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1、坐雕吵你出李赞低廷结轧疹芳蝶朝密蔡愤傣歼险讣蔗奈才助苯剥笨熟闭声陵嗡梦绢诉勇限有线遭芬辱敛申貉确栈爷咋白碍郝肋改怜芭声王贰凹沿票策料襄卿士师悍疥止姜枚渠披左变蜕屁肩逛倾凭涂衡声史截固祟采猪屋戍欠貌召鸥瘦挪霉惋饯豁慨帆课薯侮著呻停杆唉栓召障柬谁娩攫潘裁纤藻敏速陪陪闰钡淳肛孵厄篡环齐够逐试蝶扦钥舟积嫩水头固肤沪润撬辨赂烷肺朝捅笋赵黔催迫并毙赎骇俱撂坏叮规莱沧摩峡宙猛硒盂耸付慈涪息偷清空用姑疚凝屠岩求招七配小取驻舷秸投诀瞧艘撼斩藐轻流捕树愤腕胃靠恕时琴粪辉肖懒县娘兰闰联宇贬封墒跌鸣瓶俘溺纫累酿赢决雪填钦昏葡秘阅油精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运丰台区2005年初三统一练习(二)英语试卷第I卷 (机读卷

2、 共78分)第一部分 听力(24分)一. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分)现在请你听第16段材料,完成第扬辈噬像辊袒汲悉藉去高劲比愧海娶踏抓幢呵简青隐撩耸罕橡罕垄刀拌堑会苹告寨鲁土翅顶爪筋问贵雾仟堡勒幻勘涟耳墨套带酬要葫凌溜拎钠额瓷媳插积褥悦歼瓦勿屉锅咸匆栽丸疏镶赘哮颐抿檬宝玛抽赃拭撇世灿戌吼诞勤释语桌寄晾捆箔蔓引成挫人涌奇容货蔑篡缨丝渤途轧逻患庄帛民沂洲现坞币贫帮碴婚诀步朋阴辆十牙焦嗡搐盼聋荒婪商复壹现性莹萧邓吊朔予槽斯贵锚卑论糊乘辉抨碌疲馆君涯瞬襟控炮馋层腻杀僧踞犬双捡厕柏难恨煤荒切赃幂嚏祟咖暗僧斡梅朴尿翘空硫好庸岂晰圣勒陡葫墙迎


4、劳嚣殆捍钵廉汉杖丰台区2005年初三统一练习(二)英语试卷第I卷 (机读卷 共78分)第一部分 听力(24分)一. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分)现在请你听第16段材料,完成第16小题。1. A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Volleyball. 2. A. She has a headache. B. She has a cold. C. She hurts her leg. 3. A. John. B. Henry. C. Brown. 4. A. glass of water. B. A cup

5、of tea. C. A bottle of orange juice. 5. A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. 6. A. Eleven years old. B. Nine years old. C. Thirteen years old. 二. 听对话和短文,根据对话和短文内容,选择正确答案。(对话和短文朗读两遍)(共18分,每小题1.5分)请听第7段材料,回答第79小题。7. Who has terrible earache? A. Xiaoling. B. Deming. C. Xiaoling”s cousin. 8. What”s wrong w

6、ith Deming? A. He has got a cold. B. He has a bad headache. C. He worries about her cousin. 9. Why is Xiaoling at the hospital? A. Because she is ill. B. Because her cousin is ill. C. Because her leg is broken. 请听第8段材料,回答第1012小题。10. Where does Jenny”s father work? A. On a farm. B. In a factory. C. I

7、n a supermarket. 11. What did Jenny look for in Los Angeles? A. Her friend. B. Her father. C. A job. 12. How much money did Jenny get from Billy at last? A. Only five dollars. B. Only two dollars. C. A little luck. 请听第9段材料,回答第1315小题。13. What does the woman do? A. She is a visitor. B. She is a guide.

8、 C. She is a traveler. 14. What does the woman think of the policeman in London? A. Very kind and helpful. B. Very serious and busy. C. Very happy and friendly. 15. What”s about the passage? A. Talking to the travelers. B. Telling the traffic about London. C. Introducing the people in London. 请听第10段

9、材料,回答第1618小题。16. What should you do at the same time as listening? A. I should finish my answer. B. I should write the important ideas. C. I should read the questions carefully. 17. How many things does the teacher mainly tell the students in the passage? A. Two B. Three C. Four. 18. When does the p

10、assage happen? A. Before the listening exam. B. During the listening exam. C. After the listening exam. 第二部分 笔试(54分)三. 语言知识运用(1)(一)单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。19. That bridge is almost broken. _ is not safe to cross it. A. It B. She C. This D. That20. Lucy was _ duty yesterday, but s

11、he forgot to clean the classroom. A. in B. on C. at D. of21. Mary is one of my best _. A. friend B. a friend C. the friend D. friends22. Yesterday I saw the children enjoy _ in the park. A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. themselves23. Jack is working _ than last term. Maybe he can pass the exam

12、at last. A. hard B. hardest C. harder D. more hard 24. May I ask you a question? Sure. But you _ wait a minute. I am busy now. A. must B. may C. can D. would25. I won”t go to the party tomorrow. _ you told me you would. What”s happening? A. But B. So C. And D. Or26. How many days are there in a year

13、? There are _. A. three hundred and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty-fiveC. three hundreds and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty-five27. The teacher told the students _ in class. A. to not talk B. not talkC. not to talk D. talk28. Hi, Tom. Mike is looking for you. Where _ you _? A. have gone B.

14、 havebeenC. dogo D. aregoing29. Liu Ying”s dictionary cost 80 Yuan and mine cost 100 Yuan. Hers didn”t cost _ mine. A. as cheap as B. as many as C. as much as D. as expensive as 30. The Smiths have visited two famous cities. One is in Japan and _ is in China. A. another B. other C. others D. the oth

15、er31. I won”t go to see the film tonight because I _ my ticket. A. lost B. have lost C. will lost D. didn”t have 32. Go and see who”s in the classroom. _. I think they are all on the playground. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody33. Dad, please open the door, it _. OK, dear. I am coming.

16、A. locks B. locked C. is locked D. was locked34. Your bike is new. When did you buy it? I _ it since three months ago. A. bought B. had C. have bought D. have had 35. Do you know _? They moved here soon after their son was born. A. where the Greens movedB. where the Greens would moveC. when the Gree

17、ns moved hereD. when the Greens would move here 36. What is this in English? Sorry, I can”t _ it in English. A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak37. There are many beautiful flowers on _ sides of the road. A. each B. either C. neither D. both38. Can you play basketball with us, Tony? _. I have a lot of h

18、omework to do. A. I hope so B. Excuse meC. I”m afraid not D. It”s a pleasure. (二)完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever heard of the saying, “If you wait a friend, be one. ”What does it mean? There are many different things that you can do to make friends. You may

19、 find out what they are if you 39 carefully someone make friends. Here is 40 one new teacher made friends with the students in her class on the first day of the school. When the bell rang, the teacher smiled at all the students. Then she said, “Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you 41 my c

20、lass this year! I want to 42 each of you very much. I am sure we will enjoy working together. ”The teacher smiled and she used a pleasant 43 and acted in a friendly way. She told the students her name and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she told them something she liked to 44 and hoped to do with t

21、hem during the year. The students knew that she liked many of 45 things they liked. Everyone felt that she meant what she said. Each of them wanted to know her 46 and be her friend. Then she let the students tell something about themselves. So they felt that the teacher knew them. Could you make fri

22、ends as the teacher 47 ? How do you know and like your classmates? One way is to find out more about them. During the 48 you can talk with them. You may ask them their names and the names of the schools they went to last year. They want to know about you, too. You may tell them about your interests

23、or your holiday experiences. It is often easy to be friends with people who have the same 49 . As you talk, the others may be 50 , “I like to do. It should be fun to be friends with you. ”Remember! Just talking together in a friendly way is one good way to make friends. 39. A. see B. hear C. find D.

24、 watch40. A. what B. how C. why D. when41. A. for B. in C. with D. about42. A. teach B. know C. tell D. like43. A. voice B. sentence C. phrase D. sound44. A. do B. eat C. get D. play45. A. different B. interesting C. pleasant D. the same46. A. much B. better C. enough D. still47. A. was B. did C. go

25、t D. saw48. A. break B. class C. teaching D. day49. A. food B. sport C. games D. interests50. A. playing B. singing C. thinking D. talking四. 阅读理解(共22分,每小题2分)阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文。根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。(A)TimetableStopBus 1Bus 2Bus 3Bus 4Ferry6:006:307:007:30Old Street6:106:407:107:40Park6:256:557:257:55Ne

26、w Street6:307:007:308:00Hotel6:357:057:35Playground6:407:107:408:10Hospital7:008:008:30Market7:107:308:108:4051. How many stops are there in the timetable? A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight. 52. How long does it take to go from the Ferry to the Old Street by bus? A. Half an hour. B. Twenty minutes. C

27、. Ten minutes. D. Forty minutes. 53. At what time does Bus 4 arrive at the Playground? A. At seven fifty-five B. At ten past eight. C. At a quarter past eight. D. At eight o”clock. 54. Wang Hua works in the hospital. She must get to the hospital at 7:20. Which bus will she take? A. The first bus. B.

28、 The second bus. C. The third bus. D. The fourth bus. (B)The big red American car was much too wide for an English country road. When Jack saw it coming toward him, he stopped his own car at the side of the road to make room for it to pass. The American car went slowly so close that he could see the

29、 driver”s face quite clearly. “Where have I seen that face before? ”he thought, “Wait a minute! I remember now. It was in the newspaper! ”He took out the newspaper from his bag, turned quickly to the middle page. There was a picture of the face in it. Yes, it had a large mouth and small ears, and hi

30、s eyes were behind dark glasses. “Wanted by the police, ”read by Jack. “The City Bank will give a lot of money to anyone who helps the police to catch this man. ”“Call the police at once, ”he said to himself. But a few minutes later, he was sad. “This man was caught this morning. ”answered the polic

31、e. 55. In which country did the story happen? A. It happened in England. B. It happened in America. C. It happened in Australia. D. The story didn”t tell us. 56. Why did Jack stop his car? A. He didn”t want to pass by first. B. He wanted to see who the driver was. C. Because it was good for an Engli

32、shman to stop to let others go. D. The road was not wide enough for the two cars to pass at the same time. 57. Who was wanted by the police in the passage? A. Jack and the driver. B. Either Jack or the driver. C. Neither Jack nor the driver. D. The driver in the American car. (C)Reading is like ridi

33、ng a bicycle. You don”t read everything at the same speed. How fast you read often depends upon your reason for reading. Sometimes you need to read slowly and carefully. You do this when you study. You also read slowly when you are following a set of directions (说明). Sometimes you don”t want to read

34、 a whole article or story. You may just be looking for a fact you need to know. Or you might be looking for the answer to a question. When you read very quickly for such a purpose (目的), you are skimming (略读). The article you are reading may have subheadings (副标题)or less important titles. You can use

35、 these to help you find the part of the article you want. Other times you may be reading for fun. You read most novels (小说)this way. You don”t have to remember facts or ideas, so you read rather quickly. You often need to read such stories only once. 58. When you read stories for fun, you generally

36、read them _. A. very carefully B. many timesC. rather slowly D. no more than once59. You can skim when you _. A. are studying for examsB. are following a set of directionsC. ignore (忽略)the subheadings of an articleD. don”t want to know all the details (细节)of a whole article or story 60. When you rea

37、d a novel for fun, you _. A. skim because the details are not important any wayB. read it quickly so that you only have to read it onceC. read carefully because many things in the novel are not trueD. read quickly because it is not necessary to remember the details61. This article compares (比喻)readi

38、ng to riding a bicycle because _. A. you should read as fast as you ride a bicycle B. reading is as much a pleasure as riding a bicycle C. you change speeds in reading as well as in riding a bicycle D. you must read slowly as you ride a bicycle slowly for safety 第II卷(非机读卷 共42分)一. 语言知识运用(2)(一)用方框中所给词

39、语的适当形式填空,每空一词(每个词语只准使用一次)。(共5分,每小题0.5分)have a rest be late for do how often where neitheron since used to long1. _ does your grandparents live? In Guangzhou. 2. _ does your father go to see a film? Once a week. 3. We will go to a high school _ September 1. 4. You will come here earlier. Don”t _ clas

40、s next time. 5. If your homework _ well, you may go out to play. 6. They haven”t seen each other _ they met in the street last time. 7. Changjiang River is one of the _ rivers in the world. 8. Which do you prefer, a glass of coffee or a bottle of milk? _. Thanks. I”d like just a cup of tea. 9. My fa

41、ther _ smoke in the past, but now he doesn”t any longer. 10. Mr. Black has worked for 8 hours. He is very tired and he wants to stop _. (二)根据中文意思完成句子。(共5分,每小题1分)11. 我想请你帮我复习功课。I want you to _ my lessons. 12. 请吃些水果好吗?_ to eat some fruits? 13. 外面正在下雨,你最好不要出去。It is raining outside. You _. 14. 2008年在北京举

42、办的奥运会对中国人民来说是十分重要的。_ hold the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. 15. 李平不想吃东西,他的胃不舒服。Li Ping doesn”t want to eat anything because _ his stomach. 二. 口语交际(共10分,每小题2分)根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上写出所缺少的句子。A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bookshop is? B: Sorry, I”m a new comer. Please ask the man over there. A:

43、 16. _. (The man walks to the other man. )Excuse me. How can I get to the bookshop? C: 17. _. And then you”ll find the bookshop on your right. A: 18. _? C: About one kilometer away. A: 19. _? C: Sorry, here is no bus stop. You have to walk there. A: Thank you very much. B: 20. _. 三. 阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分

44、)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。I”m Joan Croft. I have to say that I came into nursing by chance (机会). I didn”t really like my first job, which was office work. I was a secretary. It was all rightbut that”s just about all you can say about it. I stayed in the same place with the same people around me all day and ev

45、ery day. Then I became a singer, which I enjoyed very much, but after a while the singing group broke up (解散)and I had to start looking for something else. Some girls have wanted to be nurses ever since they were children, but it never entered my head until I saw an advertisement (广告)in a paper. I w

46、rote in and thought, “Oh, well, I”ll give it a try. ”One thing I liked about it was going away from home. The training itself is very interesting and most of it is just on the wards (病房), so that you very quickly begin nursing real patients. I lived in the nurses” home when I arrived and I had my own room, which was very nice. I like nursing more than I ever thought I would. I”ll always carry on nursing. I”ve got a boyfriend who is a doctor so I hope to get married sometime, but wherever I live there”s sure to be a

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