17、fe 活跃起来 have sth done 使得;让被做 be named after 以命名 be different from 与不同 get close to 靠近 learn about(=learn of)学习;得知;听到 take an active part in 积极参与 face to face 面对面 try out 试验 large amounts of/a large amount of 大量(不可数) point out 指出 at least 至少 Unit61. make use of 利用2. introduce sb. To sb 把某人介绍给某人.3. ap

18、ologize to sb. For 因。向某人道歉4. write down 写下,记下5. pay a visit to some place 参观某地6. keep silent 保持沉默7. for a moment 一段特定的时间,片刻8. leave out 省去,遗漏;不考虑9. ask for sth. 要求得到某物10. be busy with sth. 忙于某事11. at table 在吃饭12. drink to ones health 为某人的健康干杯13. do well in 在。方面干的不错14. invite sb. To do sth. 邀请某人去干某事1

19、5. a thank-you letter 一封感谢信16. thank sb. For 因。而感谢某人17. laugh at 嘲笑18. stare at 盯着看19. make jokes about sb. 开某人玩笑20. keep sth. In mind 记住。Unit71make suggestions 提建议2notbut 不是而是3under attack 受到攻击4give in 投降;屈服;让步5in ruins 成为废墟;遭到严重破坏6give up 放弃;停止7bringback to life 使苏醒;使生动8with the help of 在帮助下9e tru

20、e 成为现实10change ones mind 改变主意111ie in pieces 成为碎片12pull down 拆倒13send up 发射14set up 建起15turninto 把变成16give out 捐出;献出17be in danger 处于危险境地18be worried about 对担心19date from 追溯20be marked with 标记Unit81. stand for 代表2. prefer doing to doing 喜欢做某事而不喜欢做某事3every four years 每四年5the same as 和相同,6in modern (a

21、ncient)times 在现代(古代)7. join in 参加8. do ones best to do sth. 努力做某事9. in track and field 在田径比赛中10. in preparation for 为而准备11. have good(bad) effects on12. tens of thousands of 几十万13. encourange sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事14take exercise 进行锻炼:,15. at the opening of 在开幕式上16. by hand 手工17. take care of 照顾18.

22、spendon 在花钱(时间)19. more than 不仅仅20. 1ive ones dream 实践自己的梦想21. have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事Unit9 1. in everyday life 在日常生活中2. give sb. some advice on sth. 给某人在某方面提建议3. get together 聚会。聚在一起4. change ones way of life 改变某人的生活方式5. on the go 忙个不停;活跃着6. take out 取出7. surf the internet 在网上冲浪8. add sth to

23、 sth 把。加到。9. remind sb. About/of sth 提醒某人某事10. be particular about/over sth 对。挑剔,讲究11. stay in touch with 与保持联系12. call for 需要13. in case of 假设,以防万一14. not onlybut also 不但而且15. have fun 有意思,有趣16. according to 根据17. the negative effects 负面作用18. interview sb. for sth 采访某人某事19. take over 接收;接管20. dream

24、 about 梦想,向往21. break down 毁掉;坏掉;中止22. by force 用武力23. (Its) no/little/small wonder(that) 不足为奇,并不奇怪24. in the future在将来25. give examples of给。例子26. take steps to do sth 采取步骤做某事unit101. cut down 砍倒2. cause and effect 原因和结果3. in danger 在危险之中4. as a result of 作为(。)的结果5. lead to 导致 6. die out 灭绝 7. act a

25、s 充当;担任 8. take turns 轮流 9. think of 想起 10. keepfrom doing 使不做某事 11. end up with 最终成为 12. live a better life 过更好的生活 13. take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 14. that is 也就是说 15. adapt to 适应 16. learn from 向学习 17. first of all 首先;最重要的是 18. throw away 扔掉 19. make a difference 有关系;有影响 20. make a list of 列出清

26、单 21. pick up 捡起 22. care about 关心 23. devote oneself to 献身于。专心于。124. give a talk to sb.给做报告 25. at present 目前 26. set free 释放27. in the wild 在野外28. be careful with 当心,小心Unit11 1. make a decision 作出决定 2. have in mind 心里有3. dance to a song随着歌曲跳舞4. play an instrument演奏乐器5. from around the world来自全世界 6

27、. during festivals在节日期间7. since then自那时以来8. in mon共同的饿,相同的9 Spanish-speaking countries 说西班牙语的国家 10 a variety of不同种11 different types of 不同类型的12 pick sb up 接某人13. pick out 挑选出14. make records灌制唱片15 turninto把。变成。16 in a different ways用不同的方式17 on the other hand另一方面18 either or 或者或者19 at the same time同时

28、20 the first time 第一次Unit121. a series of一连串的;一系列的2. in trouble在困境中3. e across遇到,碰到;偶然遇见4. fight against与。斗争,战斗5. believe in信任;信仰;支持,赞成6. grow up成长,成长为7. live/lead a good life过上好生活8. a number of许多,相当多9. one after another一个接一个10. turn around转身11. open up完全打开12. make a poster作一个海报13. on the radio在广播中1

29、4. show a film放电影15. in other words换言之16. in a way 在某种程度上17. lose oneself in 专注于,在集中经历18. get through 从中穿过Unit 13Unit 14 知识网络 1.重要句型 (1)decide if (which,what,when,where,how) (2)I think that (3)Whats the matter? (4)Its nothing serious. (5)advise sb.(not)to do sth. (6)Its ones turn to do 2.重要词汇及短语 (1)

30、make a list of .列表 (2)give sb. advice 给某人建议 (3)act it out 表演 (4)keep up with 跟上 (5)make the right choices 作正确选择 (6)be based on 根据 (7)be harmful to 对有害 (8)keep a balanced diet 保持平衡饮食 (9)be short of 缺乏 (10)best of all 最 (11)dress up 给穿盛装,乔装打扮 (12)pare A with B 把A和B作比较 (13)havein mon 有共同之处 (14)give tha

31、nks for 为而致谢 (15)share ones hopes(belief,faith,optimism)与某人有共同希望(信仰、信念、乐观态度) (16)play tricks on 捉弄 (17)lose(gain)weight 体重减少(增加) (18)make peace(with) (与),讲和,言归于好 (19)treat sb.to(a nice lunch) 请某人(吃顿美午餐) (20)do ones homework all wrong. 把作业做错了 (21)in other words 换句话说 (22)take in 欺骗 3主要语法 (1)复习“提建议”“给忠

32、告”的几种表达法 (2)学习情态动词。 Unit 15Unit 16 知识网络 1.重要句型 (1)There is no doubt that (2)What happened to sb.? (3)I dont think I know you. (4)Could you please do? (5)It seems like 2.重要词汇及短语 (1)give sb.a clue 给某人线索 (2)fall asleep 熟睡 (3)recognize 辨认,认出 (4)after all 毕竟,到底 (5)marry 结婚 (6)try on (试)穿上 (7)without luck

33、 不幸,倒霉 (8)be worth 值 (9)pay off 偿清 (10)at the most 最多 (11)take up 开始,从事于,继续,接纳 (12)play the role of 扮演 (13)e up with 赶上,提供,提出 (14)rehearse the plays 排练戏剧 (15)Good luck! 祝你好运! (16)field of science 科学领域 (17)in my opinion 依我的观点来看 (18)protectfrom 保护免受 (19)go against 违背,反对 (20)end in a tie 打成平局 (21)much

34、too 太 (22)pro or contra 赞成或反对 3.主要语法 (1)复习“征求许可”“询问可能性”“给予指导”的表达法。 (2)继续学习情态动词。 Unit 17Unit 18 知识网络 1.重要句型 (1)It is said that (2)make it possible to do sth. (3)wish you a lot of success (4)There are times when (5)It isto do sth. 2.重要词汇及短语 (1)at the top of ones voice高声地、大声地 (2)self rescue 自救 (3)be th

35、ankful for 对感谢 (4)be in good health 身体状态好;健康 (5)make a decision 做决定 (6)take shelter 躲藏、躲避 (7)refer to 谈及、指着,涉及、参考 (8)keep the peace 维持和平 (9)e to terms with 甘心忍受 (10)best seller 畅销(书) (11)hold no promise 失言,不信守承诺 (12)Best of luck to you! 祝您好运! (13)make good choices 做正确选择 (14)be made up of 由组(构)成 (15)

36、make electricity 发电 (16)take possession of 占有 (17)National holiday 国庆节 (18)in relation to 关于,有关的 (19)parewith 把与比较 (20)stand for 象征;代表 (21)has a population of 有人口 (22)native language 母语 (23)official language 官方语 (24)at an early age 早期 (25)keep deer 养鹿 (26)of high quality 高质量 (27)go sailing(camping)

37、去航海(野营) 3.主要语法 (1)主谓一致 (2)代词“it”的用法 Unit 19Unit 20 知识网络 1.重要句型 (1)It is (was that(who) (2)There are many ways to do (3)What do you think of (4)I willIm going to/hope(plan, intend, want)to do 2.重要词汇及短语 (1)have an effect on对有影响 (2)play a role of扮演;起作用 (3)be friendly to对友好 (4)depend on依靠;由决定;取决于 (5)sho

38、rtage of缺乏 (6)be known as作为而著称 (7)in other words换句话说 (8)a variety of不同;形式多样的 (9)do experiments做实验 (10)at the right time of the year在一年的适当时机 (11)the spring (autumn) ploughing春(秋)耕 (12)year after year年复一年 (13)from generation to generation一代又一代地 (14)at sunset在日落时 (15)tongue twister绕口令 (16)in the right

39、order以正确的顺序 (17)on the stage在舞台上,在时期 (18)act as充当;担任 (19)make fun of愚弄;嘲笑 (20)play on words玩文字游戏 (21)mother tongue母语 (22)have in mon with有共同之处 (23)have a long tradition of有悠久传统 (24)date back to追溯于;起源于 (25)advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 (26)be satisfied with对感到满意 (27)add to 增加 (28)diving board跳水板 (29)asas/can(could)尽可能地 (30)drive off赶走;驱赶 (31)enjoy a long life延年益寿;长寿 (32)in great surprise(total silence)非常惊奇地(非常寂静) (33)get confused感到困惑 3.主要语法 (1)it在强调句中的用法 (2)v+ing形式作定语及宾语补足语 Unit 21Unit 22 知识网络 1.重要句型 (1)How could you do? (2)Thanks for (3)Thats very kind of you. (4)What about? (5)There is

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