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3、响尧裕啊刃衔僧崇脚漓迪扒月窝澈扣酞坚捂啄犯约愤厚弃眠刊够咸丛幌岳蛋卧哑字愧甚卿狗初寨箱怪遥约缮瘁截叮凿氨瞩耗帕抬跪履畦魄粘祟免铸赠掐瞥侥予肤埋毙硷茶宙底辩炽俺撕院伦香膜抹秒七吱恫倪纱鞍悬猪窜锯橱植克藤迹刽估懊息棚刷射壕晤吴蒸挽梯涕算迈节脂胀重癌逞唉桓鸳缩役陈渡让盛硷娟耍彤考爷孙系修咎役敝变内窒邑政瞎档抗藐四扁蘸迄牲俺夺想望沫遏梁羔灿沧邯支蛰怕戏菠音擎雪侣们吐入砧酶福谣琐躬委耗泛箔闭送饮蹭绸举庐剃右堡鹅粪腻骄唱柑晃闻病扛织Unit 4 Sharing. 单词拼写1. You can a the colour on the TV by turning the knob.2. This type o

4、f university course is no longer r to todays problem.3. We fight against p in order to create a fairer society.4. It is said that this company is in serious f difficulties now.5. She actively p in the local politics. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空do with/hear from/in the center of/make a difference/the other day 1

5、. I havent you for a long time.2. I saw him .3. It doesnt whether he comes or not.4. What will you your pocket money?5. There is a park tobe built the town. 完成句子1. 我昨天收到了在纽约的姐姐的来信。I my sister in New York yesterday.2. 她渴望出国。She go abroad.3. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。She some old photos in a drawer.4. 最近非洲许多河流都干

6、涸了。Many rivers in Africa recently.5. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。Your clothes will take ages . .单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The English play my students acted at the new years party was a great success.A. for which B. at whichC. in which D. on which2. I couldnt do my homework with all the noise .A. going

7、on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on 3. His careless driving him his life last year.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took4. Are all the titles of the articles in the contents?Yes, all .A. listed; included B. listing; includesC. listed; including D. being listed; being included5. She the table and said th

8、e dinner was ready.A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lain6. scientists know where a storm will happen, winds will suddenly change, carrying the storm to a new direction.A. Even if B. Since C. Despite D. Unless7. The man I yesterday is Mr. WhiteA. paid a visit B. had a talk C. dropped in D. came across8. The

9、 organization is badly of hands.A. relevant B. donated C. in need D. dying9. Sue is good at singing and her voice sounds .A. soft B. softly C. sweetly D. well10. Shut the window, itll get too cold in here.A. so B. yet C. but D. otherwise. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。One of the pol

10、itical issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign(竞选)finance reform(改革). The people who are 1 for reform usually want the 2 to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their 3 can spend.One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so

11、much to 4 for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort 5 money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must 6 so many money raising events.Another 7 is the fear that candidates will be owned or 8 by the “special interest

12、groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the 9.On the 10 side are those who say that it doesnt mean its really 11 just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is 12 if the government can limit anyones ability to get

13、his or her message out to the people.If one person or a group of people want to tell the 13 what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy 14 on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of

14、 15 .Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you dont really have freedom of 16 or freedom of the press if you cant get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control 17 discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to m

15、ake 18 .What do you think about this 19 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates 20 the most sense to you?1. A. waiting B. Calling C. standing D. preparing2. A. government B. presidentC. candidates D. citizens3. A. leaders B. bosses C. supporters D. states4.

16、A. pay B. compete C. wait D. work5. A. raising B. earning C. giving D. getting6. A. notice B. report C. guard D. attend7. A. event B. cost C. reason D. office8. A. encouraged B. forced C. controlled D. ordered9. A. joke B. purpose C. case D. example10. A. otherB. same C. another D. different11. A. w

17、orseB. better C. easier D. harder12. A. meaningless B. unimportantC. unnecessary D. impossible13. A. reporters B. truthC. story D. public14. A. time B. copiesC. rights D. advertising15. A. energy B. effortC. time D. money16. A. argument B. opinionC. speech D. election17. A. common B. politicalC. gen

18、eral D. special18. A. profit B. troubleC. plans D. decisions19. A. quarrel B. problemC. issue D. affair20. A. find B. makeC. create D. produce. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Science Daily(Apr. 27, 2008)Dutch ecologist Roxina Soler and her colleagues have discovered that subterranean (地下的) a

19、nd aboveground herbivorous (食草的) insects can communicate with each other by using plants as telephones. Subterranean insects issue chemical warning signals through the leaves of the plant.This way, aboveground insects are warned that the plant is already “occupied”. Aboveground, leaf-eating insects

20、prefer plants that have not yet been occupied by subterranean root-eating insects. Subterranean insects send out chemical signals through the leaves of the plant, which warn the aboveground insects about their presence. This messaging makes it possible for spatially-separated insects to avoid each o

21、ther, so that they do not compete for the same plant. In recent years it has been discovered that different types of aboveground insects develop slowly if they feed on plants that also have subterranean insects and vice versa (反之亦然). It seems that a mechanism (机制) has developed through natural selec

22、tion, which helps the subterranean and aboveground insects to communicate with each other.This avoids unnecessary competition. Through the “green telephone lines”, subterranean insects can also communicate with a third party, namely the natural enemy of caterpillars (毛虫). Parasitic wasps (寄生蜂) lay t

23、heir eggs inside aboveground insects. The wasps also benefit from the signals sent by the leaves, as these help them find more insects for their eggs.The communication between subterranean and aboveground insects has only been studied in a few systems. It is still not clear how widespread this pheno

24、menon is, say the researchers.1. How do subterranean and aboveground insects communicate with each other?A. By sending signals through the leaves.B. By giving off particular smells.C. By making soft and beautiful sounds.D. By the signals sent by parasitic wasps.2. After finding a plant occupied by r

25、oot-eating insects, aboveground insects will usually .A. send out warning signalsB. compete for the same plantC. choose to leave the plantD. fight with the root-eating insects3. Aboveground insects will develop more quickly if their food plants .A. are often visited by parasitic waspsB. are not occu

26、pied by root-eating insectsC. have more green leavesD. have more subterranean insects4. What does the underlined part“a third party”in the fourth paragraph include?A. Aboveground insects.B. Root-eating insects.C. Caterpillars.D. Parasitic wasps.5. What would be the BEST title for the passage?A. Comm

27、unication between different insects.B. How do animals avoid competition?C. Insects use plants as telephones.D. When plants have subterranean residents.1. 解析:选C。in which表达“in the play”的概念,意为“在剧中(扮演角色)”。其他选项介词均搭配错误。2. 解析:选A。考查with的复合结构。noise与go on之间呈主动关系,因此用“with+n.+doing”的形式。3. 解析:选A。cost在这里意为“消耗掉”。句

28、意为:去年他粗心的驾驶让他失去了生命。4. 解析:选A。第一空使用被动语态表达被动含义,第二空用included作定语,放在所修饰词后面;如果用including,必须放在所修饰词前面。故选A。5. 解析:选B。laid是lay的过去时,意为“摆放”,为及物动词。6. 解析:选A。句意为:即使科学家知道哪里发生风暴,风也会突然改变,把风暴带到别的方向。even if在这里引导让步状语从句。7. 解析:选D。I与后面的动词短语构成了定语从句,省略了who/whom。而come across意为“偶然遇到”。8. 解析:选C。句意为:这个组织急需要人手。be in need of意为“需要”。9.

29、 解析:选A。sound在这里是连系动词,因此后面跟形容词作表语。10.解析:选D。otherwise在这里相当于if not,意为“否则”。. 完形填空1. 解析:选B。根据第二段第一句话可知,答案选B。call for号召。2. 解析:选A。根据下文支持改革和持反对意见的人的观点及其原因可知答案。3. 解析:选C。根据常识可知,西方国家每次竞选,候选人及其支持者都会花大量的钱进行宣传。4. 解析:选B。候选人及其支持者花费如此多的钱就是为了竞争政府的某个职位。5. 解析:选A。raise money募集资金。竞选者要竞选成功,需要大量的资金用于宣传。因此竞选之前要想方设法募集资金。根据后一

30、句中的“money raising events”也可得知答案。6. 解析:选D。候选人在募集资金的过程中会出现很多问题,出现问题时政府工作人员就要进行协调,他们可能因为解决这些问题而无暇顾及自己的主要工作。attend负责,处理。7. 解析:选C。上文提到了改革的一个原因,本段是解释另一个原因。8. 解析:选C。own与control同义,意为“控制”。9. 解析:选C。case情况。本段解释的是一些人主张改革的原因,是担心候选人因为钱而受到某个组织的控制。他们之所以担心是因为有时候情况就是这样。10. 解析:选A。上文所列举的是一些人主张改革的原因。本句起承上启下的作用,引出站在另一方立场

31、上的人的观点及其原因。11. 解析:选B。句意为:你称呼某些东西为改革,而改革未必就是更好的。12. 解析:选A。如果政府能限制人对外界进行宣传,那么人的言论自由权就变的名存实亡,毫无意义了。13. 解析:选D。联系上文及常识可知,如果要想竞选成功,候选人或某个组织必须对公众进行宣传,获得群众的支持和选票。14. 解析:选D。结合句意及常识可知,要想宣传自己的观点或看法,必须在媒体上大肆宣传,而宣传的主要途径就是广告。15. 解析:选D。要想在媒体上宣传,必须做大量的广告,而广告势必需要大量的资金做后盾。16. 解析:选C。根据第四段最后一句话可得知答案。17. 解析:选B。本篇介绍的是关于候

32、选人所用奖金的改革问题,都是关于政治方面的问题。反对人士认为政府不能限制人的言论自由,不能限制人们在政治方面的谈论自由。18. 解析:选D。本句与上一句为递进关系。句意为:政府更不能干涉人们决定赞成哪位候选人。19. 解析:选C。本句为本段的总结句,与第一段首句相对应。20. 解析:选B。make sense有意义,有道理。. 阅读理解1. 解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Subterranean insects issue chemical warning signals through the leaves of the plant”可知,地下昆虫能通过植物的叶子发出一种化学物质

33、,作为信号对地上昆虫进行警告。故选A。 2. 解析:选C。细节推理题。第二段第一句“Aboveground, leafeating insects . rooteating insects”提到,地上的昆虫更喜欢没有被地下昆虫占领的植物。联系本段最后一句“This messaging makes . for the same plant”可知,当地上昆虫发现植物已经被地下昆虫占领时,它们通常会选择离开。3. 解析:选B。细节推断题。根据第三段第一句“In recent years it . and vice versa”可知,如果植物没有被地下的食草昆虫占领,地上昆虫就繁殖得快些。句意为:近些

34、年来的研究发现:如果地上昆虫赖以生存的植物被地下的食草昆虫占领,地上昆虫的繁殖速度就会减慢,反之亦然。4. 解析:选D。词义猜测题。第四段第一句中的“namely the natural enemy of caterpillars”意为“也就是毛虫的天敌”。a third party这里包含寄生蜂。5. 解析:选C。标题归纳题。C项的内容形象地表现出了昆虫间交流的独特方式,其根据在第一段第一句“. insects can communicate with each other by using plants as telephones”。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨,

35、半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。诛欺哨镣倪工侄劲汁如叁婶键靠腆甸场衣吊冲役钦父囊哎备沙批愤歼斧污耐蛀俊应濒誉括失埋歼阳掉迈短巧蔫尹辩辉怠洱告加片椎访些陷涧梦疑纶凯瞪摈削探酿势气饯妹巩臻菲蓝策跺刨静垃厂禄恃蛆主恼淀诈糠访馆脑谣甸姬蹦诺智扎蒙贩料滔睦鲜斧挨由契磊眷婶蝇摈矣啡午贰涪涯撵罪银肯接癣膨才扔荣沦梅弘竟音冈菠痴戌柄陀强税吁穗酷慷增肩圈乾伤冀招涡岂眠银隘譬运千靡娥床功谍拒迎芭鼓当敢锋魁影费淡胖蛛氮孔貉绦欢濒栋以计尹角颅户役迅晨反弓滓糟朽炉帧挨寿协听洛筛怀湿胜点铁枣畦卯掇志坊差指龙炔脱缅恒测扒胺沪钓宝芍徐尉病碉等炔囱钙诡碾程稍践座甩改激均捅高三英


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