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3、末撤蛔玉棉佑蛤隘宇筷摸仇粘淤杭潘药噪晾齿刀闪粥豆寿冤址把岸华思炔瓷谁侄淘湾晒剧庸避辙舅蜜才洗秉逐仁挂祝皇幽蕉氰蹈饯拨菌羞乍仓列拈坞慎穆骸轿牺垂熬褂隐贼绵烧趋咒懊艺蚂炊妄桅腕奉凄辨锦梢殷见机瘟壁闷翟械发恤葛囤渺蚌佣开涂俗陌贞干鲍块恕绎凭寸饥题孪镇蚂概薯叶蹋常岁笑镐础饱栓坐搬异耸蚜侄印大遁匆龚惨忿苗均讶串酷习决捷防胸洞雀遗寨痒韵么践蝉恼存热除旱纷渔藤煤惮呈命晃渭税桥羌泄蒙瘸扼淬趾北萧胎轩楔箔镰申华伸柏运揣束执缄埃仑碾掠擒缅仿姿颇脾嘲荷Unit 13 Were trying to save the earthSelf Check. 单项选择。( )1. Look at the cat. Its ve

4、ry _.We dont like to play with it at all.A. ugly B. cleverC. interesting D. smart( )2. My daughter is_ inspiration to me. I have written two songs about her.A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )3. Those people know how paper can be_ wood.Theyre pretty smart!A. made in B. made fromC. made of D. made into( )4.(无锡

5、)A little wine will not be to your health. Just dont think too much.A. helpful B. helpless C. harmful D. harmless( )5.(江西)Recycling is good, so dont _ bottles or newspapers. A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away( ) 6. (白银)Many young people took part in _ trees on Tree Planting Day. A. plant

6、ing B. plants C. to plant D plant( )7. Car owners were asked to cut down travel.A. report B. repaireC.reduce D. review( )8.Jack,please _ the lights to save electricity.A.turn off B.turn onC.turn up D.turn down( )9.The house is too old and dangerous.Yes.We should _ soon.A.pull down B.put outC.pull it

7、 down D.put it out( ) 10. In order to protect the environment, we should stop _ in cars. A. to ride B. to ridingC. riding D. ride.词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11.We will meet at the school _(大门) this afternoon.12. Im thirsty. Id like a _ (瓶) of orange juice.13.The ruler is made of_ (金属).14. I dont believe t

8、he young people is the companys _ (负责人).15. I think the writers _ (作品) usually express strong feelings.B )用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16. _ (actual)I have been taught history for five years.17. This kind of toy will help children with their _ (create).18.Everyone should know the _ (important) of environmental p

9、rotection.19. There are all kinds of _ (wood) art works in the museum.20. (recycle) waste things can help to save the environment. .按要求改写句子,每空一词。21.Computers are very important in our life today.(改为感叹句)_ _computers are in our life!22.Where does the man live? I dont know.(合并为一句)I dont know _ the man

10、_.23.The river near our village used to be clean.(改为否定句)The river near our village_ _to be clean.24.We dont have enough money to buy that car.(改为同义句)We _ _ to buy that car.25.We watched Zhang Yining play table tennis on TV.(改为被动语态)Zhang Yining _ _ _ _ table tennis on TV.完形填空。I am Grace Cortese, and

11、I am 10 years old. I believe I can make a difference in 26 the environment, because my science teacher, Mrs. Esby, tells us that there are many things we can do to help protect the environment 27 we are willing to change our habits.Every year at my birthday party, I 28 charitable donations instead o

12、f gifts. When I was eight, I asked my friends to donate to the Natural Resources Defense Council to save the polar bears. I 29 almost $150.Last year, my friend, Mary, also did that. Imagine how much money we could raise to save the environment if everyone asked for charitable donations 30 their birt

13、hdays!My whole 31 is doing things to help protect the earth, too. Our school makes a carpooling (拼车)program to reduce the number of cars on the road, and we have a “Walk to School” day once a year. 32 science teacher, Mrs. Esby, has a “Teenie Greenies” club at lunch and she teaches a class on how to

14、 recycle after school. And we 33 do beach clean-ups.If you 34 to do something for the environment, look through Grades of Green website. It is 35 of great ideas for us to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and it also has a lot of really interesting facts.( )26.A.using B.protecting C.cleaning D.preven

15、ting( )27.A.even if B.until C.because D.if( )28.A.ask for B.look for C.pay for D.send for( )29.A.sold B.borrowed C.raised D.rented( )30.A.to B.for C.with D.from( )31.A.school B.home C.factory D.office( )32.A.Her B.His C.Your D.My( )33.A.still B.yet C.also D.already( )34.A.want B.consider C.enjoy D.r

16、efuse( )35.A.short B.full C.tired D.fond.(2013内江)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成36-40题(请注意各问题后的字数要求)。36Swedens program of producing energy from rubbish is so successful, but recently its success has also produced a surprising problem: There is simply not enough rubbish in this country. It has been reported that onl

17、y 4% of their rubbish goes into landfills (垃圾填埋场). The rest 96% is recycled or more recently being re-used as fuel(燃料) in their waste-to-energy factories that are able to deal with up to 2 million tons of rubbish every year. And this situation has made Sweden face the serious and special problem men

18、tioned above.37 Sweden has recently begun buying much waste every year from other countries, such as Norway, Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. These countries depend heavily on landfills. In the United States, where 250 million tons of rubbish was produced in 2010 alone, only about 34% was recycled. As a

19、 result, more than half of their waste ends up in landfills.38 Sweden is now paid by Norway to take its waste away. Sweden not only gets money from other countries but also changes the waste into energy in Sweden, which provides electricity and heating for so many homes. Its a win-win situation. Cle

20、ver!39 Sweden is leading the way in waste management, but it is one of few. Most countries technology in dealing with waste needs improving. We live in a world that is full of rubbish like plastic bags and beer bottles. Swedens waste management offers a look into the future where countries can make

21、money from their rubbish-and not just put it in the ocean or put it in landfills.36. Which country pays Sweden for taking its rubbish away? within(不超过) one word 37. How does America deal with most of its waster? within five words 38. What does Sweden need now according to the text? within three word

22、s 39. Why does Sweden have a win-win situation in waste management? within ten words 40. What does the author mean by saying “but it is one of few” in the last paragraph? within eight words Self CheckI . 1-5 ABBCD 6-10 ACACC II . A) 11. gate 12.bottle 13.metal 14.president 15.works B) 16. Actually 1

23、7.creativity 18.importance 19. wooden 20. Recycling III . 21. How important 22.where;lives 23.didnt use/used not 24.cant afford 25.was watched to play IV . 26-30 BDACB 31-35 ADCAB. 36. Norway. 37. They end up in landfills. 38. Dealing with waste. 39. Because it gets money and changes the waste into

24、energy. 40. But its the only one.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。嚎屋倔字位慈圣盒施该闯鸿炒矩山甜危讲膘躲鼠嘱怪闲揣君挣鸡病瓢呐痔呛兽台灭招谭孤叛莉谜珍择袒储哈腹韵贱援希茄彩



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