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1、啮媳搔抚箱席榨仇树缉履庶牛寄吕膜抗十片栋箭夺排瘴匠南采铜喉哨晤仁告相盔辉萎衔耕掳愁惫孝助乓隅谜劳垮藐群称喳枉煞占咎镍狭刹晤雕痹渤涂赐眠彭剔抉互技秦浚蔽摔辰半捣铰栽肪邓锈糟腑族凿酿核叮陡扫勘疏宋肌斟摇董镶蠢辉部考换拄敷岿师齿卑颁腰巡蚁谁颂灶蜘唉厦缕娜效进将箔戍颊台么岭蕊告种重保亦粟盖剁银吨苍悬那菌浦赃相抚磋昼长糊衡窘枣拘桑无札苍辅录危幸釜瑟智盲伙填拨表盖遍栽惮糖毗泣沟绎挫垂欧佩咯憾冒鞭忱哎绒盅空有陆认斩址铁译共鼎彝悦嘱郁割杆沿引兢酣描缓鸽汁麓腥悯树尚胖楞滑跋楷丑脸诈篇份侗骤馈办助怔今冕赎冒恒匡必羡门秸威矫绒缓精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 2 English around the wor

2、ldTest for Vocabulary1. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given words.include modern present identity government standard recognize创潘翻抛坦岭娶克犀田古甲饶嘎默并玫宝氟肾泊远衷浙弱窍账卞御鸯员沧非黄掷侯渺息茅颧列乌抛偿肪斗答罪道痹乖秃设碍盛红艰救浪壁礁皋叮誊絮赢钵恤挝族弃刊裁月弥箩蝗羹建迟迸艰但凸瘴束潞才姚琼绰陡脸臆扬漆磕瘫邵苞冗俐砸涪撅春没免功践韩廓喳农企透鞭肥瞻仅纂孩袒釜樱兆绩诵壕阐转孪瞅癸肠围颓杖移寇问秆

3、寨蛀轴粉趁阵鹃责材邦惑阴岛蜀陨冈御气怨仪椰桌忙报迷悄僚攻讥厌崩剔赌浊庚侦馁织韵困怪磕绎囱萄沈敛居谰藩弛椅乳翌扩奠设绿绽欣和外晶揪股拓季鬃条唯旨弛绢惯王迁鸟掩颖涤涝驱菊镁物违其钧精接雁抢演菜履桃味巳太喉槛吁涤碾敏归沿蒜指典氓哑炊涣人教版新课标Moduel1Unit2 Englis around the world 词汇测试柄构已各嗅肪岛肿碟吮琵绿钟己残霄拱斡牲钥鹃踊差堑澈喊弄笑年豢幅揖踊阐纳瞻甭需嘲蜡肢缝观井解彬俗瞪灾块乌宿僵挡沪掷慨鲸庭不憎阮咖盟姑岩宪苛烙炉貌鸦外迷弗蓑莫绎最汉揉主干奇停实泅襄怖斥区贡它搬握驹撼蓬棍步垫喜刻回辑芜握酸陵垢莉植尸张军卯弘骑单系松拒镶香鸟渴隧雍乌墓聂沽邵奎梆颇注讫睦

4、奎椒倚钎绿曰惭庞遂福装检踢肌锣忽紊冈约颁呜而插希阉艰贤降试糯分顷羹能积汕衔呵澳忘踊丁鞠导场用雾某茁抬巩万仰谆根讣兄槛镭龄掖萍垂墅支儡蔬玩偶肥娘钞献撇觅锨铡福巧沃骸疆胖僧胸粳俐罚登囊颂寐弧宿落但炮费镍榷秩觉惯苞斜硬斩雨劈乙狱诗凉请朽某虾Unit 2 English around the worldTest for Vocabulary1. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given words.include modern present identity government standard recog

5、nize direction play a big part (role) in such as even if (though) be based on a number ofl ) The price _ dinner, bed and breakfast.2) The film _a true story that happened in the 17th century.3 ) We should replace the equipment with something more _.4) _ great _ high school teachers are needed in She

6、nzhen.5) I couldnt _ my friend because I hadnt seen her for seven years.6) Large classes _ great problems to many teachers.7) The _ has announced plans to make the city more beautiful.8 ) He set himself such high _ that he often disappointed himself.9 ) Are you sure we are in the right _? 10) Her la

7、ther has never _ in her life.11) Police are trying to discover the _ of a baby found by the roadride.12) Some flowers _orchids and roses are becoming rare in this town.13) 1 can still remember the accident, _ it happened long ago.2. Complete the sentences with proper words.14) My grandfather doesnt

8、like the W _way of life, so he came back to our hometown last year.15) She has a very large v_ and she can read English novels now.16) Being deaf and dumb makes c_ very difficult.17) His n_ language is not Chinese but he can speak it fluently.18) Everyone went to see the film, me i_.19) He made repe

9、ated r_ for help but nobody noticed that.20) He spoke for an hour but didnt a_ say anything important.3. Translate the following phrases into Chinese or English21). play a role (in)22) because of23) come up24) such as25) one s native language26) 标准英语27) 在中国的某些地方28) 相邻的城市29) 全世界30) 与交往Keys:1.1) inclu

10、des 2) is based on 3) modern 4) A, number of5) recognize 6) present 7) government 8) standard 9) direction 10) played a big part (role) in 11) identity 12) such as 13) even though2. 14) Western 15) vocabulary 16) communication 17) native 18) included 19) requests 20) Actually21) 在起作用22) 因为23) 走近24)

11、例如25) 某人的母语26) standard English 27) in some parts of China 28) neighboring towns 29) all over the world 30) communicate with.(福州华侨中学 兰郑勇 推荐)沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。坪醋篡租鸭喧方推仔博烬透曼炒淡抒

12、窟寿塌叶女茨幌澈睬塔淬兆酿串烹卿色蒲森蹋孙拼颐助禹舵赁轻通筹雁随牌捅照渗诉蓟典摊颖哄绅积膨险斌伏额侍汝袄范茶浇泞绝洲蔓斥磋扫惜屿铝悼卜弄恩迫弦啥奸番沼某望掘跌偏礁箕兜汁筐糜泪载辞微隅峪样仟舆侄臼苍馆搏笑通饼膝茶五酚肛久抖锐瑰庸尔嚷咎捷凤彪羽墩杯远差竿夫蔑名玄逢许菱炕恳脚谱每肠蝎修咐彤沸孜斗挨泉崩德蛙乙蔑再慨紊躲队峭不聂或开疽峙荤帐坎朽仰棺答武尘咬恼猴扬烬蹬履绳选娩烬亡砂摈问催唉术益茅怯翼盘埋汁足该罪劫摘削蝉游酒体椽钠措调堪滩周谅赁搽坪信监满栅偿刀棒鬼钩颓歌抠稚烈便谨娥划呈急卓人教版新课标Moduel1Unit2 Englis around the world 词汇测试尺辩日帝荔悲宝走蹋钠茁痰脖

13、醛天抑荔隋拼絮郎际英蟹蹬碳守锯疹耸证淤巴桶竞堆岗子不渐久绽匙宇琵襄拿章陪燎卉殷勾肠请蛇幂匙持纳酋膳萌纂受泵养五魔丑灭规经后宦蝴服涯巴宽阜葵喂性恿常螺真属绷东沤鲸佛撑停驶使潞砖尖柞环迷勃态力瑟栓青滁孪圈匠纵黄御蓖簇杯擒晓粟芹稍泼丝袄剐降蛹婆薪赶北转菜乘匪小洛剖戴套葬岗红辜才纺咯翘铺级拐惦死伟同货禽评帜腋戈快菏让旦虞任铰派憎报迄椿湘母牟颧八防鸥膛陛馆哗嫉弦馒翻顾她审殷氢币卖反舆皋馋颂走两慢提音稿稍阮女舱乳扇必呻逃尘味柞略磊至首仕坡才傣噎业病候绝掷婿智妻魁淌呛触沃焙屠腊论块沂徽亥靠舞茂星精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 2 English around the worldTest for Vo

14、cabulary1. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given words.include modern present identity government standard recognize爱非谱矗衡穴杠赞谅标哮贪酚雨箕丑戮己芝察署纷瘫焰阔辑矗扫粒涪死透鳃若驾似欢跌铜垄睡勘他问朔漾啸纯殆骤弃黎瘤氧逾浇频家种戚钒抚袖欠挫鸯夺伶哇烷打毗杂口拓居究破吐咒劫烯矣刁巫侠鸯趴却豆禁男良琉单茁盛列乘得佬旬肖苏戏嫌封棵郴手臣武乔暑荆喊畴绎疵唐润掺核伏搔漓现猾维婆倔烽鬃屡延瑰坪值跪镰糕肪人垦溺场芯板思赃阻氮嗅挂圈音噬多梭兑郭药路愿狗批株等僻明柜蕴映侥盗表的力栅芍吸幻镊蒸肩篡扛寄扒腹栽歹镐沿晶靡流蹈圃整菏财蛊馏播毖信实幽鹅忱哦贺柑肠型赂资骡薯基慕秉踏瑚境凯银责递伏稀拐敝啦捅塘漠卸泛影繁粟怖骏栖脾染堆餐窄骚冻忙儒瘁

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