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1、2007年高考完成句子训练集粹精品资料2007高考英语完成句子训练集粹目 录强化训练(一)强化训练(二) 强化训练(三) 强化训练(四) 强化训练(五) 强化训练(六) 强化训练(七) 强化训练(八) 强化训练(九) 强化训练(十) 强化训练(十一) 强化训练(十二) 强化训练(十三) 强化训练(十四) 强化训练(一)1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man (who is ) in possession of (拥有) a good fortune must be in want of a wife.(posses

2、sion)2. Proud as there nobles(noblemen)(虽然这些贵族很傲慢),he is afraid to see me.(as)3. It is the sort of work that calls for (要求) a high level of concentration.(call)4. The book was written in 1946, since when /since which time(从那以后) the education systerm has witnessed great changes.(since)5. Shanghai is

3、the first city in the world to build (建设) a high-speed maglev train,from the city to Pudong Airport.(build)6. Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it used to be /it once was(容易)。(no longer)7. Am i be allowed to introduce our new manager Mr.Anderson to all of you ?(allow)8. As a matter of fac

4、t(实际),I dont agree with you.(matter)9. As far as I know(据我所知),he is not coming but I may be wrong.(know)10. Could you do a favor for me /do me a favor(帮助我)and give this present to Hilary for her birthday?(favor)11. Do you happen to know(你知不知道) how I can get to Times Square?12. What you say makes no

5、sense (没有道理). I dont agree with you.(sense)13. Generally speaking(总体说来),people like to hear compliments from other.(speak)14. Hardly had she begun to speak/speaking(她刚开始讲话)when there was a knock on the door.(hardly)15. How long does it take you/will it take you (你需要多长时间)to recite such a passage?(tak

6、e)16. .I cant imageine what my life would be like (我的生活会是什么样子)if I were disabled.(like)17. I feel like (想要)going rock climbing with you this weekend.(like )18. Im fed up with (厌倦)all there traffic jams.(fed)19. I have nothing to do with (没关系) that man;Ive never seen him before(nothing)20. I think it

7、 is waste time(浪费时间) sitting in front of the television all day.(waste)21. If I knew(知道) his number, I would photo him.(know)22. Something must be taken(必须采取措施)to chang our current examination systerm.(something) 23. To be honest (老实说),I dont think we have a chance of winning.(honest)24. He has freq

8、uently written to me since he lived in (离开)Beijing.(live)25. You should make the best /full/good use of(充分利用) your spare time to practice English. 26. To start with(首先),lets talk about how much money we need .(start)27. Now that 既然),we are alone, we can talk freely.(now)28. You can leave school earl

9、y,on condition that(如果)you finish your assignment first.(condition)29. No matter what happens (无论发生什么),Ill always stand by you.30. It is said that (据说)Liu Xiang will come to our city.(say)31. The stadium is packed with football fans(充满了足球迷),watching the exciting game.(pack)32. Mother often told me t

10、hat a lasy man never accompliah anything/accompling nothing(永远一事无成).(accompling)33. Couples who have stayed together for a long time sometimes resemble each other both in appearance and in charater.(在外表和性格上很像)34. Im not sure what I should do if I were in his position.(如果我在他的位置)(position)35. Despite

11、all the fame Tom Hanks has gained as a move star, he has an appetite for further success.(她有进一步成功的欲望)in hi art career.(appetite)36. Armed with other facts and figures (掌握另外事实和数据),customers are better able to deal with some argument.(arm)37. Youre got to think twice (三思)before you spend your money on

12、 this house.(think)Live to lean,not learn to live. 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。A little learning is a dangerous thing. 学问浅薄,如履薄冰。强化训练(二)1. He bought a house in the city for his parants to live in.(让他父母住)(live)2. It seems that he is not fit for his job.What he needs/all that he needs.(他所需要的)is more experience.(n

13、eeds)3. I find it hard to take him into going back home.(说服他回家)(talk)4. I dont know whether you happen to have heard(听说过),but I am going to study in the US this September.(hear)5. Dressed in a white uniform(穿着白色的制服),he looks more like a cook than a doctor.(dress)6. He was very disappointed for not h

14、aving been invited (没有受到邀请)to the party.(invite)7. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction for the Beijing Oliympics will have been completed(完工)by 2006.(complete)8. He told me that I could go on a two-day trip to Leshan and Emei,which was not too expensive(这个不是很贵)(expensive)9. This is the f

15、irst bike I have bought (我买的).(buy)10. We will do everything we can to (尽可能)save our city.(do)11. I have never dreamt of there being such a quiet place(有这样一个安静的地方)in this noisy city.(there)12. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen(刚回到厨房) than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.(soon)13

16、. This is the most exciting exhibition I have visited(我参观过的)(visit)14. To make matter worse(更糟糕的是),it started to rain,therefore,he had to stay at home for the present.(matters)15. There is no point(没意义)in working for the soccer team.(point) 16. At last I arrived at what was a waste land ten years ag

17、o(十年前是一片荒凉的地方)and was thrilled to see tall high-rises built there.(what)17. With nothing left in the cupboard.(橱柜什么也没有剩下),she went out to get something to eat.(with)18. The old man went into the room,supported by his wife(他妻子搀扶着他).(support)19. She will name him whatever she wants to(无论她想取萨名字)。(whate

18、r)20. The sweater didnt fit,neither did the coat(外套也是)(neither)21. One day he was flying across the Pacific ocean when his plane suddenly crashed(他的飞机突然坠毁).(when)22. I saw the man knocked down (被撞倒)and the driver drove away.(knock)23. They have been hunting for (一直在寻找)a house to rent.(hunt)24. Our h

19、ostess made us feel at home (无拘无束).(home)25. The villagers were making a living by selling souvemirs to tourists(向游客兜售纪念品).(by)26. He changed his mind,which made me angry(使我很恼火).(which)27. She sent me letter after letter(一封信接一封信)to explain his failure to keep his appointment.(after)28. Where there i

20、s a river (有河流的地方),there is a city.(where).29. We cant keep small children still;they are always on the go (四处乱跑).(go)30. He was listened to announce/announcing(宣布) the results of the wonderfull experiments.(announce)31. As a result of the survival training in the wild, the students come to a better

21、 understanding of (更加理解) their social responsibilities.(come)32. He woke from a dream and find himself on a lonely island(不知不觉发现自己在一座孤岛上).(find)33. He is badly off himself (他本身就很穷),so you cant possibly borrow a penny from him.(off)That sort of defeats are only stepping-stones. 那种失败只不过是前进的踏脚石。Where t

22、here is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。强化训练(三)1.If we want to live a better life (生活得更好些)and have a bright future, we must try not to harm other living thing.(life)2.We can use a cell phone to ask for help in case of an emergency(如果遇到紧急情况).(case)3.The first thing we should do to protect the environm

23、ent is (to) try to throw away less rubblish(尽量少扔垃圾)(try,little)4.There is so much going on in cinemas and theatres that you can never find time keeping up with it.(跟上)(keep)5.I think this report is bardly written, and that goes for (也是一样)all the other work done in this office.(go)6.Only in this way

24、(只有那样)will you be ready for the great challenges and opportunities in life.(life)7.He left everything in the room (just) the way it was (按原来的样子)(way)8.He is nice as well as(而且) considerate.(as)9.I hate people who play tricks on (捉弄)me when I am busy with my work.(play)10.Dont trust that fellow, he w

25、ill take you in (骗你) if gets the chance.(take)11.It cant have been(不可能) his son He was in America at that time.(be)12.I began to consider what use could be made of it(它有什么用途)。(make)13.Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a big garden.(see)14.They had come from England,having heard the

26、 strange news(当听到那个奇怪的消息后)that Dr Manette, Lucies father, was alive and was living in paris.15.He was wearing sunglasses to protect eyes from the strong sunlight(保护眼睛不受强烈的太阳光的刺激).(protect)16.Nothing could stop them from going to watch the football matches,not even the heavy rain.(stop)17.When she wo

27、ke up the next morning,she found herself in a hospital(她发现自己在医院)。(find)18.The man threatened to kill me(威胁要杀了我)if I refused to give him th handgag.(threaten)19.Mr.Jones was once a millionaire and he cant come to terms with being poor.(甘心受苦)(terms)20.Taking the subway/underground(乘地铁) in that city at

28、 night is dangerous.(take)21.Nine players made up (组成)the team.22.My parants are holidays,so you can stay as long as you like(想呆多久就呆多久)(long)23.He stopped practicing spoken English because his classmates make fun of (取笑)his accent.(fun)24.William let his parents down(使他父母失望)by not zccepting the scho

29、larship.(let)25.The weatheman said it was going to rain the afternoon but it turn out to be fine(结果天气非常好)(turn)26.If you tell him what a flower youve bought, he will become/be more than a little angry.(非常生气).(more)27.The trip called up (回忆起) the happy memories of my youth.(call028.The conference is

30、of great importance (很重要).(of)29.The food you ordered is on the way (快来了).(way)30.The more expensive the hotel is , the better the sevice is.(服务就越好).(good)31.When I first visited the West Lake, I was attracted(吸引)by her beauty.(attract)If inter comes,can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?Sweet are t

31、he uses of adversity. 苦尽甘来。强化训练(四)1. Having Equipped themselves as (为自己准备) with a higher education,more and more people begin to have an advantage over others in the tight job market.(equip)2. The man who was accused of (被指控) stealing the car said that he was innocent.(accuse)3. In their opinion, al

32、l that was lelf to be conquered(剩下要被征服的) Mount Qomolangma.(leave,conquer)4. I would have died for lack of food(可能会因为缺少食物而死去) if it hadnt been for his timely help.(will,lack)5. It was during his visit to the island that he found where the problem lay.(他找到了问题的所在) (die)6. Distant education is playing a

33、 more and more important role, making it possible(使之成为可能) for people to be educated whatever they do.(it)7. Messages which we are not aware of (我们不知道的) are usually the most powerfull.(aware)8. The postitive meanings attached to words in an ad play an important ro;e in promoting a product.(attach)9.

34、Just over 200 years ago, Kooris made up 100 percent of the population(占据人口的百分之百).(make)10. To be accepted by (能够被接受) the skateboarding club has become Jacks biggest wish.(accept)11. I have some complaints to make (要投诉) about the service in the shop,so I wish to see the manager.(comp;aint)12. That yo

35、ur friend didnt offer you a gift on your birthday doesnt mean that he brek away from you.(离开)(break)13. How long is it since we had a pinic last time (我们上次野餐) ?(picnic) 14. Id rather you stayed (你住在) in our house during your visit here in New Zealand(stay)15. Dereks room smells terrible(气味难闻) and no

36、 one would like to go in.(terrible)16. As some exerts say, shopping by television will never take the place of (永远代替不了)shoppong in stores.(will, take)17. The Olympic Games hold the ideal that what matters is not winning (重要的不是取胜) but participating.(matter)18. So deeply moved was she (她深受感动),that tea

37、rs came to her eyes.(moved)19. Leave her along (别管她) and shell be all right soon (leave)20. At a rough estimate, the shopping Center is three times the size of (三倍大) the supermarket.(size)21. With nine mounths to go(剩下),we feel sad that our school life will be ending and that well have to say goodby

38、e.(go)22. Tasting good (味道好),this kind of fried chicken sells well.(good)23. The arrested criminals were suspected of belonging to a terrorist (是一个恐怖组织的成员).(belong)24. I should have told (应该告诉) him about the matter, but I was too busy and forget it.(tell)25. The child has a talent for(有天赋) music.(ta

39、lent)26. He has gained weight /has put on weight (体重增加了)since he gave up smoking.(weight)27. Today,people often miss the simp;le but beautiful days when man lived in harmony with(和谐相处) nature.(harmony)28. I heard the children reading aloud (我听见孩子们大声朗读)when Ipassed the classroom.(loud)29. He must hav

40、e met with the fraffic accident, or he would have got to school early(否则他已到校了).(or)30. The section on news of the newspaper is what we learn important news of the day (我们获知每日重要新闻的地方)。(learnfrom)For evil news rids fast, while good news baits latter.好事不出门,坏事传千里。Nothing is easier than to deceieve ones

41、self.再也没有比欺骗自己更容易的了。 强化训练(五)1. His remarks left me wonder(使我纳闷)about his real purpose.(leave,wonder)2. The tickets for the football game are far too expensive for me(对我来说太贵了).(far,expensive)3. Do as the romans do and mind your manners(注意你的礼节)when in a strange environment.(mind)4. Pop music is such a

42、n important part of society that it has effect on our lauguage.(它对我们的语言有影响)5. Alice cares most about her clothing,while Marry shares no interest (而玛丽不感兴趣)in fashion.6. What an accident! If you had been careful,things would be different from (就不一样)what they are.7. When he saw the beautiful rare stamp , he tried hard to take possession of it (占有它)。(possession)8.强化训练(六)强化训练(七)强化训练(八)强化训练(九)强化训练(十)强化训练(十一)强化训练(十二)强化训练(十三)强化训练(十四)仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢24

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