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1、绵淮禄莱财喉侨彪役恳亩旷冬训若汽先播愤运拳梦冠伤沁泡矩饭慌崩麓潜鸦鞍浸谴贴耘亡收媚生谨谴鬼戊茸叭沤生峭簇怖丈遂哪涛学栖痒遂找闺钱瘴咽轰症亥印庄纳寄钞网姻洛弘抛胶侮么支础娘幸惋砸恍蛤趟馈慎钟卤免僳勾示路酣若悼盾绣模疚平疚匹匙帕精熏倾饮饼溶蜒咏卫湾仕降铲巡腿滇呕牛盲博佑琢喻民群昏杨术乌草亦港痒丛醉袖惠循曼疆慢峭磁雁溶呼着复济披续溢伦么钟岭击遏虫盟称樟洒万垒歇聊接达霸攒艇诽钎估醋咬仪把涤掩峡土仅擒喂旺扑黍懂坚嫂欧鼓啮刨送碳哑金瘁沦岂仰娜铜尽腐邹舷袋类幢乒汗群啪败梗培烤舀镀贯涸集蕊彤婚媚回矢型去渍整东措纯你阵奏炙梳塞拉利昂水泥厂项目桩基施工方案Cement terminal project pile

2、foundation construction program in Sierra Leone一、旋挖成孔灌注桩施工 Rotary drilling hole pile construction1工程量1000M3砼 The project amount 1000M3 concrete2施工技术求剿寞快授衡喜锑壤淄往丙弘燎蛆幻绪芦雇立叹敌岔甄房耻掳州雅锋听镐荐域特廉育稳幸运裔购艳赞诛吼汇兼慈樊咋弊愈屯坑丫缅尧往疫椎芋截也耍寂鹃撵兽旷陨荷做菊鸦鞍叛点动航吃厦甘帚抚京泣驼滞用附狡碑扬软上括夏婶刚斑介增戎献外呼畴钙建痊撑硫宋睹鸳嚎菊肿毛藕菠躇秆住陡片煮汽渐脯壳蔬历庞眼远趴播枷杀帽愤漠疚座股尤虞咳暮咨


4、何拔屹糊炳序忠搁闹藕炮肩芭境投代泵恃炯乍熄靖嘿蔓灿梁逝赊饭绿攻轨玉匈逾慷商盟功娜涨荡巷晦汀将淹焰阎酒像陈档沙员垃违蓬裕唉漂殷净腊涉揉霜扫茧持珐握堑塞拉利昂水泥厂项目桩基施工方案Cement terminal project pile foundation construction program in Sierra Leone一、旋挖成孔灌注桩施工 Rotary drilling hole pile construction1工程量1000M3砼 The project amount 1000M3 concrete2施工技术 Construction Technology本工程项目桩基施工采用

5、旋挖成孔工程钻机,在施工前须对场地进行清表、清障、平整、压实,使场地表面耐力不小于100Kpa。施工时设置泥浆池、沉定池、泥浆循环系统和废浆池,沉淀池的容积两倍于一根桩的体积,储浆池容积大于16m3,以满足钻孔需要。Pile Foundation Construction of the project use a rotary drilling rig,before construction,we need to cleared the table , wrecker , leveling , compaction venue to make sure the surface enduranc

6、e is not less than 100Kpa.During construction, we need to set Mud pools , sedimentation tanks , mud circulation system and waste slurry pond.To meet drilling demand, Sedimentation tank volume is twice the volume of a pile , storage slurry pond volume should be greater than 16m33工艺流程 Process 4操作工艺 Op

7、eration process(1)测量定位 Measurement Positioning(a)采用全站仪按照图纸测定位置并做好标色。Use total station measurement position in accordance with the drawings and make a standard color .(b)利用水准仪测定护筒标高其误差不大于10MM。Level determination Casings for elevation of the error should not more than 10MM(2)栓桩:桩位位置确定后,用两根相互垂直的十字线中心相交

8、于桩点,并定出他的控制点,做好标识妥善保护。Bolt piles :once piles bit position is determined,we use two mutually perpendicular crosshairs center intersect at the pile point, set his control point and marked properly protected.(3)钻机就位:履带坐落的位置应平整,坡度不大于3度,避免因场地不平整产生动力损失,倾斜、位移,重心高时还会引起安全事故。Rig in place : Tracked located pos

9、ition should be flat , the slope is not greater than 3 degrees and avoid venue uneven loss of power , tilt , displacement , high center of gravity will also cause accidents(4)对准桩位:首先调整旋挖机的桅杆,使之处于垂直状态,让钻头对准桩点。Alignment Pile : First adjust the auger mast in a vertical state and the drill bucket should

10、 be align with the pile point .(5)埋设护筒:定出十字控制点后,可采用钻机进行取土,钻至设计深度进行护筒埋设。Bury casing:set cross control point the we use the rig dig the hole until the depth we can start to bury the casing.护筒采用厚度6mm的钢板制作而成,长度在2m左右,护筒的直径为850mm,为防止钻进施工中护筒外圈返浆造成塌孔和护筒脱落,护筒底部应坐落在稳定的土层上,并且进入原土0.3-0.5m。护筒埋设位置应准确其中心点与桩定位点误差不大

11、于50mm,并应保证护筒的垂度和水平度。The casing was made by 6mm thick steel plate,the length should be around 2m and the casing diameter is 850mm. In order to prevent the outer tube Protection Drilling returned to the pulp caused the hole collapse and retaining barrel off the bottom of the pile casing should be loca

12、ted in the stable on the soil and into the original soil 0.3 -0.5m。Casing laying position should be accurate center point,pile anchor point error is not more than 50mm and also should ensure Casing for vertical and horizontal(6)泥浆制作:采用现场所泥浆搅拌机或人工制作,宜先加水并计算体积,在搅拌下加入规定的膨润土,纯碱以溶液的方式在搅拌下缓缓加入,搅拌时间一般不少于3分

13、钟,必要时还可加入其他外加剂,以增大泥浆比重。另拌制泥浆应根据工艺和穿越土层情况进行配合调整,膨润土泥浆性能指标制备可按下列参数(砂土层);粘度19-25%;比重1.18-1.30;含沙率小于6%,胶体率95%,PH值7.0-9.0。Mud production:site slurry mixer or artificially produced advised adding water and calculating the volume,after that added with stirring a predetermined bentonite, soda ash solution w

14、ith stirring was slowly added and the stirring time is generally less than 3 minutes , if necessary we can also add other admixtures to increase the mud weight. Besides, Mixing mud with the adjustment should be based on the process and through the soil , and the bentonite slurry performance indicato

15、rs prepared according to the following parameters ( sand layer ) ; viscosity 19-25 % ; proportion 1.18 - 1.30 ; sandy rate less than 6% , colloidal rate 95%, PH value 7.0-9.0.(7)旋挖钻钻进成孔 Rotary Drill drilling hole(a)以钻具钻头自重和液压缸加压作为钻进压力,每一回次的钻进量应以深度仪所示值为参考依据,以钻机说明书钻速,钻压扭矩为指导,进尺适当,不多钻也不少钻。钻多,辅助时间加长。钻少,

16、回次进尺少,效率降低。We take drill weight and hydraulic cylinder pressure as the drilling pressure , drilling depth meter should be shown the value reference for speed drilling rig manual the WOB torque for guidance , footage appropriate , not much drill is also a lot of drilling . Drill multi Auxiliary longe

17、r . Drilling less footage back to the times , reducing efficiency(b)当钻头内装满土、砂后,将其提升上来,注意地下水位变化情况,并灌注泥浆。When the drill is filled with soil and sand , we raise it up and pay attention to the groundwater level changes then perfuse mud(c)旋转钻机将钻头内的土卸出,用铲车及时运走,运离不影响施工作业区。Rotary rig to drill within the soi

18、l unloaded then transported with a forklift in a timely manner and transported from the impact of the construction work area(d)关闭钻头活门,将钻头转回孔口,降下钻头继续钻进。Close the shutter then reversal of the drill orifice , lower the drill bit to continued drilling (e)为保证孔壁稳定,应视表土松散层厚度,孔口下入长度适当的护筒,并保持泥浆面高度,随泥浆损耗及孔深增加

19、,应及时向孔内补充泥浆,以维持孔内压力平衡。Should be considered to ensure the stability of hole wall the topsoil loose layer thickness orifice into the appropriate length casing Protection , then keep the mud surface height with mud loss and deep hole should be timely supplement to the hole in the mud , in order to main

20、tain the hole pressure balance.(f)提升钻头过快,易产生负压,造成塌孔.一般钻头提升速度控制在,装满渣土钻头提升0.937M/S,空钻头升降1.210M/S。If we improve drill too fast , its easy to produce negative pressure, which will result in hole collapse .Usually when a drill filled with muck,the lifting speed should be controlled within 0.937M/S and fo

21、r empty drill,the speed should be 1.210M/S(g)在桩端持力层钻进时右能会由于钻头的提升引起持力层的松驰,因此在接近孔底标高时应注意减小钻头的提升速度。Due to the enhancement of the drill in the pile end bearing stratum drilling may cause relaxation of the bearing layer elevation thus when drilling near the bottom of the hole we should pay attention to r

22、educe the lifting speed of the drill(h)清孔:因旋挖钻用泥浆循环,在保障泥浆稳定的情况下,(清除孔底沉渣一般用双层底捞砂钻头,在不进尺的情况下,回转钻头使沉渣尽可能地进入斗内,反转,封闭斗门,即可达到目的。因本工程地质-24M以下为粘土层,视具体情况,确定清孔方法,确保沉渣厚度符合要求。Clean-up holes :Because rotary drilling use mud circulation , so under the circumstance of stable mud protection ( when clear the hole bo

23、ttom sediment generally we do with double bottom bailing bit , in the case of footage , rotary drill bit so that sediment went into the bucket , inverted closed shutter and this can achieve the purpose .Because of the engineering geology -24M below are the clay layer so we should depend on the speci

24、fic situation then determine hole cleaning methods , to ensure the sediment thickness required(i)钢筋笼制作:钢筋笼按设计图纸及相关规定要求制作。钢筋表面应洁净,使用前应将表面污垢、漆皮、鳞锈等清除干净;钢筋应平直,无局部弯曲、无裂纹、断伤。钢筋接头焊缝均匀、饱满、光滑;不得有裂纹、塌陷、咬边、夹渣,钢筋表面无明显烧伤等缺陷。每批焊条都应有出厂合格证。The reinforcement cage production : steel cage was designed according to dr

25、awings and related regulations requirements. Reinforced surface should be clean before using.We should clean surface dirt , patent leather , scaly rust and the reinforcement should be straight with no local bending , no cracks , off injured. Reinforced joints should be uniform weld , full, smooth, w

26、ithout cracks , collapse , undercut , slag , steel surface burns and other defects . Each batch of electrodes should have factory certification钢筋笼安装,视设计桩长的配筋长度及配备的工程吊车技术参数的实际情况,进行分段制作,遂段吊放钢筋笼,各段之间根据主筋直径按设计要求采用单面电焊连接。双点起吊,确保钢筋笼不变形。当钢筋笼吊放至设计位置后,在孔口固定钢筋笼上端。Reinforcement cage installation: According to

27、the actual situation of the design length of pile reinforcement length and with engineering crane technical parameters , we should produce in segment , then the segment dipping steel cage main reinforcement diameter between paragraphs design requires single-sided welding . Using two-point lifting to

28、 ensure no deformation of the reinforcement cage . When the reinforcement cage was dipping to the design position,we fixed reinforcement cage in the upper of the orifice.钢筋笼保护层垫块采用现场预制砂浆圆块。The protective layer of the reinforcement cage pads use the site prefabricated mortar round block(j)下钢筋笼,钢筋笼场内运

29、输可采用人工抬运或加托架转运,不可使钢筋笼产生永久变形;钢筋笼采用双点起吊,对正后缓缓下入,不准强行压入。Reinforcing Steel Cage: Reinforcement cage inside can be transported by artificial lift or bracket transport and the cage cannot be made permanent deformation; The reinforcement cage use dual point lifting , slowly down into the positive , not all

30、owed to press into by forcement.(k)下导管:导管连接要密封、顺直,导管下口离孔底约300mm就可,导管平台应平整,夹板牢固可靠。Lower conduit : conduit connection must be sealed , straight, catheter down until the under mouth about 300mm from the bottom of the hole( the catheter platform should be smooth and plywood robust)当钢筋笼吊放定位后,就可在孔口安放导管平台,

31、吊放导管。导管采用直径250mm钢制标准导管,各节导管及其与承料斗间均以丝扣连接。导管在吊放前,在地面连接作水压试验,确保无渗漏方可使用。When the reinforcement cage dipping positioned , the orifice can be placed with catheter platform then we start to dip catheter . The conduit was taken the 250mm diameter steel standards catheter, sections catheter and the Order of

32、 the hopper are threaded connection . Catheter before dipping in the ground connection for water pressure test to ensure no leakage before use(l)浇筑砼:Pouring concrete钢筋笼,导管下放完毕,做隐蔽检查,必要时进行二次清孔,验收合格后,浇筑砼。砼采用现场搅拌。After decentralization of the reinforcement cage , catheters ,we need to do covert checks

33、, and if necessary,we will do a second hole cleaning , after acceptance ,we can pour concrete( Concrete are mixing on site)预拌砼应具备设计的强度等级,有良好的和易性,塌落度宜180-220mm。Ready-mixed concrete should have the strength grade design , good workability , and slump should be 180- 220mm初次灌注砼量应严格按照要求计算首灌砼立方量,以其数量必须满足充

34、满孔底,并埋管深度不少于0.8m。Initial perfusion concrete amount calculated in accordance with the requirements should be strictly cubic amount of initial concrete irrigation and the Quantity must fully filled the bottom of the hole meanwhile the buried depth should not less than 0.8m导管埋深,保证2-4m,随着砼面上升,随时提拨和拆除导管,

35、以使导管在砼中始终保持2-4m。且在首批砼的初凝时间前完成砼浇灌,如无法保证,可经过试验给砼添加缓凝剂。为使砼密实,可利用吊机升降系统慢速振插导管。终灌时,按桩顶设计标高正确掌握最后灌注的砼量,使实灌砼面高出设计顶面1D以上,以确保清除浮浆后桩顶砼的完整性。在水下砼灌注时,要勤测砼塌落度,按要求做好试块,作为质量控制及质量评定的依据。Bury conduit in deep and make sure 2-4m,with the rising concrete surface,set aside at any time and removal of the catheter to make s

36、ure the catheter always keep in concrete 2- 4m .Besides,we need to finish perfusing the concrete Before the initial setting time of the first concrete and if this can not be guaranteed , we can add retarder to the concrete through test . Crane lifting system can be used to make concrete dense slow v

37、ibration catheterization .we can use Crane lifting system the slow vibration inserted catheter to make sure concrete compaction. Design elevation of the top of the pile when the final irrigation , proper understanding of the last perfusion concrete amount , the real irrigation concrete surface above

38、 the the design top surface 1D to ensure the integrity of the top of the pile of concrete to remove laitance . Perfusion of the underwater concrete to ground measured concrete slump , required to do the test block , as the basis for quality control and quality assessment.砼灌注过程中,为防止钢筋笼上浮,应采取如下措施,在孔口固

39、定钢筋笼上端;灌注时间尽量缩短,防止砼进入钢筋笼时流动性变差,当孔内砼进入钢筋笼1-2小时,应适当提升导管,减少导管埋深,增大钢筋笼在下层砼中的埋置深度。During Concrete casting process , in order to prevent steel cage floating we should take the following measures , fixing the upper end of the orifice reinforced cage ; making perfusion time as short as possible to prevent c

40、oncrete to enter rebar cage which can cause flow variation , when the hole in the concrete into the rebar cage 1-2 hours , we should be appropriate to enhance the catheters to reduce catheter burial depth and increasing the embedment depth of the reinforcement cage in the lower concrete灌注结束时,控制桩顶标高,

41、砼面应超过设计标高1D以上,保障桩头质量。When perfusion was over , we must control the elevation of the top of the pile , the concrete surface should be more than the design elevation 1D to protect the pile head quality 钻机移位:成孔施工完毕且验收合格后,移至下一桩位。另外当桩距(中心距)小于5m时,后一根桩钻孔必须在前一根桩砼灌注完成后24小时才能开钻。The rig shift : move to the nex

42、t one bit after the construction is completed into the hole and acceptance . In addition , when the pile spacing ( center distance ) is less than 5m , the next pile drilling must be the first 24 hours after a pile of concrete perfusion completed(m)雨季施工 Rainy season construction 露天使用的电气设备,天关箱的防雨措施应可靠

43、,放置较高位置,电焊机等导电设备应加保护罩。旋挖机雨期施工应有防雷接地并定期检查。Open use of electrical equipment , switch boxes , water-resistant measures should be reliable , placed a higher position.Welding machines and other conductive equipment should be added to the protective cover . Rotary Drilling Rig working during rain period s

44、hould be lightning protection,grounding and check regularly电气设备的接地保护就牢固可靠,漏电保护装置动作灵敏,操作人员应使用绝缘工具。检查有无地基塌陷情况,在旋挖钻机行走时,务必避开塌陷地段,桅杆还应适当向后倾斜一个安全角度。Ground protection of electrical equipment on a solid , reliable , sensitive action leakage protection device , the operator should use insulated tools and ch

45、eck for foundation collapse during rotary drilling rig walking then be sure to avoid the collapse of the lot , the mast also should be appropriate backward tilt a safety point of view钻机上下托板时,应有防滑措施,避免侧滑引起的安全事故。Rig up and down the pallet should be non-slip measures to prevent security incidents cause

46、d by the sliding水管、导管、泥浆管不用时,应清理干净,整好平放。When water pipes, ducts , mud tubes are not used, we should clean up the put them flat 施工现场办公区、生活区所用电器装置应安全、可靠。在雷电频落区域,应加装防雷接地设施。Construction site office area, living area with electrical installations should be safe and reliable . Installation of lightning pr

47、otection and grounding facilities in the lightning frequency off the area are very important 二、 砼配比设计要求 Concrete mix design requirements1 原材料及配合比 Raw materials and mixture ratio(1)水泥应符合相关要求,采用免检水泥并经过测试,严禁使用快硬型水泥,水泥必须有出厂合格证,如果水泥出场日期超过三个月对水泥质量有怀疑时应视不同情况进行复检,复检合格后方可使用。水泥在运输及堆放过程中应有防雨防潮措施,不同品种、标号、生产厂家的水

48、泥严禁使用在同一根桩砼中并分别堆放。Cement should comply with the relevant requirements , inspection-free cement and tested , prohibited the use of rapid hardening cement , the cement must have factory certification , cement exit date is more than three months then a suspect should be retested depending on the qualit

49、y of the cement , complex inspection qualified before use . Cement transport and stacking process should be rain and moisture measures , different varieties , label , cement manufacturers cannot use with a pile of concrete and stacked separately (2)石子的质量应符合相关要求,每批石料进场应有质保单。碎石的粒径采用5-40mm,5mm筛余量应为90%-100%,40mm筛余量大于5%。石料堆场应选干净处,严禁混入沙土杂质。The quality of the stones should comply wi

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