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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除仁爱英语九年级各单元重点短语和句型 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 1.be happy to do sth 高兴做某事 e back from 从、回来3.take place 发生 4.so that 如此、 以致、5.improve ones English 提高某人的英语水平6.have /has been to . 去过、(已回来)7.have/ has gone to . 去、(还未回来)8.How was your trip? 你的旅行怎样?9.Great changes have been taken place t

2、here and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. 那儿已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。10.There were so many people that I couldn t find a proper place to take photos. 那的人是如此之多,以致于我找不到适合拍照的地方。11.There goes the bell. = Thats the bell. = The bell is ringing. 铃响了。 Section B 1.volunteer activities 志愿者活动2.

3、tell sb sth = tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事3.learn from . 从、学到、 / 向、学习4.have no time to do sth 没有时间做某事5.jump rope 跳绳 6.chat on line 上网聊天7.have/ live a hard life 生活艰难8.describe in detail 详细地描述、9.can/ could/ be able to afford sth 承担得起、10.spend ones childhood 度过某人的童年时代11.in order to 为了、12.help support ones fam

4、ilies 帮助养家糊口13.give support to 为、提供帮助14.get a good education 接受良好教育15.with the development of China 随着中国的发展16.Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.虽然我没有时间去旅游, 但我仍然觉得很快乐。17.Is that so? 真是那样的吗?18.Parents couldnt afford an education for their children. 父母亲供不起孩子上学。 Section C 1.more th

5、an = over 多于, 超过 2.see sth oneself 亲眼所见3.in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代4.have a / the /no chance to do sth 有机会/ 没有机会做某事5.receive a good education = get a good education 接受良好教育6.enjoy leisure activities 享受娱乐活动7.keep in touch with 与、保持联系8.friends and relatives far away 远方的亲朋好友9.far away ( from ) (离) 、远 10.dev

6、elop rapidly 发展迅速11.reform and opening- up 改革开放12.more sorts of 更多种类的、13.not only but also 不但、而且、14.whats more 另外 15.make progress in 在 方面取得进步16.succeed in sth / doing sth 成功做某事 17.remember the past 记住过去18.live in the present 立足现在19.dream about the future 展望未来20.I think its important to remember the

7、 past, live in the present and dream about the future.我认为记住过去,立足现在,展望未来是很重要的。 Section D1.be excited at 对、感到兴奋 2.in the open air 在户外3.go roller skating 去滑冰 4.play tug of war 拔河5.with the help of 在、的帮助下6.consider doing sth / sth 考虑做某事/ 考虑某事7.draw up 起草 8.check over 检查9.thanks to = because of 多亏、 由于Rec

8、ite these passages: (背诵内容)1.P4 2b2.P5- 1a3.P7-3a4.P8- 3b Unit 1 Topic 2 Section A 1.call sb up = call sb 给某人打电话 2.get lost 丢失,迷路3.such a beautiful country 如此漂亮的国家4.in those days 那时5.seem + adj. seem to do It seems that 似乎6.at least 至少 7.in recent years 在最近几年8.because of 因为,由于 9.the one-child policy

9、独身子女政策10.the only child 独身子11.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 在某方面要求严格 be strict with sb in sth 在在某方面严格要求某人12.Ive never been there before. 我以前从未去过那里。13.He has probably gone home.也许他已经回家了。14.He says he has never been to such a beautiful country.他说他以前从未去过如此漂亮的国家。15.It seems that their livin

10、g conditions were not very good.似乎他们的生活条件不好。16.Great changes have taken place in China in recent years.最近几年中国已经发生了巨大的变化。 Section B 17. have a population of + 数字 有的人口18.increase by . +倍数/ 百分数 增加了倍/ 百分之19.developing countries 发展中国家 20.developed countries 发达国家21.carry out 执行 22.control the population 控

11、制人口23.What a large population! 这么多人口!24.China has the largest population , with 1.3 billion.中国人口最多,有13亿25.Whats the population of the U.S.A.? 美国人口是多少?26.Luckily, China has already carried out the one- child policy to control the population. 幸运的是,中国已经实行独身子女政策来控制人口的增长。 Section C 27.half of the worlds

12、population 世界人口的一半28.many other difficulties 许多其他困难29.the whole nation 整个国家 30.be short of 缺乏31.so far 到目前为止 32.take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事33.be known/ famous as 作为而闻名34.work well in 在做某事方面很有成效35.thanks to the policy 多亏了这项政策36.There is less living space for each family.每个家庭的居住面积更小。37.Its difficu

13、lt for lots of people to find jobs. 许多人找工作都很困难。38.We are short of energy and water. 我们缺乏能源和水。39.Most cities are more crowded than before.大多数城市比以前更拥挤。40.The traffic is much heavier. 交通更拥挤。41.So far, our government has taken many measures to control the population.到目前为止,我国政府已经采取了很多措施来控制人口的增长。42.It has

14、 worked well in controlling Chinas population.它在控制人口数量方面有了显著地成效。43.We still have a long way to go.我们仍然有很长的路要走。 Section D44.a couple of = a few 一些,几个45.keep up with = catch up with 赶上, 跟上46.Our transportation is excellent, too. 我们的公共交通也很完善。47.People have to study and work hard to keep up with the qui

15、ck development of modern society.人们得努力工作和学习,才能赶上现代社会飞速发展的步伐。背诵内容:1、P 13 1a 第二段和第三段;2、P162a, 2b. Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A 1.talk on the phone 在电话中交谈2.get used to sth / doing sth 习惯某事/ 做某事3.as a matter of fact = in fact 事实上,实际上e for a visit 来参观5.How do you like living there ?= What do you think of liv

16、ing there? 你觉得住在那怎么样?6.You will get used to it very soon if you come.如果你来,你很快就会习惯的。7.As a matter of fact, its a wonderful place to live.事实上它是一个极好的居住地。8.You must come for a visit. 你一定要来参观。 Section B 9.show sb sth = show sth to sb 把某物展示给某人看10.homeless people 无家可归的人 11.return to work 重返工作岗位12.live a no

17、rmal life 过上正常的生活 13.in need 在困难时,在贫困中14.decide on sth / doing sth = decide to do sth 决定某事/去做某事15.medical treatment 医疗16.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物17.so that = in order that 目的是18.feel good 感到有信心或愉快19.Once they find people in need, the decide on suitable ways to help them. 一旦他们

18、发现处于困境中的人,就决定适当的方式来帮助他们。20.It trains them so that they can find jobs again.= It trains them in order that they can find jobs again.= It trains them in order to help them find jobs again.这个计划培训他们以便他们能再次找到工作。21.I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.我认为自信心对这些人来说是很重要的。22

19、. The world has changed for the better.世界已经变得更加美好了。 Section C 23.be called 被叫做 24.obey strict rules 严格遵守规则25.take drugs 吸毒26.It is famous for its success in helping homeless people return to a normal life. 它很出名,是因为在帮助无家可归的人重新过上正常的生活方面做得非常成功。27.When they finish their training, it will be easy for the

20、m to find jobs.当培训结束的时候,他们将会很容易找到工作。 Section D 28.aim to do sth 目的是, 力争达到.29.in the past sixteen years 在过去的16年里30.at home and abroad 国内外 31.pay for 付款32.with the money 利用这些钱33.without the help of 没有的帮助34.continue ones studies 继续某人的学业 Unit 2 Topic1 Section A1.see sb do 看见某人做某事 see sb. doing看见某人正在做某事2

21、. chemical factories 化工厂3.pour into 把倒入4.waste water 废水 Its a waste of time doing sth 做某事浪费时间5.Its a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.那是一个有许多美丽花草的地方。6.air pollution 空气污染 7.soil pollution 土壤污染8.water pollution 水污染 9.light pollution 光污染10.noise pollution 噪音污染 11.breathing problems 呼吸问题12

22、.be harmful to sb/sth 对有害13.have an influence on sb/ sth = have an effect on sb/sth = influence sb/ sth 对有影响14.The flowers and grass have gone!花和草都没有了!15.Oh, my goodness! 哦, 我的天哪!16.There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.有几家化工厂正往小溪了排放污水。17.They government has done s

23、omething useful to stop it.政府已经采取了一些有效措施来阻止它。 Section B18.in a bad mood 心情差 19.be weak in 在. 差/ 薄弱20.cant stand sth/ doing 不能忍受某事/做某事21.hope to do / hope that 希望做 22.wish to do / that希望做 wish sb to do 希望某人做 wish sb + adj. / n 祝某人23. How long have you been like this?你像现在这样有多久了?-Ive been like this sin

24、ce last week.自上个星期以来我就一直这样。24.Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon.无论如何,我希望政府能尽快解决这个问题。 Section C 25.at midnight 在午夜 26.not all 不是多有的27.go deaf 变聋 28.quite a few + 可数名词复数 许多,大量29.have hearing loss = lose hearing 听力丧失30.It is reported that . 有报道说31.no better that = as weak as 和一

25、样差32.disturb others 打扰别人33.do harm to sb/ sth = harm sb /sth = be harmful to sb/ sth对害 34.environmental problems 环境问题35.have no effect on= have no influence on .对 没有影响36.Its reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do.有报道说,美国许多青少年的听力和65岁的老人一样。 Section D37.wi

26、th the increase in population = with the population growth随着人口的增长38.with the development of industry 随着工业的发展39.high blood pressure高血压40.greener people 环抱者41.With less pollution, our planet will become greener and our health will be better.如果减少污染,我们的地球将变得个绿,我们的身体将更健康。 Topic 2 Section A 1.as a result

27、结果是 2.here and there 处处,到处3.walk on grass 践踏草坪 4.pick flowers 摘花5.even worse 更糟糕的是 6.in the beginning 起初,开始7.day by day 一天天,逐日 8.destroy the environment 破坏环境9.be in danger of 处于的危险中 10.die out 消失,灭亡e to realize 开始意识到 12.the importance of 的重要性13.We shouldnt leave rubbish here and there. 我们不应该乱扔垃圾。14.

28、Dont spit anywhere in public. 别在公共场所随地吐痰。15. Dont walk on grass or pick flowers. 别践踏草坪和摘花。16. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. 每一个人都应该保护野生动物,多植树。17. We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 我们应该做我们能做的一切事情去保护环境。18. Some animals are in danger of dying out c

29、ompletely.一些动物正处于完全灭亡的危险之中。19.Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.人类已经开始意识到保护动物的重要性。 Section B 20. cut down 砍伐,砍到 21. change into 转化成,把变成22. stop / prevent from 阻止做23. blow away 把吹走24. wash away 把冲走 25. turn off 关26.What bad weather!多么糟糕的天气!27.People have cut down too ma

30、ny trees. 人类乱砍乱伐。28.As a result ,a lot of rich land has changed into desert. 结果是大量的肥沃的土地变成了荒漠。29.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 树可以防防风固土。30.A lot of water can be saved by forests.森林可以储存大量的水分。31.They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away.它们也能防止水土流失32.Cutting dow

31、n trees is harmful to human beings , animals and plants.砍伐树木对人类,动植物都有害。33.Although we have built “the Great Green Wall”, we still need to work hard to protect the environment. 虽然我们已经建立起了绿色长城,我们仍需要致力于保护环境。 Section C 34. on earth 在地球上,究竟 35. millions of 无数的,大量的36. take away 拿走 37. have health problems

32、 存在健康问题38. the greenhouse effect 温室效应 39. refer to 涉及,提到40. the more , the more 越 , 就越41. Some things weve done are very good for the earth while some are bad.我们所做的一些事情对地球有益,然而有一些对地球有害。42. Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly.大量来自太阳的有害射线穿过这个洞

33、直接进入地球大气层。43.The heat from the sun cant escape so the temperature is rising. 来自太阳的热量不能散发,所以导致气温升高。44.“The greenhouse effect” causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.温室效应导致海平面升高,地球上的气候也会发生变化。45. All these problems are very serious, so we must do something to prot

34、ect our environment now. 所有这些问题都非常严重,所以我们现在必须做些事来保护我们的环境。 Section D46.take up 占据 47.deal with 处理,对付48.the rest 其余的,剩下的 Topic 3 Section A 1.environment / environmental protection 环境保护2.work for 为. 工作3.spread the message about 宣传有关的知识4.be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 be not supposed to do sth 不允许做某事5.be b

35、usy doing sth 忙于做某事6.My main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.我主要工作是帮助宣传有关环保方面的知识。7.We should reduce the waste we produce. 我们应该减少人为的浪费。8.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. 我们应该使用纸张的双面和重复使用塑料袋。9.I think recycling can not only protect the enviro

36、nment but also save money.我认为回收再利用不但能保护环境而且能节约资金。10.So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.所以我们鼓励学生们收集废纸、饮料瓶等,并把它们分类以便回收利用。11.Its nice of you to do that. 你那样做真是太好了。12.Everyone is supposed to do so. 每个人都应该那样做。Section B 13.a

37、greener person 一名环保者 14.ought to do sth 应该做某事15.reduce waste 减少废品 16.save electricity 节约用电17. on time 准时 18.sort the garbage 将垃圾分类19.make sure 确信,确定20.You ought to turn off the light when you leave a room. 你离开房间时应随手关灯。21.Youd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if youre trav

38、eling a short distance.如果你短距离旅行,最好步行或骑车,而不是坐公共汽车或出租车。22.It will save energy and reduce air pollution. 它将节约能源和减少污染。23.Take a cloth bag when you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags. 购物时带上布袋。 不使用塑料袋。24.Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。25.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。26.May I have your attentio

39、n, please? 请注意了!27.I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事情告诉大家。28.Please be on time. 请准时。29.There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow , so make sure you go to bed early tonight. 明天的任务繁重,所以大家今晚务必早睡。 Section C 30.produce power生产动力31.energy problem 能源问题32.reach a top speed of 431 km per h

40、our 最高时速达431公里33.Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used.尽管电动车不会产生污染,但如果被广泛使用,就会增加对电的需求。34.People use the movement of water to produce electricity. 人们利用水的流动发电。35.Wind is used for producing electricity in many places. 在许多

41、地方风被用于发电。36.People produce electricity from the sun. 人们利用太阳能发电。 Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A 1.stick sth on the wall 把某物粘在墙上 stick to sth 坚持(真理,观点,主张等) stick to doing sth 坚持做某事2.cartoon characters 卡通人物3.one day (将来/ 过去)某一天4.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事5.have a good chance to do sth 有做某事的好机会 have no chanc

42、e to do sth 没有机会做某事6.throughout the world = all over the world 全世界7.try ones best = do ones best 尽力做某事 try to do sth 努力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事8.from now on 从现在起,从今往后9.be pleased with 对高兴/ 满意 Section B10.pack ones bag 整理某人的行李11.on business 出差 12. be similar to 与相似13.have trouble/ difficulty (in) doin

43、g sth 做某事有困难 have no trouble doing sth 毫无困难做某事14.have a long conversation (with)(与)进行长时间的交流15.translate into把翻译成.16.in general = usually 通常17. be used as the first language 被当做第一语言来使用18.once in a while = at times = sometimes 有时19.explain sth to sb 向某人解释某物20.divide into 把分成21.Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.世界上数以百万的人都喜欢迪斯尼乐园。22.Youll have a good chance to practice

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