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1、仁爱九年级上册Unit4-Topic2-SectionD课课练精品文档Unit4 Topic2 Section D友情提示:本课知识点:1.掌握并熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。 2.了解GPS定位系统。一、英汉互译,完成下面的练习。1. 一个大问题_2. 探索我们的世界_3. 很久以前_ 4. 早期的探险者_5. 找出、查明(指经过打听询问之后查明事实):发现(找到以前存在而不为人知的事物):6. (方法)可行, 效果好,起作用,_7.在夜间_8.只要天气好_9.在其余时间里_10.一颗人造卫星 11.在任何时间_ 12.在任何地点_ 13.在任何天气下_14.找到我们的位置_16.(某人)迷

2、路_17.迅速地逃掉_18.从某人那里偷走某物_20.令他吃惊的是 21.被警察抓住 二、根据汉语意思补全英语句子。1. We can use GPS at any time, in any place and in any weather to _ _ (发现) our position.2. 只要天气好,夜空中的星星就能看到。 _ _ _ the weather _ fine, stars _ _ _ in the night sky.3. Edison invented more than 1000 inventions during his life.(改为被动句)More than

3、1000 inventions _ _ _ Edison during his life. 4. He made the girl stay at home. (改为被动句)The girl _ _ _ stay at home by him .5.她的作业还没有完成,所以她现在仍然在计算。 Her homework _(finish) yet, so she is still working on it now.三、选择题( )1. _, he failed the math exam.A. To my surprised B. To me surprise C. To my surpris

4、e D. To my surprising ( )2.Its said that the thief was caught yesterday, because he _some computers _ the factory. A. steal; from B. steals; from C. is stolen; from D. stole; from ( )3. They moved to the new house after it _. A. was built B. is built C. built D. builds( )4. _ you study hard, you can

5、 make great progress. A. As soon as B. As short as C. As long as D. As far as( )5.-Did you go to Jacks birthday party? -No. I _.A. are not invited B. wasnt invited C. hasnt invited D. didnt invite( )6.He often makes his wife _ , but this time he is made _ by his wife.A. to laugh; laugh B. laugh; lau

6、gh C. laugh; to laugh D. to laugh; to laugh( ) 7. Dr Wang made a great contribution _ the environment. A. to protect B. to protecting C. protecting( )8. I will go to the park_ the weather is fine.A. so that B. in order to C. as long as D. as well as( )9. Do you know for _ that it was made in 1980? A.certainB.certainlyC.sureD.doubt( )10.He cant help _ the answers when she cant work out the problems. A. turn toB. to turnC. turning toD. turned to送给我亲爱的孩子们的心语:尊重别人是一种美德,它会赢得认同、欣赏和合作。请你记住:不尊重朋友,你将失去快乐;不尊重同事,你将失去合作;不尊重领导,你将失去机会;不尊重长者,你将失去品格;不尊重自己,你将失去自我。收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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