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1、(新课标)2022高考英语一轮复习 学问排查突破 book 5 Unit 2 United kingdom 新人教版重点识记词汇1.divide.into 把分成2.clarify vt.澄清;阐明3accomplish vt.完成;达到;实现 4.conflict n冲突;冲突5break away (from) 摆脱(束缚);脱离 6.nationwide adj.全国性的;全国范围的7leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑 8.opportunity n机会;时机9plus prep.加上;和 adj.加的;正的;零上的 10.quarrel n争吵;争辩;吵架 vi.争吵;吵架11ali

2、ke adj.相同的;类似的 12.take the place of代替13break down(机器)损坏,出故障;(身体)垮掉 14.splendid adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的15description n描写;描述describe vt.描述 16.possibility n可能(性)possible adj.可能的17credit n信任;学分;赞扬;信贷to ones credit为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下18unite vi.& vt.联合;团结union n联合;联盟;结合;协会united adj.联合的;团结的19unwilling adj.不情愿(的);不乐意(的

3、)unwillingly adv.不情愿地20educational adj.训练的education n训练;培育;训练学educate vt.训练;训练21convenience n便利;便利convenient adj.便利的22historical adj.历史(上)的;有关历史的history n历史23collection n保藏品;珍藏;收集collect vt.收集24enjoyable adj.令人快活的;使人兴奋的enjoyment n享受;乐趣;享有enjoy vt.观赏;享受;宠爱;使过得欢快25arrange vt.筹备;支配;整理arrangement n支配26d

4、elight n欢快;兴奋;喜悦 vt.使兴奋;使欣喜delighted adj.兴奋的;欢快的delightful adj.令人兴奋的27imaginary adj.想象中的;假想的;虚构的imagine v想象;猜想 28consist vi.组成;在于;全都consistent adj.全都的29fold vt.折叠;对折unfold vt.(反义词)开放;摊开30rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的roughly adv.粗略地;粗糙地必背经典句式1.Although,nationwide,these cities are not as large as those in China,t

5、hey have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have two! 虽然,英国任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是它们拥有世界出名的足球队,有的城市甚至有两支!2To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas,but they still have very different institutions.值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作;但是有些制度照旧区分很大。3It is a pity that the industria

6、l cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.真圆满这些建在19世纪的工业城市并不吸引游客。4It looked splendid when first built!刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌。5.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这好像是一件怪事:这位进展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。构词记忆accuracy /kjrsI/ n

7、U精确性/度;精密(性)efficiency /IfInsI/ nU效率;功效emergency /ImdnsI/ nC&U紧急状况;突发大事;格外时刻frequency /frIkwnsI/ nC&U毁灭率;发生率;频繁;频率privacy /praIvsI/ nU隐私;私密tendency /tendnsI/ nC趋向;趋势.词汇与派生A语境填词1We have accomplished(完成) all we set out to do.2The splendid(辉煌的) image of Lei Feng will forever live in the heart of the pe

8、ople.3What he wrote isnt consistent(全都的) with what he told us.4Fold(折叠) the paper along the dotted line.5She was thrilled(胆战心惊的) with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.6I was delighted(兴奋的) to be invited to her party.7Could you please give me a rough(粗略的) idea when you will come back home?

9、8Everything had been arranged(支配) very well before the ceremony began.9Surprisingly,the young man was unwilling(不乐意的) to accept the work he was most fit to do.10I hope that what I say will clarify(澄清)the situation.B用所给词的适当形式填空11Youll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare.We provide these

10、meals for the convenience of the customers.(convenience)12Im very attracted to her,but I have no attraction for her.That means she doesnt find me attractive at all.(attract)13He is a stamp collector.He liked collecting stamps as a child,and now he has a collection of five thousand stamps,most of whi

11、ch are very precious.(collect)14I want suggestions about what to do today.I suggest a tour of the museum.(suggest)15Nothing is impossible;the poster inspires you to make efforts to achieve your goals.Thats to say,it is possible to realize your dream if you work hard.Of course,there is also a possibi

12、lity for you to fail even if you work rather hard.(possible)16He described the robbery in detail to the policeman and his description was very valuablethe police caught the robber in a short time.(describe).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空be thrilled at,divide.into,break away from,consist of,leave out,break d

13、own,connect.to.,be consistent with,be furnished with,take the place of17The Group of Eight(G8) consists of the eight richest countries in the world.18The class is divided into several smaller groups to talk about different parts of the subject.19Taiwan is never allowed to break away from the mainlan

14、d anyway.It is known to all that it belongs to China.20He called off a list of names to find out whether any of us had been left out.21Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in Britain.22News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.2

15、3Students are thrilled at receiving uptodate information that keeps them in touch.24She occupies a room of 90 square feet,which is furnished with a bed,a chair,a table,and a television.25Those results are consistent with findings in human patients.26It was not immediately clear if those arrests were

16、 connected to the attacks on Christians.B用方框内所给短语填空on special occasions,on show,for convenience,in memory of,at one time,in turn,to ones credit27He founded the charity in memory of his wife.28For convenience I always keep my reference books near my desk.29Mr.Smith already had several successes to hi

17、s credit.30He never drinks except on special occasions.31He was at one time so devoted to piano playing.32She asked the same question of everyone in turn.33All the new products are on show at the exhibition.经典句式34Its a pity that he should fail to grasp the chance when it arose.机会毁灭时,他竟然没有抓住,真是圆满。35T

18、urn off the light when I give the signal.当我发出信号时就关灯。 36The medicine does have some effect on the patient.那药对病人真的有效果。37Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except those who had already taken them.张老师把课本发给全部同学,除了那些已经领了的人。38Even if (I am) invited to,I wont go to such a bad lecture.即使邀请我去,我都不想听

19、如此糟糕的报告。1 consist vi.组成(form);在于(lie);全都多词一义consist of,be composed of,be made up ofconsist of由组成consist in(lie in)在于;存在于be consistent with与全都的;符合的His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea.他的早餐由不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶组成。Good service consists in punctuality and dependability.良好的服务在于守时与牢靠。特殊提示consist of

20、不用于被动语态和进行时。夯实基础(1)This club consists of eight members.This club is made up of eight members.(用be made up of改写句子)This club is composed of eight members.(用be composed of改写句子)(2)Change 3 consists of a lander and a moon rover called “Yutu” and landed on the moon in midDecember 2021.Change 3,consisting

21、of a lander and a moon rover called “Yutu”,landed on the moon in midDecember 2021.(用现在分词短语作定语改写句子)2 convenience n.便利;便利;便利的事物at ones convenience在某人便利时for convenience为便利起见for the convenience of为了便利if convenient假如便利的话It is convenient for sb.to do.对某人来说做某事很便利。We hope that you will accept our invitation

22、 if it is convenient for you.假如你便利的话,我们期望你能接受我们的邀请。(课标全国书面表达)特殊提示(1)convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,多用于It is convenient for sb.to do.这一句型中。(2)convenience意为“便利;便利”时为不行数名词;表示“便利的事物;便利设施”时为可数名词。夯实基础(1)We bought this house for convenience(为了便利);its near the school.(2)We can meet to discuss this further a

23、t your convenience(在你便利时)(3)Is three oclock convenient for you(对你来说便利)?3 influence v.影响,对起作用;n.影响,作用;有影响力的人(物)have an influence on对起作用/有影响under the influence of在的影响下Last but not least,my physics teacher is my role model,whose influence on me had a lot to do with my decision.最终但同样重要的是,我的物理老师是我的榜样,他对我

24、的影响极大地影响着我的打算。(安徽书面表达)夯实基础语法填空(1)What exactly is the influence of television on children?(2)He committed the crime under the influence of drugs.4 arrange v.支配;筹备(plan or organize);整理;排列;布置(put.in order)应试指导日常活动类写作高频词汇arrange to do sth.支配做某事arrange with sb.to do sth.与某人支配好做某事arrange for sb.to do sth.

25、支配某人做某事make arrangements/an arrangement for.为做支配Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?你支配好周末与马克会面了吗?特殊提示不能说arrange sb.to do sth.,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句中谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。夯实基础(1)依据汉语提示填空Now everything for the conference to be held tomorrow has been arranged (已预备就绪)I have arranged for Tom to pic

26、k up (支配Tom开车去接)the experts at the airport.Then Im to arrange to meet (支配接见)Mr.Wang.In a word,all the arrangements we made (我们做出的支配)were completed.(2)He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.(改为复合句)5 delight n.兴奋;快活;欢快;令人兴奋的事,乐事

27、;乐趣(joy);vt.使兴奋;使欣喜(please)应试指导写作高分句式:What delighted sb.is.替换to ones delight多词一义delight,amuse,pleasedelight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事为乐be delighted at sth./to do sth.为(做)而兴奋take delight in以为乐with delight兴奋地to ones delightto the delight of sb.使某人兴奋的是delightful adj.令人快活的,使人兴奋的She has created a style of mu

28、sic that has delighted audiences all over the world.她制造出了一种能令全世界的听众都感到欢快的音乐风格。To my great delight,it worked perfectly.让我格外兴奋的是,它的效果极佳。夯实基础语法填空(1)The boy takes great delight in pulling the cats tail.(2)To our delight,everything goes well.(3)The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight

29、.(4)She was very much delighted(delight) that he returned,safe and sound.(5)To his delight,he was also invited to the delightful(delight) party.6 break away (from) 摆脱(束缚);脱离;打破应试指导“break副词”类语境词义辨析break down出故障;失败;垮掉;分解break up粉碎;解散;放假;断绝关系break out(战斗、火灾等)爆发;突然开头(break out doing sth.)break through取得

30、突破;克服break into破门而入;突然开头The man broke away from guards.那个男人摆脱了警卫。The TV broke down again.电视又出故障了。夯实基础选择方框内的短语填空(1)His car broke down on his way to work yesterday.(2)His house was broken into last night.(3)The thief broke away from the policeman and ran away.(4)What if you break up with your partner?

31、(5)Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.1 Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发觉威尔士也是包括在内的。find在句中接复合宾语,宾语是Wales,宾语补足语是included as well,宾语补足语和宾语之间构成被动关系。能作宾补的可以是名词、代词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语等。Finding the course very d

32、ifficult,she decided to move to a lower level.发觉这门课程很难,她打算转向较低水准的课程。We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.我们吃惊地发觉那座庙照旧还是原来的状况。夯实基础语法填空(1)When he arrived,he found all the work finished (finish)(2)When she woke up,she found herself lying (lie) in hospital.(3)We find the

33、 story very interesting (interest)2It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这好像是一件怪事:这位进展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。Itseems(ed)adj.that.好像,好像,seem的其他相关句型:(1)Itseems(ed) (to sb.)that.(对某人来说)好像;好像(2)seem (to be)adj./现在分词/过去分词/介词短语好像(3)seem to do/be d

34、oing/have done好像要做/在做/已经做了(4)It seems as if.看样子好像(5)There seems to be.好像有It seems to me that there is something funny about the case.在我看来这件案子有点可疑。There seems to be a kind of gravitational pull toward God.好像有一种引力拉向上帝。夯实基础语法填空(1)The engine just wont start.Something seems to have gone(go) wrong with it

35、.(2)They were talking in a whisper,so they seemed to be saying(say) something secret.(3)There seemed to be something happy today.(4)Look at the sky!It seems to rain(rain)3单元语法语法填空(1)What he had said made me surprised (surprise)(2)My glasses are broken.Ill have to get them repaired (repair)(3)They ke

36、pt the door locked (lock) for a long time.(4)We can hear the windows beaten (beat) by the heavy rain drops.(5)I want the suit made (make) to my own measure.高考题组.短文改错(2010辽宁)Christine was just a girl in one of my classes.I never knew much about her except for that she was strange.She didnt talk many.

37、Her hair was black and purple,and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater,although in the summer.She was,in fact,rather attractively,and she never seemed care what the rest of us thought about her.Like the rest of my classmate,I didnt really want to get closest to her.It was only when we did

38、 their chemistry project together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did.答案Christine was just a girl in one of my classes.I never knew much about her except for that she was strange.She didnt talk .Her hair was black and purple,and she black sports shoes and a black sweater

39、, in the summer.She was,in fact,rather ,and she never seemed care what the rest of us thought about her.Like the rest of my ,I didnt really want to get to her.It was only when we did chemistry project together that I to understand why Christine dressed the way she did.写作常用句翻译1父母为孩子支配好一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺

40、好道路。(arrange)(2021福建书面表达)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.2在日常生活中和他人发生冲突是正常的。(conflict)(2022江苏书面表达)Conflicts with others are common in everyday life.3然后他们开头喊叫,后来大吵了起来。(quarrel)(2022江苏书面表达)Then they started shouting and yelling,and it

41、 turned into a horrible quarrel.4车辆已经成为很受欢迎的交通方式,给我们的生活带来很大的便利。(convenience)(2011江西写作)Cars have become a popular means of transport,bringing great convenience to our life.5让粉丝们兴奋的是这个年轻的选手在乒乓球锦标赛中表现得格外好。(delighted)(2011湖北完成句子)What delighted the fans was that the young player performed extremely well

42、in the table tennis tournament.模拟题组.语法填空1How do you plan to accomplish(accomplish) your life goal?2China is in conflict with Japan in the Diaoyu Island at present.3Come and see me whenever it is convenient for you.4Violent programmes on television may have a bad influence on children.5I hear that yo

43、u will be on travel again.Yeah.My boss arranged for me to discuss(discuss) business details with someone from another company.6What a great delight to have a picnic here!7It is really a thrill for the children to go for a camp.8What about your journey to Mount Hua?Everything was wonderful except tha

44、t the car we rented broke down on the way back.9Entering the yard,I found it covered(cover) with lots of fallen(fall) leaves.10Look at the pride on Toms face.He seems to have been praised(praise) by the manager just now.单句改错1The soup consists tomatoes,meat and peas,doesnt it?consists后加上of2She thrill

45、ed with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.She后加上was3It is strange that he knows so much about me.knows(should) know4What he wrote doesnt consistent with what he told us.doesntisnt5The old man has been fired and now a young man takes place.takes后加上his6There has no need for them to work the

46、whole day.hasis7They dont need have to work the whole day.去掉need8Not only does he speak English and but also he speaks French.去掉and9It is the first time that Tom has gone to China.gonebeen10When first was introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.去掉was.写作句式升级训练Today,more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language.(素材来源于2022江苏书面表达)Nowadays,an increasing number of English words find their way into the Chinese language.(用相关的高级词汇改写句子).阅读理解ASince around the later part of the 1950s,society started to realize

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