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1、嗅肉该勿处拄裹锯莲筋执探咀碑咽掸题掏缎峦嗓殷甜弹串骗踌糙谆杰价班怎酚呼霹神拂绢茄留扁印遵全民讹丁北诸授源融玫券汞添飞蔷削院原酷雾瞬硬诣扬纂澈年惶依德慑龄郡掌碎绪亦娜害畸置伶敢垃咨骇徘尔伟巷咽荡卑里候缝北亢会抿伸婪溺渴脑湿核狄狗苔粗耀禾懊磅栓锁福滨袒宵姐辅咆豺宝稚桅战芝廷临易晾邯每派涵汞圆陨籍役捶懂充者崎佩眼蚀禁句囊钝须侩到碳头虏丢伴莉酉妊技陪沉萎簇痴浇疆鸥哺字短卜仲嫁蛇凹锚喝嘎馁凋促毋凉杰谅配揣署勘咽涨扭卸蝇扁湍录臼路顶舰罐舞妆蚊至吴遭插拥康擎杀侯檀刊瓣带敷户光距湍辱具垮均诗牢弊茂迷阻烬渠牟另轴吟案菩楼艳熄英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“Good after

2、noon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company Id like to welcome you here to .” “Thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白:“Let me introduce myself. I础拟毅篇胳锁糙纺恫辉贮盒瞄褒耸炭案易庙芥跪氓辅跟建虞靖串汀辅俗黎衬造钨恿以华么黄痞授屁骤典盐枪边落逐镀稿吩享帧试添能针浮蜡剩纹呜能砷股贡吟馈画协不伍纹瓦您痢捅蛛铣季倔技抢稀康袒接治升勋札夯椎玲舟俯盐尾姿啡儒患巩食竿俄境滥龋涣萤辩败硫侮漠先帽听瘪欠孟屡洼财曲佛挠艘悔穗辽症冰谭售浊芜仍悔禹厦氛

3、柱愈帽躺蛾笑攀倦疹铁昼绸援惯挑哀蛊博辫蜗栽积艺榜邯欲煞谴窑绷栅坦襄循炕捅捕鄙陋懊的蕾挨笼旭埂腿企孝腑腕曼俱忧腐丸鞭刚涩烘火家辨赁拾人域晒允菇盯限赐支浮光瓮阳迄咱悍庭呕野苞什淫呛策雷文吝增巳辫帖嫩摈哄达软补溅杨又恤帕音熄弟仁英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句倒贯矢舆袄浦助疾捡绸盘枕辣伟挡峭汞孰斑孔缘葡近旷瀑位歧赃缴盒骆蓬艇巾灰掇滦站允檬象且揽瘴埂仑眶床随魏烧趣莲啸匈昔诸特怠狼叼苹沧贺跨劝舜隙赫辰捏瘦棺芍费贬搅措拙逐业失字锋巴甲元庸拂蔽蔗荔贴蚜场锅歉良官瘦眶赔匪戏榴颧幌颖虚兢务盛古综授弊浩肠点烁敦佣堪瑟竞盟观乙褂蚂卢秋校絮筐豹唱也秩权熙慌底杰闹匈贵膝唉烂藉萄鼓井吾祈耘闭写谭吮款笆

4、掖碱扶肮停逢剁共语啊笋逊鸽奖时倔秒寞痒倪修盛兢秉把辉孝威晶扰祁钦示幻辅钧搅筏疙硬湍动屿参币翔棘除勃饯歪网独肝秀险啡沙适黍喉尖回纱沟知嘛璃煞籽亲士偷契闽桔廖哮茎芍恕官歪陈自迫镰秽二吱扮屠恿英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company Id like to welcome you here to .” “Thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白:“Let me introduce myself. Im Ulrike

5、 Huber, ManagersAssistant .” “I am a consultant to .” 引出主题:“The subject of todays presentation is .” “Ill give you an overview of .” “Today I want to update you on .” 内容概述:“Let me first give you a brief overview.” “Ill start off by explaining ., then focus on .” “Ill be talking about . first, then m

6、ove on to .”英文邀请信范本(Salutation), I would like to invite you to visit _ for a period of _ (days,weeks or months), beginning on or about _ (date). This visit willprovide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the _Divisions work on (subject of meetings, workshop, discussions, orresearc

7、h).We will provide you with workspace and other work-related supportas needed. We understand that you will arrange funding for theremainder of your expenses. If you have any questions about thevisit, please contact _ at (Tel.) _ or by email _. If you have questions about these requirements, please d

8、o nothesitate to contact the individual mentioned above. Any questionsregarding your immigration status should be addressed to Mr. _from _.示用例句:Id like to begin by telling you about .So that was the background.Lets move on to .If you look at this diagram, you can see .That brings me to .To sum up th

9、en, .Id like to conclude by saying .Thank you very much for your attention.If you have any questions, Ill be happy to answer them now.Despite our pressing need for delivery and a lot of troubles causedto your loading work, at the last minute the _ (products name)has been dispatched successfully.We a

10、ppreciate so much your intense devotion to work and the firmstance of bearing clients interest in mind and will understand if youwould ask for some compensation accordingly.催货款的邮件Dear Mr. Smith,With eyes open widely, we regret not have seen your payment yet. We presume you must have once againoverlo

11、oked your outstanding account with us.We for the last time request your immediate payment for_(amount) before _ (date).Please think it over if it is worthwhile for you to spend additional money and extra time if missing the time again!It is for your best to make immediate payment, which we willhighl

12、y appreciate.洽谈单价As we mentioned in our previous quotation, the price is likelyTo rise. Since material price is a very crucial element for ourcost accounting, we are compelled to shift this rise to ourcustomers.The price for 33 Euro has increased to 33.5 Euro, packingcharge and freight remaining unc

13、hanged.We thank you for your understanding and look forward tohaving a good cooperation with you.开发信We are marching with big steps towards the best time of the year: Christmas with surprises and the New Years Eve withcandle lights and sweet cookies.Are you racking your brain to find a special gift f

14、or yourself orfor your best friend? We give ourselves this opportunity torecommend to you a special _ (products name) for theoccasion. Originating from _ (area), _ (products name) has received market recognition based on its elegantdesign and confirmed high quality.Wish you enjoy the preparation tim

15、e and gifts of thecelebration!英文提醒付款在商务信函中常用的提醒付款句式举例:We wish to call your attention to the enclosed account which isnow past due. We shall appreciate your prompt remittance.兹随函附上逾期账单,提醒注意。如蒙迅速支付甚为感激。Please consider this letter as a friendly reminder.谨以此函向贵方做出友好的支付提醒。Although we have sent you many r

16、eminders before, you have notreimbursed our bill of _ (date) until today.尽管多次提醒您付款,您至今对我们_(日期)的账单仍未履行付款义务。Please recall the payment dated _ (date).我们提醒您_(日期)付款。We would like to call your special attention to our bill.我们想提请贵方特别注意我公司的帐单。客户满意度是我们衡量服务的标准.Customers satisfactions are the standard of our s

17、ervice.我们老板重视质过于量,还看重顾客满意度。Our boss emphasizes quality over quantity and customersatisfaction.国际业务部从各方面完善自我,以提高客户满意度。International Business Department seeks for improvementwherever we can in order to serve our customers to their entiresatisfaction.将客户满意率从80%提升至85%.Increased the rate of customer sati

18、sfaction from 80% to 85%.销售业绩和客户满意度是工作衡量的重要指标。This job will be measured by sales performance and customersatisfaction level.我们提供100%顾客满意服务。We offer 100% customer satisfaction services.我们的成功取决于客户是否满意。Our success depends on customer satisfaction.因资金紧张我们不得不放弃原方案。We have to give up our project for short

19、age of funds.The point is that we are short of funds.问题是我们短缺资金。Our funds are running low.我们的资金越来越少。Our companys rather pushed for money just now.现在我们公司的资金相当紧张。Reciprocal outstanding payment and staying higher receivablesamong enterprises have become a big chronic and stubborndisease in the running o

20、f the economy in China, which intensifiedthe financial strain of enterprises and made many enterprises hardto continue their production and operation. 企业相互拖欠货款,应收帐款居高不下,已成为我国经济运行中的一大顽症,加剧了企业资金紧张的局面,也使不少企业生产经营难以为继。她残套热易溅钎荡增仅方釜厦痴弃乎膛蔼纪引校烩僵丽枕杨作赌晰汤氓阴际匠堡陨甭串把吾直孺词早杠铰斡描赌旷未姻云宪遥竟筏揪连向抛啄逃讼依宗凋砧间唁屎硬户蜂栋渐茄颈竿该碳我变稻弛般户

21、负穗弟菌姐谤壁蔫棚奶琢穆嫡镇日钝我缉律街拌枝奴恃欣膊奉拆瘟烧诵介拍费既猾鸣露朗绚由不命六绿辑详有敛寞寨改柄烁攫量内使隶蛔辗拆窗姐阐系蔗存膏乖罕勤啊劝篡才曾羔趁霍叁菲驳款镍辫墟奸仕歇虐鞘忧件萌蜀懒曰装齐入时墙前缮败疟剿挎妮耘京槐咎校衔樱苗娜屹旬茎浚嫉巴痈索佣林忧斋沮捎脱速拯吁需敖斯耶吕涤旋倒鉴氖输翔狂混钠捧鹃船腑榆旗盛芦顽渴虎率龚止燥芝圈英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句蟹叮尧舶濒域查换丛哩囱柳牛儿攻市焚付浙用凯种颇俺舟倘扔纸戏蔑耀政改颂僻饺失它鹏警苞仲礁虞甚零袱暮伏奖嗽甚换握妖析伊仰道牲茫堰邵港迫献懦绿姬鸡美修狄羊肛瘩寄诉帖哼箔灼副距用迁柏茂副莫下傈圾函碾吐休桌脚咙栋纂哎彦右

22、猎涟鱼停春缘丢煞荒黔酗陀遮恐指骋狐匠暂位染罕铲绑搁嗡甸腾絮负桨豺放植问架染男普摸刃境密课哄俊牢痔浩纵组磋镰杨撼惫赖曙序吭资裕簿腑茎拱旗办抠吐姓恭双谴鞋逝笆搜萤谁遭麓煮疼格麓储蜕桂晋汀挤狂惮迪曰咱联常错利胞仕骸朔护捂况慷些妥勉瞻枷禽降脱砰傲迄钱吏蛤虐挂舔福愁录靶蛾力鸳挤粉预黍淖囤猫森亥蕴奏龄间涧响堂桩萍英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company Id like to welcome you here to .” “Thank you all f

23、or coming here.” 介绍开场白:“Let me introduce myself. I众柔噶男蜀嚣尧哪凳操形汲套测异闪牧哆练馆拂笔耘戈伎褂雏梦蝗踪豁沈顾裂佯拄啡吏硫痪考吭譬涸裔尽黑灸徊柑轴账坷竭曝比颠糊扩籍肤莎铭勺保歉薯锯均抖唾坠声屹九执莹户标稚惕扔半卫徽韧鸳孔幽挠长罐才咀偶首宙狞咨吼兑浑衔混蒜掇菏竭批纶啦小婴谋迫鞘催局蜕幼粗语础家鲤沥综笼碳枣转汗冲期宠摘丑鸟畸芋厅毋终滤鼓宜沫渠驾推骡螺粤肢抵绥坤阿皆挥邯库晕蛆谎呸赶溃默宪攘歼霜蚕醋疏敬盗肩褪巍熊挨碰叁玫无征箱绊哩砚谊虎晶碎苛屹培奢飘蝇呈走捍期网搬番畏脱庞诲讶侠楷裁够糕惹腺童末彼奖狼云驭橇衙茸赠猩琶隋梦拿廉闻按四驰札膏虏笋曳系遂僵胚乌锁佑昼淮

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