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1、理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: American Journal of Industrial andBusiness Management,2013,3,497-506(用外文写)附 件: 1。外文资料翻译译文;2。外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文开发人力资源信息系统对领导产生的积极作用1引言 人力资源信息系统已经初步确定为研究区域,这项研究有助于开发一套人力资源信息系统以便取得更好的领导效果。人力资源信息系统的研究还处于早期阶段,它需要吸收多方面的知识,在实践中运用人力资源信息系统要从多个

2、角度来考虑,因此,人力资源信息系统的研究要突破传统的应用领域,这就需要将人力资源信息系统的设计和实现进行比较.人力资源信息系统专为人力资源管理而设计并应用于具体的领导领域具有良好的领导效果。究其原因,应用领域的选择目的是观察并找出人力资源信息系统的作用和使用细节方面的问题。2 研究的方法 人力资源信息系统要以信息科学为研究基础,要以人为本。该研究不是集中在一个人力资源信息系统上或者只研究一个具体的领导活动,作为一个系统,研究的内容要覆盖每个人的具体活动内容,同时也涵盖了领导人的活动背景。这项研究,重点是以人为本,同时利用信息系统弄清组织中每一个人的角色和每个角色的重要意义。这项研究是在信息和通

3、信技术方面进行的广泛概念性研究,重点是领导的创先争优活动。在组织方面的信息系统是不同的地方发生的活动的现实的一部分.但从用户的角度使用的信息系统本身不工作,而这为用户提供了一个工作的有利工具。根据以前的观念,从语境角度解决的主要问题是:什么HRIS意味着良好的领导。什么是人力资源信息系统的作用。2。1目标 要了解好领导者如何执行他们的领导能力; 要了解人力资源信息系统在他们的领导活动中的作用; 要讨论人性化应用领域的作用和人力资源信息系统的发展.2。2问题陈述 要了解人力资源信息系统作为一个系统不能简单地直接开发,开发结构的描述是为了让我们应该被考虑到什么样的问题,人力资源信息系统的开发能够带


5、中的情况下在组织中的作用。如何以及在什么场合领导人使用人力资源信息系统, 什么人力资源信息系统中他们的意见,他们会如何发展人力资源信息系统,以支持他们的领导活动。3 文学人力资源管理是指通过使用不同的任务与员工等相关联的列表,例如:招聘,培训,推广,记录保存和满足各种法律规定。人力资源管理也被定义为监测,促进和建立的选择,评估流程,并指派人员到适当的组织中的角色.人力资源信息系统,早期的人事制度,大多是设计和实施人力资源管理的活动。因此,人力资源管理的概念,包括怎么看人力资源信息系统的作用,可以发展和多样化的良好领导能力的活动.可在文献HRIS中找出各种定义。首先,通过所提供的定义:“人力资源

6、信息系统是组织进行有关人及人的工作方面的信息收集、保存、分析和报告的过程,是计算机用于企业人事管理的产物,它是通过计算机建立的、记录企业每个员工技能和表现的功能模拟信息库。人力资源信息系统的定义,根据其人力资源信息系统是数据库、计算机应用程序和硬件以及用于收集、记录、存储、管理、交付。沃克指出, “一个人力资源信息系统是收集,存储,维护,检索和验证所需的有关其人力资源,人才的活动,并组织单位特点的组织数据系统的程序”。 人力资源信息系统是从六个观点来建立主要介绍的是信息系统用于采集,存储,处理,分析,检索和主题的深入和多样化的影像系统。主要观点为:1)历史和背景, 2)HRIS和数据人力资源信

7、息系统3)对组织的影响,4)人力资源和IS专业人员和人力资源信息系统的设计, 5)使用和开发人力资源信息系统的 6)人力资源信息管理工作。3.1历史和背景 人力资源信息系统的历史:开始出现工资系统是在50年代后期,到20世纪60年代出现第一个“真实”的人事制度,第一个自动化的员工数据出现,是在20世纪60年代末:一个“真正的人事制度具有以下特点:1)它是用来解决人员的需要,而不仅仅用来管理工资。这是因为该系统主要是用于人事厅的使用,解决人员问题,不是金融问题. 2)它是多功能的,能够使管理员解决各种不同的问题,它不局限于一个功能,如福利或就业,或工资和薪金管理。 3)它利用底层的人力资源系统中

8、的五个基本概念3.2 组织什么样的特性 组织使用人力资源信息系统时候,雇员的数目是第一个问题.在大型组织中,通常包括个人和人力资源职能的组织知识都输入了电脑。其次,利用人力资源信息系统生成的需求增加新的有用的模块到系统中.人力资源信息系统的根本目的是要存储,处理和提供有关雇员的数据.当人力资源信息系统的核心含义是评估一些问题可以提出:什么任务是系统? 什么经理用人力资源信息系统? 请问人力资源信息系统支持的战略举措? 它是否提供信息,而不仅仅是原始数据,以支持决策?如何将人力资源信息系统服务于企业的需求和期望?3.3人力资源信息系统和管理工作 通常,我们可以把企业人力资源管理分为四个层次6部分


10、很多企业一般会选择外包给社会上的专业服务企业或者专业顾问人员.(3)战略性工作要求人力资源管理者能站在企业发展的高度,主动分心、诊断人力资源现状,为企业决策者准确、及时地提供各种有价值的信息,支持企业战略目标的形成,并为目标的实现制定具体人力资源行动计划。(4)开拓性的工作则强调人力资源管理要为企业的提供增值服务,为直接创造价值的部门提供达成目标的条件。对人才的吸收、使用、保持以及培养等工作和发展的环境,这就需要人力资源管理工作者要结合企业战略和人力资源战略,重点思考如何建立良好的企业文化、个性化的员工职业生涯规划、符合企业实际的薪酬体系和激励制度,并同时关注对企业人力资源的深度开发。 人力资

11、源管理工作的6部分工作:人力资源管理的准备(含人力资源规划)、人员招聘与配置、薪酬与福利管理、绩效管理、人力资源培训与开发、员工关系管理等。附件2:外文原文(复印件) 1。 IntroductionHuman resource information systems (HRIS) and the activities of good leadership from the basic phenomenon are being considered for the research area. The study contributes description of developing the

12、 role of HRIS to the activities of good leadership and the study is significant because the research of HRIS is in its early stage and it needs to be highlighted for wider studies, in practice the use and the exploitation of HRIS should be considered from alternative perspectives and thus the resear

13、ch context is unconventionally compared with the application area wherein HRIS have been designed and implemented。 HRIS are designed for the activities of human resource management (HRM) and the application area is the activities of good leadership。 The reason for the choice of the application area

14、is to observe and find out details and aspects of the role and the use of HRIS.2。 Methodology of StudyThe human and contextoriented study in the information systems (IS) discipline is the thread of the study. The human-orientation means that rather than focusing on a human resource (HR) information

15、system as a system ,the study is on the role of the system in concrete human activities of leadership。 Thus, the activities of the leaders form the research context。 This study, however, focuses on developing human-oriented and sensitive IS utilizing the meaning of the role of IS in the organization

16、. The study is conceptual research where extensive study is made in the context of information and communication technology (ICT)。 The focus is on the leaders good activities。 In the organizational context an information system is part of the reality where different activities occur. The use of an i

17、nformation system from the users point of view does not work in itself, rather it provides the user with a beneficial tool to work。 Based on the previous conception, from the contextual point of view the main questions addressed are: what HRIS mean for the good leaders and; what is the role of HRIS

18、when the leaders are executing their leadership activities.2.1。 Objectives To understand how the good leaders execute their leadership; To understand the role of HRIS in their leadership activities; To discuss the role and the development of HRIS in the sensitive and human- oriented application area

19、.2。2. Problem Statement To find out the HR information system as a system isnot developed directly but a description of the development construct is created to give a picture of what kind of issues should be taken into account when the HR information system is developed to benefit the activities of

20、good leadership as well as the whole organization. To attain the objective, the empirical study focuses on the activities of good leadership first and then on examining the role of HRIS in those activities.2。3。 Scope Purpose of Study The purpose is to give a theoretical overview to understand the re

21、search context。 In addition, due to the human research context, leadership is examined from an individual perspective rather than from a strategic, procedural or as a business viewpoint。 HRIS are regarded as organizational IS and they are designed for and reflected by the activities of HRM. Therefor

22、e, the concept of HRM is included in the research. Tacit knowledge is utilized to understand, interpret and to describe the humanity, sensitivity and the individuality of the activities of good leadership at the empirical level。 They have a significant role when examining the leadership activities a

23、nd developing the role of HRIS in the research context。 The purpose is to see the current state of HRIS and the role of HRIS in the case organizations。 It has been significant to find out: how and on what occasions the leaders use HRIS, what their opinions of HRIS are and how they would develop HRIS

24、 to support their leadership activities。3。 LiteratureHRM is defined by using lists of different tasks associated with employees like: recruiting, training, promoting, record keeping and meeting various legal requirements。 HRM is also defined as monitoring, facilitating and setting up processes that

25、select, assess, and assign people to appropriate roles in an organization 13。 HRIS, earlier personnel systems, were mostly designed and implemented for those activities of HRM。 Therefore, the concept of HRM is included to see how the role of HRIS could be developed and diversified for the activities

26、 of good leadership。Various definitions of HRIS are available in the literature。 First, the definition by offered: “The modern Human Resource Information System may be defined as a computerbased method for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving, and validating certain data needed by an organiz

27、ation about its employees, applicants, and former employees。” Secondly, define that “a human resource distribute pertinent information about an organizations human resources. have also used this definition。 definition of HRIS, according to which human resource information system is “the composite of

28、 data bases, computer applications, and hardware and software that are used to collect/record, store, manage, deliver, present, and manipulate data for Human Resources. Walker (1982) and used by. It states that “a Human Resource Information System is a systematic procedure for collecting, storing, m

29、aintaining, retrieving, and validating data needed by an organization about its human resources, personnel activities, and organization unit characteristics。 HRIS is introduced from six viewpoints to create are information system is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and thorough and diverse picture of the subject。 The viewpoints are:1) History and background,2) HRIS and data,3) Effects of HRIS on organizations,4) HR and IS professionals and HRIS design,5) Use and exploitation of HRIS6) HRIS and management work。 44

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