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1、冀教版英语答案-同步练习册五年级下册(三起)精品文档Lesson 11. a. B b. A c. B d. B2. a. B b. A c. C d. B e. C3. cdafbe4. runwalk, thisthat, standsit, thesethose, updown5. run; Sorry; jump; sing; dance; down; sit, stand upLesson 21. a. A b. B c. B d. A2. a. look, book b. see, green c. school, zoo, moon3. a. looking out of; bo

2、ys, girls; playing b. now; looking at4. a. drawing b. singing c. reading5. a. C b. B c. A d. BLesson 31. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.2. a. This, friend b. man, talking c. baby, woman d. baby, sleeping3. bacedLesson 41. a. B b. B c. B d. C2. donut, hot dog, banana; apple, orange; water, noodles, rice, tea

3、3. a. B b. C c. C d. B4. Lilysheep eating, Timgoats running, Toma famer running5. a. My father is hungry. b. I am thirsty. c. My mother is tired. d. My grandpa is singing. e. My grandma is reading.Lesson 51. daefhbcg2. fcbahegd3. helphelping, learnlearning, sendsending; leaveleaving, comecoming, giv

4、egiving; shopshopping, sitsitting, hithitting4. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.5. a. B b. A c. C d. D e. F f. E6. 略Lesson 61. a. C b. A c. A d. C e. C f. B2. a. B b. B c. A d. B e. A3. efcbad4. trip, drives, beside, find, fruit, runs, jumps Again, Please!1. aedbc2. a. B b. C c. B3. a. mouth, cloud b. how, n

5、ow c. food, look d. chicken, quick e. cake, baby4. a. C b. A c. B d. C e. C5. thirsty渴的, bread面包, train火车, know知道, can能, slow慢的6. a. arrives b. excited c. pictures d. jumping e. playing7. a. woman behind Jenny b. Who; baby, sleeping c. Who; man, talking d. playing e. They are, baby f. some, please8.

6、 a. D b. F c. B d. A e. E f. C9. Are, What, playing, Is, doing, doing, Are, What, reading10. a. She is drawing. b. I want to buy a sweater. c. He is buying tickets.11. a. B b. C c. A d. A e. B12. 略Lesson 71. people图三, children图一, men图二, women图四2. manmen, babybabies, childrenchild, womenwoman3. peopl

7、e; men, children, women; boys, girls4. man, woman, girl, men, women, children5. a. is b. are c. is d. are e. are6. a. They arrive in Beijing at 1:17 in the afternoon. b. They see many people on their way to the hotel. c. A child is flying a kite. d. Some old women are dancing. e. No, he is running.

8、f. No, they are playing football.Lesson 81. cA, hE, fF, aD, dG, bH, gB, eC2. a. B b. C c. A d. B e. B f. A3. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.4. many people, taking pictures, very high, easy, difficult, worry5. 略Lesson 91. a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. a. film b. camera c. take d. hurt e. large f. hundred g. about h. sho

9、w3. a. help b. hurt c. hurts4. a. your grandfather, old b. your little sister, young c. the Palace Museum, old5. a. Its sunny today. b. The sky is blue. c. They are visiting the Palace Museum. d. The palace is red and yellow. e. Yes, it is. f. Yes, he does. g. Danny falls. h. Danny! Be careful! i. H

10、e hurts his tail.6. 略Lesson 101. badcfehg2. ecdbfa3. October 1, National Day, excited, long and old, many people, taking pictures, Be careful, Dont worry, feel tired4. 图一Birds Nest, 图二Water Cube, 图三Summer Palace, 图四Behai Park5. a. Yes, it is. b. Yes, they do. c. Yes, it is. d. Yes, there are.Lesson

11、111. a. clothes shop, buy a dress b. restaurant, eat some dumplings c. playground, play ping-pong d. library, read a book e. cinema, watch a film f. park, fly a kite2. dumplings, noodles, hot dog, juice, soup, rice; dress, socks, trousers, cap, coat; teddy bear, ball, kite; watermelon, orange, banan

12、a, apple3. grandfathertea, grandmotherfruits, unclecap, auntpicture, cousinkite; grandfathercards, grandmotherscarf, unclekite, auntpicture, cousinbook4. cbdafgeihLesson 121. badc2. a. B b. B c. A d. A e. B3. a. by bus b. long, old c. write d. clean, beautiful4. b, a; d, f; d, e; g, hAgain, Please!1

13、. a. A b. B c. C d. A e. A2. cab3. a. A b. A c. B d. B e. A4. cap, dress, shirt, sweater; small, long, short, old; draw, sleep, sing, jump; men, children, women, girls5. dcab6. children, many, picture, tired7. worry, help, Stop, people, wait, busy, for8. men, women, boys, girl, children9. a. They se

14、e many women, men and children on the street. b. They visit Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and the Great Wall in Beijing. c. They buy many gifts. d. The gifts are for their families and friends.10. 略11. 略期中复习(一)1. hgafdecb2. a. T b. F c. F d. T e. F f. T3. a. jump b. noodles c. arm d. people e.

15、 pictures 4. a. A b. A c. B d. B e. A5. a. F b. T c. F d. T e. F6. a. D b. B c. B d. C e. D f. C7. a. drawing b. reading c. children d. man, baby8. a. A b. B c. B d. A e. A f. B9. a. dancing b. run c. buy d. walks e. doing10. BCDA11. aB, bA, cE, dC, eD12. a. This is a baby. B. Yes, it is. c. Id like

16、 to eat some fruit. d. Yes, he is. e. They are flying a kite.13. BADEC14. a. What is the boy doing? b. Would you like some soup? c. Are you having fun? d. They are playing cards. E. Jenny wants to go shopping.15. a. C b. B c. B d. A e. B16. visit, arrive, watch, singing, flying, taking, playing, tir

17、ed, worry, help, wait, sad, busy, for17. 略期中复习(二)1. edcab2. a. B b. A c. C d. B3. a. T b. T c. F d. T4. a. man, woman, baby b. picture c. tired d. bus e. girl, says f. help, worry5. a. b. c. d. e. f. 6. a. by bike b. men c. some chicken d. sitting e. at six7. a. B b. C c. A d. A e. B8. CBAEDF9. a图二,

18、 b图三, c图五, d图四, e图一10. aC, bD, cB, dE, eA11. ecabdf12. a. behind b. looking c. look d. afraid e. would f. for g. sitting h. thirsty i. flying j. looks k. years13. a. man, women b. buses c. watching d. buying e. am14. a. The family likes to have fun in the park. b. He is playing checkers with an old

19、man. c. She likes to tell a story after dinner. d. No, he isnt.Iplaying football, grandfatherplaying checkers, grandmothertalking, motherreading stories, fatherdrawing a picture, brotherflying a kite15. 略Lesson 131. Danny图二Kim, Jenny图三Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Li Ming图一Li Daming2. a. sixty yuan b. How muc

20、h is the shirt? Its forty-five yuan. c. seventy-eight yuan d. How much are the trousers? Theyre one hundred twenty-three yuan.3. a. Its a postcard. 图二 b. Its a letter. 图三 c. Its an email. 图一4. a. no b. wait c. get5. a. Yes, she does. b. Yes, he does. c. She buys four postcards. d. He buys one postca

21、rd. e. Nine yuan.Lesson 141. deabc2. edbac3. a. letter b. address c. stamp d. picture e. email f. postcard4. firstJanuary, secondFebruary, thirdMarch, fourthApril, fifthMay, sixthJune, seventhJuly, eighthAugust, ninthSeptember, tenthOctober, eleventhNovember, twelfthDecember5. Mum, Dad, are you, fin

22、e, New YearLesson 151. a. A b. B c. B d. C e. B2. b. You send your grandfather a postcard. c. Dick sends his uncle an email. d. I send my father a letter. e. Sue sends her aunt a letter. f. Peter sends his cousin an email.3. 4. a. Its ten yuan. b. Theyre four yuan. c. Yes, it is. d. No, they arent.

23、Theyre twenty-seven yuan. e. No, its fifteen yuan. f. No, its twenty yuan.Lesson 161. a. A b. C c. A2. a. email b. send c. use d. wrong e. idea f. much3. a. Can we use the computer? b. I can show you. c. May I send an email to my cousin? d. May I send a postcard to my friend? e. An email doesnt need

24、 stamps.4. a. She is going to the post office. b. She wants to send a letter and some postcards. c. She sends them to America. d. Yes, she will.5. 略Lesson 171. 图一d, 图二e, 图三b, 图四a, 图五c2. a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T3. aD, bC, cE, dA, eB4. a. stamp, two b. letter c. computer, email5. Saturday, May 15Dear

25、Rose,I am in Shijiazhuang now. Hows the weather in London? Is it warm and rainy? In Shijiazhuang, it is warm and windy. People are kind and friendly. I hope you come soon.Yours truly,LilyLesson 181. 图一,图三,图四,图五,图八;2. a. C b. C c. B d. C e. A3. a. Yes, it is. b. She is fine. c. She is sleeping in her

26、 bed. D. No, he doesnt. e. He sleeps in a sock.4. cdbaAgain, Please!1. a. A b. B c. B d. A e. A2. a. A b. B c. A d. A e. A3. a. write a letter c. send a letter d. do her homework b. write an email4. a. buy b. writing c. picture d. right e. for f. idea g. send h. How much i. forty j. email k. How man

27、y5. a. B b. A c. A d. A6. a. How b. How c. What d. How e. What f. How g. How h. How7. a. sending b. wants c. stamps d. writing e. buy8. aE, bD, cB, dA, eC9. gifts, men, women, children, shops, dishes, giftsa. He buys the gifts on Wangfujing Street in Beijing. b. He buys a dress, some small dishes an

28、d two T-shirts. c. He writes an email to his father. d. Yes, he does.10. 略Lesson 191. fbacde2. a. A b. B c. A d. A3. a. go b. went c. talk d. talked e. play f. played g. is looking h. looked4. a. C b. B c. A d. A e. BLesson 201. a. C b. A c. B d. A e. C2. seesaw, havehad, eatate, amwas, dodid3. a. w

29、ent to school b. played cards c. had fun d. did his homework4. seven, eight, ten thirty, one fifteen, four, nine thirtya. Yes, it was. b. He ate three sandwiches for his breakfast. c. Yes, he did. d. He went home at six thirty.Lesson 211. 2. a. hard b. sleep c. call d. slow e. loudly3. b. I jumped o

30、n the train yesterday. c. I ate in a restaurant yesterday.4. 略5. a. A b. B c. C d. ALesson 221. a. A b. B c. C d. B e. A2. a. A b. B c. C d. B e. B3. b. Li Ming bought a T-shirt for his father. c. Danny bought a cap for Kim. d. Jenny bought some tea for her father. e. Jenny bought a scarf for her mo

31、ther.4. a. He played with a ball on the street. b. The boy threw the ball too hard, and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. c. My fathers going to come and fix your window soon. d. A man fixed the window. e. No, he wasnt. f. No, she wasnt.Lesson 231. of, to, had, with, liked, and, liked,

32、 liked going, of, for, write2. was, had, were, jumped, liked, looked, ate, helped, hurt, played, saw, shopped3. a. A b. B c. C d. A e. B4. 略Lesson 241. egbidhcaf2. gowent, buybought, havehad, hurthurt, dodid3. a. B b. C c. A d. B e. B f. A g. A4. ball, crayons, bedb. Mrs. Jones had a ball for Emma.

33、c. Mrs. Jones had some crayons for Tess. d. Mrs. Jones had a bed for Zeke.Again, Please!1. cbafde2. a. C b. B c. A d. A3. a. A b. C c. C d. B e. A f. B g. C4. a. stayed at home, cleaned b. went to the supermarket, shopped c. watched TV, had d. went to the library, read f. saw a film5. a. B b. A c. C

34、 d. C e. C f. C g. A6. went, saw, visited, walked, shopped, bought, were, had7. a. walk b. playing c. saw d. bought e. went8. aB, bA, cD, dE, eC9. On Sunday I shopped with my mother. On Monday I helped Lisa fly a kite. On Tuesday I played cards with Linda. On Wednesday I had fun with friends. On Thu

35、rsday I washed clothes. On Friday I went to the park. On Saturday I saw a film.10. a. The supermarket is big. b. Its near Mrs. Blacks house. c. Steven likes fish. d. Yes, she did. e. She bought some noodles, some milk and some fish. f. Yes, he does. g. They always drink milk for breakfast.11. 略期末复习(

36、一)1. gefhdacb2. a. B b. B c. A d. B e. A3. a. photos, back b. bought c. look d. children e. email4. a. F b. T c. T d. F e. T5. a. by b. up c. at d. down e. in f. to g. at h. for6. a. ticket b. draw c. clothes d. woman e. ate7. aE, bB, cA, dC, eD8. CBAED9. a. D b. C c. E d. A e. B10. b. Danny is buyi

37、ng a postcard now. c. Li Ming is sending an email now. d. Sarah goes to the park on Sunday. e. Kim plays games on Sunday. f. Steven flies a kite on Sunday. g. Li Ming walked to school yesterday. h. Jenny saw some animals yesterday. i. Danny ate a donut yesterday.11. a. She is sleeping. b. Id like so

38、me milk. c. I write on the left on a postcard. d. I read a book yesterday. e. Its three oclock.12. a. is b. snowy c. shopped d. walking e. sending f. children g. help13. a. How much are these bananas? b. May I take your picture? c. People are very kind in China. d. Please write back soon.14. a. F b.

39、 T c. F d. F e. F15. visited, saw, took, flied, wanted, hurt, helped, went, bought, wrote, was, had16. 略期中复习(二)1. a. A b. B c. A d. A e. B2. 3. a. big b. taking c. out d. children, playing e. postcard4. cdaeb5. a. F b. T c. T d. F e. F f. T6. a. B b. B c. A d. B e. B7. a. T b. F c. F d. T e. F f. F8

40、. a. May I take your picture? b. My mother is reading a book. c. I want to buy gifts for my family. d. The cap is just right for me. e. I walked to the park yesterday. f. I can send an email to my friend.9. CBDEA10. a. man b. noodles c. gift d. baby e. stamp11. a. an b. were c. dont d. asks e. soup1

41、2. had, went, walked, ate, liked, wanted13. a. Theyre flying kites. b. Yes, she is. c. Its two yuan. d. Sure. e. I need a postcard. f. She bought a T-shirt yesterday.14. a. E b. C c. A d. B e. D15. a. He is writing an email to his friend. b. He went to the zoo yesterday. c. He saw many animals at th

42、e zoo. d. Yes, he did. e. She wants to go shopping this afternoon.16. Saturday, June 5 Dear Betty,Thanks for your email. I would like to tell you something about me. I go to school by bicycle in the morning. I have lunch at home. And I do my homework in the evening. On Sundays, I go to the library. I like to read books there.Yours truly,Robin White收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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