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1、七年级下英语unit1-unit6知识点精品资料Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?重点单词1.can-清态动词can 没有单复数的变化,无论主语是什么,can都不变,can 引导的句子变一般疑问句,只需把can放到主语的前面。但“I”要变成“you”。重点句型What can +主语 +do?(主语能够做什么?)2. 某人想要加入什么俱乐部?What club do+主语 +want to join? What club does+第三人称单数主语+want to join?Play+乐器要在乐器前加“the”. Play+球类和棋类前面不加“the”.重点短语3.

2、play the guitar(弹吉他) play the violin(拉小提琴) play the drums(打鼓) play the piano(弹钢琴)play chess(下国际象棋) play basketball(打篮球)speak English(讲英语) speak Chinese (讲汉语)4.want to do sth.(想要做某事) (“do”代表动词原形,to+动词原形表示动词不定式。)如I 5.what about = how about (.怎么样),about为介词,后面可以接名词,代词(宾格), 动词+ing.如:What about the pen?(t

3、he pen为名词); What about him?(him为he的宾格);How about playing games.(playing为动词+ing)短语中,at, with, for都为介词,后面可以接名词,代词(宾格), 动词+ing。be 要换成相应的“am, is, are”.6.be good at (擅长于.) be good with (善于应付.) be good for (对.有好处)总结,介词后的代词用 “宾格”,动词+ing.7.tell stories (讲故事)tell sb. sth. (告诉某人某事) tell sb. to do sth. (告诉某人去做

4、某事)telltalk to/with sb. (与某人交谈) talk about sth. (谈论某事)talkbe busy with sth. (忙于某事) be busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)busy help sb. with sth. (帮助某人某事) help sb. to do sth. (帮助某人做某事)helpwith 为介词,表示“和.一起”。make friends with sb. (和某人交朋友)8.play sth. with sb. (和某人一起玩.) call/ phone sb. at +电话号码(拨打电话给某人)9. also, 位于句中

5、,放在实意动词动词之前,be 动词和情态动词后;也 2. too, 位于肯定句末,前面一般有“,”隔开;3. either, 位于否定句末,前面一般有“,”隔开。如: I can also sing and dance. I want to join the music club, too. I cant play the guitar, either.Unit 2 What time do you go to school?重点句型1. What time do you go to school? 答:I go to school at +时间。2. What time does+第三人称单

6、数主语+ go to school? 答:He/ She goes to school at +时间。When do you go to work? 答:I go to work +时间。区别 what time 和when. What time 用来询问具体的时间点,如“几点钟”;when 既可以用来询问时间点,也可以用来询问时间段,如询问“年月,日期”时,只能用when.重点单词和短语1.频率副词 always(总是), usually(通常), sometimes(有时), never(绝不)频率大小关系:always usually sometimes never频率副词在句中的位置:

7、在实意动词前 I usually get up at six t.放在助动词后实意动词前I dont always eat breakfast.放在be 动词后,如: He is never late. sometimes除可以放在句中外也可以放在句首和句末。 如:Sometimes I get up at six thirty. I get up at six thirty sometimes.2. at night 与 in the evening 的区别: night与 at连用,表示从晚上十点至午夜这段时间; evening 与 in连用,中间需加“the”,表示从下午六点至晚上十 点

8、这段时间。work 与 job的区别 work为不可数名词,指人们日常生活中和工作中从事的各类工作; job 为可数名词,强调具体的职业。3.go to school: 去上学;go to work: 去上班;go to bed: 上床睡觉 注意:回家为“go home”,到家为“get home”中间都不加“to”。 “.起来” 4.taste (尝起来), sound(听起来), look(看起来) 这些词称之为了“连系动词”,它们后面的成分在句中作“表语”。 如:It tastes good. (good在句中作表语)5.much, many, a lot of 和 lots of的区别

9、: 都表示“许多”的意思。much 后接不可数名词,many 后接可数 名词的复数,a lot of =lots of, 后既可以接可数名词的复数,也可 以接不可数名词。6.be late for.(迟到) be good for (对.有好处) be bad for (对.有坏处)7. do ones homework (做某人的家庭作业)clean ones room (打扫某人的房间)8.eat breakfast (吃早餐) eat lunch (吃午餐) eat dinner (吃晚餐) 注:直接表达吃三餐时,中间不加冠词 “a”,但表示 “吃一顿 什么样的三餐”时,需在形容词前加“

10、a/ an”, 如:eat a nice breakfast/ lunch/ dinner (吃一顿丰富的早餐/中餐/晚餐)9.take a walk =go for a walk (散步) take a shower (洗澡) brush ones teeth (刷某人的牙齿)10.either. or. (要么. 要么.)11.时间的表达:直接读法,如6:30 读成 “six thirty”倒读法,需要用到介词“past”和 “to”回答中:take the bus/ ride a bike 等动词短语在句中作谓语;by+交通工具在句中作状语。当分钟30分时, 用介词 “past”, 写成

11、 “分钟+past+小时”, 意为“几点过几分” 如:6:20写成 “twenty past six”; 7:30写成 “half past seven”b. 当分钟30分时, 用介词 “to”, 写成 “分钟+to+时”, 意为“差几分到几点” 如:4:40 (差20分到5点), 所以写成“twenty to five” 7:45 (差15分到8点), 所以写成“a quarter to eight”注:在倒读法中,15分钟用a quarter; 30分钟用 half。Unit 3 How do you get to school?重点句型:1.How do you get to schoo

12、l? 回答:I take the bus/ ride a bike.to school. 该回答等于:I go to school by bus/ by bike.2.How does +第三人称单数主语+ get to school? 回答:三单主语+ takes the bus/ rides a bike.to school. 该回答等于:三单主语+ goes to school by bus/ by bike.How long : 询问多久3.How long does it take to get to school? 回答:It takes (only) + .minutes(分钟)

13、/hours(小时)How far : 询问多远4.How far is it from your home to school? 回答:It is about + .meters(米)/ kilometer(千米)Take the bus/ ride a bike 等动词短语在句中作谓语;by+交通工具在句中作状语。重点短语:5.乘坐什么交通工具:take the bus (乘坐汽车) =by bus take the train (乘坐火车) =by traintake the subway (乘坐地铁) =by subway ride a bike (骑自行车) =by bus walk

14、 (走路) = on foot6. It takes sb. + 时间/金钱 to do sth.every day 与everyday 分开写的every day表示“每天”;不分开写的everyday表示 “日常的”Im not sure.: 我不太确定.; Im sure.: 我确定.7.Its good exercise. 它是好的锻炼。 exercise, 做动词意为 “锻炼”;作可数名词时意为“练习” 做不可数名词时意为“运动”Have a good day : 玩得开心; 回忆:Have a good time: 玩得愉快 Have fun: 玩得愉快8.live in +地点:

15、居住在某地;live with sb. :和某人居住在一起。Mary wants to know where Bob lives. where Bob lives 在句中作know的宾语,它又是一个句子,所以where Bob lives称之为宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语气,即疑问词后直接是主语+谓语的结构。9. What do you think of.(你认为.怎么样)10. For sb. 对某人而言, 如:for many students (对许多学生而言)11. Its easy to do sth. 容易做某事; Its difficult to do sth. 困难做某事。12.

16、 There be 句型,以为“有.” There is +单数名词:There is a book in the desk. There are+ 复数名词:There are forty students in my class.13. Between.and.:在.和.之间 14. One 11-year-old boy. 一个十一岁的男孩。这是由“基数词+名词+形容词”构成的复合形容词。三个词之间用连字符连接,中间的名词必须用单数。15.害怕做某事:be afraid of doing sth.16.Like 作介词时意为 “像.”,be like (像),在句中作谓语;look li

17、ke (看起来像.), 在句中作谓语many of +the +名词复数:.中的许多。many of the students, 学生中的许多。句中的动词必须用动词不定式“to +动词原形的形式”.表达某人的梦想是什么:Sbs dream is to do sth.To do sth. is sbs dream.It is sbs dream to do sth.如:我的梦想是当一名歌手。 My dream is to be a singer. To be a singer is my dream. It is my dream to be a singer.Thank for + sth./

18、 doing sth. 因为.而感谢。Unit 4 Dont eat in class重点句型:Dont eat in class. (不要在上课的时候吃东西)Dont arrive late for class. (不要上课迟到)本单元学习祈使句,概念:以动词原形开头的句子叫做“祈使句”如:Be quite in the library. (be为am, is, are 的原形)肯定祈使句变否定祈使句只需要在动词原形前加“Dont”重点记忆以下学校规则:Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time. 不要上课迟到,你必须准时。Dont run

19、 in the hallways. 不要在走廊上跑。Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat is the dining hall. 不要在教室里面吃东西,你必须在食堂里面吃。Dont listen to music in class. 不要在上课的时候听音乐。Dont fight. 不要打架。重点短语:英语中的“到达”arrive,到达,arrive at +小地点;arrive in +大地点。reach +地点,到达某地get to +地点,到达某地on time: 准时; in time: 及时listen to .: 听., 如:listen t

20、o music, 听音乐。英语中表达“穿”be in +颜色 +衣服,表示 “穿着.颜色的衣服”;put on, 穿上,表示穿的动作;wear, 穿着,表示穿的状态。must 和 have to 都有 “必须”的意思,后面都接动词原形。Must 着重于说话人的主观看法,认为有义务,有必要去做;have to 表示客观地,被迫地去做某事。bring 与 take bring,意为“带来”; take 意为“带去” 相关短语:bring/ take sb./sth. to +地点:带某物或某人来/去某地。 bring/ take sth. for sb: 为某人带来/ 带去某物。7. much,

21、many, a lot of 和 lots of的区别: 都表示“许多”的意思。much 后接不可数名词,many 后接可数 名词的复数,a lot of =lots of, 后既可以接可数名词的复数,也可 以接不可数名词。go out (外出); see friends (见朋友); watch TV (看电视) do ones homework (做某人的家庭作业); clean ones room (打扫房间) practice the guitar (练习吉他); do the dishes (清洗餐具)help sb. with sth. (帮助某人某事) help sb. to d

22、o sth. (帮助某人做某事)9. Helptoo many 与too much.都表示“太多”的意思。too many +可数名词的复数;too much + 不可数名词。 如:太多时间:too much time; 太多书:too many books.leave sth. +地点:留某物在什么地方。 Leave还可以作“离开”,leave for +地点:前往某地。More, 意为“更多”,是many 和much 的比较级。 补充:than (比.),是比较级的标志。Before (.之前) 与after (.之后) Before 与after 既可以做“连词”,也可以做“介词” 作连

23、词的时候,后面必须跟一个句子, 如:I do my homework before I eat dinner. (划线部分为一个句子) 作介词时,后面的动词要加“ing” 如:I do my homework before eating dinner. (eat 要加 ing)我知道你是怎么感受的:I know how you feel.我知道他是怎么感受的:I know how he feels.有许多事情你可以做:There are many things you can do.Strict, 严格。be strict with sb. (对某人严格); be strict in sth.

24、 (对某事严格)remember, 记得。反义词为:forget (忘记)Good luck. 祝你好运,一般用在写信的结尾处。keep ones hair short. 留短发。ones 指某人的。 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas重点句型Why do you like pandas?Kind of (有点儿), very (非常), really (真正地) 为副词,后面一般接形容词。 答: Because theyre kind of interesting. Why does he/ she like koalas?答: Because theyre very

25、 cute. Why dont you like tigers? 答: Because theyre really scary.Where are lions from? (狮子来自哪里) 答: They re from South Africa. 该问句等于:Where do lions come from?答: They come from South Africa.Why dont you +动词原形,该句型可以用来提建议,此时等于: = Why not + 动词原形= Lets + 动词原形。如:Why dont you play basketball? = Why not play

26、basketball? = Lets play basketball.重点词汇KindKind 作名词讲时意为“种类”,相关短语:a kind of. (一种.)Many kinds of .(许多种.) all kinds of.(各种各样的.) What kind of. (什么种类的.)Kind 做形容词讲时意为“善良的,友好的”,相关短语:be kind to sb. = be friendly to sb. (对某人友好) 2. Sleep (睡觉) sleepy (瞌睡的) asleep (睡着的)feel sleepy (感觉困倦的) fall asleep (入睡,睡着)巧记:

27、feel sleepy go to bed fall asleep/ go to sleep (感觉困倦的) (上床睡觉) (睡着,进入梦乡) wake up get up (醒来) (起床)重点短语:1. walk on . (以.方式走路), I walk on two hands (我倒立行走)2. be scared of sth. = be afraid of sth. (害怕某事)3. a lot = very much, 非常。 联想:a lot of = lots of (许多), 后面可以接可数名词复数也可以接不可数名词。 (1). of 后接名词或代词(宾格)的复数,且名词

28、4. one of .(.之一) 前必须有定冠词 the 或物主代词修饰。 (2). one of 作主语时,后面谓语动词用单数。 如:One of the students is my sister. The symbol of . (.的象征) the symbol of good luck. (好运的象征)6. forget (忘记) forget to do sth. (忘记去做某事,表示事情还没做) forget doing sth. (忘记做过某事,表示事情已经做了) 联想: remember to do sth. (记得去做某事, 即事情还没有做) remember doing

29、sth. (记得做过某事, 即事情已经做了)get lost. (迷路)be in great danger. (处于巨大的危险当中) danger 为名词“危险”,形容词 dangerous “危险的”for a long time (很长一段时间)lose ones home. (失去某人的家园)be made of. (由.制成,制成后的东西能看出原材料) be made from. (由.制成,制成后的东西不能看出原材料) 如:The desks are made of wood (桌子由木头制成,制成后的桌子 能看出原材料) The books are made of trees (

30、书由树制成,制成后的书不能看 出原材料)Unit 6 Im watching TV.重点句型本单元学习现在进行时。概念:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作。现在进行时中必须要有be动词,还要有动词-ing,缺一不可。构成方式:be动词 + 动词-ing, be动词包括 am, is, areWhat are you doing? I am + 动词-ing.What is she/ he doing? He/ She is + 动词-ing.What are they doing? They are + 动词-ing.2. 现在进行时肯定句变否定句,只需在be动词后加“not” He i

31、s doing his homework. He isnt doing his homework. 3. 现在进行时陈述句变一般疑问句,只需把be动词提到主语前。 They are using the computer. Are they using the computer?二重点短语:电话用语,在英语电话用语中,我用 this, 你用that, 而不用I 和 You. 介绍“我是.”:This is . (speaking). “你是谁”:Whos that (speaking)? “你是.吗?”:Is that.(speaking)?2. go to the movies. (去看电影。

32、)3. Not much. (没什么大事。)4. Wash ones clothes. (洗某人的衣服。)5. join sb. For + 某餐:和某人一起吃.餐。6. Id love to. (我愿意,我想要) = Id like to. Id = I would. 此表答一般是用来回答 Would you like to.?/ Do you want to.? would like = want (想要). 如:Would you like to go to the movies?/ Do you want to go to the movies?回答:Yes. Id love./ Id

33、 like to.be at home. 在家。如:我在家:I am at home.go swimming (去游泳) go shopping (去购物) go to the supermarket (去超市)Study 与learn 都译为“学习”,study 指高级阶段的学习,带有研究之类的意思; learn 侧重于初级阶段的学习。live with sb. (和某人居住在一起); live in + 地点 (居住在某地)11. other, the other, the others, others, another 的区别。other是泛指的,是形容词后要加名词;theother是形

34、容词要后加名词,是特指两者中剩下的另一个的;theothers是一个名词,后面不需要加什么名词了,是theother的复数,特指两者中剩余的全部的。the other +名词复数 = the others;others是名词,是other的复数,泛指除一部分外剩下的部分,并非全部。other +名词复数 = others;another意为“另一个”,表示除了一个事物剩下的任何一个。12. Here is a picture of my family. (这是一张我家的全家福)13. wish 与 hope 都有“希望”的意思。 短语:wish sb. to do sth. (希望某人做某事)

35、; wish sb. Sth. (希望某人某事); wish to do sth. (希望做某事);best wishes to sb. (最好的祝福给某人). hope to do sth. (希望做某事), 没有hope sb. to do sth.重点语法区别-一般现在时和现在进行的区别概念不同:一般现在时表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、表示主语具备的性格和能力等。现在进行时表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动。构成方式不同:一般现在时的构成: 主语is/am/are其它成分. He is an office worker.主语(除第三人称单数)动词原形其它成分. I get u

36、p at six every day . 主语(第三人称单数)动词s/es 其它成分. My father usually goes to work by bus. 补充:主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的变化规则如下:一般动词在词尾加-s,如: helps, makes, gets, swims, plays等.以s, x, ch, sh, 或o结尾的动词在词尾加-es,如dresses, washes, catches, does,goes等.以辅音字母+y结尾的动词, 先变y为i,再加-es, 如fly-flies, study- studies等.现在进行时的构成:be +动词-ing, 动词-ing的变化看书上113页。时间状语不同:一般现在时的时间状语有: often,usually,always,sometimes,never,every day,on Sunday / Monday等; (句中有这些词用一般现在时。)现在进行时的标志词有:now, at the moment, listen! Look! It is +具体的钟点。 (句中有这些词用现在进行时)仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢9

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