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1、选修8课后达标检测43Module 1Deep South(建议用时:30分钟).单项填空1. What made Neil Armstrong, the first to set_foot on the moon, such_ success? Aa;/ B/;/ C/;a Da;a2. (2022沈阳高三检测)Its not always easy for us to_ a career with a family.Abalance BkeepCfit Dcompare3It rained nonstop for half a month, completely_our holiday.A

2、ruiningBto ruinCruinedDhaving ruined4. Think carefully before you answer questions online. You may be_into giving away very important personal information.Acaught BaddictedCseized D.trapped5. (2022山东济宁育才中学模拟)_ in the flood, many people could do nothing but wait. ATo trap BTrappingCTrapped DTo be tra

3、pped 6. Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _this year.So am I. They seemed very happy together when I saw them in 2021.Abroken up B.finished upCdivided up D.closed up7. (2022福建福州三中模拟) My father is coughing heavily recently. Youd better_. Its bad for his health. Adiscourage him from smoking

4、Bkeep him smoking Cforce him to stop to smokeDpersuade him to smoke8. An important factor in determining how well you perform in an exam is the _ of your mind.Acase B.circumstanceCstate Dsituation9(2022江西赣州模拟)Many people are quite at a loss as to what to do _fire.Ain honour of B.in need ofCin case o

5、fD.in the form of10. Mary is the youngest of the four children, but she has no_ and is treated just as the others. Abenefits BadvantagesCprivileges D.guarantees11. The general manager declared that whoever performed well would be_to a higher position.AevolvedBpromotedCdominatedDallocated12When he _t

6、his foreign country in 2022, he missed his parents very much.Aset off forBset foot onCset aboutD.set sail13How could you_ Tom so easily?He is the kind of person who _ in a crowd.Apick out;stands outBmake out;stands forCtake out;stands byDbring out;stands aside14. Mrs. Wilson was the first woman_ to

7、such a post in America.Ato have made Bto have been electedCto be elected Dhaving been elected15 Oh! I failed my final exam._Try again and you will succeed.ADifficult to imagine.BGood luck!CWhy?DKeep up your spirits!.完形填空Cure for SorrowThere is an old story telling about a woman whose only son died i

8、n an accident. In her_1_, she went to the wise man that is always_2_for his wisdom in her town and said, “What advice or what_3_ways do you have to bring my son back to life? I will_4_you with all I have if you can.”Instead of sending her away or_5_with her, he said to her, “Fetch me a mustard(芥末) s

9、eed from a home that has never_6_sorrow. We will use it to drive the sorrow out of your life.” The woman went off at once in_7_of that magical mustard seed.She came first to a splendid apartment,_8_at the door, and said in a_9_voice, “I am looking for a home that has never known sorrow. Is this such

10、 a(n)_10_that I want? It is very important to me.”_11_, she didnt get what she wanted, even without a single word of_12_. They told her that she had come to the wrong place. And they began to_13_all the tragic things that recently had happened to them.The woman said to herself, “Who is better able t

11、o help these poor,_14_people than I, though I also have had misfortune of my own?” She_15_to comfort them till they_16_. Then she went on searching for a home that had never known sorrow. But_17_she turned up, in small cottages or in other places, she found one_18_after another of sadness and misfor

12、tune. She became so_19_in helping other people out of their sorrow that finally she forgot about her quest for the special mustard seed, in fact, never_20_that it had driven the sorrow out of her life.1.A.joyBdangerCbelief Dsorrow2A.envied Bconsidered Crespected D.treated3A.strange BmagicalCvaluable

13、 Dimportant4A.reward Bsupply Cprovide Daward5A.quarreling BdiscussingCreasoning Darguing6A.suffered BknownCobtained Dforgotten7A.honor BfavorCneed Dsearch8A.knocked BbrokeCstood Dpointed9A.excited BconfidentCsad Durgent10A.place BanswerCapartment Dperson11A.Luckily BImmediatelyCGradually DUnfortunat

14、ely12A.praise BrespectCcomfort Dencouragement13A.exchange BdescribeCsimplify Ddecorate14A.unfortunate BunfriendlyCunimportant Dunfamiliar15A.planned BmanagedCcontinued Dstayed16A.settle down Bbreak downCcalm down Dget down17A.wherever BwhateverChowever Dwhenever18A.excuse BtaleClie Dreason19A.curiou

15、s Bpuzzled Cworried Dinvolved20A.recognizing BrealizingCremembering Dwondering.阅读理解 The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the worlds four oceans. Its name comes from the Latin meaning “peaceful sea”, and was given by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, whose voyage was plain there. However, th

16、e Pacific is not always peaceful. Its islands are often hit by typhoons, and the countries surrounding it have many volcanoes and are often hit by earthquakes. Tsunamis (海啸 ), caused by underwater earthquakes, have destroyed many lowlying coastal towns. The Ocean contains about 46% of Earths surface

17、 water, and makes up about 32% of its total surface area, more than all of the planets land areas. The equator (赤道) divides it into the North Pacific and the South Pacific Oceans, the latter of which contains most of its largest 25,000 islands. The largest landmass entirely within the Pacific Ocean

18、is the island of New Guinea, with Australia to its south;it has been the worlds secondlargest island since separating from the Australian mainland.The lowest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench (海沟), lies 10,911 meters below the surface of the Pacific, but the Oceans average depth is 4,280 meters. Th

19、e water temperature of the Pacific varies from freezing at the poles to about 300C near the equator. Its salinity (盐分) also varies from place to place. The water near the equator is less salty because of the rainfall there, but at the poles salinity is also low, because little evaporation (蒸发) takes

20、 place in the cold water of these areas. The exploitation (开采) of the Pacifics mineral wealth is difficult in its deeper parts. However, in the shallow waters of the continental shelves off the coasts of Australia and New Zealand, oil and natural gas are exploited, and pearls are harvested along the

21、 coasts of Australia, Japan, Nicaragua and the Philippines.The Pacifics greatest wealth is its fish, but the fishing industry has been harmed greatly by marine pollution. The biggest harm comes from rivers that carry into the Ocean many chemicals used as fertilizers in agriculture, as well as waste.

22、 These days many countries are coming together to try to protect the Ocean. 1. Ferdinand Magellan gave the Ocean its name because he_. A. expected to live a peaceful life Bhoped there would be no more wars Ccame upon no serious storms while crossing it Dexpected to stay safe and healthy there 2. Fro

23、m the passage, what do we know about the Pacific Ocean? AIt contains about 32% of the Earths surface water. BIt has suffered many natural disasters. CIts deeper parts havent been exploited. DNew Guinea is on the north of it. 3. Why is the water at the poles less salty? ALittle of it turns into steam

24、. BThere is abundant rainfall there. CThe ocean currents are slow there. DMelting snow adds water to the ocean. 4. We can infer from the passage that_. A. countries near the Ocean benefit from being on it Bpearls are a major source of income in Japan Cmost people prefer to live near the Ocean Dall t

25、he countries along the Ocean are developed选修8Module 1课后达标检测43.单项填空1解析:选C。考查冠词。句意:什么使第一个登上月球的地球人尼尔阿姆斯特朗获得成功的呢?set foot on意为“进入;到达”;a success意为“一个成功的人或一件成功的事”。2解析:选A。句意:协调好家庭与事业的关系不总是那么简洁的。 balance .with . “使与平衡”,符合题意。 compare with “把与相比较”; B和C不与 with 搭配。3解析:选A。句意:雨连续下了半个月,完全毁掉了我们的假期。依据句意可知下雨毁坏了我们的假期,

26、这是自然而然的结果,故用现在分词作结果状语。4解析:选D。句意:在网上回答问题时要留神。你可能会中圈套,把重要的个人机密泄露出去。 catch意为“抓住”;addict意为“使上瘾;使沉迷”;seize意为“抓住”;trap意为“困住;诱骗”;trap sb.into (doing)sth. 诱骗某人做某事。5解析:选C。句意:很多人被困在洪水里,除了等待无计可施。 be trapped in 为固定短语,意为“被困在”,在此处为过去分词词组作状语。6解析:选A。 break up “拆散,分开,(关系)裂开”; finish up “完成,吃光,杀死,毁掉”; divide up “瓜分,支

27、配”; close up “靠近,愈合,关闭”。第一句句意:听说苏和保罗今年分手了,我很惊异。7解析:选A。答句句意:你最好阻挡他抽烟。抽烟对他的身体有害处。keep sb.doing 让某人始终做;C项含义是强迫他停下手中的活,去抽烟;persuade sb.to do sth. 劝服某人做某事,均不合题意。discourage sb.from doing sth. 阻挡某人做某事。8解析:选C。句意:打算你在考试中的表现的一个重要因素是你大脑的状态。此处 state 表示“状态”。其余三项不符合题意。9解析:选C。句意:至于万一发生火灾该做什么,很多人相当困惑。in honour of为纪

28、念;in need of需要;in case of以防,万一;in the form of以形式。10解析:选C。考查名词词义辨析。句意:玛丽是这四个孩子中最小的,但是她并没有特权,而受到与其他孩子一样的待遇。 privilege 表示“特权”,符合语意。 benefit “好处”; advantage “优势”; guarantee “保证”。11解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:总经理宣布表现好的人将会被提升到更高一级的职位。evolve演化;promote提升;dominate支配,统治,把握;allocate分派,支配。依据句意可知选B项。12解析:选B。句意:在2022年当他踏上这

29、个生疏的国度时,他格外惦念父母。set off for动身去某地;set foot on踏上;set about着手做某事;set sail起航。13解析:选A。句意:你是怎么如此简洁地把汤姆辨认出来的?他是那种在人群中很惹眼的人。pick out“辨认出”;stand out“突出,惹眼”。14解析:选B。考查不定式的完成式作定语。名词前有序数词,后面定语多用不定式, elect 的动作已经发生,且 woman 和 elect 之间是规律上的动宾关系,故选择B。15解析:选D。考查日常用语。Difficult to imagine 意为“很难想象”;Good luck意为“祝你好运”;Why

30、意为“为什么”;Keep up your spirits 意为“振作起来!打起精神”。句意:“我期末考试没及格。”“振作起来!再试一次,你会成功的。”.完形填空解题导语文章以一个故事告知我们挂念别人能让我们真正的欢快起来,无论我们遇见多大的苦痛。1解析:选D。考查名词辨析。A项欢快;B项危急;C项信念;D项哀痛;依据上文可知儿子死了,她很难过。2解析:选C。考查动词辨析。依据上文可知这是一位智者,智者总是受到人们的敬重。3解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。这里是指有魔力的能把她的儿子找回来的方法。4解析:选A。考查动词辨析。A项以付酬劳;B、C项供应;D项嘉奖。这里是指她以她全部来回报那位智者。5解

31、析:选C。考查动词辨析。reason with sb.与理论,谈论。这里指智者没有和她多争辩。6解析:选B。考查动词辨析。智者让她从一个从来都不知道哀痛的家庭里找芥末的种子。7解析:选D。考查名词辨析。in search of查找。依据上下文可知是去查找这样的人家。8解析:选C。考查动词辨析。这里是指站在一家人的门前。本题简洁错选A。9解析:选A。考查形容词辨析。这里是指她用兴奋的声音说话。10解析:选A。考查上下文串联。很清楚她是在问这是不是她要找的地方。11解析:选D。考查副词辨析。依据下文可知她找不到那样的地方,所以是很不幸的事情。12解析:选C。考查动词辨析。这里是指甚至都没有人来劝慰

32、她。13解析:选B。考查动词辨析。A项交换;B项描述;C项使简化;D项装饰。指那些人向她描述他们苦痛的事情。14解析:选A。考查形容词辨析。这里是指那些比她还要不幸的人。15解析:选D。考查动词辨析。这里是指她留在那个地方来挂念那些人直到他们安静下来。16解析:选C。考查词义辨析。A项定居;B项机器坏;C项安静;D项写下。解析同上。17解析:选A。考查语法分析。无论她到什么地方,都会发觉一个接一个不幸的故事。18解析:选B。考查名词辨析。A项借口;B项故事;C项谎言;D项缘由。解析同上。19解析:选D。考查固定词组。be involved in参与。20解析:选B。考查动词辨析。这里是指她没有

33、意识到挂念别人已经驱除了她心中的哀痛。.阅读理解 解题导语本文从几个方面简要介绍太平洋。 1.解析:选C。细节理解题。依据whose voyage was plain there可知选C。plain sailing意为“一帆风顺”。 2.解析:选B。细节理解题。依据第一段可知选B;依据其次段可知A、D表述错误;文章倒数其次段提到太平洋的深层很难开采,但并没有提到没开采过,故C项表述错误。3解析:选A。 细节理解题。依据第三段中because little evaporation takes place in the cold water of these areas可知A正确。由于那儿的海水几乎没有蒸发。B项是赤道四周盐度低的缘由。 4.解析:选A。推理推断题。从倒数其次段可知那些太平洋的周边国家从海洋的丰富资源中获益不少,因此选A。

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