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1、阅读了解第一讲 怎样做好主旨大意题第1页阅读材料特点:第2页怎样做好中考中阅读了解呢?1、浏览全文,了解文章大意。注意每一段第一句和最终一句2、带着问题细读全文,标示细节出处。3、碰到生词,灵活处理。4、检验答案,防止疏漏。能在原文找到答案能在原文找到答案3%-5%生词生词词不离句词不离句第3页完成选择时,看其是否与文中内容相矛盾,有没有文中信息支持点看它是否完全符合题目标要求假如让你判断其标题话,要看文章表示是人还是事,从而推断其标题内容全部选项必须以文章为基础,不要随意发挥想像或联想第4页怎样做好主旨大意题?第5页一、主旨大意题一、主旨大意题 (做题要领)1.1.干扰项干扰项 可能属文中某

2、个详细事实或细节。可能属文中某个详细事实或细节。2.2.干扰项干扰项 可能属从文中一些可能属从文中一些 (不完全不完全)事实或细节片事实或细节片面推出错误结论。面推出错误结论。3.3.干扰项干扰项 可能属非文章事实主观臆断。可能属非文章事实主观臆断。(正确答案正确答案)是依据文章意思全方面了解而归纳概括出来;是依据文章意思全方面了解而归纳概括出来;但不能太笼统、言过其实或以偏概全。但不能太笼统、言过其实或以偏概全。第6页技巧解析技巧解析:主旨大意题主要考查对文章主题或中心思想领会和了解能力。:主旨大意题主要考查对文章主题或中心思想领会和了解能力。寻找主题句寻找主题句往往是做好这类题关键。所以,





7、earthquakeC.Dontbeafraidoftheearthquake主题句也可能出现在段尾:主题句也可能出现在段尾:作者先摆出事实依据,或者提出问题,然后层层推进,提出处理方法,然后后文再深入详述。本段中心思想在结尾句得到表达,是全文主题句,下文按照主题句进行展开 第9页Wevetalkedaboutsnails(蜗牛)andtheirslowmove.Butmuchofthetimesnailsdontmoveatall.Theyareintheirshells(壳)sleeping.Hotsunwilldryoutasnailsbody.Soattheleastsignofhot




11、hasnotcastAmericanautoworkerstheirjobsassomeexpertspredicted.FordoperatesasfarasAsia,andGeneralMotorsisconsideredAustraliansbiggestemployer.YetGeneralMotorshasitshugeAmericanworkforceandemployshundredsofpeopleeverydaytomeettheneedsofaninsatiable(不能不能满满足)足)society.Which of the following statements be

12、st expresses the main idea of the paragraphA.GMisoneofthelargestcarproducers.B.FordoperatesnotonlyintheU.S.A.,butalsoinAsia.C.TheforeigncarshavenottakenawaythejobsofAmericanautoworkers.D.ThefloodofthecheaperforeigncarsisterribleforAmericanautoworkers.第11页解题方法技巧:第12页在一篇短文或一个段落中,主题句情况有三种:第13页(山东滨州)65.



15、omtheeffortsIvemade,”saidYang.Peoplenowthinkshesveryhard-working.Shestillremembersthetimewhenpeoplegaveherthecoldeyes.Attheageof79ShebecametheambassadorfortheClimateGroup.YangMiissuccessfulnowbecauseshe80.80.【解析】主旨大意题 通读全文可知:杨幂成功是经过努力工作。is(very)hard-working/works(very)hard/makesefforts/hasmadeeffort




19、要有以下几个类型:第23页一针对细节和事实逻辑推理一针对细节和事实逻辑推理1.简单数字推理题简单数字推理题2.细节推理题细节推理题这类题目主要是推断文章出处、事发地点、这类题目主要是推断文章出处、事发地点、人物关系等。人物关系等。3.事实推理题事实推理题 推理推理=事实事实+逻辑逻辑 第24页二针对上下文之间逻辑关系推断二针对上下文之间逻辑关系推断1.利用句子之间承接与转换关系推断。利用句子之间承接与转换关系推断。NowandagainIhavehadhorribledreams,butnotenoughofthemmakemelosemydelightindreams.Mostpeopled








27、ficultyadjustingtothechange第28页2.注意仔细琢磨作者表示情感及对某事态度注意仔细琢磨作者表示情感及对某事态度用词方式。用词方式。必定:certainly,nodoubt,surely,不太必定:possibly,maybe,itissaidthat情感色彩:great,terrific,wonderfully,sadly,shame第29页推理判断题主要题型推理判断题主要题型(一一)推断人物性格特征推断人物性格特征(二二)、推测文段前后内容、推测文段前后内容(三三)、推断文章出处和起源、推断文章出处和起源(四四)、推断作者写作意图、推断作者写作意图 (五五)、推断

28、隐含意义或文章观点或结论、推断隐含意义或文章观点或结论第30页(一)推断人物性格特征一)推断人物性格特征设题设题形式有形式有:lWhatdoweknowaboutsomebodyinthetext?lWhatkindofmansomebodyis?lSomebodycanbesaidtobe_.注意注意:l把握字里行把握字里行间间意思意思,尤其是人物尤其是人物语语言言;l注意表示注意表示情感、情感、态态度和度和观观点点词语词语。第31页Passage 1:A well-known old man was being interviewed and was asked if it was cor

29、rect that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.Thats right,said the old man.Ninety-nine years old,and I havent an enemy in the world.Theyre all dead.”“Well,sir,”said the interviewer,“I hope very much to have the honor of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”The old man looked at

30、the young man closely,and said,“I cant see why you shouldnt.You look fit and healthy to me!”Q:What kind of man would you say the old man was?A.He was ill.B.He was very proud and sure of his health.B.C.He was unconscious.D.He was very polite to young people.第32页Passage 1:A well-known old man was bein

31、g interviewed and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.Thats right,said the old man.Ninety-nine years old,and I havent an enemy in the world.Theyre all dead.”“Well,sir,”said the interviewer,“I hope very much to have the honor of interviewing you on your h

32、undredth birthday.”The old man looked at the young man closely,and said,“I cant see why you shouldnt.You look fit and healthy to me!”Q:What kind of man would you say the old man was?A.He was ill.B.He was very proud and sure of his health.B.C.He was unconscious.D.He was very polite to young people.B第

33、33页(二)、推测文段前后内容(二)、推测文段前后内容 提问方式提问方式 lIf you were to continue the passage,what would you write about?lThe next paragraph would most probably deal with _ lThe next part would most likely discuss _.注意:注意:做这类题时应把握作者写作思绪(如文章可能按做这类题时应把握作者写作思绪(如文章可能按事件发事件发展经过展经过描写,也可能按描写,也可能按因果关系、对比关系因果关系、对比关系来叙述),来叙述),从而


35、computerswillcontinuetoappearTheywillrunfaster,havemorefunctionsandworkmuchmoreskillfullyTheywilltakeovermoretasksfromus,helpingtochangethefaceofourworldSomepeopleeventhinkthatsoonerorlatercomputerswillreplaceusHowever第35页Passage 2:We are in the computer ageWe often see computers at workThey are esp

36、ecially useful in automatic control,data processing(数据处理)and solving complicated problemsAnd they are finding their way into the homeThe part played by computers is becoming even more important with each passing dayMore and cleverer computers will continue to appearThey will run faster,have more fun

37、ctions and work much more skillfullyThey will take over more tasks from us,helping to change the face of our worldSome people even think that sooner or later computers will replace usHowever第36页Q:Whichofthefollowingstatementswillbestcontinuethethirdparagraph?A.ComputerswillsoonstopdevelopingB.Manype

38、oplelikecomputersverymuchC.ComputersareascleverasmanD.IdonotthinkcomputerswillreplaceuscompletelyD第37页(三)、推断文章出(三)、推断文章出处处和起源和起源设题设题形式有形式有:lThe passage is most likely to be found in_ lThe passage is most likely to be taken from_.lWhere would this passage most probably appear?lThe passage is most lik

39、ely a part of _.第38页Passage 3:Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine?Do you know what is meant by“Take only as directed?”Read the following directions and see if you understand them.“To reduce pain,take two tablets(药片)with water,followed by one tablet every eight hours,as re

40、quired.For night-time and early morning relief(缓解疼痛)take two tablets at bedtime.Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.For children six to twelve years old,give half the amount(量).For children under six years old,ask your doctors advice.Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessne

41、ss or sleeplessness after taking the medicine.”Q:This text is most probably taken from a_.A.textbook B.newsreel(新闻片)C.doctors notebook D.bottle of medicine第39页Passage 3:Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine?Do you know what is meant by“Take only as directed?”Read the follow

42、ing directions and see if you understand them.“To reduce pain,take two tablets(药片)with water,followed by one tablet every eight hours,as required.For night-time and early morning relief(缓解疼痛)take two tablets at bedtime.Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.For children six to twelve

43、 years old,give half the amount(量).For children under six years old,ask your doctors advice.Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine.”Q:This text is most probably taken from a_.A.textbook B.newsreel(新闻片)C.doctors notebook D.bottle of medicineA第40页解

44、题技巧解题技巧 这类问题应从文章这类问题应从文章内容内容或或结构结构来判断其出处来判断其出处:A.报纸报纸:前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。B.广告广告:因其格式特殊因其格式特殊,轻易识别。轻易识别。C.产品说明产品说明:器皿、设备使用说明会有产品名器皿、设备使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式称或操作方式,而药品服用说明会通知服用时间、而药品服用说明会通知服用时间、次数、药量等。次数、药量等。D.网站:文中会出现网站:文中会出现click(点击),(点击),online(在线)(在线),web(网络)(网络),website(网址)(网址)等字眼。等字眼。第41

45、页四、推断作者写作意四、推断作者写作意图图 设题设题形式形式:lThe purpose in writing this text is to _.lWhat is the purpose of writing this article?lThe author writes this passage to_.lThe author mentionin this passage in order to _.第42页Passage 4:Give your children permission to succeed.Theyre waiting for you to believe in them.

46、I always knew my parents loved me.But trust me:That belief will be more complete,that love will be more real,and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts;“Dont worry;youll do something great.”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing h

47、olding them back.Q:The main purpose of the text is to _.A.describe childrens thinking B.answer some questions children have C.stress the importance of communication D.advise parents to encourage their children第43页Passage 4:Give your children permission to succeed.Theyre waiting for you to believe in

48、 them.I always knew my parents loved me.But trust me:That belief will be more complete,that love will be more real,and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts;“Dont worry;youll do something great.”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only t

49、hing holding them back.Q:The main purpose of the text is to _.A.describe childrens thinking B.answer some questions children have C.stress the importance of communication D.advise parents to encourage their childrenD第44页写作意写作意图图:ltoentertainreaders(娱乐读娱乐读者者,常常见见于于故事故事类类文章;文章;)ltopersuadereaders(说说服服

50、读读者接收某者接收某种种观观点如点如议论类议论类;或;或劝说劝说购购置某种置某种产产品品或服或服务务,常常见见于广告于广告类类文章)文章)ltoinformreaders(通知(通知读读者一些信息,者一些信息,多多见见于科普于科普类类 新新闻报闻报道道类类 文化文化类类或社或社会会类类文章)文章)第45页五、推断隐含意义或文章观点或结论五、推断隐含意义或文章观点或结论这类题干中通常含有这类题干中通常含有infer(推断)推断),conclude(总结),(总结),suggest(表明)(表明),imply(暗示)(暗示),等标志性词语等标志性词语常见提问方式有:常见提问方式有:lIt can

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