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1、Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball?第2课时(Section A 2a-3c)1. Hey, Helen, Lets go!名师指津:Lets.是以动词let开头的祈使句,意为“让我们.”lets是let us的缩略形式,用于提出建议或征求别人的意见,后接动词原形。构成短语:let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,其中sb.若是代词,则应用宾格形式。其肯定回答为OK./All right./That sounds good/grat/interesting/.等;其否定回答可用:Sorry,I./No, lets.如:-Lets watch TV!让我们

2、看电影吧!-Sorry, Im busy.对不起,我很忙。【例】( )Let _go and play soccer.A. he B. us C. our D. ours点拨:let后接代词的宾格形式。let sb. do sth让某人做某事。【跟踪练习】用所给词的适当形式填空Let _(he)help you with your Chinese.2. Were late!我们迟到啦!名师指津:late为形容词,意为“迟的,晚的,迟到的”,常见的词组有be late for sth.,意为“做某事迟到”。如:He is always late for school.他上学总是迟到。【例】( )

3、-Is he late _class? -No, he isnt.A. to B. for C. in D. at点拨:本题考查短语be late for sth.“做某事迟到”。【跟踪练习】根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词You are _(迟到),Wang Lin.3.Lets play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。名师指津:play作动词时,意为“打;玩;演奏”,在此句中意为“打球”。当play+球类名词时,名词前不加冠词a/an/the;但当play+乐器类名词时,其名词前一定要加定冠词the。如:play tennis打网球,play the violin拉小提琴。【例】)( )

4、-Do you _tennis? -Yes, I do.A. play B. has C. play the D. plays点拨:体育活动也属于玩的项目。当play后接体育活动时,可翻译为“玩;打”等。但要注意,表示体育活动的名词前不能加冠词。【跟踪练习】( )-Do you have _soccer ball?-Yes, I do. I often play _soccer with my friends.A. a; the B. a; / C. /; the D. a; a4. That sounds good.那听起来不错。名师指津:sound做连系动词时,意为“听起来”,后接形容词作

5、表语。此句是“That+系动词+表语”的句式,其中that指代前一个人说的话,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:That music sounds sweet.这音乐听起来美妙悦耳。【例】( )-Lets go and play soccer! -OK. _.A. That sounds good. B. I have. C. Dont good. D. I dont.点拨:sound为连系动词,意为“听起来.”,后面通常接形容词,表示说话人对事物的感受。【跟踪练习】( )-Shall we go and play computer games?-Sounds _. I love computer

6、 games.A. no B. boring C. good D. well第4课时(Section B 2a-3c, Self Check)1. We play it at school with our friends.我们和朋友们在学校一起踢足球。名师指津:(1)at school意为“在学校”,为介词短语。(2)with为介词,在句中表示“和在一起”。如:I play basketball with my father.我和爸爸一起打篮球。【例】( )He often plays tennis _his friends.A. and B. but C. or D. with点拨:本题考

7、查介词with的用法。do sth. with sb.意为“和某人一起做某事”。【跟踪练习】( )-Hey,Jim. Please play soccer _us. OK, lets go.A. at B. with C. in D. for2. I love sports, but I dont play themI only watch them on TV!我热爱运动,但我不运动,我只在电视上观看它们!名师指津:(1)but为连词,意为“但是;可是”,多用于连接两个句子,表示转折或相对立的关系。and也是连词,是并列连词,意为“和;并且”,可用于连接两个并列的成分,也可连接两个表示并列或

8、顺承关系的句子。如:1)He likes basketball,but he doesnt like volleyball.他喜欢篮球,但他不喜欢排球。2)Lucy and Lily are in the same school.露西和莉莉在同一所学校。(2)play sports指“做运动”,也可以说是“do sports”或“have sports”。(3)on TV意为“在电视上”,其中on是介词,意为“通过;以的方式”。如:I know his name on the radio.我从收音机上得知他的名字。【例】( )She likes sports, but she only wat

9、ches them _TV.A. in B. on C. at D. to点拨:本题考查介词的用法。on TV意为“在电视上;通过电视”。【跟踪练习】( )I think you can learn English _TV.A. on B. at C. to D. in3. I like ping-pong.我喜欢乒乓球。名师指津:like做实意动词,意为“喜欢”。常用短语有:like to do sth./like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,like sth.“喜欢某物”。【例】( )Do you like _ping-pong?A. plays B. playing C. pla

10、ys D. to playing点拨:本题考查like doing sth./to do sth.的用法。like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。【跟踪练习】( )I like soccer, but she _basketball.A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like4. Its easy for me.它对我来说很简单。名师指津:easy意为“很简单”,她的反义词是difficult。“Its+形容词+for sb. (to do sth.)”是一个固定搭配,意为“对某人来说(做某事)是的”。如:Its difficult for him t

11、o find the way to the shop.对他来说,找到去商店的路是困难的。【例】( )I dont like ping-pong. Its difficult _me.A. to B. for C. at D. with点拨:本题考查介词“for”的用法。its+形容词+for sb. 中,for 有“对于来说”之意。【跟踪练习】( )I like English very much. Its _me.A. difficult B. difficult for C. easy for D. easy to5. My brother and I are in the same sc

12、hool.我哥哥和我在同一所学校。名师指津:(1)my brother and I意为“我和我哥哥”。在英语中,当第一人称和第二、第三人称同时出现在句首做并列主语时,顺序为“二三一”,也就是先说第二人称,再说第三人称,最后说第一人称。如:Jessica and I are good friends.我和杰西卡是好朋友。(2)same意为“相同的”,是形容词,其反义词有different,same前往往加定冠词the。如:We have the same interest.我们有着相同的爱好。【例】( )_are girls.A. You, Lucy and I. B. Lucy, you an

13、d I. C. I, you and Lucy. D. I, Lucy and you点拨:本题考查各人称做主语时的位置。顺序为“二三一”,即先说第二人称,再说第三人称,最后说第一人称。【跟踪练习】( )_are my good friends, and _are my cousin.A. You and Tom;Tom B. Tom and you; youC.You and Tom;you D. Tom and you;Tom【例】( )The twins look _.A. the same B. same C. same for D. is same点拨:本题考查same的用法。sam

14、e前加the,look the same意为“看起来一模一样”。【跟踪练习】( )Can you find _schoolbag for me?A. same B. difficult C. the same D. look the sameUnit 6. Do you like bananas?第1课时(Section A 1a-1c)1.Do you like salad?你喜欢沙拉吗? Do you like oranges?你喜欢橘子吗?名师指津:salad是不可数名词,orange作“橙子”解时为可数名词,作“橙子汁”解时为不可数名词。可数名词不可数名词区别:(1)可数名词可计算数目

15、,有单复数之分,不可数名词不可计算书数目,无复数形式。(2)可数名词可用冠词a/an和指示代词this,that,these,those修饰,而不可数名词则不能用上述词修饰;可数名词可用many,a few,few等修饰,不可数名词可用much,a little,little等修饰。两者都可用some,a lot来修饰。(3)可数名词做主语时,谓语动词的形式随其单复数形式进行相应的变化,而不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词只能用第三人称单数形式。(4)可数名词的复数形式在需要用到简略回答时,可以用they/them指代,不可数名词则用it指代。【例】( )I like _, but I dont l

16、ike _.A. tomato;strawberry B. tomato;strawberriesC.tomatoes;strawberries D. tomatoes;strawberry点拨:英语中,当表示一类物品时,要用可数名词的复数形式。注意:tomato的复数形式为tomatoes,strawberry的复数为strawberries。【跟踪练习】( )My sister doesnt like _.A. pear B. a pear C. pears D. peares【跟踪练习】( )My brother likes _very much, but I dont like _.A

17、. breads;them B. breads;it C. bread;it D. bread;them第3课时(Section B 1a-1e)1. 三餐的表达名师指津:按英国人的饮食习惯,一日三餐可称为meal,故有three meals a day(一日三餐)的说法,breakfast(早餐);lunch(中饭);dinner/supper(晚饭)。三餐饭前一般不加冠词(a/an/the),如:have breakfast吃早饭;after lunch午饭后但当三餐饭前优秀人才修饰时则可用冠词,如:have a big breakfast吃一顿丰盛的早餐。【例】( )Tom usuall

18、y has _breakfast at home.A. a B. an C. / D. the点拨:本题考查吃早餐的表达。三餐饭前一般不加冠词(a/an/the),当前面有形容词修饰时则可加冠词。【跟踪练习】根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词John likes to have rice and vegetables for _(午餐)。Unit 7. How much are these socks?第2课时(Section A 2a-3c)1. Can I help you?你想要点什么?名师指津:Can I help you?相当于What can I do for you?,是服务行业的工作人

19、员招待顾客、提供帮助的客气用语。在不同场合暗含的意义不同。在饭店可表示为“你想吃点儿什么?”在商店:“你想买点儿什么?”在别的公共场合,则表示为“需要帮忙吗?”肯定回答一般用:Yes,please.否定回答一般用:No,thanks.如:-Can I help you?你要买点什么?-No,thanks. I just do some window-shopping.不,谢谢。我只是看看。【例】( )-Can I help you? -_. I need a T-shirt for my mother.A. OK. B. No, thanks. C. Can you help me? D. S

20、orry.点拨:本题考查日常交际用语“Can I help you?”的回答。【跟踪练习】( )-_? -Yes, please. I want a basketball.A. What do you want B. Excuse me C. Can you help me D. Can I help you?2. I need a sweater for school.我想买件上学穿的毛衣。名师指津:need这里做实意动词,意为“需要”,后可直接加名词,相当于want;如后接动词,应用不定式,即need to do sth.需要做某事。【例】( )He needs _a new TV. Hi

21、s old (旧的)one doesnt work.A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying点拨:need做实意动词时,后接动词不定式,即need to do sth.意为“需要做某事”,need doing意为“某是需要被做”,此处不通。【跟踪练习】根据汉语提示完成句子你需要上学穿的鞋吗? Do you _shoes _ _?【跟踪练习】( )_your brother _sweater for school?A. Does;need B. Are;need C. Do;need D. Are;needing3Ill take it.我买了。名师指津:take意为

22、“买”,相当于get/buy/have。在西方国家,若要表达对某物的购买意愿常用Ill have it/them.一般不说Ill buy it/them.如:The sweater is beautiful. Ill take it.毛衣很漂亮,我买了。【例】( )The socks are very cheap. Ill _them.A. has B. bring C. want D. take4.Here you are.给你。名师指津:这是把某物递给对方是常用的一句口语,不能根据汉语直接译为“Give you.”【例】( )-Can I have a look at it? -OK. _

23、.A. Give you. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome. D. Here you are.点拨:句意:-能让我看一眼它吗? -好的。给你。【跟踪练习】改错:( )-I want(A) that blue sweater (B) . OK. Here you are(C).第4课时(Section B 2a-3b, Self Check)1. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!快来买啊,我们的服装店大减价啦!名师指津:此句为祈使句,表示劝告或建议。(1)buy为动词,意为“买”,buy的常用结构为:buy

24、 sth. from.意为“从买进某物”;buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.,意为“为某人买某物”。如:1)I want to buy a pen from that store.我想在那家店买支笔。2)My father buys me a new dress.=My father buys a new dress for me.爸爸给我买了一件连衣裙。(2)buy的反义词为sell,构成的短语:sell sth. to sb.=sell sb. sth.,意为“把某物卖给某人”。如:The girl sells some fruit to the students.

25、这女孩把一些水果卖给这些学生。sale是sell的名词形式,意为“销售;廉价货;大减价”。如:on sale廉价出售;for sale代售。【例】( )We _sports things at the store. Welcome to our store.A. sell B. sale C. buy D. take点拨:本题考查词义辨析。sell意为“卖”,sale为名词,意为“特价出售”,buy意为“购买”,take意为“带走”。从最后一句得出这是卖家,应是卖东西。【跟踪练习】( )Please come and _the clothes from our store.A. sell B.

26、 sale C. buy D. take2. We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们卖的所有衣服价格都很优惠。名师指津:at a.price意为“以的价格”,其中price作名词,意为“价格”,对某物的价格提问用“How much is/are.?=Whats the price of.?”。如:(1)I always buy fruit at a very good prices.我总是以非常优惠的价格买到水果。(2)Whats the price of your iPad?你的IPaid多少钱?【例】( )You can buy tha

27、t hat at a very low(低的)_, only 10 yuan.A. color B. price C. name D. number点拨:本题考查名词的用法。根据句意应该是以很低的价格购得那顶帽子。【跟踪练习】改为同义句How much is your sweater? _the _of your sweater?3.For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20.女孩穿的紫裙子仅售20美元。名师指津:(1)此句有两个for,for girls中的for意为“对于而言”;for only $20中的for意为“以为代价”。如:1

28、)For boys, we have yellow T-shirts.对于男孩,我们有黄色的T恤衫。2)We have very good socks for only 2 yuan.我们有非常好的袜子,只卖2元。(2)in做介词,后加表颜色或衣服的词,意为“穿着颜色的衣服”或“穿着衣服”。如:My teacher is in blue today.我的老师今天穿着蓝衣服。【例】( )The store has hats _red and yellow.A. in B. with C. for D. at点拨:本题考查表示衣服颜色的介词用in。【跟踪练习】( )_girls, we have

29、very beautiful skirts _very good prices.A. At; at B. For; at C. To; with D. For; inUnit 8. When is your birthday?1.When is your birthday, Mike?迈克,你的生日是什么时候?名师指津:when做疑问副词,意为“什么时候;何时”,常用来引导特殊疑问句,即对年月日以及时刻进行提问,其结构为“When+一般疑问句?”如:When do you go to school?你什么时候去上学?【例】( )-_do you play basketball? -In the

30、 afternoon.A. How B. What C. When D. What time点拨:根据答语可知询问的是时间。when和what time都指时间,但when即可问具体的时间,也可询问时间段,而what time只能询问具体的时间点。【跟踪练习】对划线部分提问My sisters birthday is in June. _ _your sisters birthday?3. My birthday is on June 3rd.我的生日是6月3号。名师指津:(1)英语中表示日期的顺序为“月、日、年”或“日、月、年”。如:March 1st,2014/1st March, 201

31、4“2014年3月1日”。书写时,“日”既可用基数词,也可以用序数词。(2)在具体的日期,星期以及某一天的上午、下午、晚上前用介词on。在年份、季节、月份和一天中的早、中、晚前用介词in。【例】( )He was born(出生) _January 10th , 1999.A. on B. in C. at D. to点拨:在具体的几月几日前,用介词on。【跟踪练习】( )-When is your birthday?-Its _March 7th.A. in B. at C. on D.of【跟踪练习】用介词in、on、at填空(1)_Mondays, my mother is always

32、 busy.(2)We dont have classes _Friday afternoon.(3)Our classes begin _7:30.(4)We can pick(摘)_autumn(秋天).第3课时(Section B 1a-1d)1. basketball game 篮球赛名师指津:game意为“比赛;游戏”,主要用于球类运动和棋类活动,可以match互换。如:a soccer game一场足球赛。【例】( )-We have a _on May 5th.-Really? I like basketball very much.A. school trip B. baske

33、tball game C. birthday party D. book sale点拨:根据答语“I like basketball very much.”得出要进行的是篮球赛。【跟踪练习】( )I really want to watch the tennis _.A. trip B. party C. festival D. gameUnit 9. My favorite subject is science.第2课时(Section A 2b-3c)1.-Whos your P.E. teacher?谁是你的体育老师? -Mr. hu. 胡老师。名师指津:(1)who为疑问代词,意为“谁

34、”,用来询问人,一般放在句首,引导特殊疑问句,做主语时,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式。如:Who goes shopping with you?谁和你一起购物?(2)Mr.意为“先生”,他不能单独使用,必须放在姓氏前。如:Mr. Smith 史密斯先生。【例】( )-_is the boy under the tree?-He is my new classmate.A. Where B. How C. Who D. What点拨:根据答句可知询问的是人,姑要用疑问词who。【跟踪练习】对划线部分提问Mrs. Chen teaches us English. _ _your English?2.

35、Thats for sure.那当然了。名师指津:Thats for sure.表示完全赞同他人的观点,可意为“那是肯定的;确实是这样的;完全没有问题”。如:-Our English class is very interesting.我们的英语课很有趣。-Thats for sure.的确如此。【例】( )-I think music is relaxing. -_.A. No problem B. That sounds interesting C.Thats for sure. D. Youre welcome点拨:本题考查交际用语。No problem意为“没问题”;That soun

36、ds interesting意为“那听起来很有趣”; Thats for sure. 意为“确实如此”;Youre welcome意为“不用谢”。【跟踪练习】根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词-I like my math teacher because he is fun.-Thats for _(肯定的). He is my favorite teacher,too.第4课时(Section B 2a-3c, Self Check)1.At 8:00 I have math.我早上八点上数学课,名师指津:“have+学科名词”意为“上课”。如:We have Chinese every day.我

37、们每天都上语文课。【例】( )We _7 class a day at school, four in the morning and three in the afternoon.A. like B. have C. go D. love点拨:本题考查have表示上课的用法。【跟踪练习】根据汉语提示完成句子我们星期二早上九点上历史课。We _ _ _nine _Tuesday.2.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.名师指津:from.to.为介词短语,意为“从.到.”,用来表示时间、地点等范围。如:The letter is from Toms mother to To

38、m.这封信是汤姆的妈妈写给汤姆的。【例】( )We have Chinese _8:00 _10:00 in the morning.A. on;at B. from;to C. at;at D. from;for点拨:本题考查介词短语的用法。from.to.意为“从.到.”【跟踪练习】同义句转换They go to school five days a week.They go to school _Monday _Friday.3.My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我的课

39、是在1点50分结束,但是课后我有两个小时的美术课。名师指津:(1)finish是动词,意为“完成;结束”,常见短语有:finish sth.完成某事,finish doing sth.完成做某事。如:Please finish your homework quickly.请尽快完成你的家庭作业。(2)class和lesson的区别:两者都可指学校的一节课,可替换。但lesson侧重的是具体课程或课本中的一节课,class侧重的是具体的一堂课,class还可意为“班级;全班同学”。(3)for做介词,后面常跟表示一段时间的短语,用来表示某个动作或状态持续了多久。如:Jack plays comp

40、uter games for half an hour onSunday.杰克周日玩半个小时的电脑游戏。【例】( )I play volleyball _two hours after school.A. for B. at C. in D. after点拨:本题考查的是介词的用法。须注意的是后面的时间是时间段,指“打排球两小时”。【跟踪练习】( )My father always plays games with me _one hour after dinner.A. for B. at C. on D. to【跟踪练习】根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词We have five English _(课)every week.4. Is that OK with you?对你来说可以吗?名师指津:be OK with sb.意为“对某人来说是合适的”,本句用来征求意见,其中that指代所需征求意见的内容,一句上下文也可使用this或it。【例】( )-Lets have some salad for lunch. Is it OK _you?-Yes, I like it and its good for health.A. at B. with

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