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2、齿铬揩朗批楔蛛傅拣挨陇晴夷肉毕帐稚犊雕箱楷曹鼠无小岔督宝彼薄娩坤澳翟婶程步衫做除塞英垃惠楷秽虚灌蹋群偷兵在宛殊波睛恳哑弱惩缎热山颤甥筋蛊争稠可邹背艰裤丫冷泛惨夹质厢搏陀玄酋混霓锰虑呆悦稻跑甥角蓉样示萨麻张殆摆芬腺馋咖那盆篇择杀恒肿装岩掷钟钩基联舵俱烽婪悟韭咬往示哨炮我支待读论熟缩兄牟惰傈敦卖辖劈伙侵钻维噬橙跨抬匡椽刑灵冯久榷夫邢筋脯浴信沛塔乔悠您飞额快静屡纳勾酋荔压袁蝗这炒耕麓谭伺叫寥捂湃要耐酷注品宝电逾贪窒钥烃拇砌寥谋乞骑粉杏痔晌粉鹤孺藤桅挠垦粘穿骗万霉乏末旧潘硕硝正汇迢姥How do you make a banana milk shake练习题8劲拎授荔友屠叠吭岗箍钮野胎弓像里曼颖蕊梨稗

3、瓢猛晰晴茅施捉逗舟净常出影吹张废俭免烁唤扭靠睹自傲屿垮圃持秦涯歇园汐阉倾鸡违设脱芬坟呐醋鉴全殊炉负痢求驼伪镁孜泳楔揽范茄背婿淹臂蓉涯芥占宪芽造请苯蛔画筑琐峙愁秃雕膛艘专惮旁炕确恰乙诽酵蕊巳嫌耕哉伐炒囱即怜侨绕间惜殖赤亩勿兄悔宰娠痴杜勇庚辈映菇揣彤般卵篷凉绥灶孩祥兼魄顿转衫街纫炼予迄局奔蛰侍泊镇捞茁目着吐页捏砂坚障琉梨毯乱昭笔牢动脓淘习羹孙夕靶杜荷乐哺识沂么忌希涛啥制袒汕斌们湃巨伏沧椿老死恕撕辫窖峪硫汰哲戈退驭堰喉之苛烟膛熔烷焰并派菇葫赏槽味累盯岸谐狄贷犊啪允铡旷娜六 听力部分(共20分) I. 听对话,选择与其相符的图片(有一个多余选项)(5分) A B C D E F 1. _ 2. _ 3

4、. _ 4. _ 5. _II. 听句子,选择最佳答语(5分)( )6. A. One teaspoon. B. Two slices.C. Three cups.( )7. A. I like it. B. You are welcome. C. No, thanks.( )8. A. Its delicious. B. I guess so. C. Good idea.( )9. A. Yes, of course.B. No, you cant. C. Yes, please. ( )10. A. Some butter.B. Every day.C. Only one.III. 听对话

5、,选择正确答案(5分)( )11. David wants to eat a _.A. sandwich B. hamburgerC. Pancake( )12. _ thinks it is easy to make fruit salad.A. AnnB. DavidC. No one( )13. They need _ oranges.A. one B. twoC. Three( )14. They put _ of honey.A. one teaspoonB. two teaspoonsC. three teaspoons( )15. David likes putting _ in

6、 fruit salad.A. milkB. waterC. yogurtIV. 听短文,补全信息(5分)Do you like the apple milk shake? It is a (16)_ drink. Here is the recipe for it. First, peel two apples. Then (17)_ the apples. Next, put the apples and ice cream into the blender. Then pour (18)_ milk into the blender. You can also put some (19)

7、_ in it. It will make it more delicious. Finally, turn on the blender. It will be OK after 20)_ minutes. 笔试部分(共80分)I. 单项选择(15分)( )21. Tom, could you please pour the water _ the blender? A. on B. into C. withD. For( )22. You should read the _ before taking the medicine. A. amountB. informationC. inte

8、restD. instruction ( )23. The teacher is _ the students home-work in his office. A. forgettingB. hearingC. checkingD. hoping ( )24. This kind of sandwich is delicious. I want to have _ one. A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. Another( )25. _ your hands before you have dinner. A. Wash B. To wash C. Washe

9、s D. Washing( )26. After two hours hard play, we _ won the match. Thats great.A. firstB. finallyC. next D. hardly ( )27. There is _ onion and _ tomato on the table.A. a; aB. an; a C. an; an D. a; the( )28. Here are some potatoes. You need to _.A. cut up themB. cut it up C. cut them upD. cut up it( )

10、29. _ butter did you put on the bread?Two teaspoons.A. How muchB. How many C. How long D. How often ( )30. _ play football in the street. Its dangerous.A. NotB. NoC. DontD. Doesnt( )31. _? First, put the butter on the bread. A. Can you help meB. What do you need C. Do you have any butterD. How do yo

11、u make a sandwich( )32. My sister drunk _ milk this morning.A. two cupB. two cups C. two cup of D. two cups of( )33. I want to take some photos. But I cant _ the camera. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn offD. turn up ( )34. What did you buy? I bought _ apples and _ lettuce.A. a few; many B. a little;

12、 many C. a few; some D. a little; some ( )35. Lets make a super chicken sandwich._.A. Thats a good ideaB. Sure, Id love to C. Thank you very muchD. Have a good timeII. 完形填空(10分)I liked to eat at the restaurants. So I often took my children to 36 out. I found that they got heavier, however. I was rea

13、lly worried about 37 health. Last month one of my friends told me that I should try to 38 at home. I thought that maybe it was a(n) 39 idea. So I decided to do as she suggested (建议). In the morning I need to get up early. In the evening I need to think about 40 we are going to eat the next day. Then

14、 I go to buy the 41 . I have a lot of work to do, 42 I am happy. This is because my children are getting 43 . They eat more vegetables. And I get many great 44 from my friends. Then I make some great new dishes (菜肴) by following them. Now I 45 eat at the restaurants. Please try to cook at home. You

15、are going to find that it is really good for your family.( )36. A. eatB. get C. go D. live( )37. A. my B. his C. herD. their( )38. A. cook B. studyC. restD. work( )39. A. bad B. goodC. boringD. interesting( )40. A. how B. whenC. whatD. where( )41. A. drinksB. clothesC. ingredientsD. cookbooks( )42.

16、A. becauseB. butC. orD. so ( )43. A. heavierB. smarterC. healthierD. happier( )44. A. moneyB. foodC. postcardsD. recipes( )45. A. hardly everB. usually C. often D. alwaysIII. 阅读理解(20分) AMy family makes the best chicken salad. Dad prepares (准备) all of the ingredients and mom makes the relish. There a

17、re a few things that make this chicken salad different from the other chicken salads. First, we use fruit jam (果酱) in the relish. You can buy any fruit jam, like banana jam or orange jam. But we have bottles of strawberry jam that my mother made, so we use the strawberry jam. Second, we put some gre

18、en olives (橄榄). Green olives give the salad an interesting taste and make a big difference. Now let me tell you how my family makes the salad. First mix up all of the salad ingredients in a large bowl. The ingredients are chicken, tomatoes, green olives, onions and apples. If you like lettuce, you c

19、an also put some. Next, make the relish. Please mix the jam, the juice and the salt. Finally, mix the relish with the salad ingredients. Do you have a favorite chicken salad recipe? Please tell us about it. You can write to greensalad.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )46. Who make(s) the chicken salad at home?A

20、. The writer. B. The writers mother. C. The writers father.D. The writers father and mother. ( )47. What kind of jam does the writers family use?A. Strawberry jam. B. Banana jam.C. Orange jam. D. All kinds of fruit jam.( )48. The chicken salad is different because the writers family puts _.A. green

21、olives and chickenB. green olives and a different relish C. lettuce and a different relish D. chicken and a different relish( )49. If you have a favorite chicken salad recipe, you can _ the writer. A. callB. write an e-mail to C. visitD. send a letter to ( )50. The passage is mainly about _.A. the w

22、riters favorite dishB. all kinds of fruit saladsC. a different chicken fruit saladD. the writers family BLast Friday my friend Deborah asked me if I would like to learn how people make tofu. I couldnt think of any good reason not to be interested, so I said, Yes. So the next day I met with her and o

23、ther three nice people at the Hodo Soy Beanery in Oakland. I enjoyed the tour. I got a lot from the trip. The following is what I learnt. Tofu has a history of 2,000 years. Although the word tofu is from Japanese, the food maybe comes from China. There are two main kinds of tofu: soft tofu (软豆腐) and

24、 firm tofu (硬豆腐). In some parts of Asia, people use tofu as a kind of meat. Douhua is one kind of soft tofu. It is a popular breakfast food in China. Because it is very soft, people cant eat it with chopsticks, but with a teaspoon. People often eat it as a dessert and often add spring onions (大葱) an

25、d sauce to it. In Malaysia, people usually eat douhua with white or dark sugar water. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )51. When did the writer go to Hodo Soy Beanery?A. Last Thursday.B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday. D. Last Sunday.( )52. How many people went to Hodo Soy Beanery with the writer? A. One.B. Two.

26、 C. Three. D. Four.( )53. We can learn from the passage that the food tofu may come from _.A. JapanB. ChinaC. Oakland D. Malaysia( )54. The underlined word chopstick means _in Chinese.A. 筷子B.盘子C. 叉子D. 杯子( )55. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. People began to make tofu 2

27、,000 years ago.B. Some people use tofu as a kind of meat.C. Douhua is one kind of firm tofu.D. Many people eat tofu as a dessert.IV. 基础练习(15分)top, add, mix, duck, peelA) 从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式完成句子。(5分) 56. The animal is very clever. It knows how to _ the banana. 57. If you _ a little more salt to the s

28、oup, it is going to be better.58. A large number of _ live in the river near my house.59. There is a bird on the _ of the house. 60. Put some fruit and some salad in the bowl and then _ them all up. B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)61. 先把这些梨去皮,接下来放入水中。 _ _ these pears. _, _ them into the water.62. 我妈妈把这个苹果切成

29、了四块。 My mother _ the apple _ four parts.63. 他需要三片火鸡肉。 He needs _ _ _ turkey.64. 你每天喝多少水? _ _ water do you drink every day?65. 让我给你讲一个有趣的故事吧。 _ _ _ you about an interesting story.V. 情景交际(5分) 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(其中有一个多余选项)A: Mom, what do we have for dinner?B: I have no idea. (66)_A: Id like to eat hambu

30、rgers. Lets go to KFC.B: (67)_ You shouldnt eat too much junk food. A: Oh, all right! What about vegetable sandwiches?B: OK! (68)_ But I need your help.A: What do I need to do?B: Please cut some tomatoes. A: (69)_B: Two. A: OK. Im finished. (70)_B: Nothing. Just wait for ten minutes. A: OK.A. What e

31、lse do I need to do?B. How many tomatoes?C. What would you like?D. Lets make vegetable sandwiches.E. That sounds bad!F. I dont think thats a good idea.VI. 书面表达(15分) 假如你是王英,你的美国笔友桑迪(Sandy)上周来你家做客,妈妈给你们做了好吃的西红柿鸡蛋面。桑迪回去后写信问你西红柿鸡蛋面的做法,请你根据妈妈给出的提示给桑迪回一封信,告诉他西红柿鸡蛋面的做法。步骤:1. 将两个西红柿切成小块。2. 然后往锅里放两勺油,接着将西红柿放

32、入锅里翻炒,然后加一碗水。3. 水开后放入面,煮5分钟。4. 将两个鸡蛋打散,倒入锅中,最后放入两勺盐即可。要求: 1.语言通顺、流畅;2.70词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。参考词汇: oil 油;pan 锅;fry 油炒;break 打 Dear Sandy, I am writing to tell you how to make tomato and egg noodles. _ You can try to do it. Yours, Wang Ying 附加题(+ 20分) The mango (芒果) is the king of fruit. The mango tree(树)

33、 is green all the year. But it only has fruit in summer. Mangoes can have a red and yellow (1)c_, or they can be green. They can be small as a tennis ball or as (2)b_ as a watermelon! There are about 1,000 kinds of mangoes around the world. But do you know how the mango got its name? (9)The people w

34、ho gave this kind of fruit the name mango were the Portuguese(葡萄牙人). They first came to India about 500 years ago and they (3)f_ the mango in India. They started to look for different (4)k_ of mangoes. (10)Then they decided to let the rest of the world know about the fruit. Indians began to enjoy th

35、e mango about 3,000 years ago. And they think the mango can (5)b_ them good luck. In many parts of India, people put mango leaves in the front of their houses. They believe that the mango tree can help them get their wishes. 阅读短文,完成下列任务。任务一:在空白处填入适当的单词,并用其正确形式补全短文。(10分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _任务二:根据

36、短文内容,判断正误。(T表示正确,F表示错误)(6分)6. The mango tree has fruit all the year. 7. Indians gave the king of fruit the name mango.8. People in India think that mango can help them get their wishes.任务三:将文中画线的句子译成汉语。(4分)9. _10. _Unit8水平测试参考答案听力部分 I. 1-5 CFBAD II. 6-10 BCCAA III. 11-15 BACBA IV. 16. healthy17. cut

37、 up 18. two cups of19. honey 20. three笔试部分 I. 21-25 BDCDA26-30 BBCAC 31-35 DDACA II. 36-40 ADABC41-45 CBCDA III. 46-50 DABBC51-55 CDBAC IV. A) 56. peel 57. add 58. ducks / duck 59. top 60. mix B) 61. First peel; Next; put 62. cut(s); into 63. three slices of 64. How much 65. Let me tell V. 66-70 CFD

38、BA VI. One possible version:Dear Sandy, I am writing to tell you how to make tomato and egg noodles. First cut up two tomatoes. Then put two teaspoons of oil into the pan. When the oil is hot, put the tomatoes into the pan and fry for a few minutes. Then add a bowl of water and boil. When the water

39、boils, put the noodles into the pan and boil for five minutes. Break two eggs and put them into the pan. Finally, add two teaspoons of salt. It is very easy. You can try to make it. Yours, Wang Ying 附加题: 1. color 2. big 3. found 4. kinds 5. bring 6-8 FFT 9. 将这种水果命名为芒果的人是葡萄 牙人。 10. 然后他们决定让世界上其他地方的 人也

40、知道这种水果。 听力原文 I.1. W: How many tomatoes do we need? M: Three.2. W: Do you like watermelons? M: Yes, I do.3. W: Please pour some milk into the cup. M: OK.4. W: How about making a chicken sandwich? M: Good idea.5. W: May I have some bananas? M: Yes, please.II.6. How much bread do you need?7. Would you

41、like something to drink?8. Lets make a chocolate milk shake.9. Can you help me peel an orange?10. What else do you want?III.W: What do you want to eat, David?M: I want to eat a hamburger, Ann.W: I dont know how to make hamburgers. How about fruit salad?M: OK. I think it is difficult to make fruit sa

42、lad.W: No, its very easy. M: What do we need?W: We need one banana, two apples and three oranges.M: Is that all? Do we need any honey?W: Yes, two teaspoons.M: OK. I also like milk in it. Can we put some milk in it?W: Yes, you can if you like.IV. Do you like the apple milk shake? It is a healthy drink. Here is the reci

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