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1、专题二 代词和介词【命题趋势探秘】命题规律考查内容不定代词it的用法其他代词介词和介词短语考查热度考查题型语法填空,单项填空,完形填空,短文改错语法填空,单项填空,完形填空,短文改错语法填空,单项填空,短文改错语法填空,单项填空,完形填空,短文改错所占分值13分13分1分1分命题趋势 1. 从近年全国及各考区对代词的考查试题看,高考试题对代词的考查重点是:1.不定代词的辨析,不定代词在特定结构中的使用,如anyone,both, neither, nothing等与从句相结合;与any,some,all,none,other,another相关的不定代词;2.代词one,it, that, t

2、hose作替代词的用法区分;3.it的各种用法;4.形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。 2. 高考试题对介词短语的考查侧重下面这些考点:1)介词与其他词类如名词、形容词构成的固定搭配;2)介词短语的含义以及在语境中的辨析;3)其他语法学问中对介词固定搭配的考查,比如在定语从句的“介词+关系代词”结构中考查介词的固定搭配。【高频考点聚焦】考点1不定代词【基础学问梳理】 不定代词即不具体指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,主要分为复合不定代词和兼作形容词的不定代词。复合不定代词主要指由some、any等构成的不定代词;兼作形容词的不定代词指既能单独作代词又能修饰名词的不定代词。分类构成或代表

3、词句法功能复合不定代词由some-, any-, no- every-与-body, -one, -thing构成:someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, none, nobody, nothing, everyone, everybody, everything主语、宾语、表语、补足语等兼作形容词的不定代词all, each, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no,

4、 a few, a little, both, enough, every等多数都能作主语、宾语、表语或定语1. both, all, either, neither, none, any的用法都(指全部)任何一个都不(全部否定)两者botheitherneither三者或三者以上allanynoneWe were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China我们惊异地发觉这条河有一半是在中国境内。(教材例句)The government wanted to make Microsoft into two companie

5、s so that neither of them was so strong nor so rich.政府想把微软公司分成两个公司,这样一来这两家公司就都不够强大或富有。 (教材例句)2. none, nothing, nobody/no one的用法none指人或物,其用法相当于no+前述名词,回答how many, how much的提问;可接of短语nothing指物,表示“什么东西都没有”,可回答what的提问;不能接of短语no one/ nobody指人,表示“一个人也没有”,可回答who的提问;不能接of短语If you dont mind, may I ask you how

6、 much money you have? 假如你不介意,请问你有多少钱?Well, to be honest, I have none. 哦,说狡猾话,我没钱(教材例句)Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,就什么也不能使她转变。(教材例句) It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一座任何人都逃不出去的监狱。(教材例句)3. any与every的用法 any+(单数、复数、不行数)名词表示“(三个及以上中)任何一个”。 every+名词表示“(三个或三个以上中

7、的)每一个”。 not any表全部否定,而not every+名词表部分否定的“不是全部的都”。留意不行说anynot。如: 注:any可单独使用,而every不能单独使用,只能作定语。Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didnt answer any of them.詹妮被询问了很多问题,但她一个也没回答。(高考例句)Not every exercise is difficult.不是每个练习都很难。 4.other,another,the other,others,the others other是形容词,不能单独使用,必需与名词连用,

8、或用the other(s), others; another=an+other,表示没有具体限定的、泛指的“另外一个”,用another(+单数名词/+ 数词+复数名词); the other:表示有具体限定的两者中的“另外那个/那些”,用the other(+单/复数名词); others相当于“other+复数名词”,表示泛指其他的/别的人或物; the others相当于the other+复数名词,表示有具体范围限定的“其他的人或物”。如:Some people choose jobs for other reasons besides money these days.如今,有些人

9、选择工作时考虑的除了钱,还有其他缘由。(高考例句)Now lets move on to another topic. Do you follow me?现在我们换一个话题吧。你听明白了吗?(高考例句)They had to use actors for the other three members of the band.他们只好用演员来代替这个乐队另外三个人。(教材例句)They were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees. 他们惊异

10、地发觉,这些恐龙不仅能像其他恐龙那样奔跑,还会上树。(教材例句) 5.全部否定与部分否定 all, both, everybody, everything以及“every+名词”都表示全部确定; none, neither, no one, nobody, nothing, notany以及“no+名词”表示全部否定; 当表示全部确定的句子中毁灭了not时,不管not在这些代词之前(not all/both/everybody,etc)还是在谓语动词(包括be动词)部分(all/both/everybodynot),都是表示部分否定;另外,not与总括性的副词如always, wholly,

11、altogether, everywhere等连用时也表示部分否定。如:The smile does not always means that we are truly happy, however.微笑并不总是意味着我们真的很欢快。(教材例句)Not all cultures use the handshake, and people in many Asian cultures do not always touch another person. 并非全部的文化都是用握手进行寒暄,很多亚洲国家的文化里,人们不经常有肌肤的接触。(教材例句) 6. many, much, a little

12、, little, a few, fewmanymucha little,littlea fewfew加复数名词加不行数名词加不行数名词,表示“多” ,确定含义加不行数名词,表示“少” ,否定含义加复数名词,表示“多”,确定含义加复数名词,表示“少”,否定含义如:The hotel wasnt particularly good. But I had stayed in many worse hotels. 这家旅馆不算特殊好,但我住过很多比这更糟糕的旅馆。 (高考例句)At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restau

13、rant served far too much fat and Yong Huis far too little.在图书馆王鹏惊异地发觉,他的餐馆的菜肴脂肪太多,而雍辉的餐馆的菜肴脂肪太少。(教材例句)I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I went there several years ago.我对意大利有些了解,由于我跟妻子几年前去过那里。(高考例句)【核心考点讲练】 1.复合不定代词的用法 复合不定代词包括everything, everyone, everybody; something, someone, somebody

14、; anything, anyone, anybody; nothing; no one, nobody。它们在句中可作主语或表语,不能作定语。使用复合不定代词要留意下面几点: 1)与some和any的区分一样,some构成的复合不定代词一般用于确定句,any构成的复合不定代词一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件句;在表示恳求、邀请或征求意见的疑问句中通常用some构成的复合不定代词,表示期望得到确定回答;any构成的复合不定代词也可以用于确定句中表示“任何人”“任何事(物)”。如:An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been

15、 proved. 观点是人们认为是真的,但没有得到证明的东西。(教材例句) 2)由any、some、no、every与one、body构成的不定代词,都是第三人称指人,没有性别区分,作主语时谓语一般用单数形式,相应的人称代词和物主代词可用第三人称单数的he or she, him or her, his or her等,第三人称复数的代词及变化是they, them, their等,一般多用he, him, his等。如:Everybody was touched beyond words after they heard her moving story. 听了她的感人故事之后,大家都深受感

16、受,不知说什么。(高考例句) His efforts to raise money for his program were in vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.他想为自己的项目捐款的努力是白费劲,由于谁也不想从自己口袋里掏一分钱。 (高考例句) 3. 由any、some、no、every与thing构成的不定代词作主语时谓语只能用单数,相应的人称代词只能用it指物。如:Everything is ready, isnt it?一切都预备好了,是吧? 4.-one和-bo

17、dy构成的复合不定代词anyone, everyone等只能指人,不能指物,后面不能接of短语;若要指物或接表示范围的of短语时则用any one, every one等(即分开写)。如:Every one of the windows was broken. 每个窗户都是破的。He shook hands with every one of the students. 他与每个同学握手。 2.与复合不定代词构成的习惯短语nothing but仅仅;只不过anything but确定不 something of达到某种程度;俨然像someone/somebody/something重要人物no

18、body不重要的人;小人物的or something 或诸如此类的事物for nothing不要钱;免费He is nothing but a clerk.他只是一个职员。The hotel was anything but satisfactory. 这家旅馆太不让人满足了。He is a scientist or something.他或许是科学家之类的人物。【典例1】(2022福建)In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in , knives and forks. A. another B. others C. both

19、 D. all 解析:句意:在有些国家,人们用筷子吃饭,而在另外一些国家,人们用刀和叉子。语境表示没有具体所指的“另外一些国家”,用others表示没有具体所指的“其他的”,因此选B。 答案:B【典例2】(2022江西)When shall I call , in the morning or afternoon? _. Ill be in all day. A. Any B. None C. Neither D. Either 解析:句意:我什么时候打电话呢?在上午还是下午?都可以,我一天都在家。说话人说一天都在家,因此这里表示前面提到的两个时间段的任何一个都可以,用either表示确定含义

20、的“两者中的任何一个”,因此选D。 答案:D【技巧点拨】几组不定代词的用法 1)all, every与each (1)三个词都用来概括全部,但强调的重点不同:all是整体性地考虑总体,表示“全部”;every考虑总体中的每个成员(与all接近),表示“每一个”;each则是逐个考虑总体,表示“全部中的每一个”。如:Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets had sold out.玛丽午饭的时候去售票处,但全部的票都卖完了。(高考例句)The seaside here draws a lot of touris

21、ts every summer.每年夏季这里的海边都吸引很多游客。(高考例句) (2)all和each可单独使用,也可接名词,接of短语,而every是形容词,必需接单数可数名词,不能单独使用,也不能接of短语。 (3)each指两者及以上的“每个”,every指三者及以上的“每个”,因此指两者时只能用each。 2)nobody, no one与none的用法 no one=nobody,表示“没有人”,均只指人不指物;用作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,且其后不接表范围的of短语。 none=no+前述名词,既可指人也可指物,其后可接 of 短语;用作主语时,若指不行数名词,谓语只能用单数,若

22、指可数名词,则谓语可用单数也可用复数。要留意的是,none有具体替代(前述名词),因此有确定的范围所指,而no one、nobody没有具体范围。Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.在简之前没有谁完全了解黑猩猩的行为。 (教材例句)Most of my new classmates are kind, but none is so good to me as Bruce.我的那些新同学大多很友善,但他们都不如布鲁斯对我好。(高考例句)考点2 it的用法【基础学问梳理】 高考试题对it的考查一般毁灭在单项填空、语法填空和短文改错

23、中,涉及it的各种用法,包括it指时间、天气、距离等,及it作形式主语、形式宾语,以及it的相关句型,考查it的基本用法以及各种从句与it句式的交叉点和易混点。【核心考点讲练】1.it用来指代事物或人用法例句代替前面已提到的事物,以避开重复In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than it used to be.在我看来,21世纪的生活比以前更简洁一些。(高考例句)指代动植物、不明身份或性别不详的人、婴儿。若指已知的或身份明确的人,则视状况用he或sheSomeone must have been her

24、e, though we have no idea who it was.确定有人来过这儿,尽管我们不知道是谁。The Smiths got a baby and it is lovely.史密斯家生了个孩子,很可爱。用于指上文提到的状况,起this或that的作用Its a good habit for you to keep a diary. It can help you remember past events.写日记对你来说是一个好习惯。它可以帮你记住一些过去发生的大事。(教材例句)用作主语或宾语,指代时间、季节、距离、天气、自然现象、环境等It is twelve oclock n

25、ow, and its still raining heavily.现在已经中午12点了,可是还在下着大雨。Its very quiet here in the garden.花园里很安静。用于某些习语:make it准时赶到;成功;catch it被责骂,受惩处You can make it if you hurry.假如你赶忙,还可以赶到。注:it指物与one的区分:两者都可代替前面提到的事物,it指的是前面已提到的事物本身,此时it等于“the/this/that/my,+名词”;one指的是与前面提到的事物为同一类,相当于“a/an+名词”。如:Ive lost my pen. I h

26、avent found it and will have to buy one.我的钢笔丢了,没找到,我得再买一枝。2.it用作形式主语和形式宾语用法例句形式主语当不定式、动词-ing形式或从句作主语时,为避开头重脚轻,通常在句首使用it作形式主语,把真正的主语放在句尾。It is none of your business what other people think about you.别人怎么看你,这跟你没关系。(高考例句)it用作动词look, appear, seem,happen, occur, follow等的主语(后接that或as if从句)。It looks like t

27、he weather is changing for the worse.看来天气越来越坏。(高考例句)当系表结构后接有if或when引导状语从句时,通常在系表结构前用形式主语it表示说话人对某状况的看法。It would be great if you could do me a favor.你要是能帮我个忙就太好了。it用于其他固定句型,如if it were not for(要不是由于), its time that(该了)等。 形式宾语用在“动词+it+宾补+不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句”中(常见动词:think, make, find, consider, feel, sup

28、pose等:宾补为形容词或名词)。He has made it a rule to set aside half an hour every day for some exercise.他习惯了每天熬炼半小时。I found it surprising that most employees were absent.我惊异地发觉,大多数员工都不在场。介词后面不能直接跟that从句作宾语,此时就在介词后面用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在句尾。You may depend on it that hell turn up in time.你可以信任他会按时赶到的。We owe it to you

29、 that there wasnt a serious accident.多亏了你才没有发生严峻事故。有的动词只能作及物动词,而后面要接if从句或when从句时,通常在及物动词后接it作形式宾语I hate it when I have to speak with my mouth full of food.有时候,非得让我含着饭菜说话,我很厌烦。动词+it+介词短语+that从句。如:bring it to ones attention that; owe it to sb. that; leave it to sb. that; take it for granted that; keep

30、 it in mind that等。I owe it to you that I finished all my work on time.多亏有你我才准时完成了工作。 3.it用于强调结构it bethat:it is (was) +强调部分+that / who+其他(题干是现在时就用it isthat,题干为过去时则用it wasthat。如:It was my brother who/that telephoned me yesterday. 昨天是我弟弟给我打来电话。It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.

31、直到1920年无线电广播节目才开头定期播出。强调句的疑问句:1)一般疑问句:Is/Was itthat?如:Was it in this room that the meeting was held?会议是在这个房间召开的吗?2)特殊疑问句:用疑问词What/Who/Where/How/When等+is/was it that?如:Where was it that the meeting was held?会议是在哪个房间召开的? 【典例1】(2022山东)Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herse

32、lf. A. that B. this C. it D. her 解析:句意:苏珊清楚地跟我表明,她期望为自己制造新的生活。分析句子结构可以看出,谓语made后面接了that引导的宾语从句以及宾语补足语clear,为保持句子结构的平衡,这里将宾语从句放在了句尾,因此本空需要代词it作形式宾语,因此选C。 答案:C 【典例2】(2022陕西)Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A. it B. you C. one D. this解析:句意:假如你能提前让我知道你是否会

33、来,我将格外感谢。Id appreciate it if.是固定句式,表示“假如我将不甚感谢”,及物动词appreciate需要宾语,因此这里用it在句中作宾语。 答案:A 【技巧点拨】it用于模糊指代 在有些固定搭配中,由于结构的需要常用it表示模糊指代,如: 1.在appreciate、hate、like等动词后面接when、how、if等引导的从句时,用it作这些动词的宾语,后面再接状语从句。如: I hate it if someone wakes me up in the middle of my sleep.假如我在睡觉的时候有人把我弄醒了,我会很厌恶的。 2.有些短语或固定表达中

34、用it表示模糊指代,如:Take it easy.不要紧急。You can make it.你能行。I cant help it if he is always late.假如他总是迟到,我也没方法。考点3其他代词的用法【基础学问梳理】 1.人称代词的宾格在简略答语中的使用 2.形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法 3.it, that, one, ones,those等替代词的用法 4.each, every, any的用法【核心考点讲练】1.人称代词1)当说话者不清楚或不必要知道说话对象的性别时,可以用it来表示。如:Someone is knocking at the door. To

35、m, please go and see who it is.有人在敲门。Tom,你去看看是谁。2)在简略答语中,或在没有谓语动词的句子中,常用人称代词的宾格作答。如:Glad to meet you.见到你很兴奋。Me,too.见到你我也很兴奋。3)any、some、no、every与one,body构成的不定代词如everyone,nobody,其代词形式用he/she或they,以及相对应的代词形式。如:If anyone arrives late,theyll(he or she will) have to wait outside.谁要是迟到,他就得在外面等着。2. 物主代词 物主代

36、词即人称代词的全部格形式,它可分为形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, their)和名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,theirs)。 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,只能作名词或动名词的定语。如:Has your sister finished her composition yet?你姐姐的作文完成了吗?I have no idea. She was writing it this morning. 我不知道呢。她今日早上还在写。Would you mind my/me opening the window?

37、你介意我开窗户吗?(作动名词的规律主语,构成动名词的复合结构) 名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,可单独作主语、宾语、表语。此外,名词性物主代词还可与名词及of连用,构成双重全部格,即:a/an/this/that/these/those/ some/ any/several/no/each/every/such/another/which+名词+of+名词性物主代词。如:This is her coat.Mine is over there.这是她的外套。我的(外套)在那边。I had planned to see a friend of mine, but in the en

38、d I stayed at home doing nothing.我本打算去看一个伴侣的,可是最终却待在家里啥也没做。3. 反身代词 1)当宾语与句子主语是同一个人或物时,宾语用反身代词表示“某人自己”,还可作表语、介词宾语和同位语。 If you keep on doing things this way, you might hurt yourself.假如你连续这样做事,你会伤着自己的。I hope he can manage it himself.期望他自己就能应对。 2)含有反身代词的惯用语 (1)与介词连用 Left alone in the large house, the li

39、ttle boy had to learn to survive by himself. (单独地、独自地) Youll have to see if he has gone to the school for yourself.(亲自) The computer can shut off of itself.(自动地) Jim is not bad in himself,but he is a little shy.(本质上) He was beside himself with joy when he heard he had passed the exam.(=almost mad wi

40、th anger/excitement,etc.(由于生气、感动等而)发狂、忘形 2)与使役动词及其他动词连用 absent oneself缺课/缺勤 apply oneself to认真致志于 adapt oneself to适应于 enjoy oneself(=have a good time)感到欢快,过得快活 behave yourself(=be polite;show good manners)使(自己)举止良好 devote oneself to认真于;献身于treat oneself to sth用款待自己make oneself at home不要客气seat oneself

41、(=sit)坐come to oneself恢复自制力/知觉;糊涂过来think for oneself独立思考(形成看法作出打算等)be oneself处于正常状态、显得自然 4.疑问代词 疑问代词在句中起名词的作用,用来引起特殊疑问句。 1)who可指单数或复数含义,在句中作主语、表语和宾语,在句中作宾语(动词的宾语和介词的宾语)时也可用whom,问姓名或身份。 2)whom在句中只能作动词和介词的宾语,当介词与疑问词连用时只能用“介词+whom”。如:Who/Whom should we believe?我们该信任谁呢?With whom are you going to the cin

42、ema this evening?今日晚上你预备和谁一起去看电影呢? 3)whose表示“谁的”,作定语修饰名词,或者也可省略名词,单独作主语、宾语、表语等。如:Whose advice do you think I should take?你觉得我该听谁的建议? 4)what表示“什么”,对人或者物提出疑问,可单独使用,也可放在名词前,可在句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。如:What is the population of the city?这个城市的人口是多少?What is the distance between your home and your school?你家距离学校有多远?

43、What is the price of the dictionary?这本词典的价格是多少? 5)which表示“哪个,哪些”, 是在已知范围内进行选择,后面可跟of短语。而what是在未知范围内进行选择,后面不行跟of短语。如:What do you want to read? 你想看/读什么?(无范围)Which(of the animals)is bigger,an elephant or a horse? 大象和马哪个更大? (有范围) 6)whatever,whichever,whoever等的用法whatever,whichever,whoever分别为what,which,wh

44、o 的强调形式,相当于what/which/who on earth,意为:到底(到底)什么哪一个谁。如:Whatever do you want? 你到底想要什么?Whoever gave you the book? 到底谁给你的书? 【典例1】(2021辽宁)To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then _of her colleagues.A. thatB. oneC. onesD. those 解析:句意:让Della兴奋的是,她首先赢得了她的同学的信任,其次她还赢得了同事的信任。that可以用来替代

45、上文提到的有特指意义(但又非同一事物)的可数名词单数或不行数名词,相当于the+可数名词单数或the +不行数名词,在本题中属于后一种状况,相当于the trust。 答案:A【技巧点拨】one,ones, the one, the ones, that与those的用法辨析 one用来替代前面毁灭的单数名词,相当于“a/an+单数名词”,表示泛指概念,其复数形式是ones; ones用来替代没有具体所指的复数名词; the one用来替代前面的特指的单数名词,有时可用that替代(尤其在有后置定语的状况下); the ones用来替代前面的特指的复数名词,有时可用those替代(尤其在有后置

46、定语的状况下),但是在“the+形容词+ones”结构中不能用those; that用来替代前面毁灭的特指的单数可数名词或特指的不行数名词,相当于“the+单数/不行数名词”。如:The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get one completely free.这些CD在做活动,你买一张就能免费再得到一张。(高考例句)The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, to let in the natural light during the day.入口处的木门已经被玻璃门取代,以便白天能有更多的自然光线进入。The book on the desk is better than that/the one(=the book)under the desk.桌子上那本书比桌子底下那本书好。Gradually, you will realize that the things tha

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