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1、英语高考作文必背句型:1. do good to(对。有益), do harm to (对。有害)Reading does good to our mind.2. There is no denying that + S + V (不可否认的。)There is no denying that becoming a volunteer will do good to me.3. There is no doubt that + 句子(毫无疑问的。)There is no doubt that playing computer games has a bad effect on their st

2、udies,4. The reason why +句子。is that + 句子(。的原因是。)The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.5. So +形容词+be +主语+that+句子。(如此。以致。)So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.6. By + V-ing,.can(凭着,借着。,。能够。)By taking exercises, we can always stay healthy.7. .ena

3、ble+Object+to+V(使。能够。)Computers enable people to get more information more quickly.8. On no account can we + V (我们绝对不能。)On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.9. It is time+S+过去式(该是 的时候了)It is time the government took proper steps to solve the traffic protrternsT10. Those who.(.的人。)Those

4、 who break traffic rules / regulations should be punished.11. For the past + 时间, S+现在完成式(过去。年来,。一直。)For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.12. be based on (以。为基础)The progress of the society is based on harmony.14. It is obvious that.(显而易见的。)It is obvious that a DVD ca

5、n hold more information than a book.15get into the habit of + V-ing; make it a rule to + V(养成。的习惯)We should get into the habit of doing exercise.16.Dueto/OwingtoAThanksto +NAMng,.(因为。,)Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.17.Whata + ad j.+N + S + V!;How+adj. + a+N +V !(多么。!)What

6、an important thing it is to keep our promise!=How important a thing it is to keep our promise!18.enrich ones experience(丰富。的生活)Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich studentsexperience and make them more capable in university.19.broaden ones horizons(开阔人的眼界)Not only can t

7、raveling broaden ones horizons, it can relax ones body and soulas well.20.at the expense of.(以。为代价)We should not develop economy at the expense of the water pollution.21.raise the public awareness of (提高公众意识)We should raise the public awareness of the importance of protecting theenvironment.22.relax

8、 ones body and ease ones mind(让人放松身心)Even though on holiday students spend less time studying, holidays relaxstudents bodies and ease their minds.23.spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.24.cannot emphasize the importance o f,.too much(再怎么强调。的重要性也不为过)We

9、cannot emphasize the importance of protecting the environment too much.25.“only + 状语”位于句首时, 用部分倒装。only when, only i f 只有当。,Only in this way can students in school live a happy and colorful life.OnTy wHen/ if we get prepared can we seize the golden opportunities instead ofletting them slip b y . (溜掉)

10、26.在so.that ;such that结构中,为了强调,such +名词放句首;so+形或副词放句首部分倒装So serious was the problem that it aroused wide-ranging attention of the public.Such a golden opportunity is it that we cant miss it .27More and more people are becoming aware of the link between diet andgood health.28.Nature is the only envir

11、onment on which we rely for our survival.29.When it comes to having a part-time job, different people have differentideas.30.So long as we can make proper use of it, it can be helpful for us in manyaspects.31.Thosewho(一般引出持何种观点,定语从句)Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of a

12、dvantages.32.As a famous saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”.33.lt is .that/who强调句型It is his special teaching method that impressed me most.34.Water shortage has become one of the most serious problems we are facingtoday.3 5. We should educate people to raise their awarenes

13、s of.36.He is an excellent teacher whose teaching method is unique and effective.作文常用开头:1. Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to be aware of theimportance of.2. Nowadays,the issue / phenomenon o f.has caused wide public concern.3.has become a hot topic among people, especially among the yo

14、ung.4. Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face, which is becomingmore and more serious.1 .如今,越来越多的人开始意识到.重要性。2. 如 今 的话题观象引起了广泛的关注。3.已经成为人们的热点话题,尤其是在年轻人之间。4 . 如今,.已经成为我们不得不面对的一个问题,并且越来越严重。结尾(提出倡议或号召)1 _ In a word, its everyones duty to do something.2. Therefore, as students, we should start fr

15、om ourselves.3. I do believe, with everyone doing his bit, we can make a difference.1. 总之,做. . .是每个人的责任。2 . 因此,作为学生,我们应该从自我做起。3 .我坚信,只要人人做出一点点,我们就能使世界有所不同。中间引出话题的过渡句:解决问题:1. Faced with the situation, we should take a series of effective measures todeal with/handle. For one thing,. For another,.2. It

16、 is high time that something was done about it. For example,.Inaddition,.All these measures will.3. In conclusion, we must attach great importance to.and spare no effort tosolve it.4. In conclusion, we must pay much attention to. and do all we can to.1 .面对这种情况,我们应该采取一系列的有效措施去应对一方面,.另一方面,.2 .确实是时候该做一

17、些事情了。例 如 .除此之外,.。所有这些措施将会.3 . 总之,我们必须高度重视.并且不遗余力的去解决它。4 . 总之,我们必须高度关注.并且进我们所能去T.引出危害:1. The harm / importance o f. _ .cant be emphasized /stressed too much.2. We mustnt turn a blind eye to these problems. Ignoring them will bringabout unfavorable effect on us.i .的危害/重要性如何强调都不过分2 .我们不能对这些问题视而不见。忽视它们将

18、会对我们带来不利的影响。如何保护环境:1.采取措施做某事2.不遗余力做某事3.制定相关法律法规4.举办各种活动号召人们保护环境5.投入大量资金改善环境6.我们应该拒绝使用塑料袋,它对我们的环境有不良的影响。7.使用纸的双面是保护环境的有效方式。8.回收课本可以防止树木被砍伐。9.只有改变我们对待地球的方式,我们才能和它建立和谐的关系。1. take effect measures to do sth. 2. Spare no effort to do3. make relevant laws and regulation 4. hold all kinds of activities to c

19、allon people to protecOhe environmenr ararge amount of money tobeautify the environment 6. We are supposed to refuse to use plastic bags,which have bad effects on our environment.7. Using both sides of paper is an effective way to protect the environment.8.Recycling text books can prevent many trees

20、 from being cut down.9. Only by changing the way we treat the earth can we form 汪 harmoniousrelationship with it .健康、锻炼1.保持身体健康和精神健康2.有规律的运动3.保持健康的饮食习惯4 .有规律的运动对我们的身心健康很有好处。5 .只有当我们睡眠充足,我们才能保持精力充沛,头脑清楚。6 .健康的体魄有助于高效的学习。1 keep healthy mentally and physically 2 .take regular exercise3 keep a healthy d

21、iet 4. Taking regular exercise benefits us mentally andphysically.5. Only if we have enough sleep can we keep energetic and clear-minded.6. It is a healthy body that contributes to efficient learning.学习1. 拓展某人的视野2. 丰富某人的知识3. 获得广泛的知识4. 提高学习效率5. 采取有效的学习方法6. 创设良好的学习环境7 .只有采取有效的学习方法,才能提高我们的学习效率。8 .应该尽最大

22、努力去创设良好的学习环境。1. Broaden ones horizons 2. enrich ones knowledge3. gain a wide range of knowledge 4. improve ones learningefficiency5. adopt effective learning methods 6. create a good learningenvironment7. Only by adopting effective learning methods can we improve our learningefficiency.8. Every effo

23、rt should be made to create a good learning environment,学生与家长关系短语:1. 无私的爱与关怀2. 及时的帮助3 .对 感激4. 增进我们对父母的了解5. 了解某人的想法例句:6 .我们的父母给予我们无私的爱与关怀。我们确实应该珍惜。7 .通过适当的交流我们能够有效地避免家长与孩子之间的误解。8 .我们应该充分意识到我们的责任,符合父母的期望。1. unselfish love and care 2. timely help 3. be grateful for4. improve our understanding of parent

24、s 5. learn about ones thoughts6. Our parents have been devoted their unselfish love and care to us, whichwe should really appreciate.7. It is through proper communication that we can effectively avoidmisunderstanding between children and parents.8. We are supposed to be fully aware of our responsibi

25、lity, living up toparents expectation.学生与网络1 .网上冲浪:2 .给我们的生活带来便捷和实惠:3 .提供大量的信息:4 .规范因特网的使用:5 .上网聊天:6 . 网络看起来已经成为现代生活中重要的一部分。7.些学生甚至沉迷于电脑游戏以至于放弃了学习。.8如何正确使用因特网已经变成我们必须认真面对的问题。l.surf the Internet 2.bring our lives more convenience andbenefits3.provide sb. with enormous amounts of information4.regulate

26、 the Internet 5.chat on line6.The internet seems to have become an essential part in modem life.7.Some students even devote themselves to playing computer games andabandon their study.8.How to make full use of the Internet properly has become a problem that wemust face and solve.节约与浪费1. 扔掉2. 环保3. 可持

27、续发展4. 号召例句:5 .我们的同学高度关注日益严重的能源匮乏问题。6 .强烈建议循环使用毕业生保存状况好的课本和参考书,不要扔掉。7 .我们应该提高市民节约自然资源的意识。1. throw away(threw/thrown):2. environmentally friendly3 sustainable development4. call on sb. to do sth.5. Our schoolmates are highly concerned about the increasing lack of energy.6. It is also strongly recommen

28、ded that those used textbooks as well asreference books of graduates should not be thrown away but recycled.7. We should raise the citizens awareness of saving the natural resources.同学关系短语:1.个人关系2.与某人相处的好3.有共同之处4.挑剔5. 对某人宽容6.现在,有许多学生经常抱怨他们不能与他们的同班同学相处的好。7.就我而言,首先学生应该学一些交流技能。8.相反,它能毁坏一整天的情绪。9.学生必须对他人

29、和蔼,干万不要故意盯着他人的弱点。1. personal relationship 2. get on well with 3. have sth. in common4. be particular about 5. be tolerant with sb.6. At present,there are a large number of students who often complain that they cant get on well withtheir classmates.7. As far as I am concerned, for one thing, students

30、 should study some skills of communication.8. Oppositely,it can damage a whole days mood.9. Students must be kind to others and never to stare at their weakness on purpose.社会公德:1.在公共场所:2.构建和谐社会:3.加强个人修养:4.提高.意识:1 .更糟糕的:6.他们没有意识到他们的行为不仅有损环境而且对别人也有不良影响7.很多人不注意公共秩序,结果,他们破坏了正常的秩序。8.依我看,我们应该釆取果断措施以便能创造更理

31、想的人居环境。1. in public places 2. build up a harmonious society 3. strengthen self-cultivation4. raise awareness of 5. worse still6.They are unaware of the fact that their behavior not only do harm to the environment but also have abad effect on others.7.Many people pay no attention to rules and regulat

32、ions designed for public places, as a result, theydisturb the normal order of society.8.In my view, necessary measures should be immediately taken so as to create an ideal livingenvironment社会实践1 .通过参加一些社会活动,我们学生能够获得很多有价值的经验,这会对我们的将来和人生打下坚实的基础。2 . 这些活动带给我们很多优势,其中之一就是它们对我们的生活和学习很有益处。3 .我们学生应该积极参加社会活动,

33、这会有助于我们身心发展。4 .尽管我们担负着很重的学习任务,我们还是需要有各种各样的课外活动去参加。1. By participating in some social activities,we students can gain much valuable experience, whichlays a solid foundation for our future and life.2. These activities brings a lot of advantages to us 3 one of which is that they do good to studentslife

34、 and study.3. We students should take an active part in social activities, which helps us grow mentally andphysically.4. In spite of the fact that we are burdened with heavy leaning tasks, we need to have a variety ofafter-class activities to take part in .自荐信/求职信短语:1. 精通2 . 有。天赋3. 乐观 负责4 .碰巧读到了你们的广

35、告, 其中说需要一些志愿者5 .作为一名合适的申请人, 我想做个自我介绍6 .如果你们能给我提供这个机会, 我将十分感激1. have a good knowledge of 2.have a gift for3. be optimistic/responsible1. I happened to read your ad, in which you said some volunteers are needed.2. As a suitable applicant for the position, I would like to introduce myself to you.3. I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance. Looking forward to your reply._

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