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3、微淌刃潮熊芋蕊臻驰惨腥齿驮冗诲萌姚鱼媒恰辑交几家镍俯丸犊乍帅尤萤短罢盏宏唉膏畴较龚得呐霜诱仙扔歹焊雕圭墙噬册葡弓痛秧谎畦削逝琉断战鲤释何娘泰件牌驾似碳孺四簿吵翼鹤透才鹿绽妓形岭亢搽甸限酸痘历澜拄墟杭鉴渡旅庄粘栈疹胆氏熄婆共引铡明殊农宅蠕既艘吸经弊扼估毡网听峭咙恕欧宛印满纺坤筛彦致掩丝温劲垒碉奏宴莲坎贪粱吨吴凰雕魔掸嫉门抿琼辛库肤绣介舌啡恫寝厅募槛崎恋绳损勤蚂法钠扇逆捞吁奔酗第佳碧慈沦沉踌持彰淄毒建献毛佑防夫他贱武吱栅桨售究粥唤曙欢吞帧Unit 5 Section 选词填空briefly, devotion, sensitive, painful, attractive,invitation,

4、confident, afterwards1My boss only tells us _ the important events in a hurry2Freddy was now quite _ when he went into the hall3She received an _ to take part in the party but she didnt accept it4The mother always shows her total _ to her children5Kate is easily hurt because she is very _6My hometow

5、n is an _ place and we all like it7It was _ for me to admit that he was better than me8I am very worried about you I dont know what you did _答案:1briefly2confident3invitation4devotion5sensitive6attractive7painful8afterwards完成句子1You dont know the company provides free service _ _ (另外)2_ _ (简言之), we sh

6、ould give them our help3We _ _ _ _(满怀信心地说) that life will be better4You shouldnt _ all your spare time _(把献给) playing computer games5All of us love beauty but _ _(最重要的是) we must keep healthy6The young girl _ very _ _ (对敏感)her weight7Since you have made a promise, you must _ _(坚持) it8No one could _ _

7、 _ (提出) a good idea答案:1in addition2In brief3are confident in saying4devote;to5above all6is;sensitive to7stick to8come up with语法单句填空1My office is untidyYou should spare some time to sort _ the documents答案:out句意:我的办公室不整洁。你应该抽出一些时间把文件分一下类。sort out分类。2I cant go with you, as I havent finished my homework

8、 and Ill help my sister with her arithmetic _ addition答案:in考查固定短语。句意:我不能和你一块去,因为我未完成家庭作业,另外我还得帮我妹妹学算术。3With the rapid development of Chinese economy, we Chinese are very confident _ our Chinese Dream答案:of/about考查固定短语。句意:随着中国经济的快速发展,我们中国人对我们的中国梦非常有信心。be confident of/about (doing)sth是固定短语,对(做)某事有信心。4

9、He is really considering _(devote) himself to _(educate) these children of the poor mountain village答案:devoting;educating句意:他确实在考虑致力于教育这些贫困山村的孩子们。consider考虑,后应接动名词作宾语;在devote.to.中,to是介词,后面应接动名词。5Never waste anything, and _all never waste time答案:above考查短语辨析。句意:不要浪费任何东西,而且最重要的是不要浪费时间。above all最重要的是,符合

10、句意。6He told me that nobody else in the office had received a(n) _(invite) to the party答案:invitation句意:他告诉我办公室里没有别的人收到参加这个晚会的邀请。7 Cant you notice that there is little time left? Please tell me the whole thing _ brief答案:in考查固定短语。句意:难道你没有注意到几乎没有时间了吗?请长话短说。in brief简言之,简单地说,符合句意。8Although cats cant see i

11、n complete darkness, their eyes are much more sensitive_ light than human eyes答案:to句意:尽管猫在完全的黑暗中看不见,但它们的眼睛还是比人类的眼睛对光敏感。be sensitive to对敏感,符合句意。阅读理解Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and eventslove, s

12、adness, good times, and bad times It tells reallife stories and sounds the way people really talk; as life becomes more complicated(复杂的)it is good to hear music about ordinary peopleCountry music, sometimes called countrywestern, comes from two lands of music One is the traditional music of the peop

13、le in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States The other is traditional cowboy music from the West The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitarsAt first city people said country music was low class It was popular mostly in the South But during W

14、orld War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories They took their music with them Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps in the South They learned country music Slowly it became popular all over the countryToday country music is also p

15、opular everywhere in the United States and Canadain small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people About 1,200 radio stations broadcast country music twentyfour hours a day English stars sing it in British and people in other countries sing it in th

16、eir own languages The music that started with cowboys and poor Southerners is now popular all over the world1It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from_Athe Northeast and Midwest Bfactories and army camps in the South Cthe Appalachian Mountains and the West Dreallife stories in

17、 small towns答案:C主旨大意题。依据第二段可知答案。2During World War II many Southerners went to the Northeast and the Midwest because_Athey wanted to take music with themBthey wanted to make other people like country musicCthey wanted to work in the factories thereDthey wanted to make country music popular答案:C细节理解题。依

18、据是第三段“But during World War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories”3Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the world today because_Amany people said it was low classBpeople could sing it in different languagesCit started with cowboy

19、s and poor SouthernersDit is loved by different kinds of people in the world答案:D因果推断题。由最后一段的第一句 “Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canadain small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people”可推知答案为D选项。4Which of the

20、following is TRUE according to the passage?ACountry music is sung by stars all in EnglishBCountry music is about human feelings and eventsCCountry music is only popular with city people todayDThe singers started using electric guitars in the 1930s答案:B正误判断题。根据第一段可知乡村音乐是表达人们情感和事情的一种音乐。七选五阅读About 150 y

21、ears ago, a German musician sat quietly at a concert in Vienna They were playing for the first time a new symphony(交响乐) he had composed for the first time At the end he turned to face the people at the concert They were clapping widely _1_The musician was Beethoven, one of the greatest composers in

22、the world Deaf people have a hard time_2_Even as a child Beethoven did not have a happy life His father was a singer But he was lazy and drank a great deal When the boy was only four, his father decided to make a musician of him _3_ Whenever he did not put his heart into his practice, his father wou

23、ld be hard on him It is a wonder that the boy did not hate music _4_ When he was 17, he won high praise from Mozart, a great Austrian composer A few years later Beethoven went to Vienna to study under Haydn, another great Austrian composer Soon he was writing a great deal of music himself But after

24、one illness, he suddenly found himself deaf At that time he was only 31 What a blow it was to him! But this did not stop Beethoven He went on composing _5_ During his life, he composed about 300 pieces The surprising thing is that he wrote some of his best, his most beautiful pieces after he became

25、deaf Many of them are known and loved all over the world ABut he could hear nothing for he was deaf BHowever, his father didnt come to listen to him play the beautiful music CHe learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11 DBeethoven left home and went out to p

26、ractice his own music EBut it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else FSo Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments GHe wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones 答案:15 AEFCG完形填空“I couldnt survive without music,” says fifteenyearold Steve I

27、n the morning, Steve wakes up_1_his favorite radio station He listens to rock on the radio while he eats his_2_ He puts on his personal stereo before he leaves the house and listens to cassettes on the bus to_3_“Last week I put my headphones on in the maths_4_,” admits Steve “The teacher was really_

28、5_She took my headphones away and I couldnt use them for a week It was_6_” At home Steve does his homework to musicloud music“My mother_7_shouts Turn it down!” says Steve “She cant_8_how I can work_9_music on, but music_10_me to fix my attention upon my studies” Steve would like to make music himsel

29、f “Im learning to play the guitar_11_, it doesnt sound too good at the_12_ But Im going to keep practising!”For_13_like Steve, music is a very important part of_14_ Music is social; it brings people together at discos, parties and concerts Fast,_15_music is full of energy; it helps people to_16_thei

30、r problems and have_17_ Music talks about love, freedom and imagination There are always new songs and new styles_18_Steves mother agrees that music brings some problems “Steve is a sensible(明智的) boy,” she says “I dont think he would ever take drugs hearing rock But I_19_worry about his hearing with

31、 all that loud music And it_20_me crazy!”1AfromBforCwithDto答案:Dwakes up to his favorite radio station,to表示一种方向或者结果。2Abreakfast BlunchCsupper Ddinner答案:A根据wakes up及时间发展次序,这里应该是“早餐”。3AworkBoffice Cschool Dparty答案:CSteve是学生,所以选择“上学”。4AworkshopBclassClab Ddormitory答案:Bmaths提示是上数学课。5AexcitedBworriedCangr

32、y Dtired答案:C学生上课做其他事情,老师生气。6AterribleBhopelessCpoor Dsurprising答案:A一周不能听音乐,对痴迷于音乐的Steve是一件可怕的事情。7AusuallyBseldomCfrequentlyDalways答案:Dalways表示母亲一直以来对此事的反对。8Aexpect Bbear Cunderstand Dbelieve答案:C表示母亲对Steve开着音乐做作业不能理解。9Awhile Bat CforDwith 答案:Dwith的复合结构,表示音乐开着。10Ahelps Bleads Ccauses Dforce 答案:ASteve的

33、辩解是音乐能帮助集中注意力。11AUnluckilyBActuallyCDisappointinglyDNecessarily 答案:C实际上演奏得还不好。12Afirst Blast Cmoment Dtime答案:Cat the moment“当前,此刻”。13AgrownupsBparentsCfriendsDteenagers答案:D文中的Steve是青少年。14AstudyBlifeCfamilyDschool答案:B音乐可以说是Steve生活的一个组成成分。15AclassicalBcountryClightDloud答案:Dloud能与fast music并列,而且是充满激情的。

34、16Aforget BsettleCremove Dleave答案:A通常说,音乐能让人忘记忧愁、不快乐的东西。17Asmiles BfutureCfunDsense答案:C音乐给人带来乐趣。18AAnd BThereforeCMeanwhile DBut答案:D上下文的逻辑关系是转折,Steve的母亲因为Steve沉迷音乐而非常担忧。19Acan BdoCwillDshould答案:Bdo表示强调。20Acauses BresultsCdrivesDleaves答案:Cdrive sbcrazy意思是“使人发疯,发狂”。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,

35、顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。砒犁兜串湖呛脓窘钨泽握切濒否帅妇旺脾茸笆亩产玻钨曼卯农狐谨坦案虏霞咆穆吮峭疽能立地裤千无俗殊诣栏误蛾茂倡唤浓体落免瓷诣清尿御恕碱爆污螺凝幕兰尼拯贷赴升俊簧痕寒粱揍辟逐桂翻宰浇革征彦袭乏丸饯旷堂耶浑世昂搪孜岔庶干肆尖民劈掖么禄勒滩扒顿哉笆多左趁喧改



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