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1、Lesson 11、look at 看2、What a fine horse! 多好看的一匹马呀!3、over there 那边4、Do you like young animals? 你喜欢小动物吗?5、I like them very much. 我非常喜欢它们。6、there be 句型中be动词必须采用就近原则。there is +不可数名词(water milk)there is +可数名词单数there are +可数名词复数Lesson 27、Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?8、Its a horse. 它是horse.9、What do you c

2、all it in English?在英语中你们叫它什么呢?10、We call it a foal.我们叫它foal11、We dont call it a foal.我们不能叫它foal。12、horse大马foal小马驹13、cow 母牛calf小牛Lesson 314、excuse me 打扰了15、nearby 附近16、then 那么17、little 小的,幼小的18、very clever 非常聪明Lesson 419、Whats that in English? 那个用英语怎么说?20、Its a goat. 它是goat.21、What do you call it? 你们

3、叫它什么呢?22、we call it a kid. 我们叫它kid.23、sheep绵羊lamb羔羊24、goat 山羊kid小山羊Lesson 525、Look at this animal. 看这只动物。26、Dont look at this animal. 不要看这只动物。27、This joey is very funny,isnt it? 这只幼袋鼠很有趣,不是吗?28、反意疑问句前肯后否,前否后肯附加部分的主语要用人称代词,但there be 句型除外如:Iam a teacher,arent I? 前部分是am时后部分用aret There will be a meeting

4、,wont there?回答时要前后一致。如:Yes,I am . No,Im not.Lesson 629、Is this a tiger? Yes,it is. 这是只老虎吗?是的,它是。30、Is that a lion? No,it isnt. 那是头狮子吗?不,它不是。31、What can we call it? 我们叫它什么?32、We can call it a cub. 我们叫它cub。33、lion 狮子 cub幼狮34、kangaroo袋鼠joey幼袋鼠35、monkey猴子rabbit兔子36、bird 鸟 tiger 老虎37、mouse老鼠elephant大象wha

5、t 引导的感叹句(主要修饰名词)what + 名词!what + a/an + 可数名词单数!what + a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数!what + a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!what+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!how 引导的感叹句(主要修饰形容词)how + 主语 +谓语!how + 副词+主语+谓语!how + 形容词+主语+谓语+其他!Lesson 71、in the pond 在池塘里2、How lovely they are! 它们多可爱啊!3、of course 当然4、I know their mother is a duck. 我知道它们的

6、妈妈是只鸭子。5、Can they swim? Certainly not. 它们会游泳吗?当然不会。6、some 表示一些用于肯定句中可修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词;在疑问句中表示建议请求或希望得到肯定回答时意为少许,一点儿如:Would you like some coffee?Lesson 87、What are these?8、Theyre hens.9、Can ducklings swim?10、Yes,they can./No,they cant./Certainly.11、hen 母鸡chick小鸡12、duck 鸭子duckling小鸭子13、goose 鹅gosling小鹅g

7、eese鹅复数14、rooster公鸡Lesson 915、Here is a pet shop. 这有一家宠物商店。16、Shall we look at the pets in it?我们看看里面的宠物好吗?17、What lovely kittens!多可爱的小猫咪啊!18、Baby pigs are called piglets.猪宝宝被叫做piglets。19、How cut. 太可爱了!20、together一起baby 婴儿,幼小的Lesson 10Lesson 1127、circus 马戏团,马戏表演28、perform 演出,表演29、want to do sth. 想做某事

8、30、They can do a lot of things.它们会做许多事。31、a lot of =lots of 许多32、dance 跳舞33、swing 摇摆,摇荡,摆动Lesson 1234、Are these tigers? 这些是老虎吗?35、Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。36、A re those tigers? 那些是老虎吗?37、No,they arent.Theyre lions. 不,它们不是,它们是狮子。38、The tiger cubs cant jump through a ring.小老虎不会跳火圈。39、tiger老虎 tiger cub 幼虎

9、40、lion狮子 lion cub 幼狮41、jump through a ring跳火圈42、ride a horse 骑马43、climb up a ladder爬梯子44、ride a bike 骑自行车可数名词复数:1、一般情况下词尾直接加 S2、以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词后加es3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,把y变为i加es4、以“元音字母+y”结尾的词,直接加s 如:boys5、以f 或 fe 结尾的词,先把 f或 fe变为 v,再加 es6、以元音字母+o结尾的词,直接加s7、以辅音字母+o结尾的词,在词尾加es8、不规则的名词复数如:man-men,goose-gees

10、e,foot-feet,tooth-teeth,child-children,mouse-mice,ox-oxen9、单复数相同的词语: Chinese,japanese, people,sheep , fish, deer(鹿)Lesson 13Let me show you around.让我带你参观一下。this way 这边走Do you often e to the library?你们经常来图书馆吗?Thats good. 那很好。visitor 参观者,游客headmaster 校长show sb. around带某人参观show sb. Sth.=show sth. to sb

11、.给看(sb.用宾格)borrowfrom表示从哪里借进来lend sb. Sth.=lend sth. to sb.表示把某物借给某人Lesson 14Wele to our school! 欢迎来到我们的学校。We often borrow books from the library. 我们经常从图书馆借书。school 学校classroom 教室library 图书馆borrow books 借书处read stories 读故事make things 制作东西How interesting! 真有趣!Lesson 15science lab 科学实验室how often 表示多久一

12、次how many 表示多少,用于可数名词;how much 表示多少,用于不可数名词how old 表示询问年龄twice a week 每周两次language lab 语音实验室Thats great! 太棒了!listening听 reading 读speaking说 writing 写activity活动Lesson 16We have three English classes a week.我们每周有三节英语课。Do you often read in the library?你们经常在图书馆里读书吗?Yes,we do./No,we dont. 是的,经常。/不,不经常。do

13、experiments做实验do listening 做听力练习observe things观察事物do speaking做口语练习Lesson 17Look at this new building!看看这座新大楼!meeting hall 会议室Childrens Day 儿童节New Years Day新年in the club 在俱乐部be interested in +动名词对感兴趣be good at + 动名词擅长performance 演出,表演Lesson 18How many music classes do you have a week?你们每周有多少节音乐课?We h

14、ave two. 我们有两节。What do you do in the music club?你们在音乐俱乐部里做什么?We often sing and dance. 我们经常唱歌和跳舞。music club音乐俱乐部art club美术俱乐部play the violin拉小提琴play the piano弹钢琴listen to music听音乐paint (用颜料)绘画draw (用铅笔等)画Lesson 19in groups 分组All the chairs and desks are in groups.所有的桌椅都是分组的。We usually do group work.我

15、们通常做小组工作。in the puter corner 在计算机角mini-library微型图书馆cartoon 卡通,漫画,动画片e from = be from 来自,从来show sb. Sth.= show sth. to sb.把给看Lesson 20Is there a library in your classroom?你们的教室里有图书馆吗?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.是的,有。/不,没有。What do you do in the library?在图书馆里你们做什么?We read storybooks.我们看故事书。puter corner

16、计算机角science corner科学角art corner 艺术角do project work做课题研究study plants and animals研究植物和动物do printing on the paper在纸上做印刷Lesson 21in Australia 在澳大利亚(国家前用in)e to 到.来are watching 正在看(be+动词ing)be famous for 因.而著名、出名My school is famous for its sports.我的学校因它的各种体育活动而出名。ball games 球类运动play +球类运动 打球类运动video 录像带s

17、how about 展示.on the field 在运动场上Its so exciting. 那太令人激动了。Lesson 22Are there any games for boys/girls?有一些为男孩子/女孩子设置的运动吗?Yes,there are./No,there arent. 是的,有。/不,没有。Where do you play football? 你们在哪踢足球?We play football on the field. 我们在运动场上踢足球。play football踢足球play volleyball打排球play basketball打篮球play hocke

18、y打曲棍球play rugby打橄榄球do exercises做体操Lesson 23Can you tell me something about you and your school? 你能告诉我关于你和你学校的一些事吗?a small city一个小城市friendly友好的How about you and your studies? 你和你的学习怎么样?We have many projects to do. 我们有许多课题要去做。go on field trip进行田野考察We study real things on the field trips. 我们在田野考察中研究真实的

19、事物。tell+宾语+about+. 告诉某人关于某事how about .? 怎么样.?Lesson 24Our lessons are very interesting. 我们的课程非常有趣。How do you like science field trips? 你感觉科学田野考察怎么样?I like them very much. 我非常喜它们。I study birds in the forest. 我在森林里研究小鸟。science field trip 科学田野考察study birds in the forest 在森林里研究小鸟social studies field tri

20、p 社会学习野外考察study a farmers work 学习干农活art field trip 艺术野外考察paint trees and flowers 画树画花Lesson 25Theyre so nice!它们好漂亮!sure 当然Which one?哪一个?The one over there.那边的那个。How much is it?它多少钱?Well take it.Here is the money.我们买它了。给你钱。Do you want anything else?你们还想买别的什么吗?have a look at看一看all right 好吧Lesson 26Can

21、 I help you? 你要买什么东西吗?Yes,I want a towel. 是的,我想买条毛巾。Sure.Here you are. 当然可以。给你。Can I have a look at this lamp? 我可以看一看这盏灯吗?b梳子toothbrush牙刷soap 肥皂toothpaste 牙膏towel毛巾Lesson 27Can I have a walkman?我能买一个随身听吗?For what? 做什么用?Can you pass me the blue one,please? 请递给我蓝色的那个好吗?I want to listen to English. 我想听

22、英语。buy买Lesson 28What can I do for you?你要买什么?I want to buy a walkman.我想买一个随身听。How much is it? 它多少钱?Its eighty-five yuan.它85元。tape 磁带 twenty-five二十五CD光盘 fifty-five 五十五VCD影碟光盘walkmanrecorder录音机Lesson 29next week 下周a pair of sandals 一双凉鞋in the shop 在商店里Can I try them on? 我能试穿一下吗?They are too big for me

23、. 它们对我来说太大了。Lesson 30Can you show me those trousers? 你能给我看看那条裤子吗?Yes,here you are. 好的,给你。How much are they?它们多少钱?They are sixty-five yuan.它们六十五元。How much is it? 它多少钱?Its ninety yuan. 它90元。shorts短裤 swimming trunks游泳短裤sandals凉鞋 sports shoes运动鞋hundred百 sixty六十twenty二十 seventy七十thirty三十 eighty八十forty 四十

24、 ninety九十fifty 五十trousers裤子how much多少Lesson 31May I speak to Miss Liu,please?请问可以请刘老师接xx吗?May I speak to sb.可以和说话吗?xx用语This is Liu speaking.我是刘老师。This is sb. speaking.接听xx的回答。Dont worry about your lessons.别担心你的课。have a bad cold得了重感冒see a doctor 看医生take sb.to the hospital带某人去医院take good care of yours

25、elf好好照顾自已be ill生病Lesson 32Im ill today. 我今天生病了。I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。I cant go to school today. 我今天不能去上学了。headache头痛toothache牙痛cough咳嗽go on a field trip 去野外考察go to a concert 去音乐会go to the music club去音乐俱乐部do maths problems 做数学题Lesson 33have a fever发烧have a stomachache胃痛have a headache头痛May I have

26、 your name?你叫什么名字?take some medicine吃药Remember to drink more water.记得多喝些水。You have to take a good rest.你得好好休息。I hope you will get well soon.我希望你早日康复。You have to stay in bed.你得卧床休息。Lesson 34Open you mouth.张开你的嘴Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?My neck hurts.我的脖子受伤了。You have to

27、take some medicine.你得吃一些药。My elbow hurts.我的肘受伤了。My neck hurts.我的脖子受伤了。My knee hurts.我的膝盖受伤了。Lower your head.低下你的头。Move your knee.移动你的膝盖。hurt 受伤 elbow肘open 打开 tongue舌头lower降下,放下 outside在外面move移动 hope希望Lesson 35be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/担心某事help sb.to do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事I fee

28、l much better. 我感觉好多了。Here are some apples for you. 这有些苹果送给你。bring拿来,带来better更好fruit水果 worried烦恼,焦虑Lesson 36Here are some grapes for you.这儿有些葡萄送给你。Dont worry about your lessons.别担心你的功课。Ill help you with your lessons.我会帮助你补习功课。a flower 一朵花 flowers 花(复数)a get-well card一张康复卡 grapefruit 葡萄柚a cherry 一个樱桃 cherries 樱桃(复数)a strawberry一个草莓 strawberries 草莓(复数)9

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