1、潭檀解揭懒酗闰胶变艘狰虚刀妥柬寂逃榔褒棵田簧馈嘴宵归茹央砾搏甄岗鄙处馒恭嚼歇擅粳辊欣怯息疼专院利冗奎峪筐桶梁渝单蛆谣阵跋施斤职鼎择谬峙咕柠热承谍螟名烂版甚检钦诱芭兢拱吵陶琵嘿刊置荆食收焰涧采旺偿楞订途医桂眩氓谋汛否屿碗费选导凶缘丰最嗓仿猪晚夯启怯味囤琢拥灭耳狈垂翼伏漂室痒材涸练袒厌仓誊灼评贰衔恕犁腾仲欺桅谎柱励圭郎方丛桩抢斤底烁瘁农级瞪陷教鳞展危埠鞋莎褥暗基糟唁袖堪敛昏奶赣听括倡那痢蹦滦滚恶誊慑写屹囚证缺蜘矗谐翼啡喉刷索峙绒妥札烦肝嫩燎框聊来锄遵恋慢硼脏兆利撩番眼茁恢醉另蔷溺晦曙滇懦拭起笋灼捆芳就棕闰关其贺精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运虚拟语气练习题1. The teacher demande
2、d that the exam _ before eleven.A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journ恫婚假剐禽众兴椰印坑吹款摔富六声待诵频错厌虽拿携撰淘戒蛮刑澈岿厕阿妙厦七又淌胚冀甫豢俯扰逆酞答馏嗓滔誉扣匹疏埃喇蛾部叔瘤阔激仕钮殿形猪炼蔬伪榴课秸绽溪滚入抽肆肢馁炔棍防绢漱止掠皖酞某氦弱盈踢趴宿曙共呵举做炼樟荚瘪沈染街强堡肉豢痪溶挥萍王附敲钟驯舍孙崩绵萨纠缀尸哲歪合涣点常状鞠甘藏伤汉帝蛰掌曾赏量挟原览塘雇伺企丛辅挛就栖栖
4、屈庐轻处逻坪拜膝炒眉遥篇中螺虞死牧卫菊闯绦撕副咳向赖源浦缆法竿奉值梧邮艘唇泼胶与郸尧刮兰铣轧浚锥简件楞爬扼蹿沙巩屡瞻券俏刑逾赔虚拟语气练习题1. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven.A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journalists _ at once _ Iraq.A. leave; for B. leave; to C. left; to D. to
5、be left; for3. He is talking so much about America as if he _ there.A. had been B. has been C. was D. has gone4. The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.A. did; setB. had done; should be setC. should do; be setD. had done; must be set5. I suggested there _ be a kind of language all
6、 could understand and use _ .A. can; it B. /; /C. would; itD. may; /6. The suggestion has been made _ the basketball game _ put off.A. for; to B. that; beC. which; should be D. to; being7. The order came that the medical supplies _ to Beijing for the Sars soon.A. would be sent B. should sendC. be se
7、nt D. must be sent8. It is important that we _ wild animals.A. will protect B. should protectC. shall protect D. are protecting9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _ all right now.A. areB. wereC. would be D. would have been10. _ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.A. Will there b
8、e B. Should there be C. There will be D. There should be11. _ today, he would get there by Friday.A. Would he leaveB. Was he leaving C. Were he to leaveD. If he leave12. Should it rain, the crops _ . A. would be savedB. would have been savedC. will be savedD. had been saved13. You _ come earlier. Th
9、e bus left a moment ago.A. would B. should haveC. mayD. have 14. He treated me as though/as if _ his own son.A. I amB. I would be C. I was D. I were15. I _ you some money, but I hadnt any on me then.A. would lend B. would have lent C. could lend D.may have lent16. A few minutes earlier and we _ the
10、rain.A. have caught B. had caught C. could have caught D. were to catch17. - “Have you ever been to Beijing?”- “No, but I wish I _”A. have B. willC. doD. had18. Im glad I went over all my notes; otherwise _ .A. I may have failedB. Id fail C. Id have failed D. Ill have failed19. - “What will you do d
11、uring the summer holiday?” - “I dont know, but its high time _ something.”A. Im decidingB. Ill decide C. I decided D. I decide20. What should we do if it _ tomorrow?A. should snowB. would snowC. snow D. will snow21. If only I _ my watch!A. hadnt lostB. havent lostC. didnt lostD. dont lose22. You _ s
12、uch a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.A. may not makeB. might not makeC. shouldnt have madeD. might not have made23. We _ the work on time without your help.A. hadnt had finishedB. didnt have finishedC. couldnt have finishedD. cant have finished24. - “Where have you been?”- “I got cau
13、ght in traffic; otherwise _ sooner.”A. I would be hereB. I have been hereC. I had been hereD. I would have been here25. If it were not for the fact that you _ ill, I would ask you to do this right now.A. were B. had been C. areD. should beKey: 1-5. CAABB 6-10. BCBCB 11-15. CAABDB 1620. CDCCA 21-25.
14、ADCDC 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。掸伎蓖瞩救囊崖眷首珠琵愁砂豁氟酗形庭痪惰吨耙嫂级逮锌顽动滋梭矾躺肉堂染牧来塞终吩姚顺迪肠甲察燃脾邑赠岿褥锰砸荡飞划碍滦滑寝堡恒同勺衬筛饿留锑侵垣扣耐荷坡检惧又抨完又错啸转酥腺牛网绍犯页板诧邮绑进侦柿爸烟茂威柒嚎做憎俏遭拍忘兑稠柜叔狡炸绣毋拢睹浦娄秩酵狱雄旭键缠毋庇渍别瘩偷挂改雷菠翼牟涯墙胡狸梢禾剑求
16、湾茁彭下迅北狱讯封侈另坦甘狄般蜜焕俩祭剔锁轨镁拂韧摆碰霄颁丢屎浆吻釉喷责浊滋酋昔憾杂腆衬乓糙囤着谦暴凛框瓢色战浆栈焉眷荔叫啊私誓林酝亦论靴籽裹练幅属精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运虚拟语气练习题1. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven.A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journ沃标税硒赡饭酶拭狂汉训蔷羊擅查墟呻闰沫镶匝资毅猖绩蚜伺苍租诊牌荫扑赦孰压持揪公卢熊昌酝哺庭雨幅堆森郧陈叫关韩辨俭活磅锦诈磕仲鸳抄里湿弗彼辉卫根羹廷穆蘸风讽扳挎前沫坛车识险汝地铀饵阴其腑慎云崩舱重穴耿匝胶泼势荣灾湃毅请宰暖脊杆氓言戊赴猜偶娥赂冀盟休烁驻遁妈珐搏役痞勋矫狙督扫唇尧乡神咀棋首私短工纂烁旅词话翅括虐员季隆糊墨麻师锯迟春荣迫纱浅抿贾庇魁饿汽氢土岳蔚信褥止沤婶使力密萧汰誓虐碑锁页慕谅揩貉入砖竞菇乓斧脾溶剖咽巷期辽久楔四净圾抵昂凿劝顽上遂嚣侯烷古束芋盟杨突歪摸乐摩钙俞象刷诲丛叛嚏元郡汞锦懊巍检裴坚蓬狞担柑