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1、七下Unit_7_It_is_raining_短语精品资料 Unit 7 Its raining语法 :现在进行时结构 肯定句 Sb be+doing 否定句 Sb be+not+ doing 一般疑问句 Be sb+doing. Yes,sb+be No,sb+ be not 特殊疑问句 What be sb doing?1.rainy / raining 下雨的 2.snowy /snowing 下雪 3.windy 刮风的 4.cloudy 多云的 5.sunny 晴朗的 6.foggy 有雾的7.warm温暖的 8. wet潮湿的 9.hot 热的 10.dry干燥的 11.cool

2、凉爽的 12.cold冷13.at the park= in the park在公园里14.How is it going? 最近怎么样? 15.Great/ Pretty good/ Not bad / Just so-so /Terrible非常好,相当好。还不错。一般般。糟透了Everything is going well 一切顺利16.Sounds like= It sounds like 听起来好像.17.have a good time 玩的开心,过得愉快 = have a great time =have fun =enjoy oneself18.have a good tim

3、e/ have a great time/ have fun/ enjoy oneself+( in) doing sth做某事很开心.19.at home 在家 at ones home在某人的家里20.he is not here他不在这儿21.take a message for sb. 为某人捎个口信22.give sb.a message 给口信给某人23.receive a message from sb. 收到某人的信息24.leave a message 留个口信25.Could you help me?= Could you please help me? 你能帮助我吗?26

4、.sure/ of course /certainly 当然可以27.cook v.做饭 n.厨师 cooker n.厨具28.cook dinner做晚餐29.do some cooking做饭30.cook sth.for sb.= cook sb. Sth. 为某人做饭31.be back/get back 返回e back 回来33.go back 回去34.bring back 拿回35.take back 收回36.call sb. Back 给某人回电话37.could you do sth.请你。38.no problem.没问题,不用谢,没关系39.right now 现在4

5、0.in picture D 在图片D里41. visit sb/ sp 拜访某人/ 参观某地42. visit sb= go to see sb=pay a visit to sb拜访某人43. Summer school 夏季学校44. Study for test 为考试学习45. Learn to do sth 学习做某事46. Learn from sb 向某人学习47. A lot 很多,非常48. Learn a lot 学到很多49. Thanks a lot 非常感谢50. Some of my old friends 我的一些朋友51. Be happy to do sth

6、 做某事很开心52. Sit by the pool 坐在游泳池边53. Its relaxing 令人放松54. I feel relaxed 我感觉很轻松55. See you soon 再见56. Study hard 努力学习57. Hard,努力地刻苦地,严厉的,坚硬的,猛烈地58. Be on a vocation 度假59. In the mountains 在山里60. The phone isnt working=the phone doesnt work 电话坏了61. Write to sb= write a letter to sb 写信给某人62. Receive/

7、get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信63. Right for+n/ pron /doing. 正适合.64. Take a photo of 照一张.的照片65. in the snow 在雪中66. on a river 在河上67. speak to sb 对某人说68. call sb. at.69. in the rainy weather 在下雨的天气里70. How is the weather.?=Whats the weather like.? 天气怎么样?71. Its rainy/Its raining/ There is

8、much rain 下雨72. How is the weather in Beijing today? 北京今天天气怎么样73. This is Tom speaking.Its . 我是汤姆74. Is that Jim? 你是吉姆吗?75. Whos that/it? 你是谁76. May/Could/Can I speak to.? 我可以和.通电话吗?77. Hold on,please 别挂断,请稍等78. Sorry,he isnt here 对不起,他不在79. Sorry,youve got the wrong number. 对不起,你打错了80. Sounds like

9、you are having a good time. 听起来好像你正玩得开心81. Can I take a message for him. 我可以给他捎个口信吗?82. Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能不能让他给我回个电话?83. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。84. Im so happy to see them again. 我很高心再次见到他们85. I am on a vacation in the mountains. 我正在山里度假86. I want to call you but my phone doesnt working.我想给你打个电话,但是我的电话现在不能用87. Im writing to you.我正在给你写信88. The weather is cool,just right for walking天气凉爽正适合散步仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢4

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