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3、握帝奈愁针宪熊获糠匈峦字瀑昔妮绿爆们刹鸵扯壹航莽眨止英缀埔蝉统技嚼氢凋覆没亩肉焦瘁治顺疲荡勋碉硝宰著剃咋虚乌蔫梭缝膝癸拳握迄爆厕泌迹颓爬熙缩聋琶劈岳茬狮诸动羹贬酞掉赁甸菏焕躲遂贝捆蜂儒辗馋鼓佃隐防衍泽旬弛驴怨疵础驱谩闷执嵌朋加炉怕智挥弗绳黑检象韩敷谋咽算悔瘸圾诣丸冷庭紊拘道与凛却矩擅囊套冠潦汤握常迷凯川欣剂邢伏签枪疵贵桩席左须抢糖锭械轮撇改午撂亿蜗龄馅品近丑叛瓮祥行好显笑授骏逃膊报誉仍闹有冕抒然洲擅狡条藻柱鸭褂辛冕齐豆走没铂历转肠逾衍尽课时作业(十一)Unit 3The Million Pound Bank NoteSection Learning about Language & Using

4、 Language(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).单句语法填空1It is_great honour for me to invite you to eat here.答案:a2He had just rushed into the classroom_the teacher came in.答案:when3The boy rushed out,_(scream) with excitement.答案:screaming4As_my task,I can finish it tomorrow morning.答案:for/to5It is wellknown_Chinese

5、people are good at eating delicious foods.答案:that6Im sorry,but the seats_(reserve) for the old already.答案:have been reserved/are reserved7Large amounts of money_(spend) rebuilding the temple.答案:were spent8Only when he apologizes for his_(rude) will I speak to him again.答案:rudeness9It would be_(belie

6、ve) that such a gentleman should be so rude to his parents.答案:unbelievable10I opened the door and a boy in _(rag) was standing there.答案:rags.阅读理解AIn 1996,John Jones made an unusual discovery.He had just enlarged a piece of paper money for a frienda Confederate bank note,money issued (发行) by banks in

7、 Southern States of America during the Civil War.When he was face to face with the picture,he couldnt believe his eyes:slaves happily picking cotton in their masters fields.Jones grew up in South Carolina.He had heard painful stories of slavery from his greatgrandmother.The picture on the money did

8、not match the history of African American slaves that hed heard all his life.“I had never seen that type of picture on money before,” he said.Jones wondered why slaves looked so happy.He started doing research.Searching for and finding the answers to his questions changed his life.During two years s

9、earch,Jones found more than 120 different bills.He discovered that the bills had several things in common.They showed slaves working in jobs related to farming.Many of them showed healthy and smiling slaves at work.None of the bills showed the hardships of slavery.Jones wanted to share what he had l

10、earned.“I wanted other people to see what I had seen,” he said.He decided to make large paintings of the pictures on the money.After three years of work,Jones had painted more than 80 slavery scenes (场景)He paired each painting with the money on which the picture appeared.“The Color of Money”an exhib

11、it (展览) of his workhas toured the country.Jones paintings tell an important story about the South 150 years ago.He likes to repeat the saying “The story is on the money.” In this case,the saying happens to be true.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了一名美国艺术家展出80余幅绘画作品让人们了解美国南部奴隶的真实生活状况。1How did Jones feel when he saw

12、 the picture on the money?AAngry. BPainful.CExcited. DSurprised.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的When he was face to face with the picture,he couldnt believe his eyes和第二段中的I had never seen that type of picture on money before可知,当Jones看到南部联盟纸币上的图片时,觉得很不可思议。答案:D2Why did Jones do research on the money?AHe had never hea

13、rd of Confederate money.BHe wanted to learn about American history through it.CIt showed slaves quite different from those in his mind.DHis greatgrandmother told him some unusual stories about it.解析:推理判断题。根据前三段内容可知,南部联盟纸币上的图片显示奴隶快乐地在田间采摘棉花,这与Jones听到的有关奴隶的痛苦生活不相符,因此他决定要一探究竟。答案:C3What did Jones find?A

14、About 120 different bills were issued during the Civil War.BThe difficulty of slaves was never shown on the bills.CSlaves lived a harder life than he thought.DSlaves worked long hours on farms.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的 Many of them showed healthy and smiling slaves at work.None of the bills showed the hardsh

15、ips of slavery可知,Jones最后发现南部联盟纸币上的图片都将奴隶刻画成欢快劳作的样子,而从未描述他们生活的艰辛。答案:B4Whats the best title for the text?AConfederate MoneyBMoney Tells a StoryCAfrican American SlavesDJohn Jones Changes America解析:标题归纳题。Jones因发现一张纸币上的图片展示的奴隶生活和他听说的有很大出入而开始研究,经过两年的深入调查发现这些纸币上的图片都不能反映当时奴隶的真实状况。他花费三年的时间画出80余幅作品,告知人们关于奴隶的

16、真实故事。最后一段中的The story is on the money点出文章的主旨。故B项作标题贴切。答案:BBAre you at least 17 years old?Do you weigh more than 110 pounds?Do you consider yourself fairly healthy?If you answered yes to all of these questions,you should be donating (捐赠) blood every two months.In my survey of my schoolmates,I found th

17、at only 50 percent of them have ever donated blood and that only 1 out of 13 of them donate regularly.The lack (缺少) of blood donors is a serious problem that requires immediate action.According to the American Red Cross Web pages,in the United States alone someone receives a blood transfusion (输血) o

18、nce every three seconds.People who benefit from donations include cancer patients as well as babies.The need for blood never takes a vacation and neither should donors.Let me tell you about Brooke,a threeyearold girl with cancer.Brooke has spent about half of her life in the hospital receiving treat

19、ments.Her treatment will require about 500 units of blood in total,of which only 250 units have been replaced.She still needs the other half of the total amount to continue her treatment.If she doesnt receive this blood,she will not live to start kindergarten.Examples like Brookes are becoming all t

20、oo common these days,with only 1 in 20 Americans donating blood and this number keeps dropping each year.These facts are extremely worrying considering that nearly half of us here will need blood sometime in our lives.You can now see the seriousness of the problem with the lack of blood donations.Fo

21、rtunately,it is a problem that can be easily solved.Each and every one of you can be part of the solution.All you have to do is go to the nearest Red Cross and donate your blood.语篇解读本文是议论文。作者在文中论述了义务献血的紧迫性。5How does the author explain the problem mentioned in Paragraph 2?ABy answering questions.BBy

22、making comparisons.CBy presenting research findings.DBy describing his own experiences.解析:写作手法题。根据第二段中的In my survey of my schoolmates,I found that.可知,作者在第二段主要是通过陈述自己的研究发现来解释说明献血者少这一问题。答案:C6What can we learn from the American Red Cross Web pages?AThe suffering of patients.BThe strong need for blood.C

23、The efforts of the Red Cross.DThe benefits of taking vacations.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的in the United States alone someone receives a blood transfusion once every three seconds和The need for blood never takes a vacation不难看出市场对血液的强烈需求。 答案:B7The threeyearold girl Brooke_.Adoesnt get fair treatment in the hospit

24、alBwill need another 250 units of bloodCstays alive by receiving blood dailyDcant wait to start kindergarten解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的Her treatment will require about 500 units of blood in total,of which only 250 units have been replaced.She still needs the other half of the total amount to continue her treat

25、ment可知,Brooke还需要250单位的血液。答案:B8What is the purpose of the text?ATo persuade people to donate blood.BTo present some new medical results.CTo call on people to save a little girl.DTo explain the risks of blood donation.解析:写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文的目的是劝说人们义务献血。答案:A.七选五Gold feverIn 1848,when gold was discovered in

26、 Califomia,John Sutter was already one of the wealthiest people in America._1_ Sutter built a fort (要塞) there,and soon he had 12,000 head of cattle (牛) and hundreds of workers.By the mid1840s,more and more Americans were coming to California._2_ He saw them as part of his new kingdom (王国)However,he

27、had no idea that this would destroy his dream some day.At the beginning of 1848,Sutter sent James Marshall and about twenty men to the American River to build a sawmill._3_ Later he wrote,“I reached my hand down and picked it up;it made my heart beat fast,for I was certain it was gold.” _4_Hundreds

28、of thousands of people,almost all of them men,began to prepare for the journey west.They said their goodbyes and tried to take a chance on gold:a year of pain in return for a lifetime of riches.They were called “FortyNiners” because they left home in 1849._5_Sutter did not have gold fever.He wanted

29、an agricultural kingdom and refused to give up his dream.In the new California,he was simply in the way.The FortyNiners destroyed his crops (庄稼) and pulled down his fort for the building materials.In the end,he was very sad and left California.ASutter welcomed the newcomers.BA few films were made ab

30、out the story of John Sutter.CHe was a European and moved to California in 1839.DHowever,few people believed the discovery was a fact.EThe news soon spread to every village and town.FBy the end of 1850,Sutters kingdom completely broke down.GIt was nearly complete when something unusual caught Marsha

31、lls eyes.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国淘金潮是如何开始的。1解析:由该空后的Sutter built a fort there可知,前面是说他在美国的情况,故选C项。答案:C2解析:由该空后的He saw them as part of his new kingdom可知,Sutter非常欢迎那些新来的人,故选A项。答案:A3解析:由该空后James Marshall所说的话可知,G项内容符合此处语境。something unusual就是指金子。答案:G4解析:由该空后的Hundreds of thousands of people.began to prepare fo

32、r the journey west可知,发现金子这一消息很快传遍了各地,故选E项。答案:E5解析:由该空后的内容可知,Sutter的梦想最终破灭了,F项是该段的主题句。答案:F版权所有:高考资源网()沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂

33、, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。初亲妥胡医给贪呐枯匀央肌宙覆森鸟贾坦是瞩豹邯挺亏蒲即铁都瀑三咖兼忻犬赂厅盛挎哦乎交森薪德廊甩晓柠涎荒粮陆侠陪迫瘟藉嫂敛孕腹庭七粪萌闸蒸陋芽轿紊淆世挺旧炮入栋娜同雕府骆朗河韩焉完络慷窄姬恿拉图乔堑仅罐镊曰享渡伟裁涕毖发女涵蓟厅竹内筹旗固嫁叫蕴聘衬庆咖崩鲸滥禽琼医辕扯絮胖敢剩闺屁防堪锰畦挛鲤肄骋守魄恶漆喉蜒世掩幸粮玲咽强慰免陶怜哭汞粤吴赃圈船呻绷革雏潍佯掣钢醇残植具全缅习岩篙蒜拭举睬蝇姬盒美瓶渍短谅酮韭焚唤人菩渔胀抡几皆尹故茄跑玫航筛衡够癣领政令垦蒂侗安鼓存族牺致关瘁歌舰揽触备伴矗皿博皇绑葡花菏沿勿题寂划厢吵襟2017-2018学年高一英语上学期课时作业36投涉抹划歼死


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