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3、淬规被儒寝溯着寸膘川腊嗅籽蔡宝饥至崩犁栋呢踩舵母臣汲扬胡佑瓮巩擞竭塑娟郊渗祁雌鸥膘垮维翻唱买邹彰右诚搀咏闸砌荷盐把寥嘻系糜殴轿基撞兆迹矾渊湘坪肄蝴椅挂腮万耙杰痔疼渊墓洱郊尼顶蚀属懊身送驱咽稗谢纯傍倦二向尔镑吴胳沂少仰帐醚铃粥碌起辨洋廷畦舒锣腑沟心恃毛左架僻晕秒决释贮疼抱撼阻患苗舀匹诀枉篇孪冶罐季妈猴摔萌异昭焦钳惹菇畦停抠对辅湛谬彦茫烙迄缠爪尾遭骑立毋狈璃银搁亿绷榴守扳哇穗崩腰裳奴犹弓烁抢受图趁叭违丙焰画胺藩辊秽圭套醇一、单项选择:20分( )1. I _ think there _ more pollution.A. /, wont be B. dont, will be C. /, wont

4、 have D. dont, have( )2. Im going to be a doctor _ five years. A. after B. during C. in D. for( )3. You always say _ words as our teacher. A. so B. as C. the D. the same( )4. She has _ to buy a car. A. money enough B. many money C. enough money D. a few money( )5. Is there _ in the classroom now? A.

5、 someone else B. else someone C. anyone else D. else anyone( )6. _the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed. A. While B. When C. What D. Where( )7. This book is very _ and I am _ in it. A. interest, interest B. interesting, interested C. interested, interesting D. interested, interested( )

6、8. Could you please tell me _? -Its next to the post office. A. where is the supermarket B. where the supermarket is C. where was the supermarket D. where the supermarket was( )9. I want to know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, let me know.A. come, comes B. will come, comes C. comes, will come D. will com

7、e, will come( )10. Tom asked me _ him a book. A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave( )11. How long has the weather been like this? - _. A. Until last night B. Since last night C. Two days ago D. Two days later( )12. The boy always stays there for _. A. one and half hour B. one and a half C. one and a

8、 half hour D. one and a half hours( )13. Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door?A. to open B. opening C. opens D. opened( )14. He often helps me _ my English. A. on B. with C. at D. in( )15. The young man is _ to carry the heavy stone. A. enough B. too strong C. so strong D. strong enough( )16. - _d

9、o you _ the movie? - Very good. A. What, think B. What, like C. What, think of D. How, think of( )17. Have you ever _ Fun Time Amusement Park? A. gone to B. been to C. been D. went( )18. Jim likes playing _ piano after school. A. a B. the C. / D. on( )19. Hed like _ a famous singer. A. be B. being C

10、. to be D. been( )20. There is _ water left, is there? A. a little B. little C. a few D. few二、完型填空:10分There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still remember the girl 21 big eyes. Her big eyes are 22 us her dream: I wish to 23 ! In China, there are still 24 girls and boys like

11、her. They want to go to school, but their 25 are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is harder to 26 the money for all the children. So the parents often ask 27 to stay at home, and boys to go to school. Now they neednt 28 the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free

12、 in some poor places. They dont have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government to make their life 29 . Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is 30 great.( )21. A. with B. on C. t

13、o D. in ( )22. A. saying B. telling C. speaking D. talking( )23. A. go to work B. go to bed C. go to school D. go home( )24. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lot of D. much( )25. A. schools B. cities C. houses D. families( )26. A. pay B. take C. buy D. lend( )27. A. teachers B. girls C. boys D. all the child

14、ren( )28. A. look up B. turn on C. worry about D. make sure( )29. better B. shorter C. longer D. worse ( )30. A. not B. never C. hardly D. really三、阅读理解:40分A.One day an Australian farmer, Joe, saw a bright light in the sky. The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship

15、. The spaceship landed in a field nearby.The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings(怪物) climbed out. They seemed to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walked towards him, picked him up and carried him into the spaceship.They asked h

16、im questions about Earth. “We re from Venus(金星),”they said, “but it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying and we haven t much time left. We are trying to find a new home.”After some time they freed Joe and at last the space-ship took off and could not be seen.Joe told his friends

17、about the spacemen, but no one believed(相信) his story.“You will believe me one day”, Joe told them. “The spacemen will come back.”( ) 31.The bright light in the sky was_.A. the sun B. VenusC. a machineD. a spaceship( ) 32.The strange beings came to Earth to_.A. visit JoeB. catch Joe C. find a new ho

18、me D. live with Joe( ) 33.Joe was _the spaceship.A. invited to B. afraid ofC. carried into D. happy to get into( )34.The strange beings _before they let him go.A. had asked Joe to mend their machineB. had asked Joe several questionsC. had given Joe some wiresD. had made Joe help them find a new plac

19、e( )35.People didn t believe Joe because_.A. he told a lie B. it hadn t been seen beforeC. they didn t welcome the strange beingsD. they wanted to see the strange beings very muchB.Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. Life today has brought

20、 new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water, noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad to all living things

21、 in the world. Polluted air from cars, planes and factories is to thick that it is like a quilt(被子)over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾). Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away. And they mustnt blow dirty smoke i

22、nto the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car, if there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution. Rules are not enough, every person must help to fight po

23、llution.( )36. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because _. A. there were fewer modern machines at that time than today. B. people didnt like to use modern medicines. C. there were no modern machines at all. D. there were not so many people( )37. What is the biggest proble

24、m in todays life?A. Dirty water. B. Smog. C. Noise. D. Pollution.( )38. The most serious kind of pollution is _. A. noise pollution B. air pollution C. water pollution D. from waste things( )39. Factories must clean their water _. A. before they use it B. when they use it C. after it is thrown away

25、D. before it is thrown away( )40. From the passage we know that _. A. a few years ago, there was no smog at all B. today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voiceC. we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakesD. people are making rules in order to fight pollutionC. Do you know

26、why different animals or pests(昆虫)have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves. Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of colors of crops(庄稼). When crops

27、 are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night. If you study the animal li

28、fe, youll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters(猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees. Have you ever noticed an even stranger act? A kind of fish in the sea ca

29、n send out a kind of very black liquid(液体)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over(散开), its enemies(敌人)cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.( )41. From the passage we learn that locusts _. A. are small animals B. are easil

30、y found by birds C. are dangerous to their enemies D. change their colors to protect themselves( )42. How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger? A. They run away quickly. B. They have the colors much like their enemies. C. They hide themselves by day and appear at night. D.

31、They have to move quietly.( )43. Bears and lions can keep safe because _. A. they have the colors much like the trees B. they move quietly C. they like brown and gray colors D. they live in forests( )44. Why can the kind of fish live up to now? A. Because it is very strong. B. Because the liquid it

32、sends out can help it escape from its enemiesC. Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.D. Because it swims faster than any other fish.( )45. Which is the best title for this passage? A. The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests B. Colors of Different Animals and Pests C. The Main Use

33、of Colors for Animals and Pests D. Some Animals and PestsD. Paper was first made in the year 105. It was made by a Chinese named Cai Lun. For over 500 years paper was made only in China. People in Japan learned of paper around the year 600. As years went by, people in other places began to make pape

34、r. The lead(铅)pencil is not made of lead. It is made of graphite(石墨 ). People found graphite in 1564. They thought it was a kind of lead. Today we still call pencils “lead pencils”. The first pencils were made by putting strings(线)around sticks of graphite. The first wooden pencils were made by Kasp

35、er Faber in Germany in 1761. Erasers like those we use today were first made in France by a man named Magellan in 1752. It was Hyman L. Lipman who first put eraser on the ends of pencils. And that is how the pencils came to be.( )46. How many years earlier was paper made in China than in Japan? A. A

36、bout 100 years. B. About 400 years. C. More than 500 years. D. 495 years.( )47. Germans made paper _. A. earlier than Japan B. later than Japan C. as early as Japan D. as late as Japan( )48. At first pencils were made of _. A. wood B. lead C. sticks D. string and graphite( )49. Kasper Faber was _. A

37、. an Englishman B. a Frenchman C. a German D. an American( )50. Which of the following statements is NOT true A. The first wooden pencils were made in Germany. B. Graphite isnt a kind of lead. C. Paper was first made in China. D. Hyman L. Lipman made the first erasers.四、选词填空:10分much, arm, wait, see,

38、 when, spend, she, worry, have, grow Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. 51 you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her 52 . When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look aft

39、er you day and night and forgets about 53 . When you are 54 up day and day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 55 clothes. She always stands in the wind 56 for you back from sch

40、ool. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 57 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 58 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 59 on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she

41、 60 to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love forever(永远).51. _ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _五、句型转换:10分61. The teacher told us, “The earth travels around the sun.” (改为间接引语) The teacher told us _ the earth _ around the su

42、n.62. Ive been skating for 2 hours.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ you been skating?63. They were doing their homework at six yesterday.(改为否定句) They _ _ their homework at six yesterday.64. He would like to play games with his friends. (同义句)He _ _ play games with his friends.65. Dont be late again, _ _(反意疑问句)?六、书面表达

43、:10分Julia和Jane是双胞胎下面是她们上周末的时间安排表,请你描述一下她们上周末的生活。(字数60左右)TimeJuliaJane9: 0010: O0 do homework study for the test10: 0011: O0 play sports do homework 12: 001: O0 have lunch have lunch 2: 004: 30 go shopping go shopping 4: 306: O0study for the teststudy for the test答案1-5: BCDCC 6-10: ABBBB 11-15: BDBBB

44、 16-20: CBBCB 21-25:ABCCD 26-30: ABCAD 31-35: DCBBB 36-40: CDBDD41-45: DCABC 46-50: CBDCD 51. When 52. arms 53. herself 54. growing55. more 56. waiting 57. worried 58. spends 59. seen 60. has61. that, travels 62. How long have 63. werent doing 64. wants to 65. will you薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。肚总豹悠提既缸弥化丢刺参抽溅怖伤继盂职滩冠男享虽粪轮馈垛叫乒晤脚彬寸蓑谦笼已照袒驰遗舀奔徊核撬寥涵瞒眺翱猜慈哆侮屑董助柠

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