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1、美联英语提供:外贸英语:代理小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:外贸英语:续约代理to see you again.A:早上好,史密斯先生。很高兴再次见到你。B: Me.too. Mr. White. I have received your letter about agency. It was about your new product.B:我也很高兴再见到你,怀特先生。我收到了你 方有关新产品代理的信A: Thats right. We have done business with each other for 4 years and we get along with each

2、 other quite well. We feel that your firm is the right one to be our sole agent in your country and well have the pleasure of offering you a sole agency.A:没错我们已经合作4年了而且关系一直很好。我觉得贵公司是担任我方在贵国独家代理的合适人选,我们乐于提名你们担任我们的独家代理商。B: Thank you for offering us the sole agency for your products and appreciate the

3、confidence you have placed in us. But there are several points which need further studying before we can give you a definite answer.B:感谢贵方让我们担任贵产品的独家代理,并感谢你们对我们的信任。但是,我在给你明确答复前,还有几点需要进一步研究。A: What are they:A:哪几点呢?B: First.we should have to be sure whether any of your new products overlaps what we ar

4、e handling.B:我们得弄清贵公司新产品中是否有与我们已经代理的项目重复。A: Are you thinking of the domestic machinery or the imported equipment?A:你考虑的是国内机器还是进口设备?B: Both. Second.to what extent would you help us technicallyB:都有,第二,在技术方面,贵方能给我方何种程度的支持?A: We can assign one of our technical representatives to train your staff members

5、 who are in charge of our equipment.A:我们将指定一名技术代表来培训贵公司负责我方设备的人员。B:I see.l think I am quite clear now after your explanation. Thank you arrange another meeting with you when your draft contract is ready.B:我明白了,听了你的解释,我非常清楚了。谢谢。一旦你方合同草案准备好后,我可以安排与你方再次会面。外贸英语:代理细节the only one who applies for an agent

6、for us in your country. ld like to know your advantages.A:坦率地讲,你们不是唯一向我们申请在贵国做我们代理的公司。我想知道你们做我们代理的优势。B: Well.as you can see.our firm is among the leading firms of imp- orters and distributors of many years standing in this trade.B:啊,正如您所见,我公司在此类贸易中有多年的经验,在进口商和批发商中居领先地位。A:Weve learned all this inform

7、ation which certainly interests us. Can you analyze the marketing situation of your areas.Mr. Brown. !A:我们了解到了这些信息,对此很感兴趣。您能分析一下你们地区的市场形势吗,布朗先生?:B:Generally speaking. the market is promising. especially the high- quality oriental products. If we are pointed as the agent.we will put all effort in pus

8、hing the sales of your products. We have wide experience in trading and contacts with the principal buyers in the area. We feel that our firm is the right choice for you; if possible. wed like to have the pleasure of being your sole agency.B:总的来说,市场情况不错,尤其是高质量的东方产品。如果我们能成为贵方代理,我们将不. 遗余力推销你方产品。我们有丰富的

9、贸易经验,与该地区主要客商有广泛联系。我觉得我们公司为最佳人选,如果可能,我方愿意做你方在该地区的独家代理。A:Iappreciate your kindness. Mr. Brown. We think it necessary to make sure of your sale capacity.A:对发的好意,我方表示感谢。布朗先生。但我们有必要了解你们完成销售任务的能力。B:As far as agents for silk are concerned .therere almost 6 different establishments representing respectivel

10、y silk makers from Korea and Japan. The competition is intense. but as a well-established firm.well not disappoint our principal.B:说到丝绸代理,大约有6家公司分别代表韩国和日本的丝绸厂家。竞争是激烈的。但作为一家老字号,我们不会让我们的委托人失望。A: Very well. WeII make our decision and let you know it as soon as possible. Thank you for your appreciation

11、of our products.A:很好,我们会做出决定,并尽快让你们知道结果。谢谢你们喜欢我们的产品。外贸英语:拒绝代理商received our letter which suggested our desire to be an agent for your products.A;金先生,我想你已经收到了那封表明我们愿意 做你方代理的信。B: Yes.Mr. Wu. We received it a week ago.B:对,吴先生。我们一周前收到的。A:Whafs your opinion?A:你方意见如何?B:To be frank . Mr. Wu . after reading

12、your letter. I feel that its not a mature time for you to act as a sole agent for us.B:嗯,恕我直言,吴先生。看了信后我感觉你方做我们独家代理的时机还不成熟。A: Why not ?A:原因何在?B: Here are several points to support my idea. Firstly. you are not very experienced in trading with our products. Youll need some time to find out the potenti

13、al market ability. Secondly,the annual order and turnover you promised is much lower than our expectation.B:下面几点足以说明我的看法。 第一,你方以前,经营我方产品经验不足,所以,你方需要花费一定时间来调查潜在的市场能力。 第二,你们所承诺的年订货量和营业额都远远低于我方的期望。A:But this figure is only our first years aim. Well gradually enlarge our selling amount later. Though the

14、 order is not big. it will help you to establish your market channel and expand the influence of your products in the region. Dont you think so?A:但这个数目只是我们第一年的目标。以后我们会逐渐扩大我们的销售额。尽管我们的货量不大,但它会帮助你们在这个国家沟通市场渠道,并扩大你们的产品影响。你不这么认为吗?B:What you say is reasonable. But its not the only way to push sales for u

15、s. We may make full use of our advertisements and sales force to enlarge our sales market.B:你说的没错。但是代理并非是促销的唯一渠道。我们可以充分利用广告和销售人员来扩大我方的销售市场。A:But these will cost more and the effect may not be as evident as to have an agent.A:但是,上述方法既消耗钱财,效果又不如设置代理明显。B:I see your point. Mr. Wu. Thank you for your goo

16、d intentions. Well consider your request when the chances serve.B:我明白你的意思,吴先生。谢谢你的良好意愿,以后有机会我们会考虑你方的要求。外贸英语:代理协商push our products since youd like to act as our agent.A:既然贵方相邀做我们的独家代理,我们想知道贵方推销我们产品的计划。B: Well. well do a lot of advertising in newspapers and on TV programs. Well also send our salesmen

17、around to promote thesale of your goods. We propose the guaranteed annual amount to be 400 .000 dollars for a start.B:嗯,我们会在报纸上和电视节目里多登广告,还会派出推销员到各地促销你们的产品 我们建议保证的年销售总额开始先定为40万美元。A: What is the territory to be coveredvA:代理地区包括哪些地方?B: All of Europe.B:整个欧洲。A:您收取多少提成?A: And the rate of commission you w

18、ant to chargelB:我们通常收取每笔交易额9%的提成。B: We usually get a g% commission of the amount on every deal.A:但是我们这类商品的所有代理商都只拿6%-的提成。A: But all our agents in this line are getting a 6% commission.B:我们的客户对你们的商品不熟悉,要使你们的。产品畅销,我们得花许多钱。由于开始要克服销售阻力,您应该给我们高提成。B: Our customers are not familiar with your goods so well

19、have spend a lot of money in marketing your products. Since there is sale resistance to overcome in the beginning . you should allow us a higher commission.A:我们产品价格是按照花费来计算的。9%的提成意味着要提高价格。好吧,为了帮你们推销,我们这次可以破例,给你们7%的提成,试行一年。你看如何?A: Our price is worked out according to the cost. A g% commission means a

20、n increase in our price. Well. to help with the sales. we could make this exception and give you a 7% commission for a trial period of one year. What do you say?B:那样的话,超过定额每多销1000台,我们便增加提成2%,您看如何?B: In that case. weII get 2% more in commission for every 1000 sets sold in excess of the quote. Is that

21、 all right?A:好吧,我们会免费提供给你们目录单和其他推销资料,广告费由我们平摊。A: Ok.well send you our catalogues and other promotional material free of charge. The advertising expense shall be shared between us on fifty-fifty basis.B:很合理,我们期待双方愉快成功地合作。B: Fair enough. We look forward to a happy and successful cooperation between us

22、.外贸英语:销售问题been very brisk in our line recently.A:怀特先生,最近我们的生意好像不太好啊。B: Yes , orders have been few and far between.l must admit.B:是的,我得承认,订单很少,许久才能来一张A: How do you account for that? No demand or overstock?A:您认为是什么原因?是市场没有需求,还是库存过剩?B: There are two reasons. One is that the market is sluggish another i

23、s that there are too many suppliers.B:有两个原因,其一是市场疲软,另一个原因是供应商太多。A:你们在加拿大其他地区有没有设立分公司?A: Do you have any branch Offices in other parts of Canada?B:没有,我们只在堪培拉有独家代理。B : No.we work solely from Canberra.A:所以,贵公司可能在其他地区失去很多的报价机会。A: Then you might be missing out on what other areas you have to offer.B:我不认为如此,我们的业务代表经常出差全国各地。B: I dont think so. Our representative tours around the country very often.A:总之,我希望您能仔细考虑一下。A: Anyway.l hope you will think it over.B:我会再仔细考虑的,然后告诉您我们的决定。B: lll go into it further.and let you know our decision.A:我会很乐意听到你们的决定。A: I shall be glad to hear form you.美联英语:

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