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1、电大英语I(2)期末复习第一部分交际用语1. - When did you first cone to China?- l0years ago.A. RightB. Wrong2。 Have you ever tried wind urfmg?- Its very kind of you。A。 RightB. Wrong3。 - What does he look like?- He is tall and thin。A。 RightB。 Wrong4。 Hello. How was your trip to Shanghai?-Yes. I went there by train.A。 Ri

2、ghtB. Wrong5。 - What does your English teacher looklike?She likes singing.A。 RightB. Wrong6。 Shall we see a movie tonight? See you later.A。 RightB. Wrong7. -Do you like your job? Im a nurse。A。 RightB。 Wrong8. -Can I help you? Yes , please。 Id like to reserve a room。A。 RightB. Wrong9。 - Where did you

3、 go for your holiday? Two years ago。A. RightB. Wrong10. - How often do you go swimming?- About twice a weekA。 RightB. Wrong11. What would you like to drink, madam? A glass of white wine, please。A。 RightB. Wrong12。 - Are you ready to order? Yes。 Ill have a chicken salad please.A。 RightB. Wrong13。 How

4、 can I book a cheap hotel? If I were you , Id phone a travel agent.A。Right B。Wrong14。 Have you seen todays newspaper?Yes, Iam。A. RightB。 Wrong15. Whats your job?I ma nurse.A. RightB. Wrong16. - Hello。 Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?- Yes, it is. Can I help you?A. RightB。 Wrong17。 - Have you had a good d

5、ay? Yes ,but Im very tired.A. RightB. Wrong18。 How do you like the film?-It s very good. I like it。A. RightB。 Wrong19。 How about going swimming? Thats a good idear.A. RightB. Wrong20。You ordered some fish , don t you? No , thank you.A。 RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构1.The house was made_wood.A。 inB。 byC.of2。

6、 You can remember what you do if you_。A。 take a diaryB. keep a diaryC。 make a diary3。 An application form will be sent to you_。A.on requestB。 on a requestC. in request4。 The book was rather expensive,but I bought it_。A.anyway B。anyway C。even though5。 He failed_all his efforts.A. even ifB. althoughC。

7、 in spite of6. They_leave next Friday。A. decidedB。 decided toC。 decide7。 Dont( )him. He is writing a letter now.A。 disturb toB。 disturb C。 disturbing8. The boys got( )very late this morning。They watched too much TV last night。A. inB。 up C. together9。 Is the supermarket()the right or left?A. onB. inC

8、。 at10. Marys father is very pleased()her.A。 withB. atC. for11. The child_fluent French。A。saysB.speaksC。talks12. Tom helpedher mother_the cooking.A。forB。 onC. with13。 Could you tell me how to_my English?A。alterB.improveC。change14。 This idea hit me when I()this morning。A。 awoke upB. woke C. woke up15

9、. Todayistoobusy.Lets discuss it()next week。A。 sometimesB。 some times C. some time16。 You should be more patient( )your children.A。 forB. ofC。 with17。 They named theisland()its discoverer.A. afterB. in C. to18。 Sally is looking for a new job。 She has been bored()her job as a secretary.A。 byB。 from C

10、. with19。 1 was()my()to school when Isaw the accident。A。 on, wayB. in, wayC。 on, time20. You wont get better if you dont( )smoking。A。 give upB. give awayC. give out21. She()jogging every morning。A. goesB. does C. plays22. - Thank youfor lending me your dictionary. Youre welcome. But could you()to me

11、 tomorrow?A. give it backB. give back it C。 get back23. He is a good friend of( )。A。 ourB. oursC。 ours24。 Im going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have()in mind?A。 special somethingB。 special anything C。 anything special25。 1 dont know()to explain it。A。 whatB。 whyC。 how26.()her mother()she was a

12、t home when the thief came in.A.Neither, orB.Each, andC.Neither,nor27。 He bought two books。_I。A.So wasB。sodidC。 So do28. This red bicycle is_and that blue one is_。A。 his,Tom B。 his, Toms C. his,Toms29。 Tomorrow is my mothers birthday。 I wantto buy_for her。A。 anything specialB。 special somethingC。 so

13、mething special30.()is at the door?-It must be our new neighbour, MrsJones.A。 WhatB. Which C。 Who31. Its very easy to clean up the room。_can do it。A。 AnyoneB.Someone C. No one32。()of these books are yours?A. WhatB. WhichC. How33。 Youd better stop . Were listening tothe news。A。 to talkB. talkingC.tal

14、k34。 We built the house(). Nobody helped us.A。 ourselvesB. ours C. myself35。 CanMaryexpress()in Chinese?A. herselfB. hersC. her36。 Lets go to the Great Wall by bike,_?A。 shall weB. dont weC。 arent we37。 Have you()seen a tiger?A。 yetB。 justC。 ever38。Youre driving(), slow down!A。 too fastB。 very slow

15、C。 not fast39。 Is it difficult to learn to()Tai Chi?A。 doB. playC. go40. If I dont have to work late on Friday, Imight()dancing with friends.A. playB. getC。 go41。 -Have you had your breakfast?-No, I havent had it( )。A。 everB. yetC.just42。Ive always enjoyed( )。A. swimmingB. to swim C. swim43。 My aunt

16、 was angry with her family andwent away( )。A. in herselfB。 by herselfC。 with herself44. She can hardly wait to hear the news,( )?A. cant sheB. can she C. does she45.-Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow?-_。A。No.Ihavent。 B. No, I dont。 C。 No, I didnt。46。 Thewebpagecanbe( )blue( )green.A

17、. either, or。B. neither, or C. also, or47。 Mother told Little Toni not( )all the money。A。to spendB. spendC. spending48. The children are enjoying( )at the party.A. himselfB。 theirsC.themselves49. 1 dont know where the key is, but I suppose I( )it at home。A. could have left B。 should have left C。must

18、 leave50。 - I havent eaten all day.- You( )be very hungry。A. must B. shouldC.have to51。()is wrong with the car。 It wont start.A. EverythingB。 AnythingC.Something52。 After they finished()football, they went for a drink in a pub。A.playingB。to play C.play53. Be careful! Dont cut()with the knife。A.youB。

19、 yoursC。 yourself54。 You()wear school uniform. Youcan wear what you like。A。 dont have toB. mustntC. have to55. The man is_。 He is rude to everyone.A。 impoliteB. polite C. impossible56。She()to town last week。A。goesB.went C. has gone57。The film was( )that I tell asleep in the cinema。A. too boredB. so

20、bored C。 so boring,8。Mike offered to help and so( )John。A.doesB.is C.did59。Wheres( )newspaper?A。 todayB。 today s C. todays60. 1 didnt buy the book because I didnt have( ) money on me。A。 noB. anyC。some61。()! ”chat fire is dangerous.A。 To stop B。StoppingC.Stop62。Her article is()in her class.A。betterB。

21、best C.the best63。When I saw him, I ()him( ) some money。A。 ask, for B。 sked, with C。asked, for64. She()answer my phone call yesterday.A.doesntB.didnt C.wasnt65。 Table tennis is( )popular sport inthis country.A。 more B.the most C。the best66.Mary would like to buy the handbag,( )is very beautiful but

22、also rather expensive.A. that B.whichC。 who67. My brother( )lives in America isvisiting next week。A.whichB.who C。whom68。 -Could I see the manager now?- Imsorryyoucant。Hehas( )to Hong Kong.A. beenB。goneC. stayed69. As she( )newspaper, Granny( )asleepA。was reading, fell B. read, was falling C. read, f

23、ell70。IfI_you, I would buy a house at the seaside.A.wereB。wasC。am71. Where does Mark get his hair cut? He cuts it( ).A.aloneB。himselfC.itself72。- Would you like to go to the cinema with me?- Id( )stay at home.A。 likeB. preferC.rather73.( )it rains tomorrow, well go to the cinema。A。HoweverB. SinceC.

24、If74.Its quite fine today。 Would you like tobasketball with me?A。 PlayB。do C.go75. Tianjin is a two-hour journcy( ) Beijing。A.inB.from C。away76.John didnt turn up()the meeting finished.A.byB。inC。until77. Were going to()France or Spain next year.A。 eitherB neitherC. both78。()the rain, they went to wo

25、rk as usual。A. AlthoughB.While C。 In spite of79. 1 didnt go()in the summer.A.somewhereB. everywhere C。 anywhere80. Withhishelp, youwill have( ) to worry about。A。 nothingB。something C。 anything第三部分 阅读理解Choose the best answersDear all,This message is just to confirm the details forthe next few days。 D

26、aves picking up the vantomorrow and were loading it at his place at10。00 on Friday morning。 Ive booked us allinto The Tolly for one night。 Its a hotel nearthe university - in Welbeck Street。 Steve and Iare getting the 4.30 p。m。 train。 Were stoppingto check in at the hotel to pick up the keys andget

27、changed at 6。00. We have to check out ofthe hotel by 9.00 on Saturday morning becausethey have a big group coming to the hotel。 Sowe have to get up early, Im afraid!Dave and Paul, if you cant get to the hotel byabout 7。00, lets meet in the cafe at theuniversity at 7。30. Well set up the equipment at8

28、.00 for the gig and have a rehearsal。See you all,Mary1。 Theyll load the vanA. after Dave has picked it upB。tomorrow morningC. when Dave comes2. Theyll stay in a hotel forA.two nightsB。one nightC. afew hours3。 Mary will get to the hotelA。 at 4.30 pmB。 at 5 pmC. before 6pm4。 Theyll stay at thehotel on

29、night.A。 SaturdayB。 FridayC. Sunday5。 Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel iftheyA. arrive before 7.30B。 arrive before 7C. get up early in the morning第2篇。Hi, Sharon,Ive only got 10 days left in England。 Can youbelieveIve already been here for a year?Theres so much to do before I leave! I reallym

30、ust buy presents for my English friends tothank them for all their help. I have to move outof my room on Friday because Franco has gotanother tenant。 At least I dont have to findsomewhere else to live。 Im going to spend afew days with friends。 He is letting the wholeflat because Mary is moving just

31、before hermarriage. The time has gone so quickly. Icannot believe that Ive been here for a wholeyear。 And I must start packing too - I havebought a lot since I came, and I need anothersuitcase。 Ill give some things to charity shops Ithink.Anyway, Im really writing to say that Ill beback in Shanghai

32、on the 27 April, and it wouldbe great to see you to catch up on all our news.Ill phone as soon as I get back.How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan1.When will Xiaoyan leave England?A。Amonthlater。B. 10days later。C. A year later。2。Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out?A.She will stay in her friends p

33、lace。B。She will be on the plane to Shanghai.C.She will have to find a hotel to live in.3。 What will happen to Francos flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out?A。It will be sold at a good price。B。 It will be rented to other people。C. It will be kept for Xiaoyan when sheconies back。4。 Why does Xiaoyan need

34、 another suitcase?A。She has got more things than she came with。B.Her old suitcase is broken.C.She has to give things to charity shops.5。What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon?A. To ask Sharon to show her around Shanghai.B。 To talk about what happened to them recently.C.

35、To show Sharon her new clothes.第3篇My grandfather was a completely differentperson before he had a stroke。 He workedas achief accountant, and he worked really longhours. People used to say that he was aworkaholic. When he came home, he wasalways tired and this used to make him irritable.He didnt use

36、to be sociable at all。 He used tospend a lot of time alone working in the garden。I used to be frightened of him as a child。 Heused to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenlyhe became ill, and then the doctors told him hehad to give up work。 He changed almostovernight。 His attitude to lots of things

37、 changed.He relaxed andspent time with his grandchildren.When he died ,I think he was a really happy, relaxed man。1。 My grandfather used to( ).A。 drink a lotB。 work very hardC。be the manager2。 He was()when he came home.A。 very pleasantB。 excited C. easy to get angry3。 When I was a child, I( ).A. lik

38、ed him very muchB. I hated himC. was afraid of him4。 Doctors asked him to()after he had a stroke。A.stopworkingB.changehis attitudeC。 work less5。 When he died, he( )。A。wasfeeling worriedB. was irritableC。 was a happy man第4篇。Ivydale Guesthouse*Bath TouristAssociation ApprovedRon and Ann welcome you to

39、 Ivydale, wheremodern comforts and traditional hospitalitymeet。Conveniently located - a short walkfromthe city centre.Wellequipped all rooms have an ensuite bathroom, colour TVwithsatellitechannels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini barand phone。Excellent food - we offer full Englishand buffet brea

40、kfasts. Vegetarian food availableon request。Peace and quiet Ivydale is situated initsown gardens,offeringtheperfectatmosphere for business travellers and tourists.Please note that we operate a strictnosmoking policy.”Mini-break deals available.For reservations or a brochure, please call(01225)12123551. Theowneroftheguesthouseis/are( )。A.Ivydale B。Ron and AnnC。 Bath2。 The guesthouse is( )the city center.A。 near to B。Far from C.in3. Guests can( ).A. make tea in their roomB.get online with their computerC。 smoke in

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