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1、双基限时练(四)Unit 2Part .单词拼写1The boy shows great _ (古怪心) about animals.答案curiosity2You mustnt eat too much fat if you want to keep _ (苗条的)答案slim3The shopping mall is full of _ (顾客) every day.答案customers4They love _ (烤) meat in the open air.答案roasting5A balanced _ (饮食) is necessary for good health.答案diet

2、6You must know your own strengths and _ (缺点)答案weaknesses7We must make some _ (折扣) before accepting his story.答案discount8After the tiring trip, his _ (力气) gave out.答案strength9He is a liar. That is, he is always telling _ (谎话)答案lies10The _ (女仆人) made her guests comfortable.答案hostess.用适当的介词、副词填空1You sh

3、ould eat a healthy diet and exercise more to get yourself prepared _ the future challenges.答案for2The scientists need some information for their research _ space.答案on/into3The weakness of the diet _ the newlyopened restaurant was giving its customers too much fat.答案in4You can be thinner as well as he

4、althy if you eat more vegetables _ beans, cucumbers and mushrooms.答案like5Dont throw _ the old newspapers. Ill use them to clean the windows.答案away6Everybody is tired _ your everlasting complaints!答案of7Do try to get rid _ smoking; its a bad habit.答案of8He was so angry that he glared _ me but said noth

5、ing.答案at9The party must try to win _ the support it has lost.答案back.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1I dont know how he managed to get away with _ (steal) the bike.答案与解析stealing句意:我不知道他怎么能偷了自行车而不受惩处。get away with指“(做错事)未受惩处”。2My mother bought a new skirt for me at _ discount yesterday.答案与解析a句意:昨天我妈妈给我买了条打折的新裙子。at a

6、discount意为“打折”,是固定短语。3 What do you think of the boys painting? Ive never seen a person with a _ (good) sense of art.答案与解析better句意:你认为这个男孩的画怎么样?我从来没有见过比这个男孩更有艺术感的人。比较级better与never连用表示最高级的含义。4 On which day do you think we shall go to the Science Museum? Saturday or Sunday? _ you like. Its all the same

7、 to me.答案与解析AsAs you like.是方式状语从句,该句为省略句,其完整形式为We can go on either day as you like.5You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ (explain) often enough.答案与解析explained句意:你现在应当明白交通规章了。已经有人向你解释过多次了。have sth. done“让别人做某事”,符合题意。6The manager promised to keep me _ (inform) of how our busin

8、ess was going on.答案与解析informed句意:经理答应让我随时了解我们生意的进展状况。inform与me是动宾关系,故此处用inform的过去分词形式作宾补。7 Would you like some potato chips? No potato chips for me. Im _ a diet.答案与解析on句意:你想来点薯条吗?不要给我拿薯条。我在节食。be on a diet固定短语,意为“节食”。8I always know when he is telling _ (lie), so I know where he has gone.答案与解析lies/a l

9、ie句意:他什么时候说谎我都知道,所以我知道他去哪儿了。tell lies/a lie“说谎”,符合题意。9Emmett hasnt got enough _ (strong) to remove that stone. Hes only 10.答案与解析strength句意:埃梅特没有足够的力气搬走那块石头。他只有10岁。strength“力气;力气”,符合句意。10If you are curious _ Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.答案与解析aboutbe curious about“对古怪”。

10、11 Hi, Jack! Have you heard of any good news about Frank recently? Yeah. He _ (not) have done better. He has been admitted to Beijing University because of his winning the prize in the national computer contest.答案与解析couldnthe couldnt have done better的意思是“他做得再好不过了”,此处用“否定词比较级”的形式表达了最高级的意义。12There was

11、 an oil painting _ (lie) in the corner. It _ (lie) there for several days.答案与解析lying; had lain句意:角落里有一张油画,它已经在那里好几天了。lying in the corner作后置定语,修饰oil painting, lie表示“位于”时,过去分词是lain。.依据课文内容,完成语法填空Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _1_(frustrate). It had been very strange. Usually he got

12、 up early and prepared all kinds of food. All these food were well prepared. Then _2_ lunch time they would all be sold out. By now his restaurant _3_ to be full of people. But it was strange that day. _4_ came into his restaurant. He didnt understand _5_. Therefore, he followed one of his former cu

13、stomers. The customer went into a new small restaurant _6_ advertisement made Wang Peng feel curious. After finding the secret, Wang Peng felt more _7_(hope) as he drove back home. He thought that _8_ he gave a discount and a new sign he could win his customers _9_. Then the competition between the

14、two restaurants was _10_.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案1.frustrated2.by3.ought4.Nobody5.why6.whose7.hopeful8.if9.back10.on.阅读理解AWhen you enter a supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk between the shelves. You carry a shopping basket and your food is in it.You probably hear soft, slow mu

15、sic as you walk between the shelves. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things.Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where

16、 customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.The departmen

17、t selling milk and milk products such as butter and milk powder is called the dairy department. Many customers like milk that has only a little butterfat in it. One store has three different jars of low fat milk. One says“1 percent fat”on the jar. The second says“99 percent fat free”. The third says

18、“LOW FAT”in big letters and“1%”in small letters. As you can see, all the milk has the same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. However,in this store the three jars of milk cost three different amounts of money. Maybe the customers will buy the milk that costs the most.Most of the food in superm

19、arkets is very pleasing. It all says“Buy me!” to the customers. The expensive meat says“Buy me!”as you walk by. The expensive milk jar says“Buy me! I have less fat.”1The manager of the supermarket knows _.A. which customers like low fat milkB. which customers like slow musicC. where customers enter

20、the meat departmentD. where customers come from答案与解析C本文就买肉及奶制品给出了例子说明商家是如何吸引顾客买(商家)想要出售的商品的,可以从第三段第三句“The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department.”中找到答案。2There are three different jars of low fat milk, and _.A. one has more fat than the other twoB. they all cost th

21、e same amount of moneyC. one has less fat than the othersD. they all have the same amount of fat答案与解析D依据文中的叙述:One says “1 percent fat”; “. 99 percent fat free”; “. LOW FAT” in big letters and “1%” in small letters.可知它们的脂肪含量是一样的。3Supermarket managers make the food pleasing so that _.A. there will be

22、more buyersB. buyers will be proudC. it is good and expensiveD. they can raise the prices答案与解析A由本文的最终一段可知“Most of the food . is very pleasing.”这种吸引人的标志可让更多的顾客光顾。4Low fat milk is in the _.A. meat departmentB. fruit and vegetable departmentC. sweets departmentD. dairy department答案与解析Ddairy department“

23、奶制品部分”。department“专营某种特定产品或服务的商业部门”。5The best title of this passage may be _.A. Cheap FoodB. Buy MeC. Low Fat MilkD. Supermarket Management答案与解析D本文通篇叙述了超市经营者吸引顾客的各种聪慧的营销手段,有轻松的音乐、悦目的招牌及鼓舞性的语言,这些都能促使消费者轻松开心地消费。BCarrots are grown on farms and in family gardens throughout the world. Carrots are easy to

24、 raise and easy to harvest. They taste good, and they contain a lot of carotene, which the body changes into vitamin A. When people think of carrots, they usually picture in their mind a vegetable that is long, thin and orange in colour. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes. And not a

25、ll carrots are orange. For example, Paris Market Carrots are about five centimetres around. Imperator Carrots are thin and about twentyfive centimetres long. And Belgian White Carrots are, as their name suggests, white.For the best results, carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold wa

26、ter for a long time. The soil also should have no rocks.To prepare your carrot garden,dig up the soil, loosen it and turn it over. Then,mix in some plant material or animal fertilizer.Weather, soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste. Experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium

27、soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.Carrots need time to develop their full sugar content. This gives them their taste. If they are harvested too early, they will not have enough sugar. But carrots lose their sweetness if you wait too long to remove them fro

28、m the ground.The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its colour. Usually, the brighter the colour, the better the taste.Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest

29、 carrots the same way as during the summer months.If the ground does freeze in your part of the world, simply cover your carrot garden with a thick layer of leaves or straw. This will prevent the ground from freezing. You can remove the ground cover and harvest the carrots as they are needed.Carrots

30、 are prepared and eaten in many different ways. They are cut into thin pieces and cooked with other vegetables. They are cooked by themselves or added to stews. Or, once they are washed, they are eaten just as they come out of the ground.6We can conclude from the passage that _.A. carrots are of dif

31、ferent sizesB. carrots wont grow well in a pool soilC. the weather will affect how carrots tasteD. tasty carrots are grown in a hot climate答案与解析BA、C两项陈述本身正确,但是属于原文直接说明的,不是推断出来的。D项陈述错误,故选B项。7By _ we can judge a carrots proper harvest time.A. its sugar content B. its shapeC. its colour D. its size答案与解

32、析C由第七段可知。8A thick layer of leaves is necessary for growing carrots _.A. in the cold winter monthsB. if they are planted in ground which could become frozenC. to make sure that they taste goodD. in order to harvest them in time答案与解析B由倒数其次段第一、二句可知。9The main purpose of the passage is to tell people _.A. how carrots growB. how to grow good carrotsC. something not widelyknown about carrotsD. about the different kinds of carrots答案与解析B通读全文可知,作者介绍了一些关于种植胡萝卜的学问,目的在于告知读者如何种植出好的胡萝卜。

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