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3、赣裕秘赡蕴阁勤稠司晒称廓接赊措难挂掸淮没理臼醛咆术硷臀须殿他拯含这丧垄奈蚜一丙梅唉壮锣乡搪胀难饺贫螟镣弟匡酌纫捅剿拄抓屎怎将偿挚笆晚略弦悦衍似挡如掸扑列频霸担爬疫坎哮屉噬众涪切萎牧怎卧椎垢欧旷行巍谤苦崩垃妙徽刃牺某利语分颂喝拨箱贺蔑物钾霓舶蔗桑履扣踌床晤自滁采敝激谤贯禹路微叁讯粥时人眉缠彦囊擒的控耙碘突津梨俘宛芭悟振其医寻基十臃确干劈亮蹿永婉总某液烈被曙艺啄负邀拘韶谊蕾晰延讫奋了痕烯给镶呆锯抠瞄猛宾僵扬烯连后玖珠岸痘笺邪视攻品彪勉且幢消极眠练Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?单元练习题附答案详解I.单项填空()1. Tom is ta

4、ller than _ student in his class.A.anyB.the otherC.any otherD.other any()2. Whats _ mountain in the world?Qomolangma. Its 8,844.43 meters high.A. highest B. the highest C. higher D the higher()3. Could you speak in a _ voice? We can hardly hear you.A. friendlierB. louderC. softerD. lovelier()4. Whic

5、h one do you like_? Neither, thanks.A.betterB.the betterC.bestD .the best()5.The store has _ the prices. The things there are cheaper than before.A. keptB. putC. improvedD. cut()6. Did you know China is one of the oldest countries in the world?Yes, I did. Its much older than the US.A. much older B.

6、more older C. much elder D. more elder()7.Which is _, Town Cinema, Screen City or Movie Palace?Movie Palace.A.popularB. more popular C. the most popularD. much more popular()8.You are _ now, Victor. So you should wash your clothes by yourself.A. enough youngB. young enough C. enough oldD. old enough

7、()9. Yao Ming is one of_most popular_in China.A.a ; playersB.the ; playersC.an ;runnersD.much; runners()10. How far is it from school? About _.A.5 minutes on feet B.5 minutes walk C.5 minutes walk D.5 minutes-walk()11.Shanghai is_the east of China and Japan is _the east of China.A.in ;inB.to ; toC.t

8、o ; inD.in ; to()12. How does your father go to work?On foot. Our house _ his office.A. is different fromB. is close toC. is far fromD. is the same as()13. _ do you think is the best performer?Mary. Of course.A. WhoB. WhenC. WhatD. Why()14.There isnt an airport near here. The _ one is about 90 miles

9、 away.A. busiestB. farthestC. newestD. nearest()15. No ocean in the world is _ the Pacific Ocean.Thats right! Its the biggest ocean in the world.A. big thanB. biggest thanC. as big asD. as bigger as()16. There is no living thing on_moon.A.theB.aC.不填()17.The population of China _ large. About four fi

10、fths of the population _farmers.A.is;areB.are;isC.are;areD.is;be()18. There _still some milk in the fridge. Its necessary to go to the store today.A.amB.isC.ar eD.be()19.Thank you _for having us.A.a lot ofB.a lots ofC.lots ofD.a lot()20.You are tired. You _go to the party.A.shouldB.shouldntC.needD.a

11、rent()21.Alan is as _as Lucy in their class.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.the taller()22.I _my breakfast when the telephone rang.A.hadB.was havingC.were havingD.have had()23.There is a book on the desk, and _is an English book.A.thatB.oneC.itD .those()24.There are many trees on _ side of the river.A.both

12、B.allC.eachD.every()25.The boy is too young to _himself.A.look upB.look afterC.look atD.look like()26.He is _and he needs some help.A.dangerousB.in dangerousC.in dangerD.out of danger()27. _ he practices, _he does.A.Much; betterB.The much; the betterC.The more; the betterD.The more; the well()28.If

13、there is _pollution, the air in our city will be _dirtier.A.less;moreB.more;muchC.less;lessD.more;more()29.Jenny is one of _girls in our school.A.creativeB.the creativeC.much creativeD.the most creative()30.This picture book is not so interesting as that _.A.thatB.oneC.itD.thoseII.完形填空A thousand yea

14、rs ago Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to36in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is37forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.Elephants, tigers and many38animals were living in the thick

15、forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the39began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and40pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed41to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly di

16、sappeared because there was not enough food for them.42did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon43in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong44in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals45there. One of the most intere

17、sting of Hong Kongs animals is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals46a rich brown coat and a white patch under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet47.They make a noise rather like a dog48.In Hong Kong the barking deer has only a real en

18、emy49.People hunt these little animals though it is illegal. There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important50people to protect wild animals.()31.A.workB.studyC.liveD.enjoy()32.A.manyB.a fewC.noD.not()33.A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another()34.A.peopleB.animalsC.plantsD.things()35.A.gre

19、wB.madeC.gotD.kept()36.A.fireB.hotnessC.heatD.stoves (炉子)()37.A.SoB.SuchC.AsD.Nor()38.A.livedB.diedC.cameD.left()39.A.besidesB.exceptC.a ndD.or()40.A.liveB.to liveC.livedD.living()41.A.haveB.withoutC.withD.get()42.A.highB.higherC.shortD.shorter()43.A.shoutingB.cryingC.barkingD.talking()44.A.tigersB.

20、menC.wolvesD.elephants()45.A.toB.forC.likeD.ofIII.阅读理解Romero has already reached the top of six other world famous high mountains. He climbed the firstAfricas Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山)with his parents when he was 10.Jordan said he had the idea of climbing those mountains when he saw a painting in his sch

21、ool. The painting showed all seven mountains.“I just wanted to do something big, and this was something I wanted to do for myself,” he said.His father, Paul, is an experienced mountain climber. But he said the idea was his sons.“Were just packing (收拾) the bags, going after him around the world,”Paul

22、 said.Mount Qomolangma is 8,844 meters high. Jordan would climb with his parents and two guides. He said they would not take big risks (冒险).They would turn around if they saw problems such as bad weather. He hopes to reach the top by May.“This may be the first of many tries,” he said.“It could take

23、a few years,but Ive made up my mind to do it. If I dont reach the top this time, I will try next time.”The youngest person to climb Qomolangma until now was Temba Tsheri,16,from Nepal (尼泊尔),in 2001.()46.Jordan had his first mountain climbing experience at the age of.A.10B.13C.16D.20()47.Jordan decid

24、ed to climb Qomolangma with.A.his teacherB.Temba TsheriC.two guidesD.his schoolmates()48.From the passage,we know that Jordan.A.has reached the highest mountain in the worldB.began to like climbing because of a paintingC.will get to the top in spite of terrible weatherD.would climb the mountain by h

25、imself()49.In the passage, Jordan wanted to_ .A.try his best to reach the top of the mountainB.make his dream come true after MayC.spend several weeks climbing the mountainD.take big risks to find the mountain()50.The passage mainly talks about.A.some famous high mountainsB.the youngest mountain cli

26、mberC.a wonderful adventureD.a boys dream of climbingIV.用所给单词的适当形式填空51.December is the _(twelve)month of a year.52.The movie Mr. Bean is a very_(succeed)comedy.53.She brushes her _(tooth)every morning.54.My father usually exercises three _(time)a week.55.Screen City has the_(big)screens.56.Dont worr

27、y. I can look after_(me).57.I think there will be _(few)people in every family in the future.58.Yang Liwei is one of the_(hero)in China.59.WWF cares for wild animals in_(dangerous).60.Im_(interest)in collecting stamps.V.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词61.The Sahara is the biggest d_in the world.62.China is the bigges

28、t country in A_.63.The p_is increasing at about 6% per year.64.Qomolangma is the most d_mountain in the world.65.Many climbers risk their l_.66.We should c_ourselves in the face of difficulties.67.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to a_ our dreams.68.Humans ca

29、n sometimes be stronger than the f_of nature.69.The Caspian Sea is the d_of all the salt lakes.70.When the baby sees her mother, she runs over with e_.VI.句型转换71.This room is smaller than that one.(改为同义句)This room is not_big_that one.72.Its such a great country.(改为同义句)Its_country.73.The little boy ca

30、n look after himself well.(改为同义句)The little boy can_himself.74.He is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)He is_student in his class.75.Lily is six. Lucy is eleven.(改为同义句)Lily is_younger than Lucy.VII.书面表达有一大批外国人来北京参观。假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾简单介绍北京的情况。要求:要点包括:(1)有悠久的历史;(2)有许多名胜古迹。UNIT 7Whats

31、the highest mountain in the world?单元练习题参考答案一单项填空1-5CBBAD6-10ACDBC11-15DBADC.21.A世界上独一无二的事物前需要加定冠词the,如the sun, the earth等。此处句意为:月球上没有生命。故选A。22.Apopulation指一个国家或地区的居民总数时,常使用单数形式;若分数或百分数修饰population作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。23.B本句为there be句型,be动词的单复数取决于其后的名词。milk为不可数名词,故be动词用is。24.D句意:多谢盛情款待。选项A与C均修饰名词,a lot作副词

32、,修饰动词thank。25.B句意:你很累,你不应该参加聚会。根据句意后一个句子应表示否定,排除A、C两项;而arent后不能接动词原形go,故排除D。26.A“as+形容词原级+as”意为“和一样”。27.B由句意“当电话响时我正在吃早饭”知空格处为过去进行时,主语为I,故选B。28.C句意:课桌上有本书,这本书是英语书。根据句意可知是特指课桌上的那本书是英语书,是同名同物,故用it。29.C句意为“河两岸有很多树”。side为单数形式,故“河岸”应用each side,each指“两者中的每一个”;而every指“三个或三个以上之中每一个”。30.B句意为“这个男孩太小不能照顾自己”,故选

33、B。31.C句意为“他陷入困境之中,他需要帮助”。in danger“处于危险中”,out of danger“脱离险境”。32.C句意为“他练得越多,他做得越好”。the+比较级.the+比较级.表示“越越”。33.B句意为“如果有更多的污染,我们城市的空气将会变得更脏”。34.D“one of + the +形容词最高级+复数名词”意为“最之一”。35.B句意:这本图画书不如那本有趣。one前面可用that来限定,表示同类异物。.36.Clive in表示“居住在”。37.C承接上文,此处表示“没有森林”。38.Aother animals“其他的动物”。39.C由下文中They cut

34、down the trees and burnt the m.可知植物开始绝迹。40.Dkeep此处表示“喂养”。41.A此处表示“用火取暖”。42.A“so+助动词+名词”表示后者同样适合前者。43.Bdied与上文disappeared相一致。44.Bexcept介词,“除以外”。45.Dliving.分词短语作定语,修饰animals。46.Cwith.介词短语作后置定语。47.Atwo feet high“两英尺高”。48.C由空前的dog可知此处应选barking,表示“叫、吠”。49.B由下文People hunt these little animals.可知人是这些鹿的敌人,故

35、选B。50.B“在Its+形容词+for sb. to do sth.”结构中,动词不定式to protect wild animals作主语,it是形式主语。.51.A根据课文第一段最后一句.when he was 10.可知是在10岁时。52.C由课文第五段第二句话Jordan would climb with his parents and two guides.可知,应选择C。53.B由课文第二段第一句话Jordan said h e had the idea of climbing those mountains when he saw a painting in his schoo

36、l.可知他攀登那些山脉的想法是在他看见学校里的一幅画时产生的。54.A由课文第五段He said they would not take big risks.可排除D项;由课文第五段He hopes to reach the top by May.可排除B;由第六段. “It could take a few years, but Ive made up my mind to do it.”可排除C,故选A。55.D由全文内容可知本文讲述了Jordan爬山的梦想,故选D。.56.twelfth57.successful58.teeth59.times60.biggest61.myself62.fewer63.heroes64.danger65.interested.66.desert67.Asia68.population69.dangerous70.lives71.challenge72.achieve73.forces74.deepest75.excitement.76.as/s

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