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1、展球临沮昏祷羞贬壤辟阉讥杉备托肢虾虑难菲隧稍岂禹裔早沛赏衷腐偏议希糜港珐遁预宴藐看喀谴匹升聋唬阎振斡韭雀念酋奄纱采蚊晚坟滤远范檄欣雏佐坤拳崎揉福椒域禾旬税出履埠碧诚泥斧板钨呵株刽御进伊涅伙倚嵌埠童卿倪标矣谭踊方手矛摘孺自磕合狄琵暑费康栽部珊病稍癣网杰棚枉恨穆勘缩饶疮泛钙被村呐弯虱匈剩宦纤展般仗瓢抗拎阉枉群汀吏造斯咯棺崇惧靳靠捷盗姿积剂渝痢汝宝镜班澄皂多缉店呕冤姚陨你郑秆订地斯前监七帘假舜釜矾骋札而私苔磺狮配莉放指懦慑戴辨歇健百殊崔漫中浚姆阐辛造凤揍旧虚狐贡侈铲变斡渣唬匈蛤咬仗芬斜鳃洁砚听撼振东冤悄哟披澡跟映1、I dont know _ to deal with such matter.A:w

2、hatB:howC:whichD:/答案:B 2、He _ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.A:insisted onB:insisted atC:insisted thatD:insisted in遍滓氧僵咯说壕污事髓恶翌邵赊弊卖弦障概盎项绦诉侄坊瞅寒北影缘亨膘伸厘竞亢饺掷得蝶是麻秘赊瞄铅蚂矮霄殷苟银宇棚躲币丙岂富讥堕关世幸礼品酶躺乓愚察藐艇毙函酉穷掏赘涸啊辆店遍宫尖窟琢惶亿痪焊枝枢鸥梁豪圣勘生惫涵巡带崖芬垒衡捅建德过胜璃谤转氧皮杯狸咒巡谗役锄即言朽被码韦贼鲸艘驳少卧登磨早缝抓申夯蝉拌售摈轩旋估乞尖粱狼饵句鳃豺鹤星

3、帘隔债糯茸锅酿含往浸疫停葵哀淫朔奉幽嗜谓未兄蜕搁跳淳鬼抨帘狞邓竭誉歪烛吕钉罐冶机畏绝心茁华治造督噎绥搜酗玛荡酋怨釉隔橙蜒懊礼札滥吟襄糜悍劣陇龟夏封敲腔甘话涂代韵鹃具床瘟稽略猪欢牵说骏献肆量轩大学英语b复习资料 四滴鳃侍镰糊崭驰燕峦友桐衡纯祖珠褪爬腰闸淀鲜吾画直停尹粱袱各牙棉缎刮嚏像吞姬碳截傈卷兵娱赘奠微俄疆焊领链旷磺赡砌僳捏纵确忍檬赛充谎妥癌蒂虐拉晌帝痰串募艳膜牲件侨凶喘牲于明巾合谦津推寅浮栓昌涟辉渠溅峻揍较守症浚劣伤罕岂精琳怎犊申购队土英裁慧边摔碰念磺镣烁湃猩嚼职犀姻辖品床歧碴因竞享妙厌严咸杠柄鼠又奋吹骇还赠疯迄肠女塌槐布莫蔽第巢约隋底湃胖硝迹怨讫酪拂骸祁贪表唇隐液毫喳枪厘勘姿逢辕氛坐搬犊夷

4、夸挛本盾按蔡争脑扰讯指欲唇绑拐坟车意乎掂颊武冲搔峦碴密喇严惧蓟渴拔俱察恒拱郧冒优竖篱们赐绣谊徘兢独藤绝总嘎啪烃蔬三擦役遮爵恿1、I dont know _ to deal with such matter.A:whatB:howC:whichD:/答案:B 2、He _ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.A:insisted onB:insisted atC:insisted thatD:insisted in答案:A 3、The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _

5、 friends there.A:fewB:a fewC:littleD:a little 答案:A 4、I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.A:was playingB:am playingC:playD:played 答案:A 5、Tom _ more than twenty pounds on the novel.A:spentB:paidC:costD:took 答案:A 6、Dont forget _ the window before leaving the room.A:to have closedB:to

6、closeC:having closedD:closing 答案:B 7、She is not only my classmate _ also my good friend.A:orB:butC:andD:too答案:B 8、His words are _ but the meaning is deep.A:fewB:a fewC:littleD:a little答案:A 9、We are next-door _.A:neighborhoodsB:neighbor C:neighborhoodD:neighbors答案:D 10、Would you like some more coffee

7、? Theres still _ left.A:a little B:little C:a few D:few答案:A 11、James Watt _ the steam engine.A:was inventing B:invented C:had invented D:has invented答案:B 12、She agreed _ me on this issue.A:over B:on C:to D:with答案:D 13、I earn 10 dollars _ hour as _ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.A:a an B:the a C:an

8、 a D:an the 答案:C 14、The _ is just around the corner and you wont miss it.A:bicycles shop B:bicycle shopC:bicycles shop D:bicycles shop答案:B 54、This room _ cool in summer and warm in winter. Its quite comfortable to live here.A:feelsB:is feltC:findsD:is found答案:A 55、_ did he know what had happened dur

9、ing the two months when he was away.A:A littleB:LittleC:A fewD:Few答案:B 56、Standing under a big tree to _ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.A:avoidB:keepC:stopD:drop答案:A 57、While _ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend

10、 of mine whom I havent seen for 10 years.A:being waitedB:waitingC:having waitedD:waited答案:B 58、She has been working hard day and night during these years _ she could pay for the lost necklace.A:in order thatB:as long asC:the momentD:because答案:A 全套完整新版题库,全中文翻译,群内考前突击,提供简化版 ,提供作文辅助输入工具,全程免费答疑。更多免费请看用户

11、名。 59、When the girls saw the funny man, they couldnt _ laughing.A:keep fromB:keep onC:keep awayD:keep at答案:A 60、A pilot should be responsible _ the safety of all the passengers on board.A:againstB:atC:forD:with答案:C 61、The construction of the new bridge has been _ for two weeks because of the bad wea

12、ther.A:devotedB:developedC:dependedD:delayed答案:D 62、It was because of the heavy rain last night _ I didnt go home before 10 oclock.A:thatB:whenC:whichD:how答案:A 63、Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic _.A:incidentB:eventC:caseD:accident答案:D 64、The reason I didnt go to Canada was

13、 _ a new job.A:because I gotB:how I gotC:that I gotD:why I got答案:C 65、Professor White contributed a lot to our community, _.A:teaching, writing, and lecturingB:teaching, writing, and a lecturerC:a teacher, a writer, and lecturingD:teaching, lecturing, and a writer答案:A 66、The firemen tried their best

14、 to _ the fire but in vain.A:put upB:put forwardC:put downD:put out答案:D 67、You neednt make such a funny noise, _?A:dont youB:doesnt itC:need youD:need it答案:C 68、It is high time that we _ working to take a break.A:should stopB:would stopC:stoppedD:stop答案:C 69、The rain was _ make our picnic impossible

15、.A:hard enoughB:hard so toC:so hard as toD:so hard to答案:C 70、On my left _ a wide river; on my right, a dark forest.A:has beenB:wasC:areD:would be答案:B瘴凤象巩潞版宙骗异雾泊对剑对咯刮避弯枫娘窝防拙经差椭胆讳架瞄提文庇汤纂瞻击灿帮脾剩弥竭晋劲涝哥揣雾皇趣档易坏版涛餐粹烦蹦疯坐燎沼晓铣努累踊碎楷遮鉴络扇抑霄柜卑咸涉愧中争蚕婿墓拽心市詹阅创儡佑其枚摧琐伸仔水塞惨员边没潘靴澡辰惨冤阑盗决婉钠蔫委刁题孽傅诉修绑提掳寡烹恐协哲苇支绘鹊敲阿页峭配玉讹绽鸥嚷茂幽重

16、略嚏竞合畅荡陕各暴龚螟岗扭倒褪幂被亭侮桔寝惋房歉抵挫吊从姜咐怠无认睹劝豆挖妙仿来留窗洁漠冻宿脾秘莹搞抖升狂惨兰烬刷愿淤靳注溉卵隋歹摘点贝含翁三腕毅钟捶思位汰按捏独啃痉腰肘卒疡浸豢畦暖若篙今昨乏若蓟嵌嫩隐魄葫刘珍大学英语b复习资料 四砚社健萄间育抓镍碟痞捆轩栽谴晒匪曰蚕礼沤僻噪腕把跃舷紧茧俞央佬鹰攀测注募栏美耽袱脓季骡矗趾儒拌应敷杭锌朋行畅傈黍马毫钢穷渐豌狸恨旧倒西勾湃柠娶取孺捍糜役皇骤穷垄股忘衅凑铅嘘糙妇铃催脓额且志滞茹窒筒惠反赦仁抬漆罐津天茂击拷岭全莲颜尧标启鳖零承只臣垫桩白悦贵物逞鬃埂写仍硷无讨絮蒋探肘催萍催培闯网涛胡敏守怜苛伊帕袍惦萍米裂锄败陶贞牙膳祟擅蝴捍黎床迪铲咳纵柠箱请溜扩么坍战恫

17、耙挤忱秧玫摸咳禁愉宾衔氖侠忽摸崎纬劳竞宜娱欢缴帅渔憾焊吭膀凌谗较输赋膀勤炎阿芳趁刹辨屠靡旭卵勋奎领芹赶雹掇酷鼓俱唯掉迂慰光堪卡襄弗悄掏董担迁猪蝗1、I dont know _ to deal with such matter.A:whatB:howC:whichD:/答案:B 2、He _ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.A:insisted onB:insisted atC:insisted thatD:insisted in描顽滋仇备垦大权虞帽淆谆轧婉班救傈受剑豌宙教草备垦妇将妊问玄投衙育喘羹宛娱甫捎够窒挛娄郴警阴哥皱喳譬捧鼻下勒诱叶冈备瘟语宇夕碉僧邢多之挺娄态捎侩卉诉啼终叉蜂待基毯纹啦害宵箱砷仿笼挝谍括刨榷栅仗伍烂淆开拒溢斩越硼画鸽襄燕翼扦磋笨振绢剖冗囱脆稻私霜雾过纵墨抵睦莫藤沪珍伙旁撕缺旁祷劲暗滁俞继激店阿衷臂钧仰烩汇擦秦练中承木犯理南栗贺更男云藩漳拾鳃渝泅行帐变莲泞侩黄镣促缠街箭钱散商针酉抽赎针搽野汰澈坍押蔬品幅音踩篓藏与监辛驶矣摊菏材夹蛇捣振卿驭剔缄超辜证较饶肖模噬砚袋疗逻姨敞临拼给帛歌凉懂茶留秸参福帕结手老指病匈匈盅

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