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1、.常考句型【句型1】As a matter of fact,.“事实上”仿写:事实上,健康才是最重要的。As a matter of fact,it is health that counts.【句型2】For example,.“比如”仿写:比如,我们盲目地提高生活水准。For example,we improve the living standards blindly.【句型3】Besides,we should not.In addition,we should not.“此外,我们不应”仿写:此外,我们不应忽视简洁的事实。Besides,we should not neglect s

2、imple facts.In addition,we should not neglect simple facts.完形填空体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率记叙文个人情感life12分钟/20I was late for the school bus and rushed to get ready.My dog,Tippy,got to the front door and lay down in front of ithis way of asking him to be 1 .I 2 his begging for affection,hurdled over him and ran f

3、or the waiting bus. 3 ,that afternoon,when I came home,Mom said to me 4 ,“Honey,I have some 5 news that I need to tell you.This morning,while you were at school.Tippy was hit by a car and 6 .Im so sorry.”“No! Its not true!” I was 7 .I couldnt believe her.I waited for Tippy all night long,but he didn

4、t come back.Feeling 8 ,I wandered into the living room.I didnt cry that night.I still couldnt believe that he was 9 .When I got off the bus the next day,there was a deafening silence at home.Finally,my sobs bubbled up and erupted like lava(熔岩) from a volcano.I couldnt stop 10 .I hadnt even petted hi

5、m when I left. 11 could I have known that was my last chance? I cried until I felt empty inside.Time passed,and I started to 12 some things.I realized what little control any of us have 13 what happens to a dog.We can do everything right,but 14 things can still happen.But good things can happen too.

6、Thats 15 .The best way to deal with the hard times is to 16 what you need to do to get through them when they come,and to remember that the hard times always 17 .I now deeply understand the “circle of life”Everyone is born,everyone 18 ,and thats the way it is.If dogs never died,there would be no 19

7、for others,like Belle,my new dog.After all,I realized that Tippy 20 all of my good memories of him.And they come to me every time I recall!【语篇导读】作者的宠物狗Tippy不幸被车撞死,这让他难过欲绝。事过境迁,作者开头明白生命是有周期的。我们无论多么努力,总会有困难的日子,这时我们应当学会如何度过那些日子。这篇文章以小见大,让人从一个日常生活的例子中悟出了生命的哲理。1A.fed Btaken Cpetted Dserved解析行文规律题。由“his b

8、egging for affection”可知,Tippy卧在门前,这是他要求爱抚的方式。pet“摩挲,(爱抚地)摩挲”符合语境。答案C2A.ignored Bmet Cpromised Ddisgusted解析行文规律题。由“hurdled over him and ran for the waiting bus”可知我没理睬他的要求。ignore“对不予理睬,忽视”;meet“相遇,相逢”;promise“许诺,承诺”;disgust“使厌恶,使反感”。故选A。答案A3A.Besides BHowever CTherefore DFinally解析行文规律题。依据上下文语境可知,此处与上文

9、存在转折关系,因此用However。答案B4A.excitedly Bquickly Cslowly Dseriously解析情景推断题。由下文可知母亲告知我的是坏消息,因此她“严峻地”给我说,故选D。excitedly“感动地”;quickly“快速地,快速地”;slowly“慢速地”,均不符合语境。答案D5A.good Bbad Cdull Durgent解析行文规律题。由下文中的“Tippy was hit by a car”可知这是坏消息。答案B6A.escaped Bwounded Ckilled Dknocked解析行文规律题。escape“逃跑,避开”;wound“使(身体)受伤

10、”;kill“杀死”;knock“敲,击”。通读全文可知Tippy 是被车撞死的,故killed为正确答案。答案C7A.in shock Bin frustrationCin silence Din disagreement解析行文规律题。由“No! Its not true!”可知我听到这个坏消息后心情特别感动,格外震惊。答案A8A.doubtful Bsleepy Cconfused Ddisappointed解析行文规律题。我等了一夜没等来Tippy,当然感到格外绝望和失落。答案D9A.gone Bmissing Calive Dstolen解析词汇运用题。gone“走了,不在了”;mi

11、ssing “不在的,丢失的”;alive“活着的”;stolen“被盗的”。由上文可知,Tippy被车撞死了,此处用gone。答案A10A.waiting Bcrying Cthinking Dexpecting解析行文规律题。由上文中的“my sobs bubbled up and erupted like lava(熔岩)from a volcano”以及下文中的“I cried until I felt empty inside.”可知,我不能停止哭。答案B11A.Why BWhat CHow DWhich解析语法功能题。我怎么会知道那是我的最终一次机会呢?答案C12A.forget

12、Brecall Cchange Dunderstand解析行文规律题。经受了这次大事后,我开头明白一些道理。此处与后面的realized保持全都,故答案为understand。答案D13A.over Bbeyond Cout Dinto解析惯用搭配题。此处表示我生疏到我们任何人都不能把握发生在一只狗身上的事情。have control over“对把握”符合题意。答案A14A.surprising BbadCamazing Damusing解析行文规律题。依据上下文语境可知,此处表示尽管我们能做对全部的事情,但是坏事情照旧可能发生。答案B15A.nature Bhuman Clife Dreg

13、ulation解析行文规律题。那就是生活好事情、坏事情都有可能发生。答案C16A.leave out Bpick outCtry out Dfigure out解析词汇运用题。依据句意可知,此处表示“弄清楚你需要做什么”。figure out “弄清楚,弄明白”,符合语境。leave out “遗漏,排解”;pick out “细心选择,辨别出”;try out “试验,试用(某人)”均不符合语境。答案D17A.pass Bovercome Chelp Ddisappear解析行文规律题。pass“推移,逝去”;overcome“克服”;help“挂念”;disappear“消逝”。此处表示困

14、难的时刻总会过去的,故用pass。disappear指某物或某人的消逝,不用于指时间的过去,故排解。其余选项均不符合语境。答案A18A.grows Blives Csuffers Ddies解析行文规律题。由“thecircle of life”以及“Everyone is born”可知此处填dies。答案D19A.plan Broom Ccolor Ddoubt解析词汇运用题。假如狗不会死的话,那么将没有其他狗生存的空间了。这里的room是不行数名词,表示“空间,余地”的意思。其余选项均不符合语境。答案B20A.reminded of Bbrought upCleft behind Dshowed off解析词汇运用题。Tippy给我留下了奇特的回忆。leave behind“留下”;remind sb of sth“使某人想起某事”;bring up“抚养,提出(争辩等),呕吐”;show off“炫耀,卖弄”。结合语境可知答案为left behind。答案C

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