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1、O单元湖南名目O单元湖南1O1完形填空1O2完型填空II1O3阅读填空1O4阅读简答4O1完形填空O2完型填空IIO3阅读填空【英语卷(解析)2021届湖南省岳阳一中高三10月其次次月考(202210)】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Every person needs energy to go about the

2、 day and continue to function correctly. To get this energy, you eat, and your body changes the food into the nutrients and energy you need to survive. Your metabolism (新陈代谢) is directly related to how quickly and efficiently your body creates this energy, and if it takes too long, the food gets sto

3、red as fat. A slow metabolism will leave you with less energy and more weight than you probably desire.Your basal metabolic rate (基础代谢率) is the amount of energy your body consumes while youre resting. When people say they have a slow metabolism, they mean they have a slow basal metabolic rate. Incre

4、asing this number is possible through exercise and muscle building.According to Metabolism-Advice. com, as your age, your basal metabolic rate will lower as your body begins to deteriorate (衰退). At the age of 30, your body will stop producing the high levels of growth hormone it previously produces.

5、 Your body senses that its done growing at 30, so it uses the resources elsewhere. Unfortunately, that means that your muscle will deteriorate more rapidly than before. While you cant block ages effects or your metabolism, you can fight against it with regular exercise that builds muscle.Although mu

6、scle deteriorates quicker with age, a lack of exercise will hurt your metabolism at any age. The muscle developed during exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy body with a normal basal metabolic rate. Therefore, while cardiovascular(心血管的)exercise will burn fat during the work out, building muscl

7、e will wisely allow your body to use more calories to give you healthy energy instead of stored fat.Another large factor that determines your basal metabolic rate is your eating habits. Metabolism-Advice. com suggests eating small meals every two to three hours. This will make sure that your metabol

8、ism is constantly working throughout your day. Another large factor is how healthily you eat. Taking in the required calories for your amount of daily activity will help keep your metabolism from lowering, but taking in too many calories may lead to fat.Title: About slow metabolismI . Definitionsmet

9、abolismhow quickly and efficiently your body creates the energy for it to function correctlybasal metabolic ratethe amount of 71. by your body when youre restingslow metabolism-slow basal metabolic rateII. 72. of slow metabolismgiving a person less energygetting a person to 73._III. 74. of slow meta

10、bolismdeterioration of your body 75. exerciseunhealthy 76. unhealthy dietIV. 77. to slow metabolism78._ to build muscleeating more often but 79. _80._ your body requires for the daily activities【答案】【学问点】O3阅读填空【技巧点拨】本题和下面一道题从阅读角度来看难度不大,主要考查的是同学对语言的运用力量,尤其是总结和提炼语言的力量;这就要求同学们平常多用自己的语言回答问题;多概括文章或段落;多记忆一

11、些典型词语,如:Effects ,Results,Causes,Solutions等【文章综述】本文叙述的是保持正常新陈代谢很重要,随着年龄的增长和身体机能的下降如何保持身体健康;文中叙述了有规律的熬炼及健康的饮食习惯对保持正常新陈代谢的作用。【答案解析】71.energy 文中有原句72.Effects或Results,依据下文中的要点,此处让总结slow metabolism的影响或结果73.put on weight或gain weight这是slow metabolism的影响之一74.Causes 下文中的三点都在说明导致slow metabolism的缘由75.for lack o

12、f文中有a lack of exercise76. eating habits77.Solutions从下文中的三点可以推断此处讲解决的方法。78. exercising regularly文中fight against it with regular exercise79. small meals文中提到要少吃多餐80.obsoring the energy文中有Taking in the required calories【英语卷(解析)2021届湖南省衡阳八中高三上学期其次次月考(202209)】Section A (10 points)Directions: Read the foll

13、owing passage. Complete the diagram / Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answerThe United Nations estimates that world food production will have to increase by 70% by 2050. A world population growing in number and wealth will req

14、uire one billion tons more grain each year, and two hundred million tons more meat.The Food and Agriculture Organization says those gains will have to happen largely on existing land. However, according to a new report which provides the first global assessment of the state of the planets land resou

15、rces”, large parts of all continents are experiencing damage. One-fourth of all land is described as highly degraded(退化) . The greatest threats are losses of soil quality, biodiversity and water resources. Therefore, production rates have been slowing in many areas. Though new agricultural methods a

16、nd technology are used to increase food production in many countries, yet they have also harmed the land and water. Thus, it calls for greater use of ways that can expand production while avoiding damage to ecosystems.One such practice might be the use of fertilizer trees. These are fast-growing tre

17、es and shrubs(矮树丛) whose leaves and roots help make soil richer. Oluyede Ajayi, the leader author of the study, said Basically these are trees that can fix nitrogen(氮) from the atmosphere and change them into nitrates(硝酸盐) for fertilizer, for organic fertilizer, for the soil.The farmers who planted

18、fertilizer trees reported double the corn production of other farmers. In Zambia, the fertilized fields provided up to 114 additional days of food. Farmers say they need less rainwater if they use fertilizer trees. The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion. A recent study found that about 400,0

19、00 farmers in southern Africa are using them. The farmers themselves designed and managed part of the testing in the field, and spread the word of their successes.Fertilizer trees can be used to increase food productionProblems World population growth 71 the increase of world food production Large p

20、arts of global land 72 by losses of soil quality and water resources, slowing production rates New agricultural technology is 73 to land and water 74 Growing fertilizer trees to expand food production without 75 . 76 of fertilizer trees Having leaves and roots 77 soil 78 into nitrates for the soil 7

21、9 and loss of soilGood resultFarmers using fertilizer trees can produce 80 as much corn as other farmers.【答案】【学问点】O3阅读填空【答案解析】71. requires/ will require 第一段其次句A world population growing in number and wealth will require one billion tons more grain each year,72. are threatened 依据其次段第四句The greatest th

22、reats are losses of soil quality, biodiversity and water resources. 关键词为threats(威逼,恐吓),结合本题,这里需要用动词threaten的动词,由于体重消灭by,要用一般现在时的被动语态。be+动词的过去分词.73. harmful 依据其次段倒数其次句yet they have also harmed the land and water.关键词harm,这里需要的是它的形容词harmful。74.Solution 依据表格左侧内容,上面讲问题,这里是解决问题的方法。75. damaging ecosystems

23、/damage to ecosystem 依据其次段最终一句关键词damage to ecosystems. 76. Advantages 依据表格右侧的内容,这里讲的是肥料树的优点。77. enrich 依据第三段其次句These are fast-growing trees and shrubs(矮树丛) whose leaves and roots help make soil richer.关键词rich,这里需要它的动词enrich.78. Changing nitrogen 依据第四段nitrogen(氮) from the atmosphere and change them i

24、nto nitrates(硝酸盐) for fertilizer, for organic fertilizer, for the soil.抓住关键的词change和nitrogen,此处需要和上面保持全都,都用动名词短语。79. Reducing water runoff 依据倒数其次段The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion. 关键词reduce water runoff,,和78结构保持全都,都用动名词短语。 80. twice 倒数其次段第一句关键词double 两倍,表倍数要用序数词,故用twice。O4阅读简答【英语卷(解析)2

25、021届湖南省岳阳一中高三10月其次次月考(202210)】Directions: Read the following passage, and answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. Elephants and people are in competition for space. In much of Africa, elephants are now put in national parks. Elephants suffered a serious and steady dec

26、rease in number in the 1970s.This was the same time when scientists were beginning to learn a great deal about elephants and their behavior. Studies through the 1980s and into the 1990s showed a lot about their sounds and methods of communication.In Kenya alone, in the 1970s and 1980s, the elephant

27、population decreased from 170,000 t0 25,000. The sharp drop in number was the result of poachers (偷猎者) illegally killing elephants for their ivory. The price of ivory went up from $ 3 a pound to $ 50 to $ 100 a pound. Africa became very attractive to poachers. Bull elephants carried larger tusks (象牙

28、) , so they were more often killed. With males gone and older females killed by poachers as well, there were many young elephants unable to benefit from the wisdom of the older females and matriarchs, who lead the herds.Kenya took a stand that international trade in ivory was officially forbidden, a

29、nd $ 3, 000,000 worth of confiscated (没收的) ivory was burned in Kenya. The following year, only 50 elephants were lost to poachers in Kenya instead of 3,000. But Kenya has the fastest growing human population in the world. People throughout Africa wont tolerate elephants eating their crops and destro

30、ying their livelihoods. In South Africa, elephants live behind the fences of national parks. In some parts of Africa, big-game hunters pay a lot of money to hunt elephants. This keeps their numbers down, and the money goes toward conservation. In Kenya, there are some attempts at birth control to ke

31、ep the elephant population in manageable numbers to reduce conflicts with people.Faced with a growing human population, elephants are losing the battle for space. Its unlikely, though, that they will become extinct(绝种的). They will live in natural parks that bring tourists to Africa as well as India

32、and other parts of Asia. The money from tourism will help elephants to survive.81. Whats the reason for elephant population decrease? ( No more than 8 words)82. Why were bull elephants at higher risk of being killed? (No more than 6 words) 83. How can we reduce conflicts with elephants? (No more tha

33、n 9 words) 84.Why is it not likely that elephants will become extinct? (no more than 15 words)【答案】【学问点】O4阅读简答【文章综述】本文叙述的是大象数目削减的缘由及如何避开大象与人类的冲突,同时避开大象灭亡。【答案解析】81.Poachers illegally killed elephants for their ivory。或Poachers illegally killed elephants for their ivory。文中有The sharp drop in number was t

34、he result of poachers (偷猎者) illegally killing elephants for their ivory.可知82.Because they had large ivory。文中有Bull elephants carried larger tusks (象牙) , so they were more often killed.可知83.By keeping the elephant population in manageable numbers.依据文章倒数其次段最终一句84.Because they will live in natural parks

35、 whose money from tourism will help them survive.依据文章最终一段【英语卷(解析)2021届湖南省衡阳八中高三上学期其次次月考(202209)】Section B (10 points) Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Marti

36、 Sementelli has been a baseball player since preschool, throwing plastic balls and swinging a tiny wood bat from the time she was 3 years old. She was a solid player at every youth level, and sometimes a star. In 2007, Nike even featured the young Californian in a TV commercial. Despite her experien

37、ce, Sementelli, now 16, had a hard time finding a high school that would allow her to try out for the boys baseball team. Two parochial schools (教会学校) near her familys home in North Hollywood said no, and several public schools were lukewarm (冷淡的) to the idea. Finally, she found Burbank High School,

38、 where shes now a sophomore and a member of the JV baseball team. Sementellis story is not unique. Across the country, girls devoted to baseball-and with as many seasons of youth ball under their belts as their male teammates-are finding it isnt easy to stay in the sport when they reach high school.

39、 Biology does play a role in the situation: Boys, especially older ones, often have an edge over girls in size and strength, allowing them to throw harder and swing with greater force. But girls say that the toughest battles are not about capabilities, but against the traditional attitude that baseb

40、all is for boys. “Most people just are incapable of seeing beyond whats easy,” says Jennifer Ring, the author of Stolen Bases: Why American Girls Dont Play Baseball, and a professor at the University of Nevada-Reno. “It is much neater if we say boys play baseball and girls play other sports.” In at

41、least one state, Massachusetts, girls are barred from trying out for boys baseball in high schools that also offer softball. Nebraska dropped its ban last year, and in January, Indiana removed its ban after being sued (控告) by the parents of Logan Young, a 15-year-old aspiring catcher and freshman at

42、 Bloomington South High School. 81. When did Sementelli begin to play baseball? (no more than 6 words) 82. Where did Sementelli stay in a baseball team? (no more than 6 words) 83. What does the author think about girls capabilities in baseball? (no more than 10 words) 84. In which states are girls a

43、llowed to play baseball? (no more than 4 words)_【答案】【学问点】O4阅读简答【文章综述】文章叙述女孩Sementelli在上高中前是一位格外棒的棒球运动员,参与过很多竞赛。为了找到一所允许她连续参与棒球队的高中却遭到一些教会学校和公立学校的拒绝。通过Sementelli的事情开放对高中女孩是否应当参与棒球竞赛争辩。【答案解析】81. When she was three. 依据第一段from the time she was 3 years old.依据句子字数要求缩句,from the time改成when ,years old省略。82.

44、In Burbank high school. 依据第三段最终一句she found Burbank High School, where shes now a sophomore and a member of the JV baseball team.关键词Burbank High School,问的是where,给关键词前加in,In Burbank high school(留意,句子开头第一个单词首字母大写)83. They are not as strong and powerful as boys.依据第五段Boys, especially older ones, often have an edge over girls in size and strength, 男孩,特殊是大男孩,他们比女孩身体强壮、力气大。改成相同意思的句子。女孩没有男孩强壮有力。They are not as strong and powerful as boys84. Nebraska and Indiana.依据最终一段Nebraska dropped its ban last year, and in January, Indiana removed its ban 可知,Nebraska and Indiana。

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