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1、第一学期高一英语期末试卷第I卷I听力:(共两节,满分15分)A.听下面5段话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the woman mean?A.She cant see the map.B.He should get help in finding the way。 C。She knows where it is。2.How many blocks should the woman go to the washroom?A.One.

2、 B。Two。 C.Three.3.How many meetings did the man attend?A。One B.Two。 C.Three。4.Why did the man get a ticket?A.He was speeding。 B.He went against a red light。 C.He turned a corner too fast.5。Why does the woman like the brick house better?A。It has a bigger yard. B。It is prettier。 C.It has a prettier co

3、lor.B.听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.Who is the best swimmer?A.Tom. B。Jack. C。Mary.7。What did the coach want them to do?A.To have fun swimming. B.To follow the rules. C.To watch the time。听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Wh

4、at will the woman do?A。To see the Lord Mayors parade.B.To see London Wall. C.To see St. Pauls。9。How many turns will the woman take to go to the Guildhall?A.Four。 B。Five。 C。Six.10。How long does it take her to go to the Guilhall from Blackfriars?A。About 10 minutes。 B.About an hour. C.About 30 minutes.

5、听第8段材料,回答第11至13题.11.Where are Niagara Falls?A。In North America。 B.In Europe。 C。In Africa.12。How many times did the lady visit the Great Lakes?A.Once. B.Twice。 C.Many times.13.Why are the Great Lakes famous?A.They have many waterfalls。 B。They are far away。C.They are the largest freshwater lakes in No

6、rth America。听第9段材料,回答第14至15题。14.Where is the man?A。In a tomb. B。In the museum。 C。In the zoo。15.What are there in it?A.A dead king. B.A dead queen, cups, clothes and pots.C.Many precious things.II.单项填空(共20小题,每小题0. 5分;满分10分)16. -would you like to listen to pop music ? -Well, I prefer _ folk music _ po

7、p music。Alistening ; to Bto listen, to Clistening ; thanDto listen ; than17。 I was _ leave _ I saw him running towards me with a book in his hand。Aabout to; when Babout to; while Cto; when Dto; while18. Id rather read than watch TV: the program seem _ all the time.Ato be getting worse Bto get worse

8、Cto have got worse Dgetting worse19. _ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month. AIt BAs CThat DWhat 20。 Shall I sit at this end or _ of the boat? _ If you keep still。Aanother; Either Bthe other; Either Canother; Both Dthe other; Both21. If you can make _ the teacher t

9、eaches _, youll make rapid progress。Aall; yourself Ball that ; your Cwhat; yours Dall that ; you22. How about the two of us _? Thats all right。Ago Bgoing Cwill go Dto go23. Please remind me _ go without him tomorrow. Adont Bnot to Cshouldnt Dto not24. The earth was once a beautiful planet where peop

10、le lived happily _ trees and animals。 Now , the world is dark and dirty, with no room _ happiness and fun。 Aamong; for Bbetween, for Cbetween; of Damong; of 25。 Shall we go for a picnic this weekend? Well, _。 Well have to see if the weather is fine .Ait all depends Bit depends on CO.K. DI dont know。

11、26。 Tom, why are you late again? Sorry, manager。 My car _ on my way to the office。 Abroke down Bbroke up Cbroke outDbroke into27. -What are you busy doing now? _。 Ato prepare the exams Ill take。 Bpreparing the exams Ill take。Cto prepare for the exam Ill take Dpreparing for the exams Ill take。28。 Wha

12、ts the result of the football game? Our team_ theirs _ one score。 Awon; by Bdefeated; for Cbeat; by Dgained; by29。 English is spoken all over the world, _ it the most popular language in the world。Ato make Bmakes Cmaking Dmade30. At the meeting, the headmaster suggested the teachers receive _ educat

13、ion to catch up with _ development。Afarther; the late Bfarther; the latest Cfurther; the late Dfurther; the latest31。 Peace is much _ the absence of war。Aother than Bmore than Cless than Drather than32. _ for pickpockets(扒手) when you are in the crowded railway station。ALook up BLook out CLook round

14、DLook back33. As children, Lucy and her sister always _ compete _ each other _ favorite toys.Aused to; with; for Bwas used to; for; with Cuse to; against; for Dwas used to; for; for34. -What did the doctor say yesterday afternoon? He said, “_ on time, this medicine will be quite effective.”ATaking B

15、Being taken CTaken DHaving taken35. I dont think I will need any money but I will bring some _.A。 at least B. in case C. once again D。 in timeIII。完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Exercise is good for you, 36 most people really know very little about how to exercise properly. 37 when you try, you can run into

16、trouble。 Many people believe that when specific muscles are exercised, the fat in the neighboring area is “ 38 up”. Yet the truth is that exercise burns fat from all over the 39 . Studies shows muscles which are not 40 lose their strength very quickly。 To regain it needs 48 to 72 hours and exercise

17、every other day will 41 a normal level of physical strength. To lose weight you should always “work up a good sweat when exercising。 Probably sweating only 42 body temperature to prevent over heating。 This is nothing but water loss. Once you replace the liquid, you replace the 43 . Walking is the be

18、st and easyto do exercise. It helps the circulation of blood 44 the body, and has a direct 45 on you over all feeling of health. Experience says that 20 minutes 46 47 is minimum amount(最小数量). _48_ your breathing doesnt return to normal state within minutes after you finish 49 , youve done 50 。36AasB

19、butCand Dbecause37AWhileBWhenCAsDSo38AbuiltBburnedCpiledDgrown39AarmBlegCstomachDbody40AexercisedBexaminedCprotectedDcured41AloseBraiseCburnDkeep42AraisesBreducesCdestroysDkeeps up43AweightBmuscleCsweatDstrength44AoverBaroundCthroughoutDwith45AeffectBuseCusageDaffect46AeducationBsleepCexerciseDrest4

20、7Aone dayBa dayCeverydayDsome day48ABut if BButCIfDAnd if49AworkingBwalkingCexercising Dbreathing50。 AenoughBmuchCtoo muchDmuch tooIV.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) AA diner in a very splendid restaurant started to take off his jacket, seeing this, the head waiter dashed over to his table and said, “Im afr

21、aid I must ask you to keep your jacket on, sir, for it is not good manners to do it in such a smart restaurant.”“Now listen”, said the diner. “Ill let you know that the Queen of England gave me permission to remove my jacket here。” “The Queen of England ?” said the waiter in great surprise。“Sure, re

22、plied the diner, “when I was in England last month, a friend of mine who had a very important position in high society took me to see the Queen。 It was rather hot so I started taking my coat off. The Queen looked over and said, “you may do that in the United State, but you may not do it here。 So I g

23、ot the Queens permission, right?”51It can be sure that the story happened _.Ain England Bin the Queens palace. Cin America Din an ordinary restaurant52When the head waiter asked the diner not to take off his jacket, the diner _.Atook his advice immediately。 Bobeyed him without any hesitation.Capolog

24、ized for his bad manners。 Drefused to listen to him53The diner thought he could take off his jacket because _.Ahe was permitted by the Queen of England to do so in the U。 S.Bthe weather was so hot that no one could stand it。CHe had the freedom of taking off his clothes anywhere.DHe was in such a sha

25、bby restaurant。54What the Queen really meant was that _.Apeople in the U。 S。 were less polite。 Bhe shouldnt take off his coat in such a formal occasion in England.Cshe permitted him to take off his jacket in America.Dthe English and the Americans enjoyed different ways of life。55What do you think of

26、 the diner? I think he was _.Aa person who had excellent understanding.BOne who didnt have good understanding.CSuch a man as used to make trouble。DAlways ready to do what the Queen told him to。 BNew Schedules of Cathay Pacific Airways ShanghaiHong KongCX301Tue。 Thur. Sat. Sun。Dep. Shanghai 20:30Arr.

27、 Hong Kong 21:45 Hong Kong- Shanghai CX 300Tue。 Thu。 Sat. Sun. Dep。 Hong Kong 16:15Arr. Shanghai 19:15 Beijing-Hong Kong CX 331Tue。 Thu. Fri. Dep. Beijing 17:45Arr。 Hong Kong 19:45 Hong Kong-BeijingCX 300Tue. Thu。 Fir。Dep. Hong Kong 12:50Arr. Beijing 16:0056.The above is a _.Apicture. Ba piece of ne

28、ws. Cform. Dnotice57It supplies information to people who are going to between Shanghai and Hong Kong or Beijing and Hong Kong _.Aby bike. Bby car. Cby plane Dby ship.58There are _ flights from Shanghai to Hong Kong every week。 A3 B4 C5 D659There are _ flights between Hong Kong and Beijing each week

29、.A3 B6 C5 D460Suppose : on arriving in Shanghai by Cathay Pacific flight one Thursday , youre told to return to Hong Kong by Cathay Pacific Airway immediately。 Now the most proper way is _。Ato wait until the next day Bto stay in Shanghai and take the Fridays flight from Beijing to Hong KongCto go to

30、 Beijing and take the Fridays flight.Dto take the same days flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong. CTom Brown was a good boxer( 拳击手)。 he had a pair of strong fists(拳头) that he never used at ordinary times。 He was very successful in boxing and had won many games.On one of his holiday trips in a small tow

31、n, he happened to see two men beating a young lady when he was driving his car along a black street。 Mr。 Brown immediately stopped the car and rushed out to help the girl。 “Get in my car,” Mr. Brown shouted to the girl. “Drive to the police station。 Quick!”When the policemen came, they found two men

32、 had gone and a young gentlemen lying on the ground , beaten black and blue。 “Why , this is Mr. Brown, the famous boxer!” one of them recognized him. “Why didnt you fight back but let them hit you like this?” You are strong enough to beat four of them with your fists!”“But I havent got my gloves(手套)

33、。 A boxer must never go to fight without his gloves on。 Thats one of our rules.” Answered Mr. Brown。61Which of the following description about Tom Brown is not true?AHe is a good boxer Bhe never used his fists without wearing gloves.CHe would like to help young lady。DOnce he was beaten black and blu

34、e while helping a young girl。62What happened on one of Toms holiday trips in a small town?AMr. Browns car was stopped by two men. BMr。 Brown drove his car along a black street.CA young lady was beaten by two men。 DA young lady asked Mr. Brown for help.63Mr。 Brown stopped his car because _.Ahe wanted

35、 to fight against the two men。 Bhe wanted to help the young lady.Che wanted to shout to the young lady。 Dhe wanted to call the policemen. 64Why didnt Mr。 Brown fight back?AHe hadnt got his gloves。 BHe was too strong to beat the two men.CHe didnt want to. DThe two men were stronger than him.65From th

36、e text, we can see Mr. Brown was a man who _。Ahad true sportsmanship Bforgot his gloves. Cliked helping ladies。 Ddisobey the rules.高一英语期末试题答题卷第II卷(2004、12、25)一、选择题:1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465二、单词拼写(共10小题,每小

37、题0。5分,满分5分)66。You should only use this door in an _(紧急情况).67。They often make a_ with others。68。We aim at q_ not quantity.69.E.T is a c_ from outer space。70。Our country has _(经历)great changes in the last fifties years。71。Its n_ of you to pull your sisters hair。72。We must send a letter to r_ them abou

38、t it。73。They are different, but they are of the same _(重量).74。The athletes competed for the h_ of their country.75.Smoking heavily has a bad e_ on ones health。三、短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)The village was always very quiet。 The people lived there 76_were busy working in their fields during the day, and 7

39、7_went to bed early at night, tiring after a long days hard 78_work. All of them had lived in a village for all their 79_life and have never left for more than one day at a time. 80_On these days they left, they got up early in the morning 。 81_They filled their carts with fruit and vegetables and s

40、heeps, 82_and went on the market in the town beyond their valley。 83_They came back in the evening and with some money and perhaps a 84_present for their children 。That was their life hard yet simple, but not unhappy。 85_ 四、书面表达(满分15分)最近,你班同学就中学生是否可以带手机上学进行了讨论。 请你根据下列信息,给校长写一封信,客观介绍你班讨论的情况。 70%的学生认为30的学生认为1 没有必要带手机。2带手机会影响学生集中精力学习,上课开机影响极坏.3学生用手机会增加家长经济负担。1 学生可以带手机上学,但上课要关机。2学生是否带手机不应该作为衡量学生道德的标准.3 时代发展了,不能用旧观念去约束学生。注意:1。信的开头已为你写好。 2。 词数: 100 左右。 Dear principle, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether a mobile phone should be brought to school.

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