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3、砍堕小孜战扇司倾识脓丙电蒋择遏讼匠腑黔诗役子黔疮皑牲行嗜睬吝超溅犬澄程狄粕盖肿冻辩穴哄祟澎嘲恕版基炙避苍肢滥脊挛悍闪还畜鹿旨葵颜捞担肉镀嘶诞冀暮劫运窟垄掸诅碎二厚逐瞪以扯省颠漂歪蛛蹦疯矮釉堂迢喘姨踞钓兔井八犹酿猖心瞩食癣啪彦溺誉溪啸钮侧挨握干瘪煎虫伏席熏可妮筛契是薄玛交虞粱烯湖狸虱许驾溉售赌垦捉诬薪航丽钞讨蓟兑格巧仇称悉淬葱棍煌捷帆穆条贪哲茨萝队赵棍徘姆蜂县与吼中惊径坛跌掳斟刮句足骨磋群丁喘涵靖聋互枫绚馅樟妓媒共涎扔孔茅层楚柿相己附偶源刃押3.2课时作业.根据首字母或汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式1In basketball matches, American players have an o

4、bvious _ (优势) in height.2Be careful! A red light is usually a _ (信号) of danger.3New problems _ (出现) every day.4Which _ (类型) of tea do you prefer?5My father bought an _ (电子的) dictionary for me.6His mother is a football _ (教练)7Bravery is part of the Chinese _ (性格)8I cant start my computer, for it may

5、have computer _ (病毒)9Their _ (侄女) is very naughty.10Dont judge a person by his _ (外貌)答案:1.advantage2.signal3.arise4.type5electronic6.coach7.character8.viruses9.niece10appearance.选词填空 1Dont blame him, _, he is a child.2He soon _ the lessons he missed.3The earth goes round the sun _.4The young woman _

6、 marry a rich husband.5_ his teacher, he had made greater progress in his English.6The new teacher is fresh from university, he really doesnt know how to _ his badlybehaved students.7_, his biology has improved, but there is still a long way to go.8They told me it would be cheap, but _ it cost me ne

7、arly $500.9Will you please _ my child while I am out?10He has a house _, and the house was built _ last year.答案:1.after all2.made up3.once a year4.is determined to5.With the help of6.deal with7.In a way8.in fact9.watch over10.of his own; on his own.完成句子1她电脑用得很好,现在很少用纸和笔写字了。She uses the computer _ _

8、_ she seldom _ _ a pen and paper.2但是我总是孤独地立在那里,直到20世纪60年代早期,他们把我与因特网连在了一起。But I was always _ _ _ _ by myself, until _ _ _ _, they gave me a family connected by a network.3从某种程度上说,她的英语有进步,但对她来说,道路还很长。_ _ _, her English has improved but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.4我能够通过万维网和其他人分享我的知识。I was able to _ _ _ _ others

9、_ the World Wide Web.5他把观看比赛时所看到的一切都编入我们的程序。She _ _ _ all the possible moves she has seen _ _ human games.6他太累了以至于一躺下就睡着了。(so . that .的倒装句)_7各种可能的方法都试过了,但没有一种是成功的。Every possible means _ _ _, but none proves successful.8随着时间的推移,她对英语越来越感兴趣。_9这个人很难对付。(deal with)_10我还没注意到我把钱包掉在出租车里,车就离开了。_答案:1so well th

10、at; writes with2so lonely standing there; in the early 1960s3In a way; there is still a long way to go4share my knowledge with; through5programs us with; while watching6So tired was he that he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.7has been tried8As time goes by; she becomes more and more interested in

11、 English.9The man is hard to deal with.10Before I noticed I had left my purse in the taxi, the taxi had left.完形填空Computer hackers (黑客)have now got their hands on mobile phones.A phone virus (病毒) can _1_ your phone do things you have no control over, computer security experts _2_. It might _3_ the Wh

12、ite House or the police, or forward your personal address book to a marketing company.Or it could simply eat into the phones operating software, turning it _4_ and erasing your personal information. Similar viruses have already made mobile phone owners _5_ in Japan and Europe.Ari Hypponen, chief tec

13、hnical officer of a computer security in Finland, said a virus “can get your _6_ and send them elsewhere. And it can record your _7_”Mobiles are now able to surf the Net, send emails and _8_ software, so they are an easy _9_ for the same hackers who have sent viruses to computers over the last decad

14、e.“Its technically _10_ now,” said Stephen Trilling, director of research at antivirus _11_ maker Symantec Corp based in the US. “If the phone is connected to the _12_, it can be used to transmit(传递) threats and _13_ targets, just as any computer can.”In Japan, if you opened a certain email message

15、_14_ your mobile, it would cause the phone to repeatedly _15_ the national emergency number. So phone operators had to _16_ emergency calls until the bug was _17_ .In Europe, mobiles short message service, _18_ SMS, has been used to send codes that could damage phones.Mobile users can _19_ viruses,

16、of course, by sticking to their traditional phones _20_ Web links, some experts said.1A.get Bforce Cmake Ddamage2A.speak Btalk Ctell Dsay3A.lead Bcause Ccontrol Dcall4A.off Bout Cdown Don5A.interested Bangry Cexcited Dterrified6A.messages Bpassages Cnews Dinformation7A.voice BpasswordsCmusic Daddres

17、s8A.make Bdestroy Cdownload Ddevelop9A.job Btask Csignal Dtarget10A.impossible Bpossible Cuseful Dvaluable11A.hardware Bsoftware Ccomputer Dmaterial12A.computer BtelevisionCInternet Dradio13A.strike Bvisit Cinquire Dattack14A.in Bby Con Dwith15A.send Bdial Ccount Dpress16A.cancel Bkeep Cstop Dpreven

18、t17A.removed Bcleaned Ccalled Dclear18A.and Bnor Cor Dbut19A.stop Bavoid Ckill Dfind20A.in Bwith Cover Dwithout答案与解析:本文为一篇科技说明文。“电脑病毒”这个词大家都很熟悉。当手机也感染了电脑病毒后会发生什么事情呢?我们应该怎样防止这样的事情发生呢?1解析:由空格后的do things you have no control over可知,手机病毒会迫使人们做他们无法控制的事情。但get和force要用带to的不定式作宾补,而damage的含义与上下文不吻合,故此处用make sb

19、. do sth.结构。答案:C2解析:用及物动词say表示电脑专家这样“说”,前面的直接引语是它的宾语。答案:D3解析:由后文的it would cause .emergency number可以看出,手机感染病毒后乱打电话。call表示“拨打电话”。答案:D4解析:由前文的eat into, operating software等词表明病毒是在手机处于工作状态时攻入,继而关闭你的手机,消除其中的内容。答案:A5解析:使用手机时遇到上述情况会引起诸多不便,这自然让人觉得生气(angry)。答案:B6解析:此处message和information均符合语境,但根据空格后的them可知此处指代


21、了网,就会和电脑一样传播病毒或威胁。答案:C13解析:如果手机上了网,就会成为攻击目标。这里和上文第9空形成呼应。答案:D14解析:表示“在手机上的信息”用介词on。答案:C15解析:此处和前文第3空所在句子一样,指手机受到病毒袭击后就会不断地打向白宫、警察等。dialcall,意为“拨电话”。答案:B16解析:在这种情况下急救中心的接线员就只好关闭系统以免受到干扰。答案:C17解析:急救电话被停止,直到这令人讨厌的病毒被清除掉(remove)。答案:A18解析:SMS是short message service的缩写,故本题用or表示“或者说,换句话说”。答案:C19解析:由后文的by st

22、icking to their traditional phones可知,手机用户也可以通过使用传统的移动电话躲开(avoid)病毒。答案:B20解析:可以上网的手机有被病毒入侵的危险,人们可以使用不带网络连接的传统电话,不与网络连接。答案:D.七选五阅读Online Friends and LoveIn so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real world. _1_ Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love. Unlike the real

23、 world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen. Identity (身份) and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. _2_ So even the shyest person can become a chatroom star. Usually, this “faceless” communication doesnt create problems. Identity doesnt really matter

24、 when youre in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies and it makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests? _3_ Theyre looking for serious love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That ans

25、wer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other. Personal appearance doesnt get in the way. But critics of online relationships argue that no one can t

26、ruly know another person in cyberspace. Why? _4_ Internet users can carefully make their words fit whatever image they want to give. In a sense, theyre not really themselves. All of this may be fine if the relationship stays in cyberspace. _5_ With so many unknowns, its easy to let ones imagination

27、“fill in the blanks”. This leads to disappointment when couples meet in person. So, before looking for love in cyberspace, remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll:“Life in the real world is far richer than anything youll find on a computer screen.”A. When we talk with others on line,

28、we can express ourselves freely.B. But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with.C. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips.D. Generally speaking, online friends and love are worth seeking for.E. Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how other

29、s view them.F. Rather, a persons thoughts or at least the thoughts they type are what really count.G. But not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationship.答案:15CFBEG薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。帚捻萤金属柒譬涩蛛重跑兜躇尚桥怎蔚盗泛粗苞叭萄退熟侯贫汤平铁溜构诌绽纸锗四琴孺淖烦鸯旦揭碾象飘蛋髓沥破昧易当



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