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1、-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有- 消防产品认证工厂情况调查表Factory Situation Questionnaire for Fire Products Certification 申请企业名称(加盖公章):Name of the Applicant Firm:企业法人代表:Authorized Person of Applicant Firm:公安部消防产品合格评定中心编制China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security消防产品认证工厂情况调查表Factory Situation

2、Questionnairefor Fire Products Certification 1.1 制造厂名称:Name of the Factory:工厂地址:Factory address:电话(含区号):传真:邮政编码:Tel:Fax:Post Code:到达工厂的最佳交通路线(最近的火车站、机场;如可能,请附一张当地地图)Directions of the best way of reaching the factory (nearest railway station, airport; attach one photocopy of local map if possible)1.2

3、 制造商的办公地址:Manufacturers office Address :电话(含区号):传真:邮政编码:Tel:Fax:Post Code:2. 申请企业(持证人)注册名称:Applicants/Licensees registered name:地址:Address:电话: 传真: 邮政编码:Tel: Fax:Post Code:认证责任人: 部门及职位:电话:Cert. manager: Dept. & position:Tel:3. 制造厂质量保证负责人及认证联络工程师(或联络员)姓名、工作部门及职位、联系电话(请附任命书复印件一份及其个人技术工作简历)Names, workin

4、g departments and positions held and telephone numbers of the factory quality assurance manager and certification liaison engineer (or liaison person)质量保证负责人:部门及职位:电话:Quality assurance manager:Dept. & position:Tel:认证联络工程师(或联络员):部门及职位:电话:Cert. liaison engineer/Dept. & position:Tel:Cert. liaison perso

5、n:4. 制造厂员工总数(如申证产品生产仅是其中一部分,请注明申证产品生产部分的员工数):Total number of employees in the factory (If products applied for CCCF certification are only one part of the whole production, please give the total number of employees involved in manufacturing the products applied for CCCF certification):5.1 申证产品名称、型号规

6、格、商标Name(s), type(s)/model(s), technical data, trade mark(s) of the product(s) applied for CCCF certification5.2 申请产品认证依据的标准:Specify the standard(s) according to which the CCCF certification is made on the products:6.1 制造厂是否建立文件化质量体系?提供组织机构图、质量手册、程序文件目录和管理文件目录。Has the factory established a documente

7、d quality system? Please provide organizational chart and quality manual, list of procedural documentation and list of management documentation.6.2 申证产品生产工艺流程(请提供生产流程图、填写关键生产设备清单,附表1)Technological production flow chart of the products applied for CCCF certification(Please provide technological produ

8、ction flow chart, and fill in “List of Key Production Equipment”, Appendix A)6.3 说明哪些关键零部件和原材料是由分承包方提供的(如已通过CCCF认证或其它同等的产品认证请注明)。Specify which key components and critical raw materials are provided by sub-contractors.Please indicate which have been already awarded the CCCF or other equivalent certif

9、icate(s).6.4 详细说明为了确保最终产品符合相应标准,企业在进货检验、过程检验和最终检验中所进行的常规检验/检查,并注明检验文件名称及编号(请提供一份检验文件目录清单和填写企业的主要检测仪器设备清单,附表2)。Describe in detail and make reference to documentation (title and number need to be specified), routine tests/ inspections performed in incoming goods inspection, production line inspection

10、and final inspection, in order to ensure that the end products are complied with the applicable standards.Please provide a copy of the list of testing and inspection documents, and fill in “List of Major Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment”, Appendix B7. 说明申证产品已获得的其它认证机构颁发的认证证书和认证标志。Which certi

11、fication mark(s) and certificate(s) have already been granted by other certification body/bodies for the products applied for CCCF certification?8. 制造厂的质量体系是否已通过质量体系认证?(如有, 请提供证书复印件)。请说明最近一次审核的日期及结论。Has the factory quality system been assessed and certified? If yes, please provide a copy of the cert

12、ificate(s). Please specify the date and the conclusion of the last inspection.9. 企业质保能力工厂审核前质量体系至少应正式运行三个月以上。According to CCCF rules and regulations, quality system of the factory shall be normally operated for at least three month before the inspection team visits the factory.希望安排审核的时间:Expected dat

13、e of factory inspection arrangement:工厂休息日: 工厂上下班时间:Offday of the factory:Working hours of the factory:可否在休息日审核:可以 可商议 不可以 Could the inspection be carried out at weekends?Yes Negotiable No 10. 我们同意认证机构的审核员在正常生产时,经与质量保证负责人或认证联络工程师(或联络员)接洽后,可以进入涉及认证产品生产及管理的所有场所。We agree that the inspectors of CCCF may

14、enter all locations concerning the manufacturing and management processes of products applied for CCCF certification, during normal working hours, after having contacted the quality assurance manager or certification liaison engineer (or liaison person).同意 可商议 不可以 Yes Negotiable No 制造厂代表签章:Signature

15、 of factory representative:日期: 年 月 日Date: (MM) (DD) (YYYY)注:本表签字人应核对所填写的信息的准确性。NOTE: On behalf of the manufacturer, the signatory to this form is required to verify the accuracy of the information provided.附表1Appendix A关键生产设备明细表List of key production equipment制造厂名称:Name of the Factory: 序号No.设备名称Name

16、 of the Equipment制 造 厂Factory工位Working Location台数pcs备注Remarks附表2Appendix B主要检测仪器、设备明细表List of major inspection, Measuring and test instrument and equipment制造厂名称:Name of the Factory: 序号No.仪器、设备名称Name of the Instrument/Equipment制造厂Factory精度Accuracy工位Working Location台数pcs备注Remarks合同管理制度1 范围本标准规定了龙腾公司合同

17、管理工作的管理机构、职责、合同的授权委托、洽谈、承办、会签、订阅、履行和变更、终止及争议处理和合同管理的处罚、奖励;本标准适用于龙腾公司项目建设期间的各类合同管理工作,厂内各类合同的管理,厂内所属各具法人资格的部门,参照本标准执行。2 规范性引用中华人民共和国合同法龙腾公司合同管理办法3 定义、符号、缩略语无4 职责4.1 总经理:龙腾公司经营管理的法定代表人。负责对厂内各类合同管理工作实行统一领导。以法人代表名义或授权委托他人签订各类合法合同,并对电厂负责。4.2 工程部:是发电厂建设施工安装等工程合同签订管理部门;负责签订管理基建、安装、人工技术的工程合同。4.3 经营部:是合同签订管理部

18、门,负责管理设备、材料、物资的订购合同。4.5 合同管理部门履行以下职责:4.5.1 建立健全合同管理办法并逐步完善规范;4.5.2 参与合同的洽谈、起草、审查、签约、变更、解除以及合同的签证、公证、调解、诉讼等活动,全程跟踪和检查合同的履行质量;4.5.3 审查、登记合同对方单位代表资格及单位资质,包括营业执照、经营范围、技术装备、信誉、越区域经营许可等证件及履约能力(必要时要求对方提供担保),检查合同的履行情况;4.5.4 保管法人代表授权委托书、合同专用章,并按编号归口使用;4.5.5 建立合同管理台帐,对合同文本资料进行编号统计管理;4.5.6 组织对法规、制度的学习和贯彻执行,定期向

19、有关领导和部门报告工作;4.5.7 在总经理领导下,做好合同管理的其他工作,4.6 工程技术部:专职合同管理员及材料、燃料供应部兼职合同管理员履行以下职责:4.6.1 在主任领导下,做好本部门负责的各项合同的管理工作,负责保管“法人授权委托书”;4.6.2 签订合同时,检查对方的有关证件,对合同文本内容依照法规进行检查,检查合同标的数量、金额、日期、地点、质量要求、安全责任、违约责任是否明确,并提出补充及修改意见。重大问题应及时向有关领导报告,提出解决方案;4.6.3 对专业对口的合同统一编号、登记、建立台帐,分类整理归档。对合同承办部门提供相关法规咨询和日常协作服务工作;4.6.4 工程技术部专职合同管理员负责收集整理各类合同,建立合同统计台帐,并负责

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