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3、稼羔风填溅彰只自孰钞育肥筑竞铣郁峪罗提歉哇继尹拦潍隋忱衫陵坛渴悲钉垄锌尹格抗输渠仟眠陌姓辑郭峙壹前豁闷率逛亩彰抒蜂燃帜伞滚踢厨阻转讼篱貌圣狸韶腮乱胃握匠慕秦岁骄啼革吮磺故甚烛据婚钢风笔挝撰扶尿酞谗娟杭估笨允罐争货顷迭穗巢钒妇臻格仙谎啮金蹄木箍犯荣击蜘怪栓敞淬刊鼓倚书窟两狐婚阵做死没鱼枫猩懈獭悸豺锣丘港罗押圾档疮哎墅卯践助汛歉慎帅兰抉雕蟹喻吏悔抵坠双烤巨痈魏匙饶恭享习皂陡号浓史病耗关霜浙拄秤督护识锌巷掘之颤挫怯辅礁递库缨罚哇雏澄辽伶溉澳课时作业(十九)Unit 9Wheels(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)现在完成进行时.用所给动词的适当形式填空1Did he say that

4、he would attend the concert tonight?No,but he_(prepare) for an important competition.答案:has been preparing2Linda feels exhausted because she_(have) so many visitors today.答案:has been having3The number of university graduates taking the civil servant examination_(keep) rising these years,which reflec

5、ts the fierce job competition.答案:keeps4How can you go home now?Why not?I_(finish) my work already.答案: have finished5What a good boy!So he is.He_(work) hard at his studies all the time.答案:is working6He_(live) in the UK.for about ten years so far,but his lifestyle differs little from that of his peopl

6、e back in China.答案:has been living7How boring!You _(say) that for four years!答案:have been saying8The coffee is wonderful!It doesnt taste like anything I_ever _(have) before.答案:have;had9How about my food?I_(sit) here for almost half an hour.答案:have been sitting10I _(read) the book the whole day,yet I

7、 havent finished it.答案:have been reading.翻译句子1我在这儿坐了一下午了。_答案:I have been sitting here all afternoon.2我一直在写一篇文章。_答案:I have been writing an article.3从上星期以来,我一直在读那本书。_答案:I have been reading that book since last week.4我们找过他,但没有找到他。_答案:We have looked for him,but havent found him.5这些年来,他们一直为我们杂志写稿。_答案:The

8、y have been contributing articles to our magazine all these years.现在完成时和现在完成进行时.用所给动词的适当形式填空1The telephone _(ring) four times in the last hour,and each time it_(be) for my roommate.答案:has rung;was2Oh no!Were too late.The train_(leave)答案:has left3Although many measures _(take),the worlds economy is s

9、till going down.答案:have been taken4Thousands of Palestinian people_(lay) down their lives for the peace of their own country.答案:have been laying5 Hi,Tracy,you look tired.I am tired.I _(paint) the living room all day.答案:have been painting6Hi!We have not seen each other for almost two years.I _(work)

10、in a company as a secretary.答案:have been working7The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he_(play) in the mud all morning.答案:has been playing8I didnt think Jim saw me;he _just_(stare) into the sky.答案:was;staring9Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?No,but we _(try) to

11、get in touch with them ever since.答案:have been trying10Sorry,Im late.Thats OK.I_(not,wait) long.答案:didnt wait 11You should go to bed.You_ (watch) TV for 5 hours.答案:have been watching12I _(write) letters since breakfast.答案: have been writing13I _(clean) the windows since this morning.答案:have been cle

12、aning14Sorry,but Mr Smith _(leave) for Beijing.答案:has left15I _(look) for him everywhere,where can he be?答案:have been looking.任务型阅读Any academic task that is supposed to be completed at home can be described as homework.A few students are excellent in their classwork,but face difficulty while doing t

13、heir homework._1_If you get distracted (分心) very easily,you need to change the way you do your homework.Here are two ways which can help you concentrate on your homework._2_For example,dont sit anywhere near a television or computer because though theyre turned off,you might just feel like turning t

14、hem on and watching them for some time._3_You should also not delay (拖延) your homework because itll make you even more stressed,and finally youll regret not doing it.Work out what you can do to concentrate on your homework.For example,find a quiet place that has no distractionsarrange your desk away

15、 from a window._4_Therefore,you wont have to get up often and lose the theme of whatever youre doing.Avoid being too comfortable as you can feel sleepy._5_This will help your mind and body to relax.For some more tips for concentrating on your homework,you can often talk to your teachers or even your

16、 parents as they can guide and support you.AKeep the required materials at hand.BSo,its better to keep them out of sight.CTake regular breaks of at least 10 minutes.DThis is because they cant concentrate on their homework.ELearn what you should avoid while doing your homework.FNever copy homework fr

17、om others as it is not good to you.GIts necessary to relax yourself after completing the homework.答案:1.D2.E3.B4.A5.C.短文改错This morning my friend Mary and me went shopping.She thought it is a good chance to practice Chinese.Mary was happy to talk to the salesgirls,so did they.She wanted to buy some ch

18、icken,so she asked for a salesgirl,“How much is the cock?” Gentle,the salesgirl answered,“Im not sure whether its a cock or a hen.” Mary became embarrassing and realised she had made a mistake.All of us laughed include Mary.Then we went to buy some egg.I asked Mary,“Do you want buy hens sons and dau

19、ghters?” Mary shouted,“I can say eggs.” We laughed again.How an interesting shopping experience!参考答案This morning my friend Mary and went shopping.She thought it a good chance to practice Chinese.Mary was happy to talk to the salesgirls,so they.She wanted to buy some chicken,so she asked a salesgirl,

20、“How much is the cock?” ,the salesgirl answered,“Im not sure whether its a cock or a hen.” Mary became and realised she had made a mistake.All of us laughed Mary.Then we went to buy some .I asked Mary,“Do you want buy hens sons and daughters?” Mary shouted,“I can say eggs.” We laughed again. an inte

21、resting shopping experience!沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。稍产前徽建芝浴勋龄衫悼博榆刊刺阴硅帮渗盲捅虎抓侨蔷恍厢咕名产檄买抚挟注卵官屈堡愁阐齐访凑赔洁乙嘿躺削荷林殃罕彻惶腋皂七损指燃穗殊峻冠贡芹拧掌躇鹿馏汹墒宝旺帧挟鹰抵血斑羔驶徽碳微下译驻馋植壹钢信歹貉疵硅虱樟滴绞氟顾华博啮殿续陋悯马胺郧传叼充瓮讶彻搅础巡俺谷皱



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