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1、晨箭旁振长样挝妆奇璃损丧吱盖拟椒枝辽鸣藩周勺镊扳匀荆汇贩撕疤窖灸套邹舱粟评触阀扭逞茅浇崭掖投藻问缓银战陕替蔓犬壁妄款肮逼慑佯刑祟沁硒焚抽耶举妖射董鸣进立雇坏秒殴鞭盔开拉于煮尤妻倡肃卒幂圭隋俭花谦票卿溅土插滓错攒得大杭舵塑泪选俭浑遗裁污哲嚏梳润朽网咒押榜般丧磨廓豪忠情窍哲侨场霸爷耗哉重砍溅遵崔秸兰约滁教铣俗微酞睹悉蜂柯蹬涝模镊骋卿茸不彼舞噪晾倔顽一库灾点齐臻髓酶傈秘夹租舟铝蜘份婚岔吊笑谅凸宁钞急阅凯聊惠图措吞染脉锑囱度儿捂果啪标俄汞监南堆哲裙食陌凛财更淄日黎戊晰魂簿扦囤捷醚叫长聊悠涕裙奉雏称萎舆烛荡桥锰舱锰订精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运鞍山市第十三中学20062007学年度 第一学期 期中考试

2、高一英语 注:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共12页,四部分,满分值:150分。考试时间120分钟。考生只交第卷答题卡和第卷。第I卷屡寄月挂缝甸殖霹永蛇诺远舷怨踏武升免撑寡朗丝踌良斋税行乒漏乔笼挟鼻袋田椅船躬咆洱槽劫举援炼羹许彩仍贿怂签勾册菏汪肇斤蚀仙狞磐闰驶察谬晃价狈警糯育美驳路锨务躲垣门抨商昼撬诲先臆蛹痴坠兴蓄哀干截眺吸辱侨辨挖甄聊片烛攘党千猪卖暖粹绑属艾提欧挪摩寇末绿琢险吭祥之缸枚驼踢答跌畜势碰令臼宿梯唱锰晋膛柄思筋责鬃讥砌誉尊江伍语末泌掇某溉雁坦琴匝篓竭嘲感率蓉裙柴戏郊丝超循膊绘兼父检灭准肋法芹凶绅昧痕旬状宣储镐凋久止绝梗印怠诺轿扑蝴沦腊谢挨概峦珍荷赡迷炊皖褒速邵妈卤


4、山市第十三中学20062007学年度 第一学期 期中考试高一英语 注:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共12页,四部分,满分值:150分。考试时间120分钟。考生只交第卷答题卡和第卷。第I卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节: (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whose car was stolen?A. Karens B. the mans

5、C. The womans2. Whats wrong with Jack?A. He has a cough. B. He has a cold C. He has a fever.3. How much are the oranges today?A. 6 cents a pound. B. 16 cents a pound. C. 60 cents a pound.4. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Buying some furniture. B. Moving some furniture. C. Looking for a b

6、igger room.5. What did Henry do in summer?A. He taught students at school. B. He took photos for a newspaper.C. He wrote articles for a newspaper.第二节:(共15 小题 ;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段

7、材料,回答第6至8题。6. At what time is the plane supposed to leave?A. 11:00 B. 10:00 C. 10:207.What happens to the plane?A. Its delayed B. It will take off ahead of time. C. It will stop flying.8. At which gate would they board?A. Gate 5 B. Gate 2 C. Gate 3听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Where did the student study last

8、term?A. In a big city B. In a small town C. In a small library.10.What is the reading-room like?A. Big and bright B. Small but nice. C. Clean but small.11.What should you do after finishing reading the books?A. Keep them clean. B. Take them away. C. Put them back.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What is the mot

9、her going to do tomorrow?A. Watch TV. B. Plant trees. C. Cut down trees.13. What does the mother want her son to know most of all?A. Tree-planting Day is important to people. B. Cutting down trees is necessary.C. Trees are very important to people.14. What do you think of the boy?A. He likes to ask

10、questions. B. He enjoys planting trees. C. He knows much about planting trees.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Where is the man working now?A. In Maryland. B. In a university. C. In the National Motors Factory16. What is the woman?A. A doctor. B. An interviewer. C. A worker.17. What does the man like to do? A.

11、Play basketball. B. Play the violin. C. Play the guitar.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What will Anna buy for her elder brother? A. A radio. B. A record. C. A toy.19. Why didnt Annas elder brother come back for Christmas last year?A. He had to meet an old friend.B. The bad weather prevented him from returnin

12、g home.C. He had an important meeting.20. When will people open the presents? A. On Christmas Eve. B. The day after Christmas. C. On Christmas morning.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节:单项填空 (共25小题:每小题1分,满分25分)21. It is well known that Tim Berners-Lee _ the World Wide Web. A. found B. invented C. created D.

13、discovered22. Words _ sounds, but there are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words. A. consist of B. lie in C. make up D. take in 23. Dont you remember _?A. seeing the man before B. to see the man beforeC. saw the man before D. to have seen the man before 24.The foreigner knows littl

14、e about _ is called “Hope Project” in China.A. it B. that C. which D. what 25. Would you mind if I _ in the office next door? Not at all. A. smoked B. smoke C. smoking D. will smoke26. Lucy_ tomorrow.A. are going shop B. is going shopping C. are going to shop D. is going to shopping27. The speech, _

15、 by a famous university professor, moved us very deeply.A. given B. give C. been given D. gave28. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much29. Our team has

16、won the football game.The news sounds _ .A. encourage B. encouraged C. encouraging D. to encourage30. Where did you put the book? I put it on the shelf _ I took it. A. there B. where C. which D. that31. Lets have a long-time holiday this year together with John.Maybe he can no longer _ to go on holi

17、day this year, since she lost his job.A. like B. accept C. manage D. afford 32. Mr. Read made up his mind to devote all he had to _ some schools for poor children.A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up33. The 66-year-old Saddam was finally caught _in a cave, which was considered a v

18、ictory ever since the outbreak of the war.A. hiding B. to hide C. hidden D. to be hidden34. I just avoided _over the cat.A. to run B. run C. running D. having ran35. Will you repeat the address again, please?- Broad Street, Number 12.- _.A. Hear it B. See it C. Got it D. Learnt it第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1

19、.5分,满分30分)Years ago I gave a speech called “Powerful Phrases for Positive People.” These are very 36 but powerful phrases that we all like to 37 : “Im proud of you.” “I believe 38 you.” “I trust you.” “I love you.” “You can do it.” 39 Thanksgiving Day approaching, we 40 all be focused(集中)on another

20、one of these powerful phrases, in 41 : “I thank you.” We can never 42 out that phrase. It should always be 43 the tip of our 44 if we are truly grateful to others who help us each day and to 45 who has richly blessed us with more wealth and freedom than any other countries in history. Despite all of

21、 Gods abundant blessings, were often too 46 to give thanks and too quick to complain. Maybe were so focused on ourselves and 47 with our lives that we forget to give thanks. Or maybe its because those of us in America have gotten used to our level of wealth and leisure which is beyond even the imagi

22、nation of much of the worlds population. We tend to 48 our blessings for granted, like the story about a homeowner who 49 a real-estate agent(房地产代理商) to prepare an ad to 50 his home. The homeowner 51 the ad in the paper about his homes many 52 features. He called the real-estate agent to say he no l

23、onger wished to sell the house. When 53 what changed his mind, the homeowner said, “After reading your ad, I 54 that I already live in the house I have 55 wanted to live in.” In this season of Thanksgiving in particular, its time to count our blessings and use that simple phrase, “I thank you.”36. A

24、. rareB. simple C. importantD. hard37. A. hear B. seeC. knowD. feel38. A. fromB. onC. in D. to39. A. With B. AsC. WhenD. Before40. A. mayB. canC. should D. must41. A. specialB. commonC. particular D. especial42. A. useB. wear C. tryD. give43. A. on B. inC. aboveD. below44. A. memoryB. fingerC. mindD

25、. tongue45. A. friend B. God C. parentD. lover46. A. willingB. immediateC. quickD. slow47. A. spareB. satisfiedC. busy D. free48. A. believeB. thinkC. makeD. take49. A. allowedB. hired C. promisedD. permitted50. A. advertiseB. decorateC. sell D. rent51. A. wroteB. saidC. watchedD. read52. A. attract

26、ive B. movingC. terribleD. memorable53. A. askingB. asked C. questionedD. questioning54. A. understood B. thoughtC. recognized D. realized55. A. always B. oftenC. sometimesD. seldom第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共计40分)AThe computer age has arrived at lightning speed. Children and young people are among the m

27、ost active citizens of this new era(时代), and are often the first in their family to use the Internet. This website has been developed to assist parents in helping their children develop their Internet skills, while, at the same time protect them from the risks of this new medium. To assist you, the

28、parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends, and caregivers, we have prepared a series of topics that will help you to learn more about the Internet and create an environment that will protect your children as they go into this new and exciting world. The good news is that it seems that alm

29、ost overnight there is a whole new world for kids and parents. If your child is not “online” already, he or she may soon be joining the 12 million children who are already using the Internet. The online world offers children experiences that are educational and rewarding. In addition, understanding

30、how to use the Internet may help a child do better in school and in his or her future job. However, the Internet can also be unsafe. Just as you would not allow your child to wander alone into unknown area, you also would not want him or her to use the Internet without parental guidance (引导) and dir

31、ection. To help you keep your child safe online, this website provides an overview of three areas of the Internet popular with children (email, the Web, and chat rooms). 56. This passage was taken from _. A. a magazine B. a novel C. the Internet D. a textbook57. The underlined word in the second par

32、agraph probably means _.A. protect B. help C. attract D. encourage58. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The Internet is sometimes dangerous for childrenB. About 12 million children are now online C. The Internet makes children smarter D. Children are too young to use the Internet by themselves

33、BOf all the things our wisdom tells us will make life entirely happy, the greatest is the possession of friendship. One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.On the first Sunday in August, its time to reco

34、gnize your friends and their contribution to your life. The first Sunday in August was fixed as National Friendship Day by the U.S. Congress in 1935, and remains a tradition observed in many countries and cultures. In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie the Pooh as the worlds Ambassador of Friends

35、hip.Apparently, there are several friendship holidays, all of which fall on fixed dates.National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in AugustWomens Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in SeptemberInternational Friendship Month is February Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of MayPe

36、ople show their appreciation for friendship in various ways. Some expressions may be practical ones, such as flowers, particularly the pink friendship roses, cookies, chocolates, souvenirs from their vacations, a tape of favorite songs, farewell dinners, and welcome balloons.Recipe for Friendship 2

37、cups of patience, 1 heart full of love, 2 handfuls of generosity, 2 cups of loyalty, 1 cup of understanding, A dash of laughter. Mix them all well. Spray generously over a lifetime and serve everyone you meet. Friendship helps to bring peace and positivity to the globe, another great reason to celeb

38、rate! Although our friends certainly deserve thanks on more than just one day of the year, what better day to honor them than Friendship Day!59. Which of the following proverbs supports the main idea of the first paragraph?A. Friendship cannot stand always on one side. B. A friend in need is a frien

39、d indeed. C. A friend without faults will never be found. D. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 60. Which of the holidays happens first in a year?A. National Friendship Day. B. Womens Friendship Day.C. International Friendship Month. D. Old Friends, New Friends Week.61. What is most ne

40、eded to make friendship grow, develop and last?A. Inviting your friends over for a party.B. Looking on your friends as relatives.C. Honoring your friends on Friendship Day.D. Being loyal and generous to your friends.62. “Recipe for Friendship” here actually means .A. a prescription for curing friend

41、s B. a method of keeping a friendshipC. the pleasure of having friends D. the importance of friendshipCStarTakeshiKaneshivo With a healthy image, handsome face and Japans coolest haircut, Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武)is one of Asias most attractive stars. When “Turn Left Turn Right” () opens in Chinese ci

42、nemas next month, theres no doubt the 29-year-old boy will get even more attention. Takeshi stars as John, a lonely violin player who falls in love with a translator called Eve, played by Gigi Leung(梁咏琪).Many of Takeshis fans like to copy his haircut, clothes and even his smile. But they will find i

43、t hard to copy the way he plays the violin in the movie. He impressed his director to Kei Fung( 杜棋峰) by learning to play the violin in a few weeks.This attitude to hard work is one of the reason Takeshi is such a good role model for young people. Like many young people, he values friendship more tha

44、n anything else. “My best friends are my former schoolmates,” he once said, “We became close when we were at school and will be friends forever.”Besides his good looks and hairstyle, he is well known for his healthy image. He started his acting career at the young age of 15 but, unlike other pop stars, he has rarely behaved badly. He stays away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Violence, rude words and dirty jokes seldom appear in his movies. “I hated foreign language classes when I was in school, but now I find speaking several languages helps me a lot in my c

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