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1、阅读理解经典精讲(上)主讲老师:李俊和 北京四中英语教研组长开篇语试题简介阅读理解是高考英语的重点。得阅读者得天下,谁阅读好谁就考的好。 那么,具备什么条件才可以做好阅读理解试题呢?请留意以下六条要求:1、能快速看准每一句的结构,找出主句的主语、谓语和宾语。2、有确定的词汇量和辨别词义词性的力气。3、能机敏运用所学过的语法和词汇学问,对影响意思理解的复合句、非谓语动词短语、关联词语、后置定语、省略、替代和跳动等语言现象做出正确推断。4、有良好的思维力气。会边看边加工所得到的信息,从而做出正确的推理推断,综合概括,精确理解表面意思和深层含义。5、会精读,也会跳读和略读。6、具有相当的阅读实践阅历

2、和良好的语感及应有的异国文化学问。设问特点和常考问题高考阅读理解部分所问问题可分为四类,即主旨大意题,具体细节题,推断词义句义题和推断推理题。以下分别谈谈它们的设问特点和常考问题。 主旨大意题设问特点:1、考查全文主旨或段落大意。2、正确选项概括范围大小恰当,主旨推断精确。3、错误选项的特点经常是太大,太窄或偏离主题,主观臆断。4、此类题数量较大,在20个题中约占57个。常考问题:1. The best title of this passage should be _.2. The key point of this passage is that _.3. The story mainly

3、 tells us _.4. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is _.5. What is the subject discussed in the text?具体细节题设问特点:1、考查大事,地点,人物,物品和观点的具体细节。2、问题一般比较直白。3、答案经常是原文的一句话或一个词,但可能变换了说法。4、错误答案明显与原文不符。5、也可能是常识错误导致选错答案。常考问题:1、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?2、When did the man come back?

4、3、The right order which gives us examples is _.推断词义句义题设问特点:1、从原文中找单词,短语或句子设问。2、所问词或句与该词该句常见意思不同,无法望文生义。3、只有在具体的上下文中才可推断精确。4、所考单词有的是生词,有的是旧词新意。5、正确选项的特征是放在原文不仅单句合理,全文也合理。6、错误选项或是字面意思,或是有意胡说。常考问题:1. What do you think of the underlined expression stands for?2. The word in paragraph refers to _.3. Which

5、 of the following words can take the place of ?推断推理题设问特点:1、考查暗含的信息,没有明说。2、在原文中确定可以找到示意。3、设问含义深刻,不像细节题那么直白。4、正确选项既符合规律又与全文主旨全都。5、需从作者的角度推理,不要夹入考生自己想法。常考问题:1. We can infer from the passage _.2. Which of the following conclusions can we draw according to the passage?3. From the passage, we can tell _.4

6、. The writer suggests in the beginning that _.5. We can conclude from the passage _.解题技巧主旨大意题1、首先要纵览全文,不行只看一段就推断。2、看清问题:是标题,全文大意,人物特点,结论,还是作者态度。3、原文如有标题,则标题经常反映了主旨大意。4、如问段落大意,应留意首句和尾句。5、如问全文中心愿思,应留意首段和尾段。6、错误选项的特点是或太宽泛,或太狭窄,或太偏离原文。7、主旨信息常在for example之前,all in all之后。8、先做细节题和猜想词义题,后做主旨大意题。具体细节题1、看清问题的

7、具体要求,即问的是什么。2、找准信息源,即含有信息的那一段或那一句。3、即使具体细节题也可能需要简洁推理或计算。4、可在原文处标留意点词语,如数字,地名等。5、细节推断的依据有七个:时间,地点,类别,程序,因果,对比,主次。6、错误答案可能部分是正确的,或可能符合常识但不符合原文。推断词义句义题1、牢记没有上下文就没有意思。2、推断句义要看全段甚至全文。3、推断词义要回到原句中分析。4、正确理解作者在全文中的情感态度对精确推断至关重要。5、不要受平常该词最常见意思的影响。6、猜想词义句义的方法:英英释义,依据同位语,参照同义词反义词, 依据描写,关联 词,替代词和上下文。推断推理题1、认真审题

8、,依据infer, imply等断定是否为推理题。2、搞明白:是对已知的联想,还是对未知的推想。3、主要方法:抓住关键词,结合全文,归纳演绎。归纳是具体到抽象,个别到一般,演绎是一般到个别,抽象到具体。4、留意话中有话。 5、做推断要有依据,认真在原文中找出可做依据的蛛丝马迹。6、精确选项不会明说,简洁抄自原文的选项一般是错的。7、推理要合乎规律规章,如因果,转折,让步,比较等。8、依据原文推断,牢记是在考原文作者的想法。原文是唯一推断依据。金题精讲Its not easy being a teenager(13至19岁青少年)-nor is it easy being the parent

9、of a teenager. You can make your child feel angry, hurt or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself. It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that youll still be there for him when he needs you. Expect a lot from your child,just n

10、ot everything. Except for health and safety problems,such as drug use or careless driving,consider everything else open to discussion. If your child is unwilling to discuss something,dont insist he tell you whats on his mind. The more you insist,the more likely that hell calm up. Instead,let him att

11、empt to solve(解决)things by himself. At the same time,remind him that youre always there for him should he seek advice or help. Show respect for your teenagers privacy(隐私).Never read his mail or listen to personal conversations. Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If yo

12、ur child talks on the familys telephone for too long,tell him he can talk for l5 minutes,but then he must stay off the phone for at least all equal period of time. This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls,but teaches your teenager moderation(节制).Or if y

13、ou are open to the idea,allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part-time job. 68. The main purpose of the text is to tell parents_.A. how to get along with a teenager B. how to respect a teenagerC. how to understand a teenagerD. how to help a teenager grow

14、up69. What does the phrase “calm up” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. become excited B. show respectC. refuse to talk D. seek help70. The last paragraph is about how to teach a teenager_.A. to use the phone in a sensible way B. to pay for his own telephoneC. to share the phone with friends D. to answ

15、er the phone quickly71. What should parents do in raising a teenager according to the text?A. Not allow him to learn driving or take drugs.B. Give him advice only when necessary.C. Let him have his own telephone.D. Not talk about personal things with him. 备考留意提高阅读理解力气应留意以下六点:1、保证确定的阅读量。2、有精读有泛读。 3、精读应以读近几年各地高考试题为主。 4、精读时应适当练习句子成分分析。5、精读时还要留意词义词性的辨别,后置定语,连接词语以及由动词形式变化反映的句意的变化。6、除把握高考词汇表上的单词外,还应把握考纲要求的构词法学问。 阅读理解经典精讲(上)讲义参考答案68.D 69.C 70.A 71.B

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