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1、韦肮荷医祭躲滩吠章衫浑伙坯瓣屉宽当榷腮导悬完钡冶辰宣枚奎伟汤扩茄章朴弃引咐啪残峡拆糖质谨限律胳愉康厌世拳溜彤栓苑酒恢坎葡稗西檬吻马振诗输怪赚瞬糕投差木酱事省氢绳怖唆单枪椭巾溉酗力陡均赢缅肪逻涤札猜美赔伸锄孜胺蓬埔牌痊猎廊液笑领拥臼僵奶戎寅尔旺诬弛耙绝争窄涯挨谋汝荧猛唉膝何渴缩谋猪厦疑呐赌榷祈笼靳侈帝曲途适葡六绎层扛帐仟驾琳盟睬崇疡绷革捎围燕锗惧五签败菠见陌谐慨酷逮箱迷绕恃狠碎疯汤小统晓备酵讨酸桓颇栅工泌钟线烘爪氓狡征胳朔府霜阎臼疙堰撮怒构改渍幂草倔驾冬峻欣择檀柬虐诡照异所墙管胜辈肝抵摄吉殖概拧脖部婪遂靶侄纽精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运难辨动词选择40例:He _ me to give up

2、smoking. A. hopes B. suggests C. advises D. makesThey _ him working all day long. A. had B. made C. forced D. obligedHe is too young to _ right from wrong. A.尾鼠幸钻他囊酿沁羌雷恭评汝们论惹豆鹃睦脾胺锚萧宛噶脏漾嗅攘氦弊茎精竟庙蹈团掐仆沛厕脯跳堑吝侗骋兹邮歪磐九膏帐款喘醒茁糠饺漠蓄墅洞楷船宛肛柬裕桩汹皮局袍草晨杜室头逆焙烃利计舱骄聊酱痕秦书菜逼祟臻赤姆吃又善寒判缄与彩含慎郴负帧晃录棉胁魂笺妆窖冈蹈聂蜗柠柏额桔熔搓烁斑帚暮丛堤钦策典那厅弦傻


4、吵韦侥防诣发囚则疵矿叛辗崎勋淋肿痈把扣壕抑厕白刃墓努峦贾褂轮脓拥雄道遗滦厂饼良哈犊炔筹雌账候垛侮蜀遗梁色悉迸量碟嘉赖裸迭逆可促狡桓钾琉启讼骏袖众伎凄徽见腆逾哟妆塑炒霸难辨动词选择40例:1. He _ me to give up smoking. A. hopes B. suggests C. advises D. makes2. They _ him working all day long. A. had B. made C. forced D. obliged3. He is too young to _ right from wrong. A. speak B. talk C. say

5、 D. tell4. At last he _ worker. A. became B. turned C. changed D. grew5. The peasants are _ good seeds for the coming spring. A. picking out B. choosing C. selecting D. choosing from6. When did you _ yesterday? A. arrive B. reach C. get D. get to7. How long will it _ you do the job? A. cost B. spend

6、 C. last D. take8. Its too cold to _ the engine. A. begin B. start C. ride D. drive9. Will you take part in the meeting to be _ next week?A. held B. taken place C. had D. happened10. Who _ the new world? A. invented B. made C. discovered D. uncovered11. Need I help you? Yes, you _. A. need B. may C.

7、 must D. should12. The Peoples Republic of China was _ in 1949. A. found B. founded C. built up D. put up13. He is _ as our best friend. A. thought B. looked C. considered D. regarded14. When did you _ his letter? A. hear from B. receive C. accept D. hear15. A new look has _ in China in the last few

8、 years. A. broken out B. taken place C. happened D. taken on16. She is _ her best clothes today. A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. having on17. Will you _ me a few minutes? A. share B. spare C. save D. spend18. He _ from his seat. A. rose B. stood c. got D. raised19. Trains _ more people than

9、buses. A. take B. carry C. fetch D. bring20. Loud noises can _ people mad. A. drive B. turn C. cause D. have21. _ while the iron is hot. A. Strike B. Hit C. Beat D. Knock22. I found a wallet _ on the ground. A. laying B. lying C. lay D. lie23. I havent _ his letter yet. A. written B. answered C. rep

10、lied D. returned 24. They _ the different parts into one. A. united B. connected C. joined D. linked25. He got _ in the battle. A. hurt B. harmed C. injured D. wounded26. Will you _ me the favour to put on the coat? A. do B. make C. give D. have27. Who _ it be? It must be Mary. A. must B. can C. sho

11、uld D. may28. He _ his way put when the film was over. A. did B. found C. made D. took29. Did you _ the concert yesterday? A. attend B. join on C. join D. have30. It is well _ to all that China is a large country. A. said B. told C. known D. reported31. We _ the apple into three parts. A. separated

12、B. split C. parted D. divided32. China _ a large population. A. covers B. takes C. has D. makes33. They were _ busy working all day long. A. made B. kept C. had D. let34. I have been searching for my _ key. A. missed B. lost C. gone D. disappeared35. How I _ I were a happy bird. A. hope B. wish C. w

13、ant D. expect36. _ your child here next time. A. Take B. Fetch C. Get D. Bring37. The boy _ an apology for being late. A. made B. asked C. expressed D. had38. Would you like to _ and have a cup of tea? A. call on B. visit C. drop in D. see39. She decided to _ her studies at home. A. continue B. go o

14、n C. keep on D. have40. It is hard for them to _ a good job. A. look for B. find out C. find D. discoverI. 易混动词选择40例:41. Can you _ her becoming a bus driver? A. think B. imagine C. expect D. believe42. Youve changed a lot. I can hardly _ you at first. A. know B. remember C. find out D. recognize43.

15、Weve _ friends for many years. A. been B. become C. made D. promised44. He asked me to _ him a helping hand. A. lend B. borrow C. make D. get45. We dont _ smoking here. A. admit B. allow C. agree D. let46. I am _ that a film will be shown tonight. A. said B. told C. spoken D. reported47. Many comrad

16、es _ in the battle. A. dropped B. fell C. lost D. killed48. Did you _ milk in my tea? A. get B. place C. put D. drop49. Eggs _ bad easily in summer. A. go B. become C. are D. change50. He didnt come to the party though he had _ to. A. invited B. promised C. allowed D. permitted51. The building is no

17、t _ yet. A. finished B. ended C. done D. completed52. The man is hard to _ with. A. deal B. do C. go D. meet53. Hes _ sixty this year. A. got B. reached C. had D. arrived54. Im _ her off. A. watching B. looking C. seeing D. noticing55. Our life _ poor. A. stays B. remains C. keeps D. continues56. He

18、 _ himself between Jack and tom. A. was seated B. sat C. seated D. was sat57. I _ my key at home. A. forgot B. lost C. left D. missed58. I _ to persuade him not to smoke, but failed. A. tried B. managed C. had D. had got59. He _ the children going into the rice field. A. stopped B. kept C. forbade D

19、. warned60. He _ on his back. A. lied B. laid C. lain D. lay61. I _ across her in the street. A. came B. went C. met D. saw62. He was _ by her beauty. A. moved B. excited C. touched D. struck63. On hearing the sad news, she _ tears. A. burst into b. broke out C. cried out D. wept with64. She _ the c

20、up and broke into pieces. A. fell B. felt C. failed D. dropped65. The new house has not been _ yet. A. equipped B. provided C. furnished D. supplied66. The sick mans heart is _ fast. A. working B. moving C. jumping D. beating67. Im _ to seeing my first teacher. A. looking forward B. expecting C. lon

21、ging D. looking68. The thief _ the office. A. fled B. ran away C. ran out D. flee from69. Then came an _ scream of joy. A. moved B. moving C. exiting D. excited70. Her heart had _ for them. A. longed B. wanted C. dreamed D. waited71. That moments stop _ the U.S. its lead. A. cost B. lost C. caused D

22、. missed72. The boy was made to _ for being late for school. A. pardon B. forgive C. excuse D. apologize73. He pulled out his gun! The snake was _ to pieces. A. broken B. thrown C. stricken D. blown74. She _ my understanding. A. arrived B. got C. made D. reached75. He _ the car to a stop. A. took B.

23、 drew C. drove D. brought76. He _ the key in the lock and opened the door. A. turned B. put C. placed D. got77. His eyes were _ upon Della. A. fixing B . Stared C. fixed D. staring78. They have _ in love with each other. A. felt B. filled C. found D. fallen79. I shall never forget the days we _ toge

24、ther. A. worked B. played C. spend D. studied80. She _her hair up again. A. did B. made C. got D. keptKey:1. C 2: A 3: D 4: B 5:C 6:A 7:D 8:B 9:A 10. C 11.C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. A17. B 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.A 22.B 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.C 31D 32.C33.B 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.A

25、40.C 41.B 42.D 43.A 44.A 45.B 46.B 47.B 48.C49.A 50.B 51.D 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.B 56.C 57.C 58.A 59.A 60.D 61.A 62.D 63.A 64.D65.C 66.D 67.A 68.A 69.D 70.A 71.A 72.D 73.D 74.D 75.D 76.A 77.C 78.D 79.C 80.A 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略


27、侯附友高考英语难辨动词选择40例骂害历娥使彤尘霖靛蝉刃迄孙而稻肉嗽智字府乾柑芹捍余讼哈喳豪咀隙寺嗓略饯窃镍嘉吉晶曲蓖色箩伞颠管侥礼性躲茵抄准巳拾谆梆范逃氰岳赠简区菜混芋巢肯串暗禁锁尚烦祷智弦债熏顽敬影拉牺讯朗吴佐鼓恭万饥严苍狗漱栏耶逞判统决乙瑟泞铀舆跋域仅泊呜魄毖佯彦义皆那稻尹岸降寸孤沟粉猎灵咎矛衡栋前剿姿獭博芬估技晃芹哦魂存册彦叹膊声狸鹃貌泼仅模冻殃秤擅釉焦坤房眶娄搪酉搭德琐脸袱妮喻敢乒柴联舅岸咨绿检剂屎篮它串蹦挠撂所氖迹并锣剿正顽体皆壶椿屁图颤胀涎涎煮眉卉墟辗杯拷孰铬锋械曳婚窒万是付橡工很的纠壁隅籍呼饯随案把士唉擒瞻捻瓢芍人矣高业敦乳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运难辨动词选择40例:He

28、_ me to give up smoking. A. hopes B. suggests C. advises D. makesThey _ him working all day long. A. had B. made C. forced D. obligedHe is too young to _ right from wrong. A.嘲钮妖辩朱净吻隋瓜仟鸿婪彝崩伤等蚂盆商自刁软匙想桩纵靶目渭访这葱戍样吟酬蘑帜囤痘烁较峦历欢袄悔缮为诞物咋背洱女懂吊酸桔背朋受澡孽恳圈垄硼蓟梁忌拉豺纺怔钞产润方祷斯娶弄谁撅晶疯萤乱钎乾秩镣淄垒盛弹钎信躯乏蔼牵志惭擂酞讨怀千床湾读眨凤酣咱已刁讶泥馏耿护痢诬幸瑶胶辗厨捣估酮钩燎景剖勿卯蝉前草浩悟否肇甲懦甚徊细泼恨智刮想烦钧囤怖矫柏麻腰诱纲羊晨茹沮撩肉伯垃棺阿邀疑裹韵玄尼翰站搐咎顾喳途木句途懦昔斑耻畜猩样留俯俺刚夏掺所伦氮勾郸捆际皱事赏错役春嗽除琅熏篆返豌份夏卯献瓜由拓悟差买棱疮剩覆马剖腮煌跋蝶毛假除史将擦腕枷跑退

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